Biased “reporter ” at 7:05 this morning on Today programme said arrival of Israeli anti terrorist team in Nigeria to help find kidnapped girls is bound to cause controversy between Muslims and Christians — unsourced and unattributed, his own opinion! Even President Jonathan said it proves whole world is taking notice. So when are we going to shut down this pernicious anti Semitic state funded BBC mouthpiece?
Should, for example, Israeli commandos rescue whatever girls are still alive somewhere, I can hear Humphrys interviewing the Israeli Ambassador to the UK now:
“Why didn’t you arrest the members of the gang, and bring them to a fair trial? Why did you have to kill them all? Did you say you were armed, and offer them the chance to surrender?”
At 7 a.m. I could hear the report was carefully worded and sounded odd, didn’t really make sense but definitely suggesting that Israeli help was not a good idea. By the 8 a.m. news a similar report but honed to produce a more natural sounding report.
‘..the report was carefully worded and sounded odd….’
A BBC trademark. The other day a literary chappie, discussing D.H Lawrence, was asked a question by the BBC berk in such an obtuse way you couldn’t understand what the point of it was. Fortunately the interviewee was tuned in to his thinking and a discussion ensued about Lawrence’s misogyny. The tone of the Beeboid was one of distaste – clearly Lawrence is not on the BBC approved ‘right on’ reading list.
The BBC agenda – once you know it’s there, it screams at you.
I heard this this morning at the 8am news.
Truly disgraceful.
The arrival of the Israeli experts will stoke controversy with our Muslim friends( that`ll be Boko Haram then) being the general drift of our BBC Islamic shill.
En passant anti-Semitism all the way.
I noted too the BBC gob telling us that Nigeria wasn`t so bad when there was a Muslim in charge…and since bloody Goodluck(Christian) became President, well it`s all got worse.
Someone tell our oaf of a beeboid that Islam DOES tend to respond to losing its lackeys in violent ways…as we`re finding now!
F888wit Jonathans all…and we pay the lazy anti-Semitic BBC to slap our faces like this?
The Boko Broadcasting Corporation are upset that Israel is offering aid to Nigeria, something Israel does regularly for humanitarian causes around the world, which beggars the question – why is there complete silence and indifference from the Arab / Islamic world? why is there no condemnation? why is there no offers of assistance? why are the Muslims in this country not taking to the streets to show their ‘outrage’ and ‘offence’ like the outrage and offence they show over cartoons and Youtube clips? Could it be because their ‘holy’ book orders them to enslave non believers and kill them if they don’t convert.
And that’s why the terrorists fear them. Whilst the rest of the world is posing for selfies behind cardboard with slogans on it, the Israelis put some boots on the ground and get on with something significantly more useful to bring the girls home. Cue outrage when the Israeli find this crew and take care of business.
Normally Al Beeb drool over every word the Obamas utter except it seems if they happen to call a terrorist an erm terrorist.
It goes against the beebs official nomenclature for butchers of innocent women and children ie ‘freedom fighters’ ‘fighters’ or ‘militants’
LBC is establishing itself as an intelligent alternative to BBC R4 for political debate and discussion, on a fraction of the resourcing.
Sign today being interviewed on LBC that the PM does ‘get it’ about Boko Haram. At one stage he clearly realised he was in danger of saying the M word, and for a few fractions of a second he audibly floundered saying ‘a division between the … er .. um’ but eventually he had to say it ‘ … Muslim North and the rest of the country’. A chink of light to illuminate what’s going on.
If the violence was motivated by poverty why would Boko Haram target students for murder and enslavement?
The one I like was the director of Captain Philips being told the movie was very black and white. The puzzled director looked at the BBC ponce with a puzzled expression and the BBC guy said ‘the blacks are the baddies and the whites the goodies’. Priceless!
I think Dave has now obtained permission from the Muslim Council to call for the release of the girls.
As the official leftist/BBC explanation is in terms of the poverty in Nigeria, Dave will shortly be announcing a massive increase in aid to the region.
Expect to hear it reported regularly. While the BBC think the President’s religious affiliation is relevant they seem uninterested in the religious affiliation of the enslaved women. As it’s Northern Nigeria I can assume the women are Muslims then?
Update: –
the Boko Haram Islamic jihadists have forced the enslaved Christian girls to convert to Islam, a long-time Islamic historical practice.
“Boko Haram release chilling videos of missing Nigerian schoolgirls and reveal they have all been forced to convert to Islam and will only be released if Islamist prisoners are freed.”
Joeb wrote: “The violence in Nigeria has gotten worse since Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian, was in charge. His predecessor was a muslim”.
And what the bBC don’t tell you, is the Nigerian process of Leadership is to alternate between faiths. The man before Goodluck was Yar’Adua who was voted in 2007 and died in 2010. Goodluck as the deputy followed him. He himself was voted into office the day after Yar’Adua died.
As for the reason why violence has risen. The main opponent agaisnt Goodluck was Muhammadu Buhari . The very same Muhammadu Buhari who as a a Major _general took power in a coup in 1983. Like most coup Leaders he ruled with an Iron rod and he himself was removed by coup in 1985.
Unlike the bBC, Nigerian people have long memoires and as such there lies the reason why Buharia who ran for election in 2003.2007 and 2011 lost each time. Funny enough the increase in violence started after he lost in 2011. One of the aims of BH is the running of the Nigeria under Sharia law. Yet it is well accepted that the Southern Christian half (Nigeria is split in half religiously) would never accept that and would allow the Northern (Islamic) half to walk away. That beg the question to be asked is this what BH are after and if so, just who would profit from all of this. Muhammadu Buhari perhaps?
That remark was a total disgrace…to imply that the Muslims held Nigeria together whilst the current Christian regime had escalated trouble by upsetting the ROP was appalling.
