Mired In Delusion

  A piece by Janet Daley in the Telegraph regarding that thing that the BBC doesn’t hold dear but rather holds in contempt…’values and the continuity of the country’s historic national identity: about what Britain stands for’…the BBC preferring instead open borders, cheap imported servants and a lovely diverse, cosmopolitan feel to London….or rather those parts of  London they don’t actually live in, retreating to their expensive and exclusive liberal … Continue reading

The New McCarthyism…’on behalf of the listeners’?

    The first law of journalism as told by John Humphrys… ‘First simplify, then exaggerate.’   Have to say that is pretty much the rule followed by the BBC’s climate change reporters….the refusal to take seriously any criticism of climate ‘science’, the refusal to genuinely analyse what the criticisms mean allowing the subsequent broadcasting of sweeping alarmist statements about the ‘inevitable’ consequences of global warming (despite there being little … Continue reading


Here’s an interesting instance of clear BBC editorial bias. Hat tip to George R.. “This decision is good for Martin McGuinness, peace and for Sinn Féin.” says BBC Political Editor Martina Purdy -from – “Martin McGuinness to attend banquet with Queen when President Higgins visits UK” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-26903463 ‘Daily Mail’ has:- “Ex-IRA commander Martin McGuinness WILL be a guest of the Queen at Windsor Castle banquet” Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2597964/Ex-IRA-commander-Martin-McGuinness-guest-Queen-Windsor-Castle-banquet.html#ixzz2y7J2iNg8 Why is it … Continue reading

Matt McGrath Is The New Black

  The BBC told the Science and Technology Committee that…..’Climate change is “a matter of reporting and journalistic inquiry, and one where our strong reputation for independence is paramount”.’ However…….David Jordan, Director of Editorial Policy and Standards for the BBC, told them that “politicians driving an issue and talking about its importance and policy developments in relation to it will be clearly important to our news agenda”   So politicians … Continue reading

“We are Muslims and proud to vote Marine Le Pen”

    The BBC still  seem reluctant to report this:   France’s Muslims drawn to far right anti-immigration party Elections at the weekend revealed a remarkable phenomenon: Muslims voting with the far right, anti-immigration Front National (FN). “The main left and right parties have failed them. But for many Muslims, the moves towards legalising gay marriage would be enough by itself to vote for a party like the FN that … Continue reading

Massacre Of The ‘Innocents’….“the worst crisis most people have never heard of.”

    When the bombs went off in London on 7/7 we were told that the real victims were Muslims….not the 52 dead and 700 injured.   Seems the BBC still continues with that mentality. The Central African Republic has been suffering for nearly a decade with a war started by Muslim militias. The world and the BBC long ignored this war.  Just as they ignored the 5 million killed … Continue reading