Well then, it looks like Alan Yentob is a man with a lot of explaining to do with regard to HIS role in a/The Kids Company and b/Newsnight coverage of this story. Guido has additional insight here. The increasingly bizarre behaviour of this senior BBC executive raises more questions than answers.

The Real Threat To The Black Community     Most Black youths in America, and in the UK, that are killed, are killed by other Black youths. The BBC doesn’t want to know about that, their sole concern is the black men killed by white police officers or the callous disregard of society for black lives…and the BBC isn’t too interested in the whys and wherefores, just in portraying the issues in a stark black … Continue reading

Put Rupert Murdoch on public trial, and televise every single second of it.

    Relax. How times change…or not. Dennis Potter laid into the BBC in 1993 in a vitriolic and bile filled rant against the predations of John Birt whilst also, naturally, raging against Thatcher and Murdoch. What’s interesting is the BBC’s defence of itself when it was under review as it is today……. “Broadcasting is at the heart of British Society. The structure and the competition of the broadcasting industry, … Continue reading


Well, it’s pretty clear that the BBC want to see another President Clinton in the White House but the spotlight was on her GOP opponents last evening and in particular Donald Trump in the Fox News debate last night. I thought this was a telling quote from the BBC analysis of the debate… “Donald Trump was generally seen as an amusing sideshow.” Not a hint of bias there. FYI – … Continue reading

Tag Team Trauma

    The dynamic duo are back, the climate change tag team of Richard Black and Roger Harrabin return for, hopefully, one performance only. Black is harrumphing loudly, in the Guardian, about Quentin Lett’s asking ‘What is the Point of the Met. Office?’ This is heresy and a damnable breach of BBC protocol. Damnit! Harrabin joins in and expresses his displeasure with a sneering tweet…     roger harrabin ‏@RHarrabin … Continue reading


Ever wonder how the Swarm arrives at Calais? The BBC doesn’t and the Today programme reports that “Four hundred people have been rescued from a capsized ship carrying migrants in the Mediterranean. Will Turner, an emergency coordinator with Medecins sans Frontieres was on a rescue ship that provided help.” Captain Will demands that the EU steps up to the plate and accepts MANY MORE of these “poor vulnerable” people who … Continue reading


70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. BBC coverage focusing on the pain and hurt caused to the Japanese with scant acknowledgement that Japan brought this upon itself and that whilst it was indeed terrible that so many innocents perished nonetheless had this NOT happened many many Allied lives would have been lost. Through the prism of the BBC all war is wrong when it is the WEST carrying … Continue reading


BBC today in tears that the Kids Company has closed. Both last evening and this morning it is playing clips of angry Mums and Kids marching through the streets DEMANDING that this “charity” remains open. A tearful Camilla has been on to blame everyone for the collapse of this “organisation” but herself. All that’s missing is Elton John doing a tribute single. I notices that the Mums and Kids expressing … Continue reading

The Reformation Begins?

  The Guardian keeps pumping out the pro-BBC stuff.  Here’s BBC executive Jane Tranter telling us how fabulous the BBC is…and yet not only is she jumping ship for the commercial world she also puts a whacking great hole in the BBC’s main line of defence…that it is the central prop of the creative industries in the UK which would whither and die without BBC support. The Guardian says… As … Continue reading