Buddhists on the rampage

  The Buddhist prison population has soared by over 44% in 10 years.  the question is ‘Why the surge in Buddhist prisoner.’  Nearly 1% of the UK’s Buddhist population is in prison. The BBC investigates this pressing and puzzling issue. Are they terrorists?  No, don’t be stupid…that’s a media myth. Are they really criminals?  No not really…they are victims of poverty and discrimination…. disparities in how they are treated are … Continue reading

Chutzpah…and the Jewish Lobby

          Chutzpah (/ˈhʊtspə/ or /ˈxʊtspə/) is the quality of audacity, for good or for bad. The Yiddish word derives from the Hebrew word ḥutspâ (חֻצְפָּה), meaning “insolence”, “cheek” or “audacity”.   Curious choice of title for this BBC report…With their letter to Iran, US senators show ‘chutzpah’……‘Chutzpah’ being a Jewish word. Is the BBC subtly hinting that this letter is all the work of the ‘Jewish … Continue reading

So Unfair

    It turns out that despite being paid £500,000 a year by HSBC and having been the Chair of HSBC’s audit committee Rona Fairhead has been unfairly accused of incompetence or a neglectful failure to oversee HSBC’s operations. The BBC’s Today programme (around 06:55) for some reason found reason to doubt Rona Fairhead’s, the Chair of the BBC Trust, complicity and guilt in HSBC’s financial irregularities…despite being Chair of the audit … Continue reading


The BBC has done everything possible to portray the three London teenage girls who have legged it to Syria to be with the decapitators in Islamic State as “victims” – rather than enemies of the State. In a similar way, their families have been afforded every opportunity to play the victim card and play everyone but themselves for their offspring seeking to be Jihadi Brides, This is when the BBC … Continue reading

No Idea or No Shame

  Today we hear from the BBC that ‘Terror ‘apologists’ must share blame – Hammond’ and that ‘ “Apologists” for those who commit acts of terrorism are partly responsible for the violence, Philip Hammond will say. Security services have been criticised over their handling of Mohammed Emwazi – known as “Jihadi John”. With a total brassnecked arrogance and disregard for Hammond’s words and the damning truth about the Islamist group … Continue reading

Job Vacancy

  H/T  Pounce…… HSBC hearing – Summary It is not that unusual to see a public figure subject to withering scorn by MPs on a select committee – it is one of the few unadulterated pleasures that parliament offers – but, still, this was astonishing. We’re used to see Keith Vax duff up some hapless copper, or a second-rate council chief. But chair of the BBC Trust is one of … Continue reading

Babu’s Babble

  As David has noted the BBC has leapt upon the words of ex-chief Superintendent Dal Babu as he tries to discredit the ‘Prevent’ programme….and there is remarkably little comment on the BBC from people who would say otherwise. Discrediting the ‘Prevent’programme is the Holy Grail for Islamic extremists, amongst others, and Babu’s words align neatly with their own rhetoric about the programme and do great damage as they give … Continue reading


Outrage at the BBC this morning. Guess what? Yes, SOME senior police officers do NOT know the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims! OMG. So says a former senior Muslim police officer Dal Babu said some officers involved in the programme lacked basic knowledge of race and faith issues. Most Muslims did not trust the programme and many saw it as a form of spying, he said.  He said because police … Continue reading