The above quotes are taken from the Twitter feed of a guest on tomorrow’s edition of The Big Questions where one of the topics will be: “Is Britain too complacent about the far right?” The same guest also pondered a conspiracy at the highest level of French government following the recent Toulouse murders. The views of a wacky far-right nutter dug up by a BBC researcher?
No, not exactly. A friend of the presenter, actually.
With opinions like that he should be able to find some common ground with the EDL guest.
That would be the “poor soul” who murdered seven people, including three children, and filmed himself doing so.
Mo is very good at promoting himself as a go-to media Muslim, but he also has the added help of an unofficial publicist working on his behalf:
The Big Questions presenter even shares his more private opinions with Mr Ansar (for those unfamiliar with Twitter, “dm” = Direct Message, i.e. for the recipient’s eyes only) :
And it looks suspiciously like they’re coordinating ahead of tomorrow’s programme:
That doesn’t seem right (pardon the pun).
UPDATE. Nicky Campbell says he was just discussing “logistics” with Mo Ansar in his tweets today. Here are a couple more screengrabs – @rynascribe is Nick Ryan, author of a book on right-wing nationalists called Homeland. I get a sense something more was going on here than train times and hotel reservations.
(Note – when I first posted the tweet which begins “Yesterday reports were of a Neo Nazi…” I had cropped out the time when the tweet was sent. I’ve now updated it to include the time so it can be seen that the “Sarkozy knows no limits” tweet followed immediately after.)
Violent civil war is coming to Europe whether you believe it, foresee it or choose to ignore it . Ever since the end of the War the European socialist’s refusal to recognise the progressive encroachment of Islamic fascism on Western libertarian values (brought about by the policies of successive traitorous left wing governments) has been utterly incongruous with our forefathers’ removal of the tyrannical bloodshed perpetrated by Hitler. Under the left wing and their ‘politics or meaning’ all of society’s institutions have been rendered powerless by political correctness socialist dogma in the face of an aggressive and alien culture that is at total odds with our values; Islam is fast becoming uncontrollable. We can thank the leftists for this destruction; they are an enemy within!
Perhaps, the biggest threat of today’s left wing governments is their claim to be free from tyranny or dogma; they tell us that they are the ‘champions’ of ‘freedom’ and the defenders against fascism and in so doing they make it almost impossible for those with opposite beliefs to question the ideology. In fact, the left wing’s advances have been so subtle and surreptitious, one could be forgiven for not recognising the emergence of a wealth of social policies that bear the hallmark of cultural Marxism.
We are sleepwalking into possibly the most bloody war ever; do you ever think about the kind of world your grandchildren will inhabit? I worry that it’s too late but at least I can sleep at night with the knowledge that I accepted the truth, I chose factual correctness over political correctness. I can live with that can you?
I wouldn’t worry too much about the grandchildren, apparently global warming is going to get them anyway – it’s merely a case of whether nasty AGW gets them first, or the Muslims do…
The left have no shame when it comes to courting those who wish to rule over us with their theological way of life.
To them Islam does not represent a threat, not after:
terrorist acts,Child rape, female oppression, and the rest. to the left and their ilk, the problem doesn’t lie with Islam, but rather with the people who question its odious ways.
Just think if the left hadn’t excused and supported the more radical mores of Islam, then the ugliness that is the EDL/BNP and NF wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.
The bBC the traitors in our Midst.
Anybody know where Mo Ansar lives, as an Ex Muslim I would like to knock on his f-ing door and ask him to his f-ing face what is he going to do about me being an apostate.
To the likes of Campbell and Bacon, I would be the trouble maker. yet Anser is allowed to spread his hatred free of criticism
Be a little cautious upon slamming the EDL, while not a supporter, they are THE only ones that are standing up to Islam and the rancid left and they need a core of smart and savvy leaders to appeal to the mass of white [ or Indian/non-muslim] people, that’s all, give them some discipline and order. There is no-one else, the government will use troops to put down the white indigenous population, believe me, if it comes to unrest.
Excellent catch, DM. Nicky never DMS’s me.
The long arm of the B-BBC Twitter Police strikes again.
Great work DB.
Strewth, everyone knows that the EDL are a bunch of fascists and football hooligans exploiting the threat of Islam.
In the wake of the Toulouse murders and the election to Parliament of a far left Jihadist ally by Muslims, and Campbell is asking ¡¡¿¿Are we complacent about the far right!!??
I’ve a lot of time for Nicky Campbell, but strewth, he really has earned ‘arsehole1’ award with this.
Trust me, you’d prefer an EDL fascist than an Islamic. The EDL knuckle draggers might be racist brain-dead lager swilling wilder-beast creatures from the deep, but I’m confident that they wouldn’t take to blowing themselves up or stoning women to death because of some scriptures in the Bible.
I would class myself as a supporter of the EDL and I am a member of the BNP.
Though only being a lowly worker drone, I do not class myself as a thug, a knuckle dragger or a racist. In fact a case could be made that BNP and EDL followers are more intelligent than the average sheep because they have the brains to see where mass immigration is going to take us.
