Your Country needs You….Just Which Country Though?

      The BBC is up to its old tricks….’educating’ us on the delights of immigration…but oh so subtly.   Yesterday we had ‘Reimagining the City’… Musician Soweto Kinch offers a different vision of a city he’s loved all his life – Birmingham.   It is in fact a good listen, if you can get over the fact that confusingly he sounds just like Lenny Henry.  However the subtext … Continue reading

Lefty Love-Fest

  Had to turn off the radio yesterday….seconds into ‘Saturday Live’ and being told we were going to be treated to  a Dutch environmentalist who tackles Japanese whalers, a descendant of a former slave owning family, a Romanian gentleman lost in London for 4 days and worst of all…the inheritance tracks of Cdr Chris Hadfield…haven’t we had enough of him?   Is there no ‘Top Gear’ for the radio?   … Continue reading

‘Bosses Rage At Balls 50p Tax Raise’

    The papers are full of the outrage that businessmen and industrialists are expressing at Balls’  class war tax hike. But you’d almost never realise the extent of that anger if you relied upon the BBC. Here is the BBC investigation of the issue: Balls insists Labour is not ‘anti-business’ after 50p tax pledge   Sounds sort of promising…the headline perhaps hinting at the level of anger at Balls … Continue reading

You’re either in front of Guido, or you’re behind…

  You’re either in front of Guido, or you’re behind… Data Shows Cost-of-Living Crisis About to End   Guess the giant corporate BBC is a long way behind the tiny, but highly successful, Blogger   The Government has announced that wages are inching ahead of inflation.   The BBC’s own Iain Watson said that (from 12:10): Labour’s figures on the economy go unchallenged…Labour is dominating the debate….This  is undoubtedly the political … Continue reading

Doing Harrabin’s Job For Him

    Via ‘Not a Sheep’:   A scientist who is not afraid to speak out against the consensus…the political consensus of the IPCC that is: A submission “The views of an independent physicist” by Professor Pierre DARRIULAT 1 to the Energy and Climate Change Committee’s inquiry about the latest conclusions of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Review (AR5) Written evidence submitted by Professor Pierre Darriulat (IPC0049) The inquiry recently launched … Continue reading


The Coalition is far from perfect and I am no fan of either Party but credit where credit is due! However Labour needs us to believe that if there is economic growth, it is the wrong sort of growth. They need us to swallow the “cost of living crisis” now that they cannot sell us PLAN B. But when the Coalition then produces figures that at least indicate that INCOMES … Continue reading

The Day of The Triffids

        This from Bishop Hill…..where is the outrage at the intimidation and violence of the greens, including firing flares at police helicopters?  Why is ‘green’ thuggery and violence any different to any carried out for instance by the EDL during their protests?   More violence and intimidation from greens The Mail is reporting that environmentalists are flocking to the iGas site at Barton Moss, where they are intimidating … Continue reading

Call Phil Quick!!!

  Hope the BBC still have hooman rights lawyer, Phil Shiner, on speed dial…he is needed right now…. Blasphemy case: Briton in Pakistan sentenced to death A court in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi has sentenced a 65-year-old British man to death after convicting him of blasphemy. Mohammad Asghar was arrested in 2010 after writing letters to various people claiming to be a prophet, reports say. His lawyers argued for … Continue reading