What Would Jesus Do?

  From the Guardian: Pen pals can give hope to Guantánamo prisoners The latest US legislation is causing dozens held at Guantánamo Bay to lose hope – but you can make a difference     Got to admire the BBC’s ability to compartmentalize things. On Today this morning we had a long exploration of the disaster that is Syria…conclusion…Assad, who has terrorised his own people with chemical weapons and barrel … Continue reading

Zoopla’s Moolah

    The telegraph..and many others..including ‘Marketing Week’ (7 hours ago)…report this: West Bromwich Albion shirt sponsors threaten to cancel deal over Nicolas Anelka’s ‘quenelle’ goal celebration Shirt sponsors may withdraw from multi-million deal if West Bromwich Albion striker starts against Everton on Monday   The BBC doesn’t.   Zoopla is owned by a Jewish businessman….wonder why he wants to remove the funding? Anelka is a Muslim making what is … Continue reading

BBC Edits Out Bad News For Labour

    I mentioned in previous posts the BBC’s refusal to report the Governor of the Bank of England’s remarks about capping bank market share and bonuses…..it looks like they knew but refused to publish it because it was too ‘Tory friendly’……. The BBC now are eager to examine Carney’s remarks…but the BBC’s Chris Mason seems to have forgotten that he is supposed to be impartial and not be pushing … Continue reading

All Joking Aside…

    It seems to be the done thing nowadays to psychoanalyze climate sceptics…the science is settled therefore anyone who ‘denies’ it must ‘a loony’ to quote one BBC boss. A favourite device also used by the Soviet Union to eliminate its dissidents. So I think it only fair a similar process is practised on other sectors of society…say comedians for instance…actors too might be worthy of examination…so very lefty. … Continue reading

Intelligence Agencies gather Intelligence…Hold The Frontpage!!

  Imagine a global spying network that can eavesdrop on every single phone call, fax or e-mail, anywhere on the planet. It sounds like science fiction, but it’s true. The power of the network, codenamed Echelon, is astounding. Every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or radio transmission can be listened to by powerful computers capable of voice recognition.   That was written in 1999….and its still true now….what’s new?   … Continue reading

Climate Of Fear

    Met Office: Arctic sea-ice loss linked to colder, drier UK winters Richard Black ?@enviroblack @markpmcc Leveson… ‘a cultural tendency…to practice journalism which on occasion is deliberately, recklessly or negligently inaccurate’     On Sunday I posted this: Strangle The Climate Sceptics In Their Beds!! It was meant to add some context to a post I intended to write up looking at a BBC piece on the Today show, … Continue reading

The BBC’s Neo-Newsnight

        ‘Is the BBC biased’ picked up on this Harry’s Place look at a Newsnight interview with a far right associate,  Alain Soral,  of Anelka’s good mate Dieudonne……..   BBC Newsnight presents Far Right Holocaust denier as “writer and film-maker”   An example of Soral’s writing.   Harry’s Place concludes: Neither Paxman nor Newsnight reveal the fascist and antisemitic background of Soral – he is simply a … Continue reading

BBC Bias On Net Neutrality

A US Appeals Court has rejected an attempt to damage and control the internet provider market. Or, as the BBC put it yesterday: Net neutrality threatened by court Which is it, then? Since this is the BBC and a US issue, it’s a good bet that it’s not what the BBC is telling you. First, here’s the BBC’s explanation of what the “Net Neutrality” rules created by the FCC: Net … Continue reading

Ever Decreasing Circles Of Spin

  Strange….just how important was Miliband’s announcement that he wanted to cap Banks’ market share? It was the BBC’s top Frontpage story at 02:43 last night……     ….But now it has vanished…relegated to a small line on the UK page…whilst ‘Rates of gout in UK ‘soaring’ remains frontpage news.   Could it have anything to do with the Treasury boss’s put down of Miliband? From the Telegraph: Mark Carney … Continue reading