BBC Twisting In An Ill-wind That Does UKIP No Favours

  Is the BBC biased’s Sue has spotted that the BBC has apologised to Peter Hitchens for misrepresenting his views on UKIP. On Sunday Hitchens was in the Mail with this: Here is the best reason for voting UKIP I don’t like UKIP or its leader, Nigel Farage. They are the Dad’s Army of British politics, doddery, farcical  and very unclear about what they are actually for. But they have … Continue reading

Street Parties

    The BBC puts this on its frontpage: Street clashes force Nigel Farage no-show   Nothing about this though, even on its Sheffield page: Mass brawl erupts between rival groups of youths in area where former Home Secretary David Blunkett warned of rioting due to influx of Roma immigrants   Considering the furore over Farage’s claims about immigration you’d have thought this story might be of  great interest. Another … Continue reading

Grabby Logan

    Gabby Logan admits tax avoidance but vows to pay it back Gabby Logan is the latest household name to admit being part of the tax avoidance scheme used by Gary Barlow and Colin Jackson. The sports presenter invested thousands into Icebreaker, a company which purported to support young musicians. However, a recent court ruling said the firm was “understood by all concerned to be a tax avoidance scheme”. … Continue reading

The Silent Service

  The Submarine Service is often called the ‘Silent Service’ but perhaps that could be as well applied to the BBC whose silence on matters Miliband is remarkable and where all his inglorious episodes sink without trace having made hardly a ripple in the BBC news at all….despite the most recent inglorious escapade having actually happened in a local BBC radio station interview.   Two stories came out today that … Continue reading

A James O’Brien Reader

    We had a look at some of the hypocrisy of the Press now attacking Farage for his ‘racist’ position on immigration and Romanians, now attention turns to James O’Brien who interviewed Farage in what is called a ‘car crash’ interview…but who was it a ‘car crash’ for? We ask what motivates him,  are his thoughts based on intelligent rationale or innate, ill-informed prejudice and is he really in … Continue reading

Pact With The Devil

  Htiler made a pact with Stalin… seems others are like-minded. Peter Hitchens says: Last Wednesday, the insider magazine Private Eye also claimed that the Leftist  daily The Guardian had  made a secret deal with the Tory Party, which claims to  be conservative. The Tories, it was alleged, had promised the favourite newspaper of the liberal elite a steady supply of damaging stories about UKIP candidates saying daft things (Tories, … Continue reading

The BBC’s Climate Cover Up Cover Up…..Update

    Bishop Hill reports: Simon Buckle of the Grantham Institute at Imperial has penned some nice thoughts about the Bengtsson affair: ‘Professor Lennart Bengtsson’s resignation from the GWPF Academic Advisory Council has received wide coverage and raises important issues.’     ‘received wide coverage’?…..but not from one of the world’s biggest and best resourced news organisations. And a matter that ‘raises important issues’…….so important that one of the world’s … Continue reading

Cohen: listen to junior staff

  Danny Cohen has revealed that junior staff will sit on senior management interview boards to break up the “hierarchical” working structures at BBC television. The director of television wants to send out a “powerful message” about giving less experienced employees a louder voice in the organisation, including a stake in some of the BBC’s biggest recruitment decisions. Cohen outlined his idea, which he has picked up from studying US … Continue reading