Now, to be honest I could not care less who or indeed what Francois Hollande sleeps with. Firstly, he is not President of my country and second, it’s what he is doing to the French economy so vigorously that is the real concern. BUT his liaisons with a french actress and the hypocrisy involved is surely an issue worth some coverage? No. Or so BBC correspondent Hugh Schofield informs us…. A … Continue reading

Muslim Demonisingraphics?

  About a decade ago, Qaradawi issued a fatwa on the gradual conquest of the entire continent of Europe via Islamic exhortation (dawah) and the demographic factor, leading to the fulfillment of Muhammad’s prophecy on the conquest of the cities of Constantinople (Istanbul), Jerusalem, and Romiyyah (Rome) as a condition for the emergence of the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah.   Welcome to the dawah of political Islam. With its high … Continue reading

Buying Hitler

  Mein Kampf becomes an ebook bestseller Digital editions of Adolf Hitler’s fascist screed, in less public format, attract surge in readers   The Today programme (08:24) reports, with a shudder, that interest in Hilter’s Mein Kampf has risen…it is number one bestseller in its Amazon category. We are told….It’s an important book because it influenced millions of people…and post war it still does…on the Far Right. We are told … Continue reading

Some Good Old Lefty Shlock

  Watched Sherlock last night…His Last Vow.   Who was the evil mastermind, Sherlock’s new nemesis?  Rupert Murdoch…the Australian newspaper owner.   No sorry, it was in fact someone called Charles Augustus Magnussen, a newspaper proprietor…and as the BBC call him…‘The King of Blackmail’….using his newspapers and information gathering power to influence government policy…allegedly….not meant to be anyone we know at all. The show opened with him up before a … Continue reading


I see that the BBC is hoping to use the ‘soft power’ of the Teletubbies, Top Gear and Doctor Who to …cough…break down North Korea’s hardline regime. Foreign Secretary William Hague has revealed the Foreign and Commonweath Office is working with BBC Worldwide to provide programmes ‘that could be shown on Korean TV’. Negotiations are also on-going with Pyongyang to strike a deal to broadcast a range of shows on the state-run Central … Continue reading


Did you read this? “The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming,  The Mail on Sunday can reveal. The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see … Continue reading

Strangle The Climate Sceptics In Their Beds!!

      James Delingpole under threat: @JamesDelingpole Hey scumbag, just remember they hanged Lord Haw Haw. #Haiyan   This post is just something to suck on and give you pause for thought before I look at the BBC’s recent bit of climate propaganda…Is there a Green Hush? The BBC has maintained a constant narrative that climate scientists are ‘under attack’ from sceptics and therefore such pressure explains the scientist’s … Continue reading

“Echo Chambers” – An Alternative To The BBC Feature #2

The first installment with my own mission statement is here. Zurcher’s next topic was inevitable, so here goes. Again, I’m doing this without having read any of it other than the title and the first sentence. Chris Christie’s Bridge-sized Headache Somebody has leaked or stolen some emails by the popular and prominent New Jersey Governor detailing and gloating about deliberately blocking traffic on a vital commuter conduit in order to … Continue reading