Wonder what you make of this news? “Sebastian Coe is today being urged to step down from some of his current work commitments if he wants the role of BBC Trust chairman. The former track star and London 2012 chief is the frontrunner to replace Lord Patten, who stood down three weeks ago after heart surgery. However, MPs are today urging Lord Coe to step down from some of his 20 other … Continue reading

The More The Merrier

  Will the BBC spend a day pouring relentlessly over this report, as they did with the ‘racial prejudice ‘ one,  that over the past 10 years overcrowding has become a huge problem:   The Telegraph reports: Figures show surge in ‘overcrowded’ homes More than three million people now live in a household with at least five other individuals, according to figures from the ONS The number of people living … Continue reading

Beware what anyone tells you about Brazil

The BBC reports: One third of Britons ‘admit being racially prejudiced’ Nearly a third of people in Britain admit being racially prejudiced, research has suggested. The British Social Attitudes survey found the proportion had increased since the start of the century, returning to the level of 30 years ago. Some 30% of the 2,000 people polled by social research company NatCen described themselves as either “very” or “a little” race … Continue reading

The Recruit

  David Attenborough has long had a fan club amongst the climate change fraternity….they had already co-opted the BBC to their cause with Roger Harrabin’s help but  felt they needed the likes of David Attenborough, TV Royalty, to successfully sell the global warming message to a doubting public exploiting the status, authority and respect he has built up over the decades. He finally surrendered to the lobbyists and is now … Continue reading

The Science Of Broadcasting Science

    Via Bishop Hill.   This article examines the changes that have been wrought on the BBC’s science broadcasting….essentially the dumbing down and the belief that the audience can’t understand the science and therefore should just ‘obey’ the diktats of scientists and their TV promoters: The excellent 1996 Horizon episode on Fermat’s Last Theorem was directed by Simon Singh. Whereas Singh in the 1990s had high expectations of his … Continue reading

Carbon Criminal Criminals

  I think this could be filed under ‘Mission Creep’ for the climate alarmists who find ever more ingenious ways of inflicting their madness upon us. Nothing to do with BBC bias but an astonishing illustration of how the lunacy is taking over every aspect of life……they now want to measure the carbon footprint of criminals….putting an environmental cost on crime…and they speculate that perhaps police could respond not to … Continue reading

The Independent BBC?

    We know that the Tories allegedly joined forces with the Guardian to spread racist smears about UKIP….but it turns out there might have been a third person in that marriage of convenience: David Cameron woos BBC News chief at Chequers and ‘says he relies on him as antidote to Eurosceptic Press’ David Cameron will have been pleased the BBC wheeled on EU enthusiasts Tony Blair, Kenneth Clarke and … Continue reading