Quite a concerted effort by the BBC to remove some of those “hideously white” faces that so offend bleeding liberal hearts. First this… Match Of The Day needs to become more diverse with fewer white men on its panel of pundits, the BBC has said. Days after announcing its dramas would include more black and gay actors to reflect modern Britain, the corporation turned its sights on sports shows. Danny Cohen, the … Continue reading


Tricky one for the Dhimmis at the BBC. An act of gruesome mass terrorism, dozens dead. What to say? Chinese officials have blamed separatists from the north-western Xinjiang region for a mass knife attack at a railway station that left 29 people dead and at least 130 wounded.  Elsewhere..but not on the BBC. China has blamed Islamic militants from the volatile Xinjiang province for an attack by knife-wielding “terrorists” at … Continue reading

Who Pays The Piper…….

    In 2006 the BBC was found to have a pro-EU bias by a report commissioned by itself: The report may conclude that direction does not come from the Top but the problem is that the ‘troops’ are the ‘believers’ in the EU and they are the ones who mold the tone and direction of any programme as admitted by the report:     We were also told by … Continue reading

True Lies

    Three interesting ways of looking at things from the BBC today:   1.  Moazzam Begg has been charged with terror offences…..the BBC throughout the day has been tacking on to each bulletin about this that Begg, though spending 3 years in Guantananmo, ‘was never charged with any offence’. Why emphasise that? Why is that relevant to this?  Surely of more relevance is that the US thought he was … Continue reading


I had the UTTER MISFORTUNE to listen to BBC Any Questions today. It was from the Bath Literature Festival with Justice Minister Simon Hughes MP, Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs Maria Eagle MP, Yale Law professor and author Amy Chua, and writer and broadcaster Germaine Greer. So, all to the left as usual. What stunned me was the question on whether Harriet Harman should apologise. … Continue reading

CO2 Doesn’t Cause Global Warming But If It Did We’d Have Global Cooling….Or Something

  Nothing by the BBC about the founder of Greenpeace coming over to the dark side: Confessions of a ‘Greenpeace Dropout’ to the U.S. Senate on climate change There is no scientific proof of man-made global warming and a hotter earth would be ‘beneficial for humans and the majority of other species’, according to a founding member of environmental campaign group Greenpeace. The assertion was made by Canadian ecologist Patrick Moore, … Continue reading

Minced PIE?

        Cover-up has become part of the story of child abuse   From Nick Davies in the Guardian in 1998: The sheer scale of child sexual abuse in Britain The sexual abuse of children is a special crime, not simply because of the damage it does to its victims, nor even because of the anger and fear it provokes in communities, but more particularly because it is … Continue reading