Wondered what your thoughts are on the BBC coverage of the Ukraine/Russia crisis? I get the distinct impression that the BBC favours those in Ukraine who are seduced by the entreaties of the EU. Lots of interviews with young Ukrainians in Kiev – a pro EU audience. I noticed that in the Commons yesterday, Conservative MP Peter Tapsell pointed out that the EU carried a degree of culpability for this situation … Continue reading


I reckon the BBC must be getting anxious that once more their hero, Obama, is being utterly outflanked by Putin. I heard an American “expert” pundit on the Today programme just after 7.15am (Joe Klein, I think) bleating how Obama was running rings around the Russian President. He also was allowed to disparage the Republican Party when he was at it. The bias is so easy, they never even see … Continue reading

Fatal Squeamishness

  Wonder what the BBC will make of this…if anything…..Boris Johnson in the Telegraph…. The children taught at home about murder and bombings Radicalisation is a form of child abuse, and the authorities must have the power to intervene There is that fatal squeamishness about intervening in the behaviour of a “protected group” – in this case ethnic minorities, often but by no means always from the Horn of Africa. … Continue reading

Trojan Horse

    Events in Syria, or the Ukraine or even China should highlight the dangers of ‘multi-culturalism’, importing many different peoples, religions and cultures.   The BBC is an ardent supporter of multi-culturalism. Which is why it doesn’t report stories like this which might undermine the multi-culturalism narrative and ‘damage social cohesion’….via Harry’s Place and the Sunday Times…. Religion in schools:  Operation Trojan Horse The Sunday Times (£) is reporting … Continue reading

Huff’N Puff

  Occasionally we have something off topic to amuse or amaze…hopefully. Here is something, that despite being narrated by the Guardian’s resident Green guru, George Monbiot, is worth a looksee……   How wolves have the power to move rivers The story of how a few wolves in Yellowstone Park transformed the ecosystem and even changed the course of rivers shows the impact that even small changes to an environment can … Continue reading


    Milipedia: n  Condition of a BBC journalist being unaccountably attracted to the person and policies of Ed Miliband         John Pienaar….what to say?  He just can’t seem to find a harsh word to say about young Eddy….or can he?     Today on ‘Pienaar’s Politics’  he had Ed Miliband on the rack for half an hour, he took no prisoners and cracked the whip…Miliband was … Continue reading


You can rely on the BBC to provide a platform to those who push the AGW agenda and the more extreme the scale of this, the greater the platform! What are the greatest global threats to humanity? Are we on the verge of our own unexpected extinction? An international team of scientists, mathematicians and philosophers at Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute is investigating the biggest dangers. And they argue in a … Continue reading


Interesting to see the BBC’s Mark Easton tweet the following chart which he says shows WHY the Coalition government’s promise to get net migration under 100k by 2015 is beyond its control. He has a point but he also misses a bigger point   Mark seems strangely mute on the more obvious fact that the HUGE surge in Immigration from the EU since 2003 until 2009 took place under the … Continue reading