You do wonder at the culture that prevailed at the BBC. When did it change, I wonder? An alleged victim of Dave Lee Travis said when she worked at the BBC in the mid-1970s ‘it was common practice to have tongues down your throat, tongues in your ear, bums being squeezed’. The woman, who claims the veteran DJ pinned her up against a wall and groped her while presenting his … Continue reading

BBC: Seldom challenging Seldon over Comprehensive Schooling…

Biased BBC contributor Daniel Pycock writes… “I’ve written before on this blog about the BBC’s relentless promotion of comprehensive schooling – the worst education system the UK has hitherto had: Now they’re promoting Anthony Seldon’s unworkable reform whereby parents would have to pay £15,000-£20,000 per annum per child to educate their children at “good state schools”. The article at least addresses the fact that selection is by money, rather … Continue reading

Go Tell ITV, They Might Be Interested

    I knew this woman had said the BBC had ignored her complaint about Dave Lee Travis….I assumed it was a complaint made at the original time of the alleged offence….however, incredibly that’s not so….even as Savile’s actions were being publicised the BBC still buried its head in the sand….   From the Telegraph: An alleged victim of veteran DJ Dave Lee Travis has told a court he pinned … Continue reading

Black, Gifted and Over There

    Very, very funny today on Today…Justin Webb stunned before a prolonged squealing of indignation whined its way out of him. They’re talking about racism in the acting business and why Black actors apparently have to go to the US to get work. Black actor Gary Beadle says that we are in denial….’There is’, he said…Webb interrupts to suggest ‘racism’…Beadle says…’No…more ‘institutional attitudes’ [racism then]…and it’s ‘rampant in the … Continue reading

On Institutional Bias

This isn’t specifically about any one instance of BBC bias, but it is directly, 100% relevant to our ongoing debate about whether or not it’s possible for there to be an institutional bias at the BBC even though there’s no deliberate conspiracy to push an agenda or narrative (except, you know, when there is: e.g. 28-Gate and the deference to Islamic sensitivities and multiculturalism). Will Bloomberg Challenge the New York … Continue reading

Takes Yer Choice An’ Pays Yer Money

    Many countries chose to adopt the Euro…many countries are living to regret that as even the EU has now admitted….however the BBC doesn’t seem to want to report such a major admission of fault  the Telegraph reported it at 5:00 pm:     From the Telegraph: Euro ‘increasing unemployment and social hardship’, says EC Deepening economic divisions between North and South, rich and poor eurozone countries threaten to … Continue reading

The Quenelle Is Anti-Semitic

You may see the relevance of this photograph of Muslims making the Quenelle gesture when you listen to this broadcast about the decisive battle against Muslim invaders into Europe…   The Battle of Tours (Poitiers) Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the Battle of Tours. In 732 a large Arab army invaded Gaul from northern Spain, and travelled as far north as Poitiers. There they were defeated by Charles Martel, … Continue reading