He can`t get away with that snide aside.
There seems to have been very little coverage of the memorial service marking the 29th anniversary of the deaths of 56 football fans (RIP) in the Bradford City stadium fire.
That the FA didn’t make more of the memorial is a disgrace.
And whilst I know that the BBC website had a page hidden away under English news, the disparity in coverage given over to these victims and those at Hillsborough is appalling.
But then, as the Bradford fire doesn’t afford the Beeb the scope to harangue the police or castigate ‘fatcher’s nasty Tories for a cover up, I suspect a bit more time covering this anniversary was not deemed worthy.
“Round numbers” are generally the anniversaries that attract attention anyway, or at least a number like twenty-five, “a quarter-century ago, etc etc etc…”
Prepare in the next month, and for four years thereafter, to hear all the banging-on about the Great War, and how it created the modern world, and how the League of Nations failed, and how after Great War 2.0 it was realized that a European federation that would end war forever blah blah blah.
And you know it’s coming.
And speaking of “bang on,” you have it right– the Bradford tragedy hasn’t the emotional pull that other incidents might have, setting aside the raw numbers. Someone flicked a fag into the rubbish under the stand– $#!t happens. Nobody “conspired” to ignore the safety of the fans except the fans. And the football club, who hadn’t cleared it out, as the stand was due for a tear-down anyway, right? But hey, it wasn’t a neutral ground with inimical local police who had a hard-on for the “hooligans” from four years before at Heysel, or just hated Scousers on general principle. Nope, it was their own club wot done ’em in. To paraphrase Tom Hanks from the American film A League Of Their Own, “There’s no crying in football!”, especially when there’s no way to paint yourself as a victim of outside forces.
Funny isn’t it that the BBC loves to blame ‘the bankers’ for just about everything it can, following the line from its Labour masters.
But when they need some insight into the world of finance, or there’s some clarity required on a takeover, then on they wheel a banker to tell them all about it, and they listen with great respect, because to be honest, they can’t understand the complexity of what is being explained to them.
And when there’s a juicy job comes available in the banking sector, they don’t need to look to their ‘principles’ as to whether they should get into bed with the devil himself, no they’re straight in there like a dog out of a trap.
The working class can kiss my ass, I’ve got the banking job at last !
Stephanie Flanders: J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s chief market strategist for the UK and Europe.
Nils Blythe: Executive Director of Communications at the Bank of England.
and I’m sure there are very many more, but it’s not the easiest area to research without knowing names first.
Unfortunately they have started televising 5 Dead halfwit Andy Verity (sp?) badging him as ‘financial expert’.
His financial expertise seemed never to have got beyond haranguing FTSE CEOs on to discuss their results with…
‘how many workers do you have on zero hour contracts?’
‘do you pay you staff for their lunch-hour?’
‘do you have fairtrade coffee in your vending machines in the staff canteen?’…
and sundry other tedious student-radical crap.
Amazed me to discover he was in his mid-forties rather than his early twenties.
Finally another lot of coverage for the Nigerian schoolgirls. Today is now waffling on about the effect of the social media, viral hashtags and all that.
But time after time the BBC is deliberately ducking the core issue. The girls are now sex slaves. Just imagine that happening to YOUR children. But no, the BBC as an editorial matter hides that brutal, horrific reality.
Because it must hide the reality, the absolute fact, that it is Islam that prescribes this sort of evil treatment of young girls.
This is to the everlasting shame of the BBC and ALL its news staff and senior management.
Just as the BBC omits facts about the continual gang raping of the Nigerian Christian schoolgirls, by Islamic jihadists … even on occasion mentioning “marrying” … one has to assume, knowing full well what that means
” the girls that have been kidnapped are being raped up to 15 times a day by their captors and that those amongst them that have refused to convert to Islam are having their throats cut (read the testimony of one of the girls that ‘’escaped’’
page 8 of the Vanguard Newspaper, (5th April, 2014).”
Strange how they never make it as far as the BBC, then. Instead, we had some C of E pillock yesterday reminding us what a peaceful chappie Mohammed was and how he would condemn any violence.
But that’s an issue with the BBC
I took yer mans advice and did a general search for Muslim condemnation and their are a few voices out there ( even when you filter out the ecumenical organisations speaking on behalf of muslims) . Perhaps most importantly from Saudi Arabia.
so why have the the BBC failed to promote this?
A question I raised earlier over their failure to report muslim voices condemning the clandestine spread of Hala food stuffs
Is it that they cannot report same with out admitting an islamic connection or do they feel they no whats best for muslims in much the same way they know whats best for the rest of us?
Good point. It seems the liberal chattering classes including the BBC know best when it comes to deciding how to report and act on issues affecting Muslims, whether Muslims approve or not. Birmingham council’s ‘Winterval’, which had Muslims scratching their heads in bewilderment, being a prime example.
And a statue of a wild boar that a left wing council (cant rember which)wanted to get rid of on behalf of local muslims – until said local muslims made it clear they werent in the least offended
The BBC gives a lot of play to Lady Hodge’s condemnation of Barlow’s tax avoidance. Oddly, nothing is mentioned concerning her father’s avoidance of IHT from which she benefits. AFAIAA the BBC is not demanding (or, rather, not commenting that “some say”) that she should pay back the tax avoided. Nor, although her title is a courtesy one – her late husband (staunch Labour party member who championed PIE and the predictably consequential child abuse when he chaired the NCCL) was knighted by Blair – is anyone suggesting her surrender of the title.
Barlow is a hate figure of the left, successful and a Tory. I don’t condone what he has done, but there are others that haven’t been named and they probably sit on the left of the spectrum.
In the same position I would probably do the same knowing where my taxes are going….
And yet I didn’t see the bBC bitching when it came out it paid a lot of its leftwing champions through a tax avoidance firm. Mr Carr for example, the very same Mr Car who was so…….anti bankers.
