Blatant Pro-Labour Electioneering By The BBC

  Yesterday the BBC published a story from unnamed sources that the government had asked energy firms to freeze their prices. This was untrue…and yet the BBC kept reporting it as fact whilst at the same time admitting the Government had denied the story. And they are still reporting it as fact. If you have been listening to the radio you may have heard the frequent advert trumpeting 5Live’s ‘excellence’  … Continue reading

Electric Blues

Has the BBC been caught red-handed pumping out black propaganda against the government whilst promoting Labour policy? Today was the day when Ed Miliband was to relaunch his energy price freeze policy….just a coincidence that a story broke today, exclusively on the leftwing BBC, that Cameron was supposedly also going to adopt that policy…the only thing was the story was a load of bollocks….in fact “complete b******s”  according to the … Continue reading


I received this very well written and detailed example of BBC BIAS and wanted to share! “I have done some research on today’s items on the BBC website concerning Iran and Syria, with results that you may find of interest. To cut to the final conclusion, the BBC is hiding from its readers essential information on the Iranian involvement in Syria on the side of the murderous Assad regime, reported … Continue reading


It’s interesting how the BBC itself is actually seeking to be the Opposition to the Coalition.. The government has denied BBC reports it is seeking a commitment from energy firms to hold their prices down until 2015. The companies told BBC News ministers had asked them to keep bills on hold so long as there is no significant move in global wholesale energy prices. Government sources deny this, and say … Continue reading


  An all attack on the energy companies is in progress….the BBC, rather than standing back from the fray and giving us impartial news and information, is more than happy to land a few punches of its own. We had ‘green’ companies complaining about their state subsidised profiteering being taken away from them…and linking it to yesterday’s scare stories about winter deaths….much exaggerated as shown in a previous post. The … Continue reading

Good Luck IPCC!!! Love Vicky!

  Victoria Derbyshire has a love-in with the IPCC. (10:40) Derbyshire looks at the Kyoto Agreement….she is in full support of it and is shocked that it is being disregarded…‘it’s hugely disappointing’….because of course climate change is the world’s greatest current threat to global security with famine, floods, disease, extreme weather and mass migration. Naturally she links Typhoon Haiyan to climate change. Note what the IPCC’s vice chair, Mr. Jean-Pascal van … Continue reading


Yesterday saw the SNP unveil its vision for an Independent Scotland. Now, leaving aside whether one sees this as an act of sublime delusionalism, the question I have for you is how did you think the BBC covered it? I listened to Jim Naughtie wax elegant on the document itself, apparently the sheer number of pages made him think the tome was weighty. In my view, the BBC coverage was … Continue reading

BBC ‘Cuts’

  The BBC tells us that: The energy regulator Ofgem has launched a scathing attack on the record and profits of the big gas and electricity suppliers.   Sky has a much better report….and mentions something the BBC misses out…curiously: He also warned that Labour’s proposed energy price freeze “puts at risk the proper functioning of the industry”   Why does the BBC not mention such an important statement about … Continue reading