What I, and people like me most definitely are is pissed off to high heaven about what is happening to our country. Please excuse us if we dare vote for the only people available to vote for who give a shit about us.
Fair play mate and I respect you for your courage to vote for what you believe in. I too am against the spread of Islam in Europe purely because of the trouble its followers have brought – nothing to do with race, creed or how you look! Based on the evidence I’m afraid the only conclusions I can draw from Islam is one of intolerance and supremacy. I think in those regards we probably stand shoulder to shoulder! I am however, open to skilled immigration and enjoy living with those of different cultures and religions (Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists etc) who are peaceful and don’t try and impose their beliefs on everyone and thing.
I have no problem with any race or creed that does not threaten my way of life, and as you have pointed out that leaves only one religion to be feared because it threatens not just my way of life but the way of life of around half of the population of Earth.
I’m also with you on immigration. To have none at all would be cutting off our nose to spite our face. We can learn from other peoples in many ways. Just one example….the type of food we eat and enjoy in Britain has changed massively because of immigration. It’s not a deep and intellectual example, but I’ve just had a great curry from the Chinese takeaway up the road, so it just came to mind. 😎
The alternative to voting for the BNP is to not vote at all. Which is exactly what the traitors would want me to do, so I won’t.
lol I too have had an excellent Chinese takeaway tonight washed down with several Belgian ales! I positively believe in beer and food multiculturalism!
Thanks, but if its all the same to you I wont be voting for the Nazi BNP this side of Hell freezing over.
If ever the chance presents itself to wipe out all the Jews in our country, Muslims and the neo Nazi BNP will be making common cause.
Hippiedopesmoker, if the Muslim Nazis ever gain power, they will be wiping everyone out including you and the BNP.
Just for the record…I support Israel 100%.
And the other BNP voters I know couldn’t really give a shit about Jews, Quakers or 99% of the other religions either.
Mind you, once the Amish start blowing up buses in London, they may make the list I guess. 😎
Nice one W D 22.
Having attended EDL marches and demos with BNP presence, all I’ve witnessed are everyday working class people with a passion for the future of their country, culture and children’s future, not ‘Nazis’ or ‘Fascists’ (words who’s true meanings were forgotten long ago)
It’s the working classes that have borne the brunt of the mass-immigration experiment thus far.
It will soon catch up with the middle classes and they’ll be glad of some rough and ready types to stand between them and the 3rd world gangs. (See Kipling’s ‘Tommy’)
The middle class have already caught on, it’s called white flight.
I go to Paphos in Cyprus a lot and it’s full of them. Can’t blame them at all.
Believe Nostradamus or not but he said the war against islam would kick in this decade and be all over by 2027. Whether by jamminess, psychicness or randomness he is bang on the money imo.
People discredit him due to the falsely translated “king of terror” when in fact he said “paymaster king” ie clinton, reviving the “mongol great king” ie China.
Anyway that’s too woo woo for most people, I understand.
A great post!
Regarding demographics, Mark Steyn was talking about this in the excellent “America Alone”
America Alone
Indeed his book is so influential, the US has brought into the program wholesale:
After America
The most important Conservative thinker of our time, and essential reading to understanding the world today.
Thin stuff. Nothing to suggest you shouldn’t take Campbell at his word. If he was conspiring, he signalled he was doing so in front of his 50000 twitter followers and the EDL.
Plus he has ‘Tommy Robinson’ on tomorrow’s show, so an EDL nutter up against Ansar. A balance of the extremes.
Jim dandy wrote:
Thin stuff. Nothing to suggest you shouldn’t take Campbell at his word. If he was conspiring, he signalled he was doing so in front of his 50000 twitter followers and the EDL.Plus he has ‘Tommy Robinson’ on tomorrow’s show, so an EDL nutter up against Ansar. A balance of the extremes.
So, Jim, how many would sing the praises of Tommy Robinson to all his mates like Campbell does about radical Muslim Anser?
JD, please refer us to such chummy badinage between Tommy Robinson and Nicky Campbell on Twitter.
‘JD, please refer us to..’
Computer says no.
“will dm you my view” = discussing logistics? No.
It’s only “a balance of extremes” if Campbell presents Ansar as the other extreme.
Actually, having looked at his blog I don’t think Ansar is an extreme headbanger in the same way the thuggish edl is. And he’s a regular on that programme, so Campbell’s friendliness is understandable. I’ll take a look at his twitter to see what he said about Toulouse.
“Campbell’s friendliness is understandable.”
Is it really JD? Understandable to you perhaps. I’m always amazed how a liberal apologist can manage to fit their own head up there.
So, Jim, if Ansar is not an extreme, your initial statement that it’s a balance was incorrect. It will be Campbell plus Ansar versus the EDL guy.
No, nothing extreme about believing Sarkozy set up some poor, innocent Muslim lad so a white Nazi wouldn’t take the fall. I mean, Tommy Robinson made exactly the same type of argument over Breitvik didn’t he, that Muslims set up an innocent white man.