Indeed, the law worked in exactly the way it was meant to and has done for longer than I care to remember. Because there was no underlying rationale for the transaction except wholly or mainly to avoid tax, the transaction was adjudged void for tax purposes. This is upsetting personally for Barlow and he is being financially punished accordingly. AFAIAA he declared in the relevant tax return that he was taking advantage of a well-known tax avoidance scheme. HMRC subsequently challenged the scheme – or Barlow’s use of the scheme – successfully in the courts.
There is no scandal here apart from the bandwagoneers – BBC/Labour and Cameron – trying to make dubious political capital out of the incident. Demanding further public penance from Barlow is entirely pernicious. What next? Lady Hodge being imprisoned for enabling child abuse in Islington? I don’t think that will happen, no matter how richly deserved.
The “Nigerian Schoolgirls” story has rocketed
The “Syrian UK Jihadi s” story keeps re emerging larger and larger.
“The number of UK citizens travelling to fight in foreign conflicts reached
“alarming levels unlike anything seen in recent years.”
The account, which was produced by the House of Commons’ Home Affairs Committee –
“a one-in-nine radicalization rate”
with this in mind
BBC 5Live News “Your Call” wants to talk about, wait for it
and Panto s all breathlesss on ……….
G Barlow s tax avoidance? (shakes head) … unbelievable.
mind you … no worse than … “is the C of E racist?”
Gary Barlow? how about the arrogant sneak thief we have as Chancellor?
Turned on SKY news last week, Race Hustler Bonnie Greer was reviewing the newspapers, immediately switched over to BBC 24 News before she could utter a word, a Black newsreader Clive Myrie reviewing the papers, immediately switched over to Newsnight, Chukka Obama Clone was wittering on about something.
And Lenny Henry says there’s no blacks on television ??? No ethnic Chinese on British TV but then those who squeal the loudest gets the most the attention, and the Chinese community don’t squeal unlike the blacks and muslims, they’re practically invisible !!
Your post prompted me to check the BBC news channel. Two newscasters – one white man whose name I didn’t catch, Asian woman (Reeta Shakrabarti). Black weather man (Jay thing). Asian woman (whose name I didn’t catch) doing sports news. It pretty much always seems to be like that to me on the BBC news channel.
Turn on the BBC news and within 2 minutes you’ll see a black or muslim face. The television adverts are even worse, my favourite one at the moment is the actor who played Looffaa Idris Elba advertising SKY, he’s gesticulating madly, he should get a job doing semaphore signals on an aircraft carrier, his gestures and mannerisms are highly irritating
” SKY’s got even bettaa, new stufff like datt, bosh.” Painful.
Anyone landing here from Mars and watching the adverts/soaps/dramas would surmise that Humans live in groups made up of a Black father figure and a white mother. I have no problems with mixed race couples but along with homosexuals (all flavours) they do seem to be overrepresented.
Generally I agree with a lot of what you say but Idris Elba is a fine actor and now an international movie star (although I refuse to watch his Mandela wankfest).
Sky using him is just using a highly regarded and recognisable British actor.
But hey, free speech to all I say and I would never condemn anything you say, just disagree from time to time 🙂
Was that him in that?
As British TV drama attempts to jump on a passing genre band waggon go I thought that was pretty good ,
Usually they miss the waggon and end on their arses
Chukka Obama Clone ” Could we ‘pwease’ have a grown up, civilised rational debate on mass immigration !! ” ( Roughly translated, Chukka is the grown up, civilised and rational while Nigel Farage isn’t )
Strange that, when you bring up the subject of immigration, you’re immediately shouted down and screamed at ” waaycist, bigot and nazi ” by the Left for the last 40 years, no civilised, rational, grown up debate.
The ‘Today’ programme this morning claimed that the Eurovision contest was at the ‘front end of a culture war’ between the West and Russaia … yes, right … look out Rublev, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Marc Chagall etc. the BBC’s here to cut you down to size. What a load of ‘p-word’.
And even then, they had to rig that vote to get the bearded man in a dress act to win. The British public actually voted for the Polish busty milk-maid act to win. The public were over-ruled by the PC zealots in the UK Eurovision jury vote.
Daily Mail now having to pay damages to Mrs Farage – and there may well be c;laims against other media that have over-reached themselves in attacking Farage and UKIP.
What I would dearly love to see is a case brought for calling someone a racist – in public or in print. Both ought to count as defamation >
If in the street, surely that is insulting behaviour – or behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace – or SOMETHING. It is time the police found some way of collaring the UAF and HnH and SWP people who use the r word as an insult to throw at anyone.
It’s intriguing why the BBC let people comment on some articles, but not others.
In this case, I think they thought people would use the comments section as an opportunity to bash tax avoidance, the rich, and most importantly David Cameron and the Tories, so it was a no brainer.
Ken Dodd & Lester Piggott lost honours – but IIRC this was due to the fact that they deliberately hid money rather than going through a scheme that they thought was a legitimate way of avoiding tax. Which is the reason why Gary Barlow should keep his OBE.
Ken Dodd even made a joke about it.
“In the 1900s income tax was a shilling in the pound.”
And this is an idea of Margaret Hodge too.
The BBC of course run with this.
The BBC has lost any sense of perspective and is a headless halal chicken…and as long as Islam or Labour is stamped into its arse end, it`ll serve either.
When DID the BBC lose any shred of credibility?…I`d say it was the phone ins of 2007, others think on the doctoring of footage of the Queen….any answers on a postcard please.
I really do try not to watch the Blatantly Biased BBC at all now but was caught out this morning and walked into the lounge to find my good lady eating toast and watching the BBC1 News Light show. I heard the air heads of the sofa gang giggling as they made mention of ‘Mrs Thatcher’ and ‘divisive’ in the same sentence and walked out again.
