Wonder what you reckon to the interview that took place just after 7.34am on Today programme this morning? It relates into the investigation into those schools in Birmingham and the rampant Islamification that took place within them. The BBC, being fair and impartial, sought the views of Labour MP Khalid Mahmoud. And only Khalid Mahmoud. Guess what – Khalid thinks the investigation is confused. I wonder why Khalid never thought … Continue reading


God forbid a British Prime Minister should assert that this country has a clear CHRISTIAN heritage. The BBC were always going to jump all over this as Alan has already referenced. I caught Peter Tatchell being given free rein to attack Cameron and more importantly attack the idea that Britain is still at least nominally ‘Christian’. Isn’t this the same Peter Tatchell who is on record for urging that the … Continue reading

Religious Appeasement

    Islam has long been appeased, and now for different reasons, the Christians are having their turn as Cameron tries to smooth things over with the troublesome Bishops. Cameron has decided to ‘Do God’….and Miliband, not a Christian, nor religious, also recently jumped on the band wagon with a trip to Israel and a sudden discovery that he is Jewish….making sure he got in the headlines at Easter when … Continue reading

The ‘Cost of Living Peacefully’ Crisis

    Chickens coming home to roost…thanks to George R: The Frightened Arts In the new edition of Standpoint, out this week, NCF director Peter Whittle writes that far from being cutting-edge, the British cultural establishment ignores the biggest threat to artistic freedom: radical Islam   It is indeed the increasing presence of Islam, and a fear of Islamism, which more than anything else has exposed the claims of the arts apologists … Continue reading

That ‘Settled Science’…BBC’s Approach ‘Ignorant and Medieval’ To Debate

  The long pause in global warming is known to be caused by…..what?  No one knows. The recent floods….caused by a global warming that hasn’t happened for over 16 years?  No  one knows. Extreme weather is increasing…due to global warming?  Actually it’s not increasing. CO2 is driving global warming?  There’s absolutely no proof of that…the ‘proof’ in fact says any warming causes the release of CO2 rather than the other … Continue reading

Blessed Relief

  Happily we were spared the righteous sermons from the ‘Whispering Worthy’, Reverend Richard Coles,  this Saturday on ‘Saturday Live’.…in the hot seat instead were Anita Anand and Andrea Catherwood…..however not so different really in approach and values….plug and play, pop up priggishness and prurient prejudice. That is a bit of a problem for the BBC, and an audience force fed a diet of sanitised, sermonising,  earnest and pious do-gooders … Continue reading

‘Blood Art’

  The BBC loves the art world, the intelligentsia, the chatterati.  It loves especially garnering their views on the world, politics and everything and laps it all up with relish only to regurgitate their ruminations in the form of a ‘settled science’ for us lesser mortals to learn from,  just as they do with climate science…these guys are so intellgent, thoughtful, incisive, humane and caring that they just couldn’t be … Continue reading

Axelrod…In pay of Energy Firms

    When the Coalition held back on regulating cigarette packaging the BBC launched a broadside against the Tories with relentless suggestions that the Tory advisor, Lynton Crosby, was behind the reluctance to bring in plain packaging because he had links to tobacco firms. How different, and lacking, is the BBC’s rigour and investigative ardour when Miliband’s new advisor is known to have had links to energy companies creating adverts … Continue reading