All The News

    Victoria Derbyshire proudly read out an email today praising 5Live’s coverage of Cyril Smith’s activities. The emailer said that listening to the revelations was  ‘Chilling…but why I listen to 5Live.’   Can only assume the listener was happy with the BBC’s more leisurely approach to reporting the Mail’s revelations about Labour’s Harriet Harman and Co at the NCCL and their relationship with the Paedophile Information Exchange.     … Continue reading

Trojan Horse, Spartan Facts

  We are hearing a great deal about the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot to Islamise secular schools…there are two issues here…one the ‘Islamisation’ and second how that is achieved. The ‘Islamisation’ attempts have long been an open ‘secret’….the MCB, in 2007, produced this document to ‘advise’ schools on how to treat Muslim pupils and be respectful of their culture and background…to help them integrate you understand….it’s definitely not a case of … Continue reading

Wishing You Well

    The BBC has dismissed a complaint that a joke based upon Mrs Thatcher’s Alzheimers and wishing death upon her was offensive…justifying the dismissal on the basis that she was a ‘divisive and controversial figure who aroused strong opposition‘……it is therefore OK to make such jokes if people on the Left hate her apparently….oh and the show is well known for its edgy comedy….so again anything goes then. Similar … Continue reading

Not Big And Not Clever

  Have to laugh at this from the New Statesman, and the fact that it comes so soon after wee Owen Jones demands the Left defend the BBC:   Is the BBC’s “The Big Questions” the worst thing on television? It’s one of the broadcaster’s flagship religious programmes, yet it makes religious people look unfairly crazy. I’m sure you’re familiar with BBC’s The Big Questions. It’s that dreadful “ethics” show … Continue reading

Religion Lite

    The Daily Mail reports that the BBC’s favourite turbulent priest, Giles Fraser, is unhappy with politicians who merely pay lip service to the real meaning and demands of Christianity : Here’s the problem: no-one was ever crucified for kindness. Jesus was not strung up on a hideous Roman instrument of torture because of his good deeds. If Jesus is just a remarkably good person whose example we ought … Continue reading

Natural Selection

  “We are going to frame the issue of climate change as more of a distributional issue,” said Dr Petersen.       Remember this very negative report about gas from Harrabin, ooh what, 3 days ago?… UN set to warn countries over ‘dash for gas‘ Governments are likely to be warned next week that a “dash for gas” will not solve climate change. A draft report for the United … Continue reading

Those Dodgy Gentlemen Of The Right Wing Press Are Undermining Democracy And Science

    Harrabin is still out there smearing those who do not believe…. In one report he states: [Pickles has banned windfarms because of pressure from the right wing press suggests Harrabin…..] Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has staged a minor coup over coalition energy policy. Conservative newspapers have been demanding a cap on onshore wind farms, but the Lib Dems have refused to agree…..the Liberal Democrats, accused him of playing … Continue reading

The Rado Times       Remarkable isn’t it….climate sceptics are denounced as unqualified bloggers or lay persons with vested interests and therefore shouldn’t be able to criticise the consensus or be given due weight by the BBC…..however someone who supports that consensus, however unqualified, is welcome to comment…in fact the BBC will go out of its way to assure you that such a person is a ‘simple, unqualified, layperson’ merely … Continue reading