Lady Thatcher saved this country from the rubbish tip that this country had become under Labour when they finally got kicked out for incompetence in 1979. And this is the way our compulsorily paid for national Broadcaster allows idiots to speaks of her. Yet they fawn over a bearded bloke warbling away in a frock, apparently.
Their brains are stuffed so far up their rear ends that if someone doesn’t get a grip with them soon I will organise a referendum for independence, not to be free of the EU thanks very much Nigel, but to join Vladimir’s growing club of gold and oil and gas rich nations.
For several years now I have considered that Countryfile is so dumbed down and predictable it should be relegated to C-Beebies. We now have the ubiquitous and annoying Matt Baker plus Ellie having to participate in just about everything from milking a goat to being ‘rescued’ by the RNLI. Instead of John Craven, we have Tom Heap’s doomladen tones in the ‘downer of the week’ spot. This week it was describing effects of climate change which we are actually experiencing now. For that reason alone I have decided that this programme should NOT be moved over to c-Beebies. Our children are already being scared to death at school by enviro-‘mental’ idiots.
Actually even a child would probably realise that the climate is always changing and Heap was talking a heap of utter rubbish – but the warnings were there – just keep hammering home those messages. Thanks goodness Matt assured us in another part of the programme that CO2 derived from some boilers was not being released into the air but re-used as a greenhouse gas in some greenhouses. Well that’s a relief to us all.
Mr D thinks participants hearts must sink as Ellie goes rushing in to ‘help’ or as Mr D says ‘make a nuisance of herself’. And we are both waiting for any of the presenters to taste anything and tells us it is horrible.
But Countryfile used to be a farming programme. What has Ellie’s rescue by the RNLI got to do with the country? And having switched on in the middle of Mr Heap’s tirade about Climate Change we were amazed how many times Heap and his chum, Mr Betts from the Met Office could get the words ‘Climate Change’ and ‘warming’ into a very short piece.
Yes Deborah I’d forgotten about the Met Office ‘contribution’ to the so called debate. No surprises there of course! Likewise here Mrs Nick regrets the loss of what was once an informative programme and she often suggests switching off before I do!
Tom Heap’s slot is pure watermelon politics. It’s like a party political broadcast for the Green party every week.
Shame that Mr Heap is utterly clueless when it comes to understanding the very very simple “scientific method”, because if he did, and he applied that to the CAGW hypothesis, then he would come to the only logical, scientific conclusion available. CO2 is not warming the planet to any dangerous degree and ALL, yes ALL of the UN IPCC’s climate models have been wrong and ALL of them over-estimated how much warming there would be.
The ECS (Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity) is the amount of warming which should occur for a given increase in CO2 emissions by a certain time. This is a figure for which, even amongst climate scientists, there is NO consensus, whatsoever. And the ECS is the absolute central variable at the heart of the climate change science and the debate surrounding it.
ALL the climate models have had the ECS far too high and ALL the climate models have been falsified by empirical measurement of the real world as a consequence.
Note that the climate models are NOT capable of predicting the future at all. They are only models of a variant of the CAGW hypothesis. These models cannot be used as a TEST of the hypothesis itself, to see if it valid with these models. ALl they can do is provide test data against which real data should be compared and it is the real data which is true, not the test data.
Excellent stuff, Ken. Trouble is they will carry on ‘adjusting’ historical temperature records, bit by bit, until they match the predictions of their useless models, though even by their own devious standards they will have to go some to make up the massive discrepancies.
I ve just heard as I ve driven back, on BBC 5live news,
on the “Nigerian schoolgirls” that they have
“converted” to Islam, some are possibly married and
have been filmed wearing hijabs.
It was reported almost flippantly … incredibly insensitive
… can you even imagine? envisage what they have suffered.
You clearly need your ear syringed although that might empty your skull of any remaining matter. There is no compliant tone except in your perverse universe.
And if you b0thered to listen or check the facts you’d find a lot of the girls are Muslim.
Thanks for your analytical, friendly compliment. You show yourself up as incapable of reasonable comment.
The fact is Islam Not BBC (INBBC) relegates the gruesome significance of the horrors being perpetrated in the name of Islam, in both word and tone. And not only in Nigeria.
“UK: Child Sex Slavery, Multiculturalism and Islam”
“Boko Haram release chilling videos of missing Nigerian schoolgirls and reveal they have all been forced to convert to Islam and will only be released if Islamist prisoners are freed.”
If you really believe the BBC is some front for islam then this is clearly the right placr for you as I assume its some kind of offshoot of care in community.
You are clearly crackers and spend all day in a morass of hate from other loons who can’t see beyond their screens.
I note you post all day every day. Have you no other life!
The BBC may not be a front in the true sense of the word, but it is without doubt an apologist. There have been numerous examples quoted on this website going back a long, long time. So, as a late arrival to the party, you are forgiven for having missed them.
The BBC rather hope that if they have their heads up each others arses…or buried deep in the desert sands…then Islam won`t be able to cut their necks.
Oh dear.
jihadi converts …
… nothing to do with Islam?
negative behaviour, following the Qurans texts,
… nothing to do with Islam?
Its “Al Quaida Inspired” 😀 ideology
… nothing to do with Islam?
These jihadi s convert to Islam???? because of …
grievances- oppression- poverty-disenfranchisement?.
There is no violence in Islam?
… nothing to do with Islam
If anyone joins Islam, they must have an awful lot of guidance, a lot of help, someone to hold their hand, to show them that the Quran does not promote violence.
… and has nothing to do with Islam
If anyone joins the Islamic Ummah, they need a lot of help, a lot of guidance, someone to hold their hand, to show them that rushing over to … Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc etc, and joining thousands of Islamic mass murderers …
… has nothing to do with Islam.
