BBC #Fail Gove Innocent?

  The BBC has given a platform to Labour’s Tristram Hunt and Yvette Cooper all week to trash Gove and his education policies…yesterday Hunt was on the BBC’s ‘prestigious’ Today programme and Cooper was on ‘Pienaar’s Politics’ this morning spinning the same message…..Gove has been derelict in his duty allowing Islamism to thrive in schools, he failed to take action when warned of the threat, and that his school’s policy … Continue reading

‘The BBC will try to dampen it down. We mustn’t let that happen.’

  There are various inquiries being carried out investigating claims of Islamist’s infiltrating schools seeking to run them along Islamic lines. Once these investigations have been concluded and the dust has settled there needs to be one other investigation.  An investigation into the BBC’s role in this affair. I use the term ‘The BBC’ here because it is clear that what is happening is not one or two journalists imposing … Continue reading


I’m on Fubarr Radio with Jon Gaunt this morning discussing this story; The BBC will send more staff for its coverage of Glastonbury Festival than it is dispatching to the World Cup in Brazil. Corporation music chief Bob Shennan said 300 staff were being lined up for the weekend, outstripping the 272 who are to head to Brazil to work on its football programming in the coming weeks. The BBC said it … Continue reading


BBC seem to have enjoyed the Conservative win in the 44th safest Conservative seat in the UK. I caught a very hostile and patronising interview around 6.50am on the Today programme where the meme being flogged was that the UKIP bubble had burst! Honestly, the BBC is as biased against UKIP as rags like The Huffington Post. Little analysis of the WOEFUL Labour performance, of course, just a chuckle at … Continue reading

Boko Haram In Birmingham?

  “Al-Islam will prevail over all other ways of life. Look at how [the] Muslim population is increasing in the UK.”  Deputy Head of Carlton Bolling school in Bradford, Akhmed Hussain   The BBC is playing a very dangerous game as it clambers, once again, into bed with Islamists and promotes their ideology. There was, and continues to be, a plot to Islamise schools, not just in Birmingham but across … Continue reading


What do you make of this then? Labour’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman, says the BBC should investigate alternatives to the licence fee, in case a better option exists. She told Total Politics magazine that the licence fee was a means to an end, not an end in itself. She said if there was “a better way” to secure independence from the government, “let’s hear about it”. Her comments came a day after comedy producer Armando … Continue reading

Hunger Games

  It is incredible what nonsense some politicians, amongst others, are allowed to get away with on the BBC. Labour’s Frank Field came out with a doucey yesterday (6 mins) when talking about recycling unused food to charities and how the systems for doing so are not good enough claiming that: ‘…This practice has grown up [in the past], it was clearly very wrong [even] in times when people in … Continue reading

What Would Gandhi Do?

  Janet Daley asks the question the ‘elite’ should be asking themselves: ‘It has become received wisdom that the reason for that massive electoral rebellion against the EU was that the people were throwing a harmless tantrum: they were just letting off steam because they knew that their votes in this election did not matter.’ And what do people do next when they realise that their votes don’t matter?   … Continue reading