Sheesh, I’m going to tune in tomorrow. This may mark the point of no return of complete dhimmi dominance of the BBC.
Actually having looked at his website, it throws up some interesting questions.
His membership of the MCB Interfaith & Education Ctte, the very same Muslim Council of Britain who:
-Between 2001-07 expressed its unwillingness to attend the Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony and associated events, due to the “ongoing genocide and violation of Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, in Jammu and Kashmir and elsewhere”
-called for the day to be replaced by a “Genocide Memorial Day”.
– Sunny Hundal of all people claimed “close links between the MCB and the Labour Party”
– has been criticised by Martin Bright, among others, for failing to be truly representative.
-Jewish community leaders in Britain have criticised government links with the MCB on account of what they see as the MCB’s antisemitism.
-The attempt to sue Hazel Blears over the signing of one Daud Abdullah, the Deputy Secretary General of the MCB, over the signing of the Istanbul Declaration against Israel.
His company Ansar Consulting claims to be “We are a leading provider of consultancy services for the private, public and third sector. Our clients include local authorities, private organisations, business networks, social enterprises and voluntary / community organisations.”
Of course this has nothing to do with his position on the MCB Interfaith & Education Ctte, South East England Faiths Forum and other quasi- Governmental bodies?
And the same MCB whose mouthpiece said on the BBC News Channel that that it was understandable for Mohammedans to lash out and commit violence and murder in response to Pastor Jones expressing a thought about burning a Koran – not lighting a match, just expressing the idea, mind – because it happened at the end of Ramadan. The explanation was that of course Mohammedans had just finished a month of religious contemplation and study, so it was perfectly natural for them to want to kill.
“We are a leading provider of consultancy services for the private, public and third sector. Our clients include local authorities, private organisations, business networks, social enterprises and voluntary / community organisations.”
“Nice business you got here. I notice there’s no Muslim prayer room, though. Do you know how much it would cost you to defend a case of discrimination? For a fraction of that price Ansar Consulting can offer your business on-going bespoke advice on how to comply with the latest equality and human rights legislation. As we said, nice business you got here. Shame if something happened to it.”
Interesting to note that his office is based in Eastleigh, the constituency of the Right Hon Christopher Murray Paul-Huhne, British politician and former cabinet minister.
Circles within Circles……
On what basis do you label the EDL as thuggish? I’m not a member but I do read their website and news items about them and there is nothing to suggest that they are anything but level-headed. On the other hand the UAF, and the Socialist Workers Party are both populated by intolerant thugs who take every opportunity to cause trouble. These two organisations are the real Fascists. But then you probably know that already.
Agree about the uaf/swp. But edl’s actions show they’re thuggish.
Please note, zero likes. You are not getting through to us Jim. One peson in an echo chamber.
And voting for yourself doesn’t count Jim boy.
Jim Dandy says:
March 31, 2012 at 4:38 pm
A balance of the extremes.
And hence, like all things BBC, if a corpse is lying with its head in the freezer and feet in the furnace, the received wisdom is that, around the belly button, ‘all is well’.
‘A balance of extremes’ is not information or education; it is media cock-fighting for ratings, and that idiotic phrase may one day be on folk’s gravestones.
With luck, only those who have reaped what they have sown.
I agree with your sentiment. Sometimes the BBC sets up a faux controversy by having blowhards speaking their opposing brains. It’s both unedifying and pointless. Like The Day Today without the humour. All broadcasters do it, but we should expect more from the BBC.
unfortunately, what we expect from the bbc is exactly what we DO get 99% of the time
That’s an interesting phrase “blowhard”, which of course would NEVER apply to Anser.
Lets examine his rather “interesting” views shall we:
-The Coalition Government is planning a campaign of “ethinc cleansing” and “are going to crush ethnic minority families and force them out of the cities into ghettos.”
So welfare reform is now akin to the Final Solution?
“If you look at them, they tell you the Government is utterly clueless about impact on race, religion and belief. I believe intentionally so. The figures are there for all to see. The Government wishes to convince us that it cannot breakdown figures any further than race, for example into religion and belief. They would also have us believe that the Welfare Reforms are fair.”
Never let Class War get in the way
“Mr Cameron defines it means something very insidious, even more than the rhetoric of benefit claimants living the Life of Riley. As for ‘fairness’; a millionaire who has never held down a proper job a day in his life, Eton educated, a Bullingdon Club old boy, a fifth cousin twice removed to our Queen Elizabeth II (making him apparently 13th in line for the throne), would need to wield these terms very carefully indeed.”
Then there is his interesting views of secular feminism
“Women – WMDs for a new generation”
“The secularist movement in Egypt and across the Middle East is taking shape. They have a new weapon of mass destruction, something so deadly that no one will be beyond its reach.