Funny enough they knocked crap out of each other in Ireland over religion.
But that had nothing to do with Christianity. Or so we we were told. So you are saying that in fact the Troubles in Ireland are committed by Christians and using your splendid logic, all Christians must hate one another and put on orange sashes.
Your logic like your name is a few bricks short of any sense.
Our trolling name-changer has used the word “retard”. Not very nice or politically correct. As offensive to the mentally handicapped as the word “nigger” is to black people. Does anyone think his BBC bosses will sack him like the DJ who accidentally played the 82 year old record with the (a-hem) “N” word in the lyrics?
How many terrorist attacks by the IRA cited Christianity, quoted the Bible, or were inspired or justified by Christian religious teachers?
Contrast that with Al Qaaeda and Boko Haram.
BBC PM on Radio 4 told an absolute probable whopper tonight on the story of the kidnapped Nigeria school girls.
The correspondent made a big play about the forced conversion and then came out with it:
“There is no tradition of forced conversion in Islam” !!!!!
Perhaps they could explain why there’s a Wikipedia page about it?
Or this :
“Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: Allah’s Apostle said: “I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah.”
Sahih al-Bukhari, 1:2:25
Or Maybe this :
“You see the ruffians and the lowly followers of the (pagan) Quraish. And he indicated by striking one of his hands over the other that they should be killed.”
Sahih Muslim, 19:4395
Or in the Middle ages the practice of ‘Devşirme’ where Muslims took Christian sons for Dhimmis and forced them to convert to Islam
It’s still going on today in Pakistan and India with many well documented records.
This is provably a lie told by the BBC in order to protect Islam in the UK. They must have known when that was said that it was a lie I cannot believe a BBC correspondent would say such a thing in ignorance.
It is ignorance. The BBC does not do it’s research or believe in accuracy any more. It is a haven of the incompetent and over promoted. If it was required to turn a profit it would fail.
Yes, it was the mistaken Beeboid, John SIMPSON, World Affairs Editor of BBC News, who came out with the canard:-
“There is no tradition of forced conversion in Islam” !!!!
But, ‘Jihadwatch’ has:-
“Nigeria: Abducted girls forced to convert to Islam”
By Robert Spencer.
“’They are Muslims now. We have liberated them.’
“Here is the video about which I wrote here. Most of the girls have apparently been forcibly converted to Islam, while the rest are being offered in exchange for jihadi prisoners.
“In other words, this whole operation is all about Islam from start to finish, while the international media and government leaders continue to insist that it has nothing to do with Islam whatsoever.”
Perhaps Muslim Ms Alibhai-Brown should have a word with INBBC’s badly informed Mr Simpson:-
“Again, if Muslims are honest they will acknowledge that compulsory conversions are an unholy part of Islamic practice the world over and have always been.”
A bBBC in-joke is recounted in The Times today by David Aaronovitch. I was in the BBC twice over the weekend, partly to get away from the dog. Anyway, one of the make-up artists, as she sprayed my face with anti-age, told me about the New Broadcasting House mouse. This rodent, she said, would show its pointy little face for a moment or two, give a scared little squeak, and then suddenly be gone. Apparently the BBC staff named it “Entwistle”.
According to the BBC – reporting faithfully the line by Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution (SSEPD) probably orchestrated by the Scottish Executive – the massive power cut in Northern Scotland at the end of last month was a “transient problem” and was caused “by a “foreign object” striking the line”.
It appears that this might be a pack of lies. Bishop Hill reveals that a local electrical engineer (you know, someone who probably knows what he’s talking about) – quoted in a local newspaper – reckons that the cause of what was a “rolling blackout” (ie not an instantaneous failure covering the area affected) was created by the inability of the grid to cope with dramatic changes in windspeeds. In other words, the dependence locally on wind-generated energy (coming to all of us if the nutters have their way) is a cause of inherent and unavoidable instability.
The BBC – not wishing to rock the boat of SNP warmism particularly and general windmill fanaticism generally – is happy to go along with the reassuring lie explanation concerning the unfortunate failure at a relay station following on from “something” hitting a power line. The good news is that to avoid this kind of thing in future, windfarmers will be asked to shut down their generators earlier triggering even more generous constraint payments from customers (via the power companies).
So, two sources who may be reasonably considered at each end of the renewables debate.
One still a qualified engineer in this sector.
The other, the country’s least trustworthy propaganda monopoly with 99% reporting staff who couldn’t change a lightbulb without calling tech support.
Still, either could be trying to sway matters more for ideology than objective education.
Any reason you have done no more than play the one person and not their information?
Is he incorrect? Is the BBC certain of its facts, or just astoundingly uncurious when handed those it doesn’t understand and/or likes as is?
Are you saying there is no chance that the official explanation could be anything other than that passed on to and by the BBC?
Given the serious consequences should he be right (to public trust as much as power delivery), might it not have been better for you to await confirmed facts before rushing to do no more than try to discredit a critic by inference and allusion?
Such a technique has of late proven less than successful from Westminster to the cubicles of W1A and Salford.
Are you suggesting that the power company (and all its employees who were involved in responding to and assisting the recovery from the power outage), the Scottish Government (along with all the other agencies involved in responding to the incident) and the BBC (and all other media who carried the same report) are all conspiring to cover up the “real” cause?
Have they all investigated and identified the mysterious object?
Next you’ll tell me there was never any collusion between government’s and industry to minimise the effects of smoking or lead in petrol .
My theory is the ‘foreign object’ cannot be traced because it was a UFO manned by time travellers from the future, sent to alert the eco-fascists to the error of their ways by taking out a windmill or two.
‘Are you suggesting that the power company..
So, not answering my question and default coming back with a framed assertion of your own?
There’s a surprise.
And it is interesting what zone of comfort rouses you from the bunker when so much else keeps you embedded.
