The Arab Spring was not a gently-unfolding bud …

Update 1, August 10: I stumbled upon a comment I made on another blog back on September 1st, 2012, which included Humphrys’ interview with Hague, probably at the end of August. I see I was wrong about Humphrys being upset about actual attacks by Israel on Iran; his complaint was that Israel was thinking about attacking Iran: Humphrys ranted at William Hague like a juvenile delinquent denied his father’s car … Continue reading

BBC slips up, but bounces back

Update 1, July 28: I forgot about Republican Louie Gohmert. Here he is bashing Mueller Original post: I watched the recording of most of Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress. Not all of it, because I began to skip the Democrats’ questions as they made their loathing for President Donald J. Trump clear, at times referring to him as “Trump.” Then I had a look at BBC coverage, fully expecting the … Continue reading

Midweek Open Thread 24 July 2019

The Biased Far Left BBC knows full well that the new British Prime Minister is no great fan of it . This will lead to a concerted effort to destroy him before he either achieves a successful Brexit and/or turns his attention to reforming a State Broadcaster which has lost its way and is no longer ‘British’. Obviously making the BBC British and unbiased again can’t be done with the … Continue reading