“And arse-manglingly boring, old news at that. We’ve seen it, lived through the aftermath of the bra-burning 60s, seen the spectre of that ambitious superwoman sold a lie. She who became the Tantalus of the 20th century, never able to have it all, with that final indignation – the gift of self-realisation that her broken marriage, glass ceilings and dysfunctional children bore witness to the sheer cruelty of the joke on her. It’s a tried, tested and galactically failed model. It perhaps says something about the diminished capacity of pseudo-feminists in the region if they equate debasement with empowerment. It’s not even clever thinking. Travelling patiently down the wrong road looking back at the mistakes the West made decades ago, is not progressive. Well not last time I checked. This is not the liberation of women but enslavement, sexualisation and objectification. Those in such a hurry to pursue this most futile of routes should try pressing the <> button on the social engineering remote control. ”
So Ms Greer and the other lefty feminists have got it all wrong?
“To those sisters – Muslim and of other faiths – for the love of God, choose your friends carefully. All feminists are not your friends, aka known as oranges are not the only fruit. Not that it is needed, but I present to you exhibit A, the sickest part of the secular progressive feminist narrative being sold to us”
“The veil drops. And like a disgusting parasitic virus, the Machiavellian agent provocateur moves in to claim the corpse of the dead martyr, to play realpolitik and in doing so they reveal their true selves and their greater goal. Anarchy. Cognitive dissonance.”
Oooops I think the Guardian wimmin’s page is slightly out of sink with “progressive” Muslim views.
Funny though that Salma Yaqoob said…
“Interesting – nuanced commentary in this (boringly) polarised topic welcome!”
Then we look at the evil that is the Royal British Legion:
“Remembrance should be an act which promotes peace in the world, a cessation of hostilities and commemoration of all loss of life regardless of race, colour or creed. Sadly, this is not what the Royal British Legion’s current Poppy Appeal is about.”
“The focus of the Poppy Appeal appeal has shifted in recent years to include an active and current supporting role in what can arguably termed illegal wars of aggression; it no longer solely serves veterans and families from the two World Wars. Regardless of our personal view or religious disposition, we certainly have a responsibility to recognise the real facts surrounding the allocation of funds raised on behalf of an organisation such as the Royal British Foreign Legion – for example £50m expenditure on supporting personnel in theatres of conflict today.”
My, and there was me thinking that the British Legion was about helping vets.
“And in 2011, a Muslim needs to tread very carefully indeed when publicly commenting on anything relating to the support infrastructure for British troops. So often today, the crystal clarity and moral fortissimo of the Muslim voice is stifled with subservience, indignation and apology. The new house niggers.”
So Muslims must be careful?
“The Poppy Appeal is certainly happy to take money from the BNP. This is thrust into our homes with the BBC’s practice of pinning a red poppy on to virtually everyone on their TV shows. ‘Tis nothing if not propagandist. Presumably accusing state run media of ‘bias’ is no more idiotic than bemoaning the cow for dropping a pat in its own field because it isn’t ‘toilet trained’.
Then their is the classic compare and contrast to the good Muslim and the Godless, cynical Christian over the London Riots:
“That weekend the BBC reported on a hundred people gathering for Richard Bowes, the pensioner who was brutally killed said to have been challenging rioters. The vigil was organised by local churches in Ealing, West London. We are told they came to pay respects to a man local people are calling a hero. We are told that Richard Bowes was the man who “stood up for what was right in the face of all that was wrong”. A serious accolade. Full fat broadcasting from Aunty Beeb.”
‘Mildly overbearing but very genuine Christian groups remembers possible hero’. Big deal.”
Where as Muslims are:
” Tariq Jahan is a devout Muslim. His response – the language of peace and his demeanour – came from an utterly and unashamed Islamic disposition:
“Setting aside the Christianphile in me and turning to perhaps the cynic in me, it all seemed a little.. well… opportunistic. Feeling a little Poirot, I wondered who exactly was it, that was capitalising? Was it the BBC, the church group, perhaps those pesky candle-lighting do gooders in that park in Ealing?”
Then he points out why Christians are going to hell:
“And as a Muslim, let me tell you, that is a crying shame and a loss to us as a nation and as a peoples. Churches are emptying. Coffers bare. The Church has been rocked by wranglings on female, gay and lesbian ministers, priests who don’t believe in Christ (or even God), corruption and a failure to deal with institutionalised child abuse. As a result, the Church (average age 46) is in crisis. Amidst a growing multicultural society, we see a growing and confident Islam (average age 26). Within a couple of generations it seems there may well be a paradigm shift – not perhaps one the far right would have us believe but nonetheless a rapid, gradual change.”
What gradual change could he possible mean????
It goes on in other posts, and there is nothing like a bit of tin foil hat lunacy to bring out the best in a moderate Muslim “diversity consultant”.
“Today we have the global media network, main stream media, corporate oligarchies and capitalist free markets economies. All perceive a threat by the advent of Islam. We have no conclusive proof of who committed 9/11, why the towers were ‘pulled’, why airplanes were modified, why steel melted at 800 degrees not 2,300 or the relevance of ‘Operation Northwoods’.”
What ever next, a neo-con conspiracy?
