The Lynch Mob Suddenly Went Quiet   Having heard the BBC reporting all day that a teenager had been convicted of stabbing a black teacher in a ‘racially motivated’ attack I, possibly along with most people, assumed that the attacker was white. Not so.  What the BBC fails to mention is that he was of Pakistani background…as the Guardian, the Mirror and Sky point out.  The court has ordered that the boy’s name not be … Continue reading


The BBC has been wallowing in the first anniversary of the shooting of Black thug Michael Brown by police in Ferguson. Shots have been fired in Ferguson, Missouri, at a protest to mark the first anniversary of the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown. St Louis County police said an officer was “involved in a shooting after coming under heavy gunfire” and that “two unmarked cars took shots”. Eyewitnesses reported seeing … Continue reading


There was a curious item on BBC Today this morning at 6.55am. . Mattia Toaldo, a policy fellow in the Middle East and North Africa Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations, was brought on to advance the agenda that the UK has an obligation to “do more” to stabilise Syria. Now you can argue that to’s and fro’s of that for all you want but what I found strange … Continue reading


I am sure you will be delighted to know that BBC Radio 4 is to start up a new series of “The Reunion”. In the first thrilling episode … “Sue MacGregor speaks to former detainees and the head of the guard force at Guantanamo Bay. In 2002, a detention camp was hastily built in a remote corner of Cub, to house the men captured in America’s “war on terror”. Thirteen years … Continue reading

A Pyrenean Victory

  Stewart Lee has been worried.  He’s been away. On holiday.  In the Pyrenees.  In a Pyrenean ‘shack’ no less.   Anyway, he’s been worried.  Worried that without his acid wit raining down on Cameron’s parade, without him mustering the Twitterati against the marauding Middle Class Daily Mail readers, and without him manning the BBC barricades that defend that august and generous institution from the predations of the ‘Vested Interests’, … Continue reading

Lost In Obfuscation

      The BBC’s College of Journalism will have to buck up its ideas.  Just what have they been teaching the BBC’s finest and brightest? I had always thought that the point of an interview was not only to ask questions and to get some answers to those questions but ultimately to publish those responses for public consumption.  Apparently I was wrong, the idea is to write up only … Continue reading

Saving Private Ryan, Koswolski, O’Cafferty, Dunbar……

      Here is possibly some of the worst and most sanctimonious, malevolent of BBC reporting you’ll ever see… The ‘sanitised narrative’ of Hiroshima’s atomic bombing The conventional wisdom in the United States is that the dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war, and because of that it was justified – end of story. Is that really the end of the story? It’s certainly a … Continue reading

White Lives Don’t Matter   The BBC has an agenda that is highly evident when it comes to reporting anything to do with race or indeed religion, one religion in particular of course. When white people are filmed being racially abusive to non-whites on public transport the BBC will rapidly broadcast the videos with profound expressions of shocked sensibilities.  You see no such videos ffrom the BBC of black people abusing whites.  When … Continue reading


Seen this? ‘The BBC’s flagship religious show Songs of Praise is being filmed at a touching chapel within a migrants’ camp in Calais, it has emerged. Do what? Producers have already spent two days shooting an episode at a makeshift Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the ‘Jungle’ camp, which will be broadcast on a date to be finalised. And the full crew for Songs of Praise is due to arrive at the … Continue reading