Murder is wrong and the tragedy that afflicted the Lawrence family when their son Stephen was brutally killed cannot be underestimated. BUT it strikes me that the leftist media in general, and the BBC in particular, has elevated this to a level that is disproportionate to many other equally vile murders, such as that which happened t0 15 year old Kriss Donald. It does however enable them to advance their … Continue reading

Three’s A Crowd

    Perhaps I’ve missed something but does anyone really care about BBC 3? Looking at its schedule its hard to see all that innovative and thought provoking programming we’re told it produces….what I see is 95% repeats…..or sensationalist tabloid type tat that it denounces the Daily Mail for…’Snog, Marry Avoid’ or ‘Secrets of South America….Generation Sex’ or the fascinating ‘Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes’. The ‘youf’ are gutted: “I’m completely … Continue reading

Newsnight Fails Again….Cooking The Books

  The BBC made a huge fuss over its claim that the government was hiding a report that undermined a previous one upon which the government was basing its immigration policies. Newsnight generated a massive amount of headlines that were damaging for the government and suggested that the government’s policies were wrong….the BBC got what it wanted regardless of the fact that their story was completely baseless.   The Newsnight … Continue reading

‘But truth speaks with one voice’

        It’s perhaps a shame that so many BBC journalists just take the BBC’s shilling, keep their head down and hope to survive in a well paid, pretty secure job until they can rest easy on an ample pension…..and all the time conforming to the consensus, going native in the land of the Guardianistas….. Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre,  has called it  ‘a closed thought-system, operating a … Continue reading

Da Da That’s Putin, Lover Of The Russian Queens

  The BBC seem quite relaxed about Putin’s little invasion….can’t remember them asking this about any of Israel’s little incursions: Ukraine crisis: Does Russia have a case?   The BBC makes a lot of the status of ‘ethnic Russians’ inside the Ukraine….wouldn’t they be Ukrainian then? The BBC always reassures us that Muslims are even more British than the of course are all immigrants to this country who can’t … Continue reading

Madhouse Economics?

    Ex BBC journo Nick Jones.   If you want to exercise your eyeballs by giving them a good roll around their sockets listen to this from Jones on 5Live (23 mins)   The coal miner’s strike……It was the biggest story of his career and he’s never got over it. He tells us that broadcasters were in danger of being the cheerleaders for the return to work…..Scargill , in … Continue reading

“It Just Makes Sense”

    “I do not see a need for low skilled migration from outside Europe” Labour’s Liam Byrne       Odd how the BBC absolutely refused to report Andrew Neather’s ‘incendiary’ revelations about Labour’s immigration policy where they implemented a policy that would deliberately aim to ‘ethnically cleanse’ Britain of its white and British DNA and put British workers on the scrap heap, sacrificed for Labour’s own social and … Continue reading


You have to admire the BBC. Even a HINT of some “good news” about immigration into the UK and the comrades are to the fore in pushing it down our throats. Even better if it shows the Conservatives in a bad light! Downing Street has withheld publication of a cross-governmental report that suggests one potential impact of immigration is smaller than claimed. It suggests “displacement” – the number of UK workers … Continue reading


I heard the BBC give a very sympathetic hearing to this latest manipulated nonsense from the EU; About a third of all women in the EU have experienced either physical or sexual violence since the age of 15, according to a survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. That corresponds to 62 million women, the survey says. It is said to be the biggest survey conducted on the subject, and … Continue reading