“They want neighbour to turn on neighbour and brother to turn on brother. For the avoidance of doubt: the EDL, so-called patriots, the George Queen and Country brigade, BNP, neo-cons, Melanie Phillips, Douglas Murray, in fact all you mischief-makers and peddlers of hate who look to rip apart our communities for gain, a quick paycheck and to sate a barbaric appetite for the flesh of your brother.”
So there we have it, Mr Dandy’s “non headbanger”
Moderate views from the RoP
When Pat Robertson said the same thing about Islamic/Hispanic birth rates-Europe and USA respectively -he was pilloried as a racist and the like.
Yet when Mo says it….we`ve to accept it, because the victim card trumps all others.
Hippiepooter says exactly what I was going to say-only the BBC could see Galloways vistory, Toulouse as the stirrings of the far-right …bloody white fascists ad racists eh…going around scaring Muslims…
I was sent this
a film about ‘Belgistan’. The scariest part about it is the views of the young muslim – whether he was playing up to the cameras with his outrageous views about democracy is sadly something only time will tell.
And of course nothing like this would be shown on the BBC for fear of upsetting anyone following the Religion of Peace.
Thank-you for the link Deborah.
For me the scariest part was that it was all scary !
Jim Dandy says ‘if he was up to no good he’d hardly be stupid enough to get caught, would he?’
A classic defence down the ages.
Ah touché. Did I say that !
I shall look forward to
‘Is Britain Too Complacent About The Far Left?’
on The Loaded Question some time soon.
Excellent work as always, DB.
Don’t hold your breath!
I suggest every means possible is used to bombard the BBC tomorrow asking when when we will see such a question on the BQ programme.
No rush BBC, in the next 2 months will do.
My comment was a reply to uncle bup. I did press reply on that comment but it seems my comment has been treated as a reply to the top most comment. Oh well, teething problems I guess.
That’s an interesting phrase “blowhard”, which of course would NEVER apply to Anser.
Lets examine his rather “interesting” views shall we:
-The Coalition Government is planning a campaign of “ethinc cleansing” and “are going to crush ethnic minority families and force them out of the cities into ghettos.”
So welfare reform is now akin to the Final Solution?
“If you look at them, they tell you the Government is utterly clueless about impact on race, religion and belief. I believe intentionally so. The figures are there for all to see. The Government wishes to convince us that it cannot breakdown figures any further than race, for example into religion and belief. They would also have us believe that the Welfare Reforms are fair.”
Never let Class War get in the way
“Mr Cameron defines it means something very insidious, even more than the rhetoric of benefit claimants living the Life of Riley. As for ‘fairness’; a millionaire who has never held down a proper job a day in his life, Eton educated, a Bullingdon Club old boy, a fifth cousin twice removed to our Queen Elizabeth II (making him apparently 13th in line for the throne), would need to wield these terms very carefully indeed.”
Then there is his interesting views of secular feminism
“Women – WMDs for a new generation”
“The secularist movement in Egypt and across the Middle East is taking shape. They have a new weapon of mass destruction, something so deadly that no one will be beyond its reach.
“And arse-manglingly boring, old news at that. We’ve seen it, lived through the aftermath of the bra-burning 60s, seen the spectre of that ambitious superwoman sold a lie. She who became the Tantalus of the 20th century, never able to have it all, with that final indignation – the gift of self-realisation that her broken marriage, glass ceilings and dysfunctional children bore witness to the sheer cruelty of the joke on her. It’s a tried, tested and galactically failed model. It perhaps says something about the diminished capacity of pseudo-feminists in the region if they equate debasement with empowerment. It’s not even clever thinking. Travelling patiently down the wrong road looking back at the mistakes the West made decades ago, is not progressive. Well not last time I checked. This is not the liberation of women but enslavement, sexualisation and objectification. Those in such a hurry to pursue this most futile of routes should try pressing the button on the social engineering remote control. ”
So Ms Greer and the other lefty feminists have got it all wrong?
“To those sisters – Muslim and of other faiths – for the love of God, choose your friends carefully. All feminists are not your friends, aka known as oranges are not the only fruit. Not that it is needed, but I present to you exhibit A, the sickest part of the secular progressive feminist narrative being sold to us”
“The veil drops. And like a disgusting parasitic virus, the Machiavellian agent provocateur moves in to claim the corpse of the dead martyr, to play realpolitik and in doing so they reveal their true selves and their greater goal. Anarchy. Cognitive dissonance.”
Oooops I think the Guardian wimmin’s page is slightly out of sink with “progressive” Muslim views.
Funny though that Salma Yaqoob said…
“Interesting – nuanced commentary in this (boringly) polarised topic welcome!”
Then we look at the evil that is the Royal British Legion:
“Remembrance should be an act which promotes peace in the world, a cessation of hostilities and commemoration of all loss of life regardless of race, colour or creed. Sadly, this is not what the Royal British Legion’s current Poppy Appeal is about.”
“The focus of the Poppy Appeal appeal has shifted in recent years to include an active and current supporting role in what can arguably termed illegal wars of aggression; it no longer solely serves veterans and families from the two World Wars. Regardless of our personal view or religious disposition, we certainly have a responsibility to recognise the real facts surrounding the allocation of funds raised on behalf of an organisation such as the Royal British Foreign Legion – for example £50m expenditure on supporting personnel in theatres of conflict today.”
