Spinning The Migration Figures

    The BBC have seen the uncomfortable shadow of UKIP and its popular immigration policies upsetting the cosy apple cartel of elitist politicians and their media friends who want to keep the doors firmly propped open. This article is a rather desperate attempt to claim that the Tory immigration targets are being met…and so ‘nothing to worry about here then‘ about immigration: A shortcut to hitting net migration target? … Continue reading


On behalf of Biased BBC, I would like to apologise to Mr Michael Stoute and his family for any distress caused by a comment posted here on 30th May by an anonymous contributor.  I wish to point out that the allegations are incorrect and I have removed them from the site. On a general note, can I please ask you all to think before you post comment that may cause … Continue reading

The BBC Monster Crushing Competition

    Channel 4 News editor Ben de Pear: ‘We are like an ant versus Goliath when it comes to the BBC’   Channel 4 News editor Ben de Pear has mixed feelings about the BBC. He sees Newsnight as his main rival and variously describes the corporation as “stifling”, “crippling” and “a monster”. Equally, though, he speaks with relish about the level of competition it offers him. “I think … Continue reading


Don’t you think it a little strange that despite its vast resources and all those “world class” journos it employs (at our expense) the BBC might have picked up on the fact that a French-based Muslim extremist has been arrested on suspicion of having slaughtered four Jewish people in Brussels last week? Still, at LEAST it is bringing us the breaking news that climate change is going to be the … Continue reading

Immigration? It’s all A Myth Spun By The Media

    Nicky Campbell ran a phone in about the state of the economy…notably several callers said that when they raised the question of a pay rise with their bosses the answer was ‘There are plenty of East Europeans who will do it for a lot less’. Whilst Campbell eventually highlighted such comments this is what the BBC’s economic genius from Wake Up to Money, Adam Parsons, said in response … Continue reading

BBC Grubby

      I see the BBC is employing the services of a firm that employs Lord Hall’s wife to headhunt a new BBC Trust Chairman. As the BBC previousily spent £350,000 to headhunters to fill two vacancies and then filled them from within its own ranks perhaps the money might be better spent on employing the services of a cleaning company, whether or not it has relations of Lord … Continue reading

BBC Shabby

  AA Gill comments on the BBC’s coverage of the Euro elections on Vote 2014. His conclusion…. Political reporting on television…..moribund, unchanged and unconsidered.  Politics on televison is a shabby, undemocratic national disservice. No kidding. He goes on to say that BBC 2 has been good, but is now ‘an arty social worker.’ No kidding…and of course that is a description that could sum up pretty much all of the … Continue reading