Labour Had The Ed Stone, The BBC Has The Easton

  When the Labour Party wanted to communicate their values to a less than grateful Nation they carved them into the ‘Ed Stone’ for posterity, well three days at least. When the BBC wants to communicate their values to an expectant Nation they send for the Easton, Mark Easton, for better or worse. Neither of these two vehicles for ‘The Message’ met with unalloyed joy from a less than adoring … Continue reading

The Wisdom Of Owen Jones   There has been a concerted effort by the Left, and that includes the BBC, to close down what they see as the ‘Right-wing Press’, an effort that went into overdrive once Murdoch switched his support away from Labour. Leveson failed in its intent to silence the Murdoch media stable but the battle goes on. No chance is lost to conjure up some lurid conspiracy theory connecting the Press … Continue reading

EU’ve Got To Be Kidding

  Vote UKIP and get the BBC. All that is holding back the rampages of a BBC on steroids is the EU….leave the EU and the BBC will be free to crush the commercial sector.  Never vote UKIP…hurrah for Carswell and his anti-UKIP Kamikazee death plunge!  BBC faces illegal state aid backlash from producers over expansion The BBC faces a major backlash from independent television producers over plans by director-general … Continue reading

Dopey Fiend

      Stephanie Hegarty…just what is she good for?  What does she bring to the BBC other than trite, anodyne, derivative worthiness that we expect from Anglican priests?…somewhat ironic, as you’ll see….she’s not a fan of Christians. DB on this site and Is the BBC biased? ( Yes it is whatever Cardiff Uni tells us) have been giving Stephanie the old one two for her ever increasingly partisan tweets…. … Continue reading

Chuka The Duka

    The best leader Labour never had according to the immediate post mortem as Chuka Umunna ducks for cover having had a taste of the limelight. Will the BBC be chasing him for his response to accusations that this shows that Labour is a shambles, the leadership contest a farce and him a dithering pathetic wannabe who couldn’t hack it? Not so far….all very respectful and sorrowful that Labour … Continue reading


Oh my aching sides. And it was ALL going so well with the BBC relentlessly focusing on UKIP conflicts when suddenly, the “British Obama” Chuka Umunna decides he is stepping down from the Labour leadership race, having announced he was entering on Tuesday! BBC in tears…..

Question Time Live Chat

Question Time, back to it’s normal time of 10.45 this week comes from Uxbridge, the constituency of new Conservative MP Boris Johnson and a Tory seat for 45 years. So expect the audience to consist of the sweepings of the local Student’s Union bar and a few dozen public sector workers.

The panel includes Conservative Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt, Leader of UKIP Nigel Farage, musician and campaigner Brian May and Editor of The Economist Zanny Minton Beddoes.

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Lefty circle jerk returns to the BBC

The News Quiz is back for a new series this week: We're back this Friday for the start of @sanditoksvig's last series, with @JeremyJHardy, @SusanCalman, @SamiraAhmedUK and @elisjames. — The News Quiz (@TheNewsQuiz) May 11, 2015 Elis James is a new name to me. Apparently he does things on BBC3 and XFM. I wonder why they’ve chosen him to appear this week. I'm starting to shit myself now. Not another … Continue reading

Transparency Is Vital In A Democracy

  Prince Charles’ communications with government have been published after a freedom of information request from the Guardian which reports… The Guardian editor-in-chief, Alan Rusbridger, said: “We fought this case because we believed – and the most senior judges in the country agreed – that the royal family should operate to the same degrees of transparency as anyone else trying to make their influence felt in public life.   If … Continue reading