My, and there was me thinking that the British Legion was about helping vets.
“And in 2011, a Muslim needs to tread very carefully indeed when publicly commenting on anything relating to the support infrastructure for British troops. So often today, the crystal clarity and moral fortissimo of the Muslim voice is stifled with subservience, indignation and apology. The new house niggers.”
So Muslims must be careful?
“The Poppy Appeal is certainly happy to take money from the BNP. This is thrust into our homes with the BBC’s practice of pinning a red poppy on to virtually everyone on their TV shows. ‘Tis nothing if not propagandist. Presumably accusing state run media of ‘bias’ is no more idiotic than bemoaning the cow for dropping a pat in its own field because it isn’t ‘toilet trained’.
Then their is the classic compare and contrast to the good Muslim and the Godless, cynical Christian over the London Riots:
“That weekend the BBC reported on a hundred people gathering for Richard Bowes, the pensioner who was brutally killed said to have been challenging rioters. The vigil was organised by local churches in Ealing, West London. We are told they came to pay respects to a man local people are calling a hero. We are told that Richard Bowes was the man who “stood up for what was right in the face of all that was wrong”. A serious accolade. Full fat broadcasting from Aunty Beeb.”
‘Mildly overbearing but very genuine Christian groups remembers possible hero’. Big deal.”
Where as Muslims are:
” Tariq Jahan is a devout Muslim. His response – the language of peace and his demeanour – came from an utterly and unashamed Islamic disposition:
“Setting aside the Christianphile in me and turning to perhaps the cynic in me, it all seemed a little.. well… opportunistic. Feeling a little Poirot, I wondered who exactly was it, that was capitalising? Was it the BBC, the church group, perhaps those pesky candle-lighting do gooders in that park in Ealing?”
Then he points out why Christians are going to hell:
“And as a Muslim, let me tell you, that is a crying shame and a loss to us as a nation and as a peoples. Churches are emptying. Coffers bare. The Church has been rocked by wranglings on female, gay and lesbian ministers, priests who don’t believe in Christ (or even God), corruption and a failure to deal with institutionalised child abuse. As a result, the Church (average age 46) is in crisis. Amidst a growing multicultural society, we see a growing and confident Islam (average age 26). Within a couple of generations it seems there may well be a paradigm shift – not perhaps one the far right would have us believe but nonetheless a rapid, gradual change.”
What gradual change could he possible mean????
It goes on in other posts, and there is nothing like a bit of tin foil hat lunacy to bring out the best in a moderate Muslim “diversity consultant”.
“Today we have the global media network, main stream media, corporate oligarchies and capitalist free markets economies. All perceive a threat by the advent of Islam. We have no conclusive proof of who committed 9/11, why the towers were ‘pulled’, why airplanes were modified, why steel melted at 800 degrees not 2,300 or the relevance of ‘Operation Northwoods’.”
What ever next, a neo-con conspiracy?
“They want neighbour to turn on neighbour and brother to turn on brother. For the avoidance of doubt: the EDL, so-called patriots, the George Queen and Country brigade, BNP, neo-cons, Melanie Phillips, Douglas Murray, in fact all you mischief-makers and peddlers of hate who look to rip apart our communities for gain, a quick paycheck and to sate a barbaric appetite for the flesh of your brother.”
So there we have it, Mr Dandy’s “non headbanger”
Moderate views from the RoP
Sorry I posted twice, but its always worth reading again what the moderate Muslim viewpoint is all about……
You’re on a roll, Mr Outlook. Don’t apologise.
He’s a bit of a headbanger I grant you! But it struck me as a mixture of priggish pious crap, with some student union politics chucked in. But compared withe extremes of Islamist thinking ( pro jihadi) it is relatively soft and banal.
And nb I am what you might call a militant atheist who thinks all religions are venal, corrupt and often corrupting.
“compared withe extremes of Islamist thinking ( pro jihadi) it is relatively soft and banal.”
I think that’s the point Jim. When this is the best the likes of Nicky Campbell can sell to us we really have a problem.
I don’t think his views are banal.
“a mixture of priggish pious crap, with some student union politics chucked in”
A tautology, really.
“But compared withe extremes of Islamist thinking ( pro jihadi) it is relatively soft and banal.”
The subtext of him, and others is quite conclusive Jim
The key phrase is this one:
“Within a couple of generations it seems there may well be a paradigm shift – not perhaps one the far right would have us believe but nonetheless a rapid, gradual change.”
Apart from his poor use of grammar, he knows that Islamism is winning the battle.
Our Islamist friends know that Europe is in a steep decline, demographically, economically and geo-politically.
As we leave the Middle East, and other parts of the World, that void will be filled with forces that wish to see the end of both Pax Americana and 2000 years of European progress.
You might welcome that, but I can assure you that you might not enjoy it as much as you think
Staying here in Asia, we are already seeing the lights going out on liberty and freedom, as those new dark forces take hold.
