The Not So ‘Radical’ Anjem Choudary

  There was some outrage that the BBC should interview Anjem Choudary on the prestigious Today programme, (0810) The only thing that was ‘outrageous’ was the complete failure of John Humphrys to conduct an interview that got to the heart of the matter…..UK foreign policy and its supposed consequences….at least in the eyes of most Muslims and leftwing commentators.   Humphrys painted himself into a corner refusing to get onto … Continue reading

Merry Christmas Mr Mason

  Paul Mason gave us so much amusement when he had his loafers under the BBC’s desk I think we should give him a parting present for Christmas to show our appreciation.   A fan of Northern Soul he can be happy that the younger generation are keeping the faith and the flame alive:       Mason’s love of Northern Soul could explain a lot….. not a revolutionary at … Continue reading

Irish Republicans…Are They Stupid?

  Richard Bacon, you have to think, just says whatever is on his mind at the time which naturally let’s slip his political leanings all too often. However that works the other way…in that he isn’t PC, at least not in the preferred BBC mode…a couple of days ago he was discussing the attempt to firebomb a shop in NI by Irish Republians (dissident of course) when he asked (13 … Continue reading

The Fable’s Of Miliband

  Whatever Ed Miliband says goes….straight onto the BBC News.   A ceiling collapses in a theatre and instantly Miliband is there posturing for the BBC which happily reports his every word….nobody expected him to say anything or wanted him to…no doubt his PR people thought it a good idea….but isn’t it just Miliband ambulance chasing for headlines which he was given on a plate by the BBC?   Now … Continue reading

Give Them What They Want

    This short segment from the Simon Mayo film review show (14:41)    perfectly encapsulates the mindset of our betters in the BBC…and why the NHS fails: They are discussing ‘Anchorman 2’ with Will Ferrell when Mayo gets onto the subject of the US and UK news broadcasters…. ‘We have the BBC [hurray!]…..we don’t have your Fox News….do you think we are missing out?’  [Said of course in tone that … Continue reading


Biased BBC reader Keith has made this interesting contribution on a most topical aspect of BBC output…. “After watching the sickening “Woolwich: The Untold Story:, I feel that a number of issues need to be raised. It has been asserted that the Security Services tried to recruit Michael Adebolajo, on the bases of an allegation made by a close friend of the convicted murder, Abu Nusaybah, who also happens to … Continue reading

One Man & A Dog Provide ‘Evidence’ For BBC

    Guest Who links to this from Conservative Home:   The BBC reports that Hammersmith and Fulham Council claims that “tenants” have found “disgusting” and “offensive” a card sent out urging them to pay their rent. They manage to come up with two. There was Tina Buckley – who is a prominent left wing local activist – and her mother. I represent hundreds of council tenants in this borough … Continue reading