Alphabet Soup

– A Brexit Corbyn Dilemma and now A Boris Conservative Dilemma – by Up2snuff Some time back I was going to write a follow-up to my previous header piece on the obvious post-Easter Recess problem facing Corbyn. He really needed to sabotage the Brexit talks with the Conservative leadership – the talks that he had so publically longed to be part of – because he also needed to see the … Continue reading

No shame for Tommy Robinson

As far as I can tell, the BBC is not expressing much glee over Tommy Robinson’s failure to become an MEP. It seems to be leaving that up to like-minded ‘journalists’ at the Guardian and the Independent. Guardian and Independent of what, one might ask. As I surfed for UK results of the EU elections, the BBC informed me that the UK European Union Party got 33 576 votes, the … Continue reading

A questionable time was had by all

Many have seen the powerful indictment of the establishment by the lady in red on Question Time and noted how Fiona Bruce moved on to another question without responding. Still she let her speak for some time about the disgusting attack by the ‘Asian’ gang on Tommy Robinson’s rally with police connivance. I guess we should be grateful that the BBC doesn’t edit comments like hers out of QT. But … Continue reading