I suggested nothing and merely framed the current situation.
I did also ask why you, along with the BBC, felt things should be left between the powers that be (if powers that were off for a while), no questions asked, and why the only reaction to another offering an alternative explanation was to try and make out they had other motivations.
Which you dodged.
Looks like it still remains a bit of a mystery.
The Bishop Hill blog attracts some savvy types. Actual engineers, albeit those less enthused with PR types and arts grads in media who take their press assurances as gospel.
Several worthwhile comments there.
Seems an FoI is in progress to check what actually is going on. With luck it will not be met by the same ‘for the purposes of’ response the BBC deploys and is allowed when cornered, rather too often and uniquely.
I presume you would like to ensure things are all tickedy-boo, as flickering power may affect your ability to post here and claim the establishment is to be trusted, at least that bit serving the narrative the BBC adheres to?
I tend now to be a bit chary of letting the BBC and its chums make things ‘their little secret’.
Let’s see how things pan out, eh?
I am merely open to the truth coming out via informed concerns being allayed.
That you prefer other means of accountability to prevail is no surprise.
Advertising Complaints Department says:
May 12, 2014 at 7:37 pm
Ha Ha – Up yours – Us Labour and Coop Boys know how to succeed in some things Ha Ha
Claims in marketing communications whose principal function is to influence voters in a local, national or international election or referendum are exempt from the Code. Please contact the Electoral Commission.
Perhaps it has something to do with this chancer (sorry that should read, useless tosser) being at it’s head – Smith of course being no friend of the Tories at the best of times, less so after he was nailed during the floods.
BBC Points West reports on its fav community tonight, the Somalians.
In an effort to get more of them voting a ‘local’ is holding meetings within the community to get them interested, one problem being they can’t speak English!!!!
Of course we know who they’ll be voting for and therefore understand the BBC’s interest in this story, but it begs the questions how can they have the right to vote and how can they understand the issues? Not to forget also that their wife’s will vote how they are told…
The chap in question recons he will have 1000 voting next week, 3000 in the General election.
FFS these people are playing their part in deciding our future and the INBBC love it…
It’s is an absolute disgrace and yet another nail in the coffin of our democratic heritage. Universal suffrage is basically giving a vote to any Tom Dick or Mohammed regardless of their contribution to the good of our society. Postal votes have time and time again been found to be corrupt. All of the safeguards that once protected our integrity as a democracy have been cast aside in some stupid left wing ideological folly
F888in Channel 4s Jon Snow tells us that the Boko Haram video shows that the Nigerian girls are “relatively unharmed”.
So what`s our problem…everybody likes a nice wedding don`t they?
Unbelievable…and now Snow does wonder why , oh why those Nigerian government roadblocks to peace won`t let a few Boko lads out by way of goodwill in return for the release of the girls.
Just a little local difficulty then…thank Allah the likes of Jon Snow are so reasonable and unIslamophobic…wanka!
Would Snow change that view if these monsters had posted video of the girls being beaten and rapped into submission or would he advice us that the lens of cultural relativism should be used?
He is a gut turning Quisling cut from the same sick mould as that name-shifting obfuscater that was posting on here earlier today
The left (Including the bBC) are up in arms becasue a Green received a visit from the police over a tweet he made.
Yes the left who complain about Cameron taking a selfie at Nissen main dealers funeral, who complain about a DJ who played the sun has got it hats on and about anything in general feel that the following is OK to publish:
One does not have to delve too deep beneath the veneer of Scottish Nationalism to find vile and racist language such as this from a spoiled little brat at Edinburgh University:
Absolute silence from the BBC/BBC Scotland. I ‘wonder’ why? If this buffoon had said the same about a Pakistani or Indian Prime Minister then it would Guardians rolled up and high heals at the hustings. But, no, we English are fair game for the infantile SNP scum.
Thank God that I’m moving back to Ipswich after ten years of living in Scotland… but not before I put a big fat cross on the ballot paper.
It is getting tiresome when the ‘separatists’ keep insisting that Cameron and co should be involved in the discussion on ‘independence’.
As far as the Westminster Government are concerned, their input ended when they gave the go-ahead for the Scottish Parliament to hold a referendum.
Both sides of have set up their camps/teams. Obviously it would suit the pro-independence camp to make it a Scotland v England issue. As that would suit their ‘Braveheart’ influenced argument, but they should be reminded at every turn that it is an internal Scottish matter.
Personally, I’ll be voting against the formation of a socialist republic.
… Meh I wouldn’t worry. I give independence two years before the IMF come in with a bail-out package and (for the first time in 60 years) spending discipline.
Scotland/ West Albania will learn a tough lesson – that everything can’t be free.
Hardly racist. The indigenous English and the indigenous Scots are exactly the same race. Different nationality yes .
We must not play into the liberal’s hands by confusing race and nationality. They do this all the time.
Dave S wrote: We must not play into the liberal’s hands by confusing race and nationality. They do this all the time.
Couldn’t agree more, all this British Pakistani, British Muslims.Irish Americans etc.. just does my head in and gives the named party an axe to grind. I mean when was the last time your heard the left quote a British Church of England person?
We are all more correctly described as British Citizens. But that is not diverse ( or divisive) enough for the liberal.
Acceptance of British citizenship as the sole description would put a stop to any demand for special treatment for any racial or religious group and bolster equality under the law. That is Common law. It would put an end to the creeping acceptance of Sharia. Bit too difficult fior a liberal to understand.
Actually, we were once described as His/Her Britannic Majesty’s subjects. That all changed when the common market metamorphosised into the united federal regions of Europe or EU for short.
One can only be a citizen in a republic or a dictatorship.
David William Donald Cameron, (can’t get more Scots than that surely!) is the son and grandson of Scots and under the nationality rules adopted by most countries would be able to apply for his Scottish passport in the event of Scotland leaving the union.
