Hateblock For Lovelock

  I see any definition of ‘dangerous climate change’ as a political act not a scientific fact. Who said that?  Dr Joe Smith in a moment of weakness…he being Roger Harrabin’s sidekick at the climate propaganda unit CMEP.     James Lovelock was the Green’s hero….when he claimed the earth was in peril from man’s exploitation. Not so much now. Lovelock has become the hate figure, the apostate, of the … Continue reading

Room 101 For the Sikhs, Hindus and Christians but not…..

    It was fine, the BBC believed, to fling the Bible into the rubbish bin but not the Koran.   It seems that type of thinking is not just for Christians….the BBC is quite ready to report ‘concerns’ about certain communities, Buddhists in Burma were denounced as religiously inspired killers not long ago whilstthe BBC was claiming Islamic terrorists are ‘perverting the religion’, and now it seems elections in … Continue reading

There’s Poetry in Commotion

  A couple of days ago Michael Rosen was on the BBC with this: Journalese First broadcast: Tuesday 08 April 2014 Why are thugs always vile, market towns always bustling, blondes bubbly and tirades foul mouthed? With the help of ex Editor Eve Pollard, journalist Robert Hutton and Professor John Mullan, Michael Rosen takes a look at the language and the cliches of news journalism     Rather ironic considering … Continue reading

Miliband Visits Palestine

    Ed Miliband has been visiting Israel.   Does Nick Robinson ask Miliband any difficult questions or any about his attitude towards ‘Israel’? No.  What Robinson does do is give Miliband an open platform to say what he likes without challenge, in other words a cosy little ‘fireside’ chat revealing to us just how wonderful Ed really is…not just wonderful but wise and thoughtful, statesmanlike….in essence a bit of … Continue reading

Don’t Tell MAMA

  Why no mention of this part of Cameron’s Easter Message on the BBC?: As we celebrate Easter, let’s also think of those who are unable to do so, the Christians around the world who are ostracised, abused — even murdered — simply for the faith they follow. Religious freedom is an absolute, fundamental human right. Britain is committed to protecting and promoting that right, by standing up for Christians … Continue reading

Can’t Get The Kids Into Primary School? Why’s That Then?

  The BBC give Labour a free pass as they propagate their ‘research’: School places: Labour warns of primary school ‘crisis’ in England One in four councils believe there is a “real crisis in primary school places” looming for this September in England, according to Labour’s shadow education secretary.     But why is there this ‘crisis’?   Could it be that it is Labour who created it by flinging … Continue reading

Trawling ‘Feedback’

  Having a mooch through the Feedback site I see Roger Bolton has a few thoughts on the internal workings of the BBC such as this about Woman’s Hour: As you well know BBC programmes are supposed to be impartial but I’m not sure if that can be said of Woman’s Hour, at least when it comes to feminism. Woman’s Hour is in fact a powerful advocate for women’s empowerment. … Continue reading

The BooBC

  Just heard the BBC’s David Jordan, Director of Editorial Policy and Standards, (getting around a lot these days) telling Feedback on R4 that the BBC is ‘eternally grateful’ for audience feedback and complaints…it helps them make better programmes. Away you go!   Also on Feedback complaints about the smutty or downright obscene nature of a comedy programme, Down the line, broadcast at 18:30 Apparently mentions of gay sex, slags … Continue reading

The BBC’s Dualist Approach To News

  ‘ …a sobering and disturbing tale, and a reminder that intelligence and a lifelong devotion to “truth” is no protection whatever against believing that the most brutal, stupid, dangerous and unethical ideology is the greatest achievement of mankind.’  Philosophy’s shameful love     Three examples of where the BBC reports something in a different way depending on what ‘narrative’ it is trying to push…..   Firstly…. The BBC’s Matt McGrath … Continue reading


Well, hasn’t the BBC been swooning at the visits by Sinn Fein leader Martin McGuinness to a few events with Her Majesty this past week? And the BBC now even comes out with the line that McGuinness WAS indeed  a “former IRA commander”. The curious bit is this; these world class journalists NEVER think to ask just what did he command when he was in a senior position with this … Continue reading