I am reminded by a Biased BBC read that there is a Select committee gathering evidence on the future of the BBC. “I don’t believe that this has been covered before, but the select committee is currently gathering evidence which it will put before the government in a report sometime in September. The remit is wide and includes issues of Bias, monitoring, who should oversee the complaints, the licence fee, and … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader notes “I have just seen this compilation of notable interventions by the Speaker in the Commons: Note how every single clip sees him rebuking someone to his right, i.e. on the Government benches.’ Fair and impartial?  


The BBC drool over Michelle Obama when they are not still doing all they can for her husband. Her recent engagement on the issue of the kidnapped Nigerian girls by Boko Haram has gotten the BBC all excited and now comes the news that .. US First Lady Michelle Obama is to deliver her husband’s weekly presidential address to condemn last month’s abduction of Nigerian girls. First ladies normally refrain from … Continue reading

Trojan Sheep

  A week ago Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB, was arrested for quoting Churchill on Islam. The BBC reported this but didn’t seem to think it significant and the issues, suh as freedom of speech or indeed the issues raised by Weston himself, worthy of exploration…how different the benevolent coverage for the Muslim suicide bomber, or someone encarcerated in Guantanamo Bay, or a ‘community leader’ claiming Muslims … Continue reading

Climate Insurance Fraud?

    Today let loose a climate change advocate…Trevor Maynard(08:47)… but they didn’t tell us his links to the climate lobby.   Today didn’t question his claims…..that hurricanes are getting stronger,  that we’re heading for a 4 degrees temperature rise (a horrible scenario!), that we have to decarbonise…they did suggest there might be a pause in warming but were told that there has  definitely been no pause in global warming…’that’s completely … Continue reading

Tony Blair…Next Chairman Of The BBC Trust?

  Patten has fled the scene of the crime and space is being booked in the Guardian’s jobs vacant section. But who might be the best candidate for the job as Chairman of the BBC Trust? The Telegraph has a stab at defining the necessary characteristics: The debate about the BBC is one of the most important we will have in this country in the next few years. Unless you … Continue reading

Not The Now Show….But It Could Be

          Labour has released a video on Youtube which bears a remarkable similarity to the political rants disguised, almost,  as comedy on the Now Show……only funnier. This weeks ‘Now Show’ doesn’t disappoint our low expectations with what is nothing less than an anti-government diatribe (9 mins) with not much sign of comedy…but then it is Marcus Brigstock making a welcome return…don’t know where he’s been but … Continue reading

The Past Isn’t What You Thought It Will Be

    Normally the BBC settles for merely rewriting the past, or just ignoring whole chunks of it (1997-2010 for instance), but today the Beeb treated us to a glimpse into the future.…apparently the vast majority of the  human population will be consigned to the scrap heap living lives of unending poverty and misery whilst a gilded elite exploit us using powerful new technology and reaping all the rewards for … Continue reading