Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. What did Paxman say in 2007 about the standard of journalism these days?…. “In this press of events there often isn’t time to get out and find things out: you rely upon second-hand information-quotes from powerful vested interests, assessments from organisations which do the work we don’t have time for, even, god help us, press releases from public relations agencies. The consequence is that … Continue reading

Less is More

The last post was somewhat short and interesting…this one is going to be long and dull and worthy. The Beeb loves to quote Balls and the Labour Party mantra that Osborne has robbed the poorest in society in order to pay for a tax cut for his millionaire chums by lowering the top rate of tax. The BBC may or may not have done an in depth analysis of the … Continue reading

BBC or Wikipedia….Who’d You Trust?

Some bits and pieces to chew on…. 1. I think it was Rachel Burden on 5Live yesterday who claimed that the Greeks voting to keep austerity and the bailout package was an illustration of their belief and confidence in the Euro itself and the European Union. Really? It’s not the runt of the European litter clinging desperately to the German milch-cow’s teat and hoping to do so for life then?…which … Continue reading

Never a Frown with Gordon Brown

 Gordon Brown’s BBC Mafia hitmen have mobilised again drawing a veil of silence over his malevolent reputation….silence is Golden Brown.

Last week the Today programme burst into action when Alistair Campbell made his three line disclosure that Rupert Murdoch had phoned Blair and ‘may’ have urged him to speed up the drive to war in Iraq….though he hadn’t heard he call himself. The BBC made a big splash with that little comment..regardless of its veracity.

How different is the treatment of this story  in which it is revealed in Campbell’s Diaries that Blair thought Brown was ‘bonkers’, a malign force and intent on destroying him.

Not only that but there is a clear contradiction of Brown’s ‘evidence’ at Leveson where he claimed he had never plotted against Blair. The BBC were quick to point out that they thought Murdoch had lied when he claimed never to have asked a Prime minister for anything…not so quick to point out discrepancies in Brown’s delusional account.

The BBC seem intent on protecting Brown….if they can burnish his reputation and rebuild him in the eyes of the Public then that will also revitalise Labour’s reputation and by osmosis Miliband will benefit from the rewriting of history in which Brown was purely a victim of bad luck, bad timing and bad Murdoch Press coverage.



Just remember there’s never a Frown with Golden Brown.

Forgotten Voices

The BBC once again fails to pay due respect to the men and women who sacrificed themselves to ensure that the freedoms, values and beliefs that are the bedrock of civilisation live on.
However extended coverage of the Notting Hill Carnival, the Muslim Eid or Glastonbury are guaranteed.

BBC criticised over Bomber Command live coverage failure
The BBC has come in for further criticism of its national events coverage after it refused to broadcast the unveiling of the RAF Bomber Command Memorial on its main channels.
Instead of the showing the event attended by the Queen, eight members of the 7,000 veterans and families the BBC will be showing repeats or live tennis.
The move has been condemned by campaigners who have worked tirelessly to raise the £6 million for a fitting tribute to the 55,000 airmen killed during the Second World War.
The BBC says in a statement it was “aware of the significance of this story, both for the veterans and for our audiences” and that a special programme on Bomber Command will be shown later that day.

If I was a veteran of Bomber Command I wouldn’t watch it….the BBC will certainly praise those young men for their bravery ‘forced’ to do terrible things by ‘Bomber Harris’ who ‘wrongly’ assumed he was doing them for the best.

The programme will slowly morph from respect and gratitude, honouring the bravery and sacrifice into a saga of guilt about the raids on Hamburg and Dresden…there may even be a ‘talkinghead’ making comparison with the guards of concentration camps.

These men in the BBC’s eyes, are ‘tainted’ by what they had to do….and so get only a ‘qualified’ Hurrah and Thankyou and are shunted into the backwaters of 24 hour news..

How different of course to the BBC’s treatment of Al Qaeda terrorists and wannabe terrorists like Mozzam Begg. No ‘qualified’ welcome for them…the red carpet was rolled out and the airwaves practically turned over to them to state their cases….as was it for the IRA who could always rely on a ready platform at the BBC and a good Press.









I will restrain myself and not put into writing my total contempt for the BBC types who are so ready to dishonour brave men, the 55,000 who died for the freedoms and human rights so ‘valued’ by the BBC, whilst always being ready to excuse murderers and fanatics.

All Good Men Must Come to the Aid of The Tea Party

There must be a subversive at the BBC, a Right winger who likes to throw the odd spanner in the works of the Leftwing steamroller that is crushing all opposition before it. The BBC have booked Niall Fergusson as its Reith Lecturer….The first of Prof Niall Ferguson’s 2012 Reith Lectures will broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Tuesday, 19 June at 09:00 BST. In an article in the Sunday Times … Continue reading