Everything you hold dear, your secular views, your respect for human rights and dignity, your moderate views.
What do you think of the structure that allows you to hold those views?
Do you think that the forces of reaction, which is what political Islam actually is, would allow you to maintain those views?
It is not me you have to convince of you trite views on Religion, nor the commentators on here, but those forces of reaction.
Judging by the events in Syria, Lebanon,Mali, Nigeria,Somalia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia,Yemen, Chad, Sudan, Iraq, Iran,Gaza, Tower Hamlets, Bradford West, Luton, Watford,Crawley and elsewhere that you have to convince of your pious nature. And I would not bet on the outcome being that good.
So what JD is saying is that Islam is so extreme there is room for ‘moderate extremists’?
To all you doom sayers who fee that Islam is going to win. It won’t. The people aren’t stupid and they know that Muslims do not belong to a religion of peace, the government knows this and the bBC as well.
Muslims like the scorpion in the Aesop fable cannot deny their nature. There will come a time in the not too distant future when they will commit a crime which will shock the world to its core and then there will be blood letting on the streets seeing as Muslims contribute to around 1% of the popualtion the non-Muslims in Europe are not going to lose this fight.
What is taken for normal in Islamic lands, will become the norm in the west. That is , the will of the majority rules. Muslims will start to change their names, move back to their home countries and of course die.
All of this growing hatred is because the left excused the evil mores of Islam as being the fault of Non-Muslims.
The bBC the traiotrs within our midst”
Sadly, 1% is more than enough IF that 1% is clear and determined in their aims (tick), willing to use lethal violence and intimidation to achieve those aims (tick), and the other 99% are complacent/cowed/lazy/willing to be told what to think (tick/tick/tick/tick).
QUIZ! : Rumania became a Communist state after the war, and stayed one for forty plus years. How many communists do you suppose there were in Rumania at the time, to achieve this overwhelming feat ?
Answer: Less than 1,000 out of a population of 18 MILLIONs.
(Which is something less than 1%, even if the Red Army was in the background. Anyway, you can substitute “Iran With Nukes” for “Red Army” for a fun, contemporary twist if you like).
Either way, it’s going to be very bloody for lots of people. Let’s hope that we don’t forget to properly thank all those idiots responsible for the mess once it’s done.
Yes, the Mohammed Ansar-Nicky Campbell political love-in, demonstrates Islam Not BBC (INBBC) proclivity for encouraging the Islamisation of Europe (inc Britain).
Another organisation which INBBC opposes is:
‘Stop Islamization Of Nations’ (SION)
“SION to Hold International Congress and Media Workshop to Address Islamic Supremacist War Against Free Speech”
[INBBC must be on that Congress’s agenda.]
Also, more specifically for INBBC:-
It’s interesting to note how many messages in this thread, from people who I credit with being able to spot BBC propaganda, have called the EDL “extreme”.
The EDL oppose islamic extremism and all the death and misery that entails……how long has it been considered “extreme” to be against that ?
Some of you need to realise that you are thinking exactly the way the BBC and it’s pro-muslim friends want you to.
The EDL may well be thuggish and extreme, but compared to the subtext contained within Mr Mohammed Ansar, they are small fry.
These guys are employing the politics of Entryism and Subversion. Yes they have their foot soldiers, but these guys operate at a level expected from state run actors.
It’s going to take more than marches to take on these fellows. The CAIR in America is playing the same game.
People wanted to know the views of the Respect Party-I think it’s quite clear that they have rather “nuanced views” regarding the future of these Islands and of the West in general
I admit that to some people the EDL look “thuggish”. But to me and my fellow worker drones they look like our next door neighbours, our brothers or our workmates….they look like us in all our chavish glory.
Football is popular among us lower rankers of society and singing/chanting is what we do when we support our team or cause.
Once, these would have been the people the BBC championed, the salt of the earth types with the grime of hard toil under their finger nails. Now, they force EDL supporters to fund their anti-EDL propaganda.
I have no doubt my friend that many are good people, who are worried, angry and bitter that they have been on the shit list of the Establishment.
I do understand why people look towards the EDL and the BNP. I am lower middle class (and an AFC Bournemouth fan!), but I am lucky that gifted to fight with knowledge, idea’s and words
But this conflict is more than just marches. It needs people from the Right and Left, Young and Old, Rich and Poor to stand up and force the debate. It is places like here that we shine the torch on the dark corners.
Don’t play into their hands.You and your friends are far better than that.
There may well be a time when we will stand up and fight, but now is not the time. Being a part of this community is a step in the right direction.
And I know that some of your more “active” friends want to take the fight and like the more “physical” aspects in life. But its learning and sharing idea’s that counts.
Some most definitely are “good” people. But some are most definitely scum of the earth and would rob you as soon as look at you ! But that’s just the way it is if working class lads come together. It’s a funny old stew when you get down to the levels of ordinary people.
I agree, we need to “come together”, but playing the game of the BBC and falling into their divide and conquer tactics is never going to make it happen.
