Weekend Thread 16 May 2020
Over to you
Over to you
A highly skilled BBC autocue reader called Fiona Bruce read out that a whole range of workers are ‘low skilled’. She has done a public service by showing a glimpse at what they think of the millions of people who pay their wages through the TV licence. If you feel like cancelling yours – here is the link – https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/cs/refund/about-the-tv-licence Please practice distancing from the Biased BBC and wash your … Continue reading
Let’s play an online biased Far Left BBC game . I’ll start . If a lefty is on the BBC they won’t be introduced . They are ‘ accepted ‘ . If some one of the Right is ( rarely ) put on the airwaves they are introduced as being ‘ from a right wing think tank ‘ or similar . There should be a prize for spotting this if … Continue reading
The 75th Anniversary of the End of the War in Europe . We can be sure that the Far Left BBC will be rewriting British history to favour its propaganda war against its own people . Let the many of our people who had their lives taken in the cause of Freedom Rest in Peace . With Thanks . ????????
As the Far Left BBC continues its efforts to undermine the morale of the suffering British Public during the Chinese virus pandemic we might wonder what the payback will be For the BBC as the economy contracts into recession…
Over to you
The TVLicensing Online Refund page is working again ….
Many people are avoiding the Far Left Biased BBC by going to alternative providers . This thread is put up give posters the opportunity to suggest alternative programmes , series and films available outside the dire Main Stream Media . All yours …