Shapps Sticks And Stones

Good start to day on R4…BBC journo’s all asking what should the ‘new governement’, the ‘next government’ and the ‘new Prime Minister’ do to resolve current issues…all rather suggestive that Cameron and Tories are going to be out. Why not just say ‘What do you want the government to do?’ We also hear that rural life is in meltdown with communities rapidly collapsing with all services such as shops, pubs, … Continue reading


  It’s an odd thing isn’t it?  Muslims flock to the infidel and despised West to take advantage of the benefits provided by that infidel and despised Western society, including the ability to practise their religion more freely than when back in their ‘Islamic’ homelands, and yet the West is not allowed to go to Muslim lands to depose secular dictators hated by those same Muslims and to bring religious … Continue reading

Trust Busters

  LibDem Peer, Lord Palumbo, thinks that politicians are making promises that they can’t possibly fulfill and it’s bad for democracy…but who’s to blame? Wild election promises, funded with Monopoly money – is it any wonder nobody trusts politicians? I don’t entirely blame politicians for behaving in this way. Our short-term cyclical political process seems designed to generate this auction of electoral bribery and reality avoidance. Honesty doesn’t win seats, … Continue reading

Headline Billing For Labour

  Having watched the BBC website over the last 3 or so weeks I think I can agree with this from Guido… BBC Website ‘Balance’ is a Joke Everytime you look there is a Labour policy announcement being headlined or if the Tories make an announcement the headline can often be ‘Labour criticises Tory policy’ rather than a positive one for the Tories. It isn’t just the website, the Radio news … Continue reading

Mary Poppins She Ain’t…But She Could Well Be Right

    Fascinating watching the Left turn themselves in knots in reaction to comments by Katie Hopkins about the migrant surge that is resulting in so much tragedy….as the Spectator says it’s the greatest game in town for the Lefties.. Hating Katie has become the speediest shortcut to the moral highground in this slacktivist age, when people prefer to make a virtual advert of their moral correctness than to do … Continue reading

Labour’s ‘Stab In The Back’ For UK Confirmed…BBC Ignores

  Remarkable what a pro-SNP filter will do to your perceptions.  The BBC interviewed the SNP’s deputy leader Stewart Hosie who told us that the SNP would block any spending it didn’t like and that included defence spending and especially Trident…and Labour confirmed it would make a deal with the SNP if it was the only way to get into power. This is the BBC’s report… SNP to launch manifesto … Continue reading

The BBC’s Extremist And Irresponsible Pro-Immigration Rhetoric

    The Left are happy…migrants from African are dying in their hundreds and their deaths can be exploited by the likes of the BBC to promote an open door immigration policy….regardless of the consequences for European society and civilisation that that entails….and regardless of the consequences for the immigrants…’luring them to their death’. Exrpressing cheap sympathy for the death of these people the BBC, and others, refuse to analyse … Continue reading