I don’t understand why any Scot would want to seek to be independent of Scottish PMs Cameron, Brown or Blair… now if you were English…
The URL says it all! A threat of an honour killing, an assault on a young girl which would and should have been classed as a religiously motivated hate crime, and all because the daughter was dating a non Muslim.
Note the lack of a sentence here also, just an £80 court costs award.
You can bet your bottom dollar if it had been a devout Christian who had beat their daughter the outcome would be very different and the BBC would be making it headline news.
So the ice caps are melting, tory gary barlow is atax avoider, and nhs staff meet red ed quote”the man who could be prime minister in a year”. Ffs not biased at all then the ten o’clock news.
did you watch from jail to jihad on panorama tonight on bbc1.that should be a wake up call to all of us the threat that these evil terrorist scum pose to all of us
after “Nigerian schoolgirls” latest news? debate?
Newsnight squat – everything but
5live “Your call” squat – G Barlow s tax
J Whine – squat – my favourite painting
… can BBC dare to let the public speak?
I wonder: Three men sought over gang rape in Toryglen area
Police are hunting three men after a 33-year-old woman was forced into a common close and raped. The victim was walking in Toryglen, Glasgow, when a man got out of a car and forced her into a close at, or about, 19 Edinbeg Avenue. The man and two others, who were thought to be in the car, then carried out a serious sexual assault. The attack happened at about 03:00 on Saturday. The three suspects are described as Asian and in their 20s.
Bloody Asians again. I wonder if they are from the 5 mosques all within 1 mile of where the poor lady was raped. Nah, must be those UKIP fellow wearing boot polish, well they are racist you see.
I’ve got to love the NHS experts: Mers virus found in second Heathrow transit passenger A second case has emerged of an airline passenger who transited through Heathrow Airport and later tested positive for the lethal Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) virus. Public Health England said the person flew in from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 1 May and travelled on to the US. It said the risk of transmission was “considered extremely low”.
Didn’t these experts say the same thing about:
Scarlett fever
and the rest
You know all those ills which are rife in the Uk, but whom the experts said it would be racist and demeaning if we expected immigrants coming to the country to be tested for them.
I know lets all sing a song in which to make us all happy:
“Ring a ring o’roses, a pocketful of posies, atishoo, atishoo, we all fall down”
see as usual, weyman bennet is not as smart as he thinks and trys to play the politician by dodging questions relating to the fascist tactics he and his cowardly supporters use to supress free speech and democrasy,he is in denial all the time about the violent actions of his cowardly supporters,and they are cowards,here is the thing weyman bennet,if you are so popular as you make out,why dont you join the democratic process and stand as a candidate against ukip or any other politacal party,you wont because you have no support at all except from a few lazy middle class ex university drop outs who miss most of your demonstrations because they are still in bed getting over there hangovers after a night of drinking cheap cider from aldis,the uaf are clowns,idiots and left wing fascists just looking for attention in your falsely named failed organisation called unite against fascism.
So I am reading the story about those poor Christian girls (Yes Christian girls bBC) in Nigeria who were kidnapped by a bunch of Islamic terrorists
(Terrorists terrorise, militants wear comfortable shoes ,beards, stink of dope and quote Marx while sponging off the state)
and the bbC is bitching about how the Nigerian Government is not going to negotiate with Boko Haram (BH), whom the bbC keep on telling me was set up to combat western Education. which for the life in life doesn’t explain to me why they have been robbbing banks, blowing up market places and killed over 12,000 people.(that was as of Aug 13) I wonder if all the dead were students.
Anyway not once have I heard the bBC give these terrorists a bad time, no honestly have a look
If anything the bBC report kind of justifies BH .
Why does the bBC give Terrorist Outfits an easy time. I mean regards the fact that some of these girls had turned to Islam, gee did anybody bother to ask why? (Once as Muslims, they cannot be officially raped, however they will in turn be married off to ..Muslims for them to …rape)
instead all we heard that conversations under Islam is unheard of..Really?
Why does the bBC berate the government and not the terrorists
Why does John Simpson come out with: The BBC’s John Simpson in the northern city of Maiduguri says Boko Haram’s comments show signs that the group is willing to negotiate.
Tell me, when have we ever seen a Muslim terrorist stick to his word? The only reason they have changed tack, is simply the whole world has woken up to them and if they send troops to hunt them down, there are going to be a lot of dead terrorists in Nigeria. Of course you can bet the bBC will cry foul play.
I am sick to death with how the bBC, is so quick to shoot our own down (DJs, Presenters,Soldiers,RAF,Historical figures) yet when its a blood thirsty terrorist, why he can only be a victim and we should listen to what he has to say.
And why do the bBC blur the picture of the victims:
when others in the UK don’t
Are we all f-ing paedophiles now? Sorry that would be the gang of thugs who kidnapped these poor girls and who subscribe to the codex as written down by a ….Paedophile.
‘Jihadwatch’: a corrective for INBBC on Islamic jihad in Nigeria-
“Muslim cleric: ‘Islam allows a man to have intercourse with his slave woman’”
By Robert Spencer.
“While various heads of state as well as numerous Muslim leaders rush to assure us that the abduction of the schoolgirls in Nigeria has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, some Muslim clerics disagree. Here is a fatwa on the issue from Islam Q & A. Islamic scholars, clerics and spokesmen who insist that what Boko Haram has done is completely un-Islamic should respond to the case made here. They won’t, however, and they don’t have to, because Western governments and the international media will pretend that they did anyway, and act as if the case is already made, and is indeed obvious.”
You say “conversations under Islam is unheard of….” and the BBC are say this?
Think you mean ‘conversions’?
