Anyone catch Mishal Husain climate scaremongering on Today this morning just after 7.10am? The difficulties affecting the Somerset Levels are apparently part of “extreme weather” we are now experiencing and an “expert” was on hand to confirm this was undoubtedly linked to “climate change.” After the Today AGW propaganda fest, there was another BBC Radio 4 programme called “The Long View’ which looked at the Big Flood of 1953. Michael … Continue reading

We Must Obey The Obamessiah, Rather Than Human Beings

The President of the US will give His latest State of the Union address this evening, and the BBC has published the press release with key talking points. Obama State of the Union speech to act on income inequality Sound promising, no? Just by His words, He can move mountains. What they mean is that the President will announce one of His latest executive orders to help the poorest and … Continue reading

Now You See It, Now You Don’t

    This morning the BBC were trumpeting on the radio some research by a think tank called ‘Centre For Cities’ that said London was growing much faster than other UK cities as the much vaunted ‘Recovery’ left them behind as economic also-rans…presumably hinting they were being ignored or abandoned by the Government. The BBC said it was an independent think tank, but admitted that it had been set up … Continue reading

Another BBC Comedian Comes Out

      Toby Young at the Telegraph spotted this and wasn’t impressed: BBC comedian says Cameron ‘wants your kids to die’     Perhaps Hound is trying to compete with his fellow NHAP member Marcus Chown who is : NHA Party executive member is the most influential tweeter about David Cameron Our own executive committee member Marcus Chown has been named  the “most influential tweeter about David Cameron” by … Continue reading


Well folks, a new week dawns. And the BBC is meticulous as ever in making sure that EVERY Conservative announcement is balanced with a Labour statement. Hence Cameron’s “bonfire of regulations” for small business is balanced by Chukas “let’ set up a new quango”. Anyhoo, the day beckons me and I bid you adieu and leave this new open thread for you to complete!

Inside The Bubble

      Via ‘Is the BBC biased’:   BBC  Dressing to the Left Scott Grønmark writes ’The Grønmark Blog’  http://scottgronmark.blogspot.co.uk In my 12 years with BBC News, I worked for many of the people who, for the past quarter century, have decided what the BBC broadcasts. Three of them went on to become Director-General. Almost without exception, they were decent, honest and fair, thoroughly convinced of their own political … Continue reading

Liberty…The Ideas That Make Us

  As mentioned before we are often told that there is no such thing as the ‘British Identity’…no such thing formed by 2000 years of history, of culture, of traditions, language, industrial and scientific innovation as well as the new political ideas that spring from all that…such as liberty, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of association, democracy…never mind the humour and way of looking at the world. The … Continue reading

Big Business

    The BBC is so anti-capitalist  it is trying to wipe  out private companies…by taking over the world once more…. From the Telegraph: Classic FM claims BBC Radio 3 ‘apes’ its output for more listeners Classic FM claims its rival, BBC Radio 3, has ‘aped’ its successful programmes to help build its audiences The accusations have been made in written submissions to a Culture, Media and Sport Committee review … Continue reading