NHS Blues

    Before Naughtie’s hatchet job on Cameron he tried slipping the scalpel into Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt at 08:10. Naughtie begins by telling us that the NHS and its future is at the heart of the General Election….which is why it important that news organisations like the BBC get their facts straight. But do they? Naughtie claims that the Kings Fund has said that the ‘government has produced an … Continue reading


Andrew Neil remains one of the very few IMPARTIAL presenters on BBC political programmes. He treats all of those politicians who venture into his den with the same penetrating insight and is a pleasure to watch. Here he is exposing the vacuous heart of Labour economic policies, something I am sure that will not go down with at least some of his bosses at the BBC!


It’s interesting to consider how the BBC is treating the grotesque US surrender to Iran’s mad Mullahs as an act of supreme political statesmanship by John Kerry and his master, Obama. Representatives of six world powers are intensifying talks with Iran on its nuclear programme, ahead of a 31 March deadline for a deal. The US secretary of state and German and French foreign ministers have all cancelled their travel … Continue reading

Smoke And Mirrors

    Jim Naughtie has run the BBC rule over the Labour and Conservative leaders to see how they measure up. Any guesses? Here’s the Miliband run down…..though not running him down in the slightest.  It takes 4 minutes before Naughtie can find anything critical to say of Miliband and then it’s only to ask if he is a bit indecisive…the answer of course being absolutely not…it’s a sign of … Continue reading

BBC Balance?

  Via Bishop Hill.…the BBC’s idea of balance in reporting climate change…they are investigating sceptic’s claims about the science….and yet they are all pro-climate change people on the programme…Mark Lynas is an author and environmental campaigner, Mike Hulme is professor of Climate and Culture at Kings College London and Dr Helen Czerski is a broadcaster and ‘bubble physicist’ at UCL. Helen Czerski ‏@helenczerski @SellaTheChemist @theresphysics @MichaelEMann @4589roger @guynewey And actually, … Continue reading

The Root of ‘News’ Is Surely ‘New’…Not ‘Old Hat’

    The BBC, as David has mentioned, has made yet another election attack on the Tories with claims of a ‘revelation’… Election 2015: Conservative benefit cut options leaked The Conservatives are considering options for scrapping several benefits, Department for Work and Pensions documents seen by the BBC suggest. The leaked files, commissioned by Tory officials, also suggest a regional benefits cap and taxing disability benefits as ways to help … Continue reading

All Quiet On The Home Front

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aqNBEpdao4     The BBC is being strangely quiet about events surrounding the three little Jihadis who skipped off to join Isis.  The BBC has until recently been bombarding us with tales of distraught families and police and security service failures. What anyone with a questioning mind might have asked is how the parents of these girls remained in the dark about their intentions, or possible intentions, when … Continue reading


I thought it was interesting the way the BBC present the “news’ that the Conservative Party are considering options for scrapping several benefits, Department for Work and Pensions document. The leaked files, to the BBC (SIC) commissioned by Tory officials, also suggest a regional benefits cap and taxing disability benefits as ways to help cut £12bn from the welfare budget by 2017/18. The Conservatives insisted the proposals were not party … Continue reading