Now That’s What I Call Journalism

  One of the major problems with the BBC’s reporting of the ‘Trojan Horse’ story has been the failure to provide historical context, a lack of reference material that allows you to judge current events and put them in perspective, the lack of crucial information about people, their actions and beliefs, and finally a lack of a coherent analysis that ties all that together to bring the audience a genuine … Continue reading

Nicky Campbell’s Phrase & Fable

  Nicky Campbell’s phone-in today discussed ‘British values’: The education secretary Michael Gove says he wants to put them at the heart of what every school in England delivers — but what are they, and how do we make sure our kids are learning them?   Now Nicky tries hard to be impartial but as always his inner Liberal always breaks loose and rampages around, quietly in a nice middle … Continue reading

‘Take Back Our Children’

‘WARNING TO ALL MUSLIM PARENTS OUR MUSLIM CHILDREN WILL LEARN AND PICK UP HOMOSEXUALITY IN SCHOOLS TODAY BECAUSE OF THE FORCED INDOCTRINATION OF HOMOSEXUALITY BY OFSTED’   ‘It is astonishing that a Labour government has managed to lead the country into this religious quagmire.’  Polly Toynbee   A large download of information regarding faith schools, of all faiths, and the consequences of their ever growing presence….starting from a very biased … Continue reading

Much Ado About Nothing

    Incredible really, the BBC spent £300,000 covering up the findings of the Balen Report which was an important and revealing investigation into the BBC’s journalism in the Middle East but it is happy to tell us of the inner workings of the BBC press operation, the backroom politicking and media gladhanding that went on during the political bunfight between the Gove and May camps. Theresa May and Michael … Continue reading

The Global Family

    The BBC is just relentless: A Point of View: Taking England back to the Dark Ages I am not sure that it’s just a coincidence that Switzerland is one of the more reactionary and anti-immigrant nations in Europe. My view is that we need fewer borders, not more. That’s why the European Union makes sense to me. I worry that if we were to go back to historical … Continue reading


    The vast immigration this country has suffered recently has been certainly undemocratic in the way it was foisted upon us….if it was undemocratic there must be a good case to make that it is also illegal with politicians implementing their pet policies without a mandate to do so….not just undemocratic by default but by design, the politicians deliberately keeping the public out of the debate and hiding what … Continue reading


Biased BBC reader Alex notes… “Take a look at this pointless but all-too-typical pro-EU, left-wing drivel from the BBC that seeks to undermine English identity: Now, repeat after me folks: England, unlike Scotland, never has been a unified country, but rather a mix of divided counties. Therefore, multiculturalism and the devolution of English counties is a good thing.”


I have been contacted by Saif Rahman with regard to this article he has written about BBC favourite Mehdi Hasan. I commend it to you… “He is the UK’s political director of the Huffington Post, appears regularly on BBC’s Question Time, has 122,000 followers on Twitter and a monthly Al-Jazeera TV slot (a channel that boasts broadcasting to 40-60 million people daily in the Arab world). And anyone who knows me … Continue reading