Do what they don’t want you to do. Ignore them. Scare the life out of them.
The EDL are a prime example of this. They are basically just a bunch of football fans cheesed off with Islamic terrorism who decided to march. Now the BBC and other lefty organisations spend huge amounts of money and time propagandising against them. The EDL is not supposed to exist. After decades of brainwashing the working man should have been nullified by now. The BBC need to crush the EDL, in fact any dissent and will play as dirty as they have to.
You may be a worker drone sir but to me you are very eloquent and speak from the heart. Please keep fighting for me and my children and do not let those that would patronise you win. Free speech is important above all else. It’s a pity that for some reason patriots of this great nation are not allowed their proper voice.
I’m intrigued to know what ‘logistics’ are so important that the presenter of the show has to get personally involved.
Surely the Grand Dame is not paid what he’s paid to look-up train timetables and book taxis?
An excellent point.
I’d love to see the explanation of this one.
It would be like hearing from Al Capone’s accountant.
BD – excellent.
If current events are anything to go by, if the EDL were to become more ‘thuggish’ they will gain a lot of ‘respect’ from the BBC (a la Religion of Peace).
The BBC demonizes those who are not really a threat.
The deeper values of Britain certainly need defending, especially from the agenda of the BBC.
from DCDC strategic trends document: Development Concepts and Doctrine Centre for the UK MOD…a source document for uk defence policy: 2007-36
Identity & Interest – Potential Implications
While citizenship and physical security will remain important, individual loyalty to
the state and state institutions will become increasingly conditional, based on
personal identity and interest.
Nationhood and ethnicity in certain countries will continue to influence human
behaviour and international relations.
Diaspora communities and their networks will be dynamic and unpredictable
features of the political, demographic and economic aspects of globalization.
Physical and cultural origin will continue to be significant to identity, but will be
employed increasingly selectively, based on their utility in context and in relation
to personal interest.
Communities will increasingly form around the pursuit of common interests
Dynamic Diaspora. ICT developments and advanced mass-transit systems will
facilitate and increase connectivity between ethnic/national diasporae and their
communities of origin. This will tend to reduce incentives for integration and
assimilation and allow self-contained ‘virtual’ communities to exist across
continents in ways not always in step with the interest and aspirations of their host
countries. Remittances from members of diasporae will remain an important
source of capital transfer and redistribution, especially for developing countries.
Less benignly, diaspora will remain a medium for the international transmission of social risk, including: inter-communal violence, terrorism and transnational crime, especially trafficking and illicit trade.
Changing Values. Secularism and materialism are likely to grow in significance
in an increasingly competitive, inter-connected world, reflecting trends that are
already well established in the more developed regions. Meanwhile, cultural
mixing, the pace of change and a rapid confluence of modern ideas and traditional
values are likely to increase the trend towards moral relativism and increasingly
pragmatic values. These developments will trigger responses from complex,
traditionally defined communities, as well as among significant minorities, which
will seek the sanctuary provided by more rigid belief systems, including religious
orthodoxy and doctrinaire political ideologies, such as popularism and Marxism.
States and Communities will be progressively challenged by the range and complexity of the national and transnational risks that are beginning to dominate the 21st century – and some will not cope.
Thanks Alan, Nice one.
“These developments will trigger responses from complex, traditionally defined communities, as well as among significant minorities, which
will seek the sanctuary provided by more rigid belief systems, including religious
orthodoxy and doctrinaire political ideologies, such as popularism and Marxism.”
Perhaps the MOD would like to define “responses’ for us.
Thank you very much for this.
I initially thought it was satire, out of something like the Thick of It, or Yes Minister!
The BBC will always attack any right wing party however ineffective. If they can add the ‘racist’ tag so much the better for them.
Any party that tries to use divisive politics to get the support of just one ethnic and religious culture would surely be attacked merciless by the liberal media led by the BBC. Just wait for all the programmes about ‘respect’ any minute now… just a bit longer…
You cannot call the EDL. “far right” AND “neo-nazi” at the same time.
In their 1933 manifesto the nazis said “We are SOCIALISTS and mortal enemies of the CAPITALIST system”.
So the nazis said (in 2 different ways) that they are left-wingers.
The beeb should make up its mind about which insulting term it wants to use but it should not use both!
“The BBC will always attack any right wing party however ineffective. If they can add the ‘racist’ tag so much the better for them.”
I always thought the racist parties were of the left. National Socialism and Communism, right wing was the preserve of individual freedom responsibility and enterprise.
I hope I don’t speak too soon but it seems that posting comments on this new site is easier than on the old one – I stopped posting not because I fell out of love with your site (quite the reverse) but because the log-in system scared the hell out of me!
Anyway, I am still recovering from the horrific propaganda piece that was Saturday night’s “God Made The English” series. I trust others on here feel as bilious as I do about it!
Hi Daphne, welcome back, hope you will fall back in love with us and the new site. Your comments are always most enjoyable.
I’ve never fallen out of love with your site, David! The wit, erudition, and perspicacity exhibited by you and your contributors is inspirational!
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