The Orthodox Christian Trojan Horse

  The BBC has spent a good deal of time either downplaying or ignoring the Muslim Trojan Horse scandal in Birmingham schools, often resorting to saying that the claims of a Muslim takeover were merely the deluded ramblings of racists, Islamophobes and the paranoid…..before suggesting that if that is what Muslim parents wanted then perhaps that is what they should have in the interests of that old dangerous standby ‘community … Continue reading

That Sacred Democracy

    The sheer hypocrisy of the BBC’s Julia Macfarlane’s Tweet about democracy….    Julia Macfarlane ‏@juliamacfarlane 19 hrs19 hours ago Tomorrow I’ll have what people protest, bleed and die for across the Middle East, Asia, Africa. A vote. I hope everyone uses theirs. #GE201 So Bush and Blair were right then to bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan and give the first chance to determine their own lives to … Continue reading

Election Live Chat All Nighter!

Election night is upon us and we will be having our usual lock in, all night if that’s what it takes. David Dimbleby, Fiona Bruce and other stalwarts of the BBC social engineering complex will be showing the usual swingometers, graphs etc, and having fascinating conversations with all and sundry.

It could be a last fling for a few well known faces, join us to cheer some off and commiserate perhaps with others.

Chat here

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The chat is open now

An Appeal On Behalf Of The Labour Party?

Peston has really outdone himself on the eve of the election….seemingly coming down openly, in a subtle/non-subtle manner, in favour of Labour. You have to ask why he felt the need to tell us that this is … An election that really matters   That title indicates he has a view, a view that suggests he thinks one party is the one which will have significant impact on the way … Continue reading

The BBC’s Dream Come True

  Will the BBC, the dominant news broadcaster by far, be the Kingmakers for this election?  Some think they may well be, either by design or happenchance. The prospect of Labour ‘stealing’ the election having less seats than the Tories but able to conjure up a majority with a ‘Bauld’ Alliance has been highlighted recently in the Press.  This morning on the Today programme, and elsewhere it seemed that the … Continue reading

Was It Worth The Sacrifice?

  The BBC will be ‘celebrating’ VE Day over the next few days and you kind of know the narrative they will be pushing, apparently celebrating the men and women who defeated the Nazis but the real message will be ‘how terrible it all was’ with copious amounts of equivocation and ‘balancing’ the narrative with tales of Allied ‘war crimes’ such as Dresden or Hamburg… one interview I heard the … Continue reading


I see the BBC leads its new bulletin the day before the General Election with an anti-UKIP story. It’s been quite remarkable to see how the State Broadcaster has done everything possible to marginalise the Party that won the European poll just last year. Anyway, here’s an Open Thread for you.


So, Labour’s Lucy Powell states live on radio that Labour’s 2015 general election pledges are carved in stone, but nonetheless breakable! Awkward? Fear not… The good old BBC runs with her “denial” of that which she plainly said! It seems those “world class journalists” are prepared to give her a pass EVEN though she wasn’t misquoted in any way!