Not Too Bad Actually   Oh dear, you have to laugh…..I did say it was amazing Miliband could get up Brand’s stairs without tripping….Perhaps there were several takes for that glorious video judging by his fancy footwork tonight.     On Question Time Dimbleby gave Cameron a harder time than he did Miliband, often asking some daft questions but the audience, however the numbers actually balanced out, managed to ask difficult questions … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

In the last Question Time before the election, Dimbo meets up with the three stooges, and we get a chance to say good bye to Mr Nick Clegg, before he loses his seat in Parliament (hopefully) and gets sacked as Lib Dem leader (more likely). One other party leader appearing tonight will be likely to lose their seat as well, but which one will it be? Join us to cheer them off!

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Labour Day

  We asked why the BBC totally ignored a caller to LBC who castigated Labour and Miliband for having failed to provide a good NHS service…..On Monday Nicky Campbell may have provided a reason as to why the BBC cannot bring itself to publicise such criticism of Miliband and Labour……Campbell told us that another member of the Public had given a Labour politician a severe ear bashing but he couldn’t … Continue reading

The Commercial BBC

  Just as Labour are saying they will seek to control the Media, except the BBC, the BBC continues its campaign to dominate the world as its commercial arm, BBC Worldwide, buys up the opposition and begins product placement… BBC to introduce product placement on world news channel The BBC will turn to product placement on its global news channel for the first time as it seeks new ways to … Continue reading


  I was fascinated to hear the Muslim Mishal Husain’s views on the DUP on Tuesday’s Today programme…..she told us that they were socially and politically conservative and as such, some might say, were a party with unpleasant and backward views.….remind me in which little book they urge their followers not to make friends with people who have other political persuasions or indeed to kill them, or to reduce women … Continue reading


So, the BBC reports on the Conservative promise to curb tax rises during the duration of the next Parliament and the BBC dutifully reports the Labour accusation that this is “a gimmick”. The BBC reports on the meeting between Ed Miliband and Russell Brand and suggests it was ‘interesting” – no criticism reported so I guess everyone agrees with Ed? I suspect the BBC is just excited at the idea of … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes… “There’s one hell of a story regarding BBC bias developing over at BBC Radio Nottingham. The Nottingham area is the only place in the country (or entire western world) with a party seeking election who speak out to advance the human rights of men and boys. 2015 marks the political debut of the political party “Justice for men and Boys” and they have 2 candidates … Continue reading

Aw, bless.

BBC journalists on the UKIP and Conservative campaign trails are trying with increasing desperation to get that GOTCHA! moment. Meanwhile, Newsnight under the editorship of Ian Katz has found its spiritual home: RT @bbclaurak Team @BBCNewsnight on Harman's pink bus — BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) April 28, 2015