
Songs of Praise sang forth last night to great joy. We heard that there was a Sudanese migrant ‘called Daniel, who claimed to have fled the war-torn country after being persecuted for being protestant; he said he tried to cross the Channel every night ‘under trains’.’ Now as there are around 50 million Sudanese, North and South.  Is the BBC suggesting we re-home all these people…surely all must be suffering … Continue reading


The BBC has been pushing this story hard this morning; The number of people living with diabetes has soared by nearly 60% in the past decade, Diabetes UK warns. The charity said more than 3.3 million people have some form of the condition, up from 2.1 million in 2005. The inability to control the level of sugar in the blood can lead to blindness and amputations and is a massive drain on … Continue reading


  The Now Show has been replaced by ‘Dead Ringers’ and the difference is marked. By comparison Dead Ringers is entirely blasphemous attacking the taboo subjects and iconic shibboleths of the BBC without fear. Mo Farrah?  No problem…which kind of begs the question why Jim Davidson has been pilloried by the Left for being ‘racist’ for his ‘Chalky’ routines when other comedians are applauded for their routines which use stereotypical … Continue reading

‘Break In’ News

  The Today programme interviewed David Cameron (08:10).  The main concern?  Cameron’s use of the word ‘swarm’.  Yes that’s still top of the BBC’s list of concerns never mind it being an old story that even when new was based solely on the faux, manufactured and highly political ‘outrage’ of a few lefties, the BBC included, intended to manage the debate on immigration and close it down or at least … Continue reading

The BBC’s Very Own Trojan Horse Religious Programming

  Aaqil Ahmed has claimed that sending Songs of Praise to Calais is entirely non-political…well, that’s obviously not true. We looked at it in the last post but Ahmed has said a lot more in other places that suggest he uses religious programmes as political vehicles to carry a message, and indeed even  uses programmes officially classed as non-religious to spread that message. Broadcast magazine tells us that ‘the topic … Continue reading

Maximus Cockupitus

  Amused to read this comment under Aaqil Ahmed’s interesting post on Jesus the migrant… 4. Posted by Tim on 14 Aug 2015 15:13 Wonderful to see how scholarly BBC entertainment is reporting this! “The Dean of Durham, Decanus Borealis, wrote in a blog:”. Does no one know that Decanus Borealis means Northern Dean! The Dean of Durham’s name is Michael Sadgrove! And indeed he is right, the BBC did … Continue reading

I’m Jesus!

  The BBC’s head of religion has sent in the Hot Gospellers from Songs of Praise to stir things up in Calais. (H/T Guest Who) and he insists this is not a political move. It is, of course, patently a highly political intervention by the BBC and is fully intended to stir up debate and put pressure on the government to open the borders as the BBC continues to drip … Continue reading

Jeremy Corbyn Islamophobic? BBC Investigates

  The Jewish Chronicle has some serious concerns about Jeremy Corbyn’s associates: We are certain that we speak for the vast majority of British Jews in expressing deep foreboding at the prospect of Mr Corbyn’s election as Labour leader. Because, although there is no direct evidence that he has an issue himself with Jews, there is overwhelming evidence of his association with, support for — and even in one case, … Continue reading

The Calais Concentration Camps

    On the Today programme BBC reporter Tomos Morgan (08:40) brought us yet another one of the BBC’s infamously emotive pleas on behalf of migrants everywhere as part of the BBC’s continuing campaign to undermine government immigration and refugee policy and to paint those who want to get immigration under control as something akin to Nazis. Morgan presented us with a report about migrant traffickers who are probably British. … Continue reading