Listen Up Whitey….The BBC’s Nod And A Wink To Rioters

    The IPCC’s study into deaths in police custody in England and Wales between 1998 and 2010 shows: Those who died in custody were mostly white (75%), male (90%) and aged between 25 and 44.   An invitation to Mark Duggan’s aunt from the BBC’s Nicky Campbell: ‘I’m going to give you two minutes to be open and honest about the cancer in our society…say honestly from the heart … Continue reading

Sweet Nothings

  Sugar is apparently: Toxic and detrimental to society…in fact it is worse than tobacco as tobacco isn’t introduced into food.   The BBC tells us that: Nearly two thirds of people in the UK are overweight or obese – leading to other health problems such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.   Really?  You have to ask firstly is that true?  Not sure I believe the figure….looking around … Continue reading

The Road To Success?

  Mark Mardell is enjoying saying this: This scandal is hugely damaging – if not yet fatal – for Christie’s ambitions to be the Republican contender for president in 2016”   about this: Chris Christie apologises for bridge-gridlock scandal On 9 September, two of three traffic lanes to the George Washington Bridge, which connects New Jersey to Manhattan, were shut for several days. Emails and texts made public on Wednesday … Continue reading


Well then, who would have thought that the BBC would have found a new icon to worship after the death of Mandela, and who would have thought it was a London “gangsta”? BBC coverage has been extensive and very pro Duggan, and the comrades also seem disappointed there has not been a riot! Thoughts?

Nick Robinson’s Immigration Truthspeak – An Outsider’s View

I wrote this up while watching Nick Robinson’s “The Truth About Immigration”. After it was over, I rearranged a few things, but except for the last couple of paragraphs it was nearly all written as I watched. However, after having digested it for a minute, I think I can sum the whole thing up much more briefly. Nick Robinson: How is it that a subject that was once taboo is … Continue reading

“Echo Chambers” – An Alternative To The BBC Feature

Last November, the BBC website created the “Echo Chambers” feature, and assigned one of their experienced editors and journalists, Anthony Zurcher to curate it. The mission statement as he originally stated it is this: Welcome to Echo Chambers, a new blog about opinion and commentary in the United States and around the world. The purpose of this blog is to discover and present quality opinion journalism wherever it may be … Continue reading


Aw, bless ’em. The BBC must have been so upset by the revelations from former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates indicating that Obama did not have faith in the merit of the administration’s strategy, despite his decision to order a “surge” in troops to the region, that it is buried in the main news portal today! See if you can find it; Hint, it’s below a Schumacher story….


I see the BBC is giving maximum publicity to the ..ahem…breakthrough story that a footballer that many people will have never even heard of and who is essentially retired from football, has confirmed he is gay. I‘m not sure what this has to do with football but the BBC never misses a chance to advance the gay lobby agenda.

Comedians will always have the last laugh, Mr Gove

    Joan Bakewell tells us politicians won’t win against the comics…. Something the BBC knows and employs to great effect on its comedy programmes: It is an unwise man who picks a quarrel with comics. They may not be right; indeed, you may be. But they have the jokes. And that means laughter and the warm regard of the public.   However… Perhaps politics is now seen by the … Continue reading