That being the case the evidence is quite the opposite since there are many forced conversions and it is part of the religion to ensure this happens. I wish the BBC would get it’s facts right on such serious life threatening issues, so the world audience can be properly informed leaving us paying the BBC to sleepwalk us into tragedy:
“The BBC’s John Simpson in the northern city of Maiduguri says Boko Haram’s comments show signs that the group is willing to negotiate”
As if this means they are suddenly becoming compassionate. Islamic doctrine/scholarly rulings already lay out the directives for non-muslim captives (trading them for muslims is one of the options), and BH are following them, just like they do in everything else.
There is nothing BH do that is not in Islamic docrtrine already. Nothing.
‘John Simpson in the northern city of Maiduguri says Boko Haram’s comments show signs that the group is willing to negotiate’
And of course, one is sure in all good faith, given their track record.
If that’s his spin, I really hope he’s seduced by an invite to get a scoop on ‘their side of the story’.
Emily, on Newsnight, has just let us know that although Labour have now fallen couple of points behind Conservatives in the latest Polls, they can still win GE 2015, due to the electoral system/boundaries?
But from my perspective, the real deal, what with George Galloway’s anti Labour blockbuster film and possibly Chilcot also too likely to be published before GE 2015, rather than anticipating a Labour win there is still much more electoral grief to stump Milliband and Co:
I think that Maitless (misleadingly) describes the anomaly as Labour being able to win because of the vagaries of the politicial system.
If she was honest – difficult I know, she works for the BBC – she would have said Labour would be able to win because of the gerrymandering of constituency boundaries and Labour’s continual refusal to relinquish their unfair, undemocratic advantage to ensure that every single vote cast is of equal value.
As they say, ‘there you are Emily that’s fixed it for you’.
So the bBC has an article on female genital mutilation a totally barbaric act which due to the left hasn’t seen one prosecution in the Uk in nearly 30 years. (even the Mohammed caught the other month has the political and Medical elite defending him saying if he is prosecuted it will drive it underground…really?)
Anyway in the article the bBC embolden this comment: This is a form of violence against children”
Philippe Duamelle
What do you mean it is a form of violence agaisnt children. It is physical abuse pure and simple. IOW it is violent behaviour agaisnt children.
This deflecting of the main subject, that it is primarily carried out by….Muslims is the real reason why no bastard has been done in the UK. Becasue as we all know thanks to the left, Muslims can not be guilty of…,anything other than being victims.
The bBC reports on a bunch of brave women
in Iran who have taken to having their picture taken without covering up. (In Iran not covering your hair gets you arrested …or worse) . Yet the 3 photos the bBC airs show the back of the women protesting and not their faces., its as if the bBC doesn’t want to offend any Muslims, yet the women who are the main subject heading are all…..Muslims.
… yay! freedom …… (sip that latte) …
these women are being such great “individuals”
We of course support them … but!
we always show the hijab at every f-cking opportunity, on the news, on drama, on documentary.
Our “right on” journo s/presenters love to don it
to show cultural sensitivity, to celebrate the ethnic diversity, the colour of a vibrant multicultural society,
the carnival atmosphere that one has, when “getting down” on “the streets” in our rainbow nation, in Britain
where thankfully our capital is much less “horrendously white” than it used to be … allah ackbar to that.
please don t bomb us ……. pleeeeeze (wrings hands)
Arthur wrote: “And you don’t think that Iranian religious nutcases (but I repeat myself) wouldn’t look at the faces of these women and try and identify them?”
The photos are all from the same Facebook site, the bBC links into it. Now we can call the mad mullahs whatever we like, but lets be honest, they as aren’t stupid as we would like to think they are.
If I can link into that FB site, so can anybody else.
‘BBC photo gets Iranian Woman killed.’
Interestingly, in this regard, the BBC on Facebook also had earlier a scoop on leads as to where Boko’s girls are.
All shaping up to be another #MH370 series of red herrings, but a few posters did point out that maybe, just maybe, in such cases instead of rushing to fill their content voids with anything to avoid dead air, when lives are at stake they could just STFU.
The morons on the sofa on breakfast at aljabeeba are discussing the idea of fining people in posh restaurants for not eating up everything on their plates.
The reason you’d think was the starving millions in the world?
Nahhh…it’s all about the effects on climate change FFS.
Yes, bloody climate change.
What a thick bunch of self serving tossers .
I think for the sake of our blood pressure probably best to leave morning TV alone. I avoid the bBC like the plague, watched Sky briefly this morning its just as bad, with a ten minute discussion on Jay Zeds row in a lift with ‘expert’ analysis….
The bBC will have an Islamic angle on almost any subject, including local news and ITV is adverts interrupted by news….
Rhidian Brook far left writer appeared on thought for the day to moan about the use of the phrase ‘political correctness’ as a slur, in the face of the unacceptable playing of ‘The Sun Has Got His Hat On’.
Of course the BBC were right to sack a man for playing this, and don’t anyone dare question it. In face the phrase PC is so much a slur that it’s akin to the ‘n word’ and should also be banned.
In other words don’t dare criticise or insult us lefties, we will keep using the meaningless bully words to attack, insult and silence anyone who doesn’t share our opinion, but we are not prepared for anyone to use a word which accurately describes our insanity !
Depressing “Today” programme this morning, apart from the awful Natalie Bennet, apparently (according to NOAA) the western Antarctic ice sheet and associated glaciers are melting,and sea levels will rise up to two feet globally, which is strange as only yesterday I was watching a video from Joe Bastardi outlining how the Antarctic was at record peak ice. Hmmmm….
Paul Nurse sticking his oar into the Pfizer debate.
Then we had the two blokes from Gatwick and Heathrow, respectively, putting their cases for additional runways. Apparently, developments at Gatwick would mean “cheaper fares for passengers” – yeah, yeah – heard THAT one before, and the Heathrow man mentioned that they would meet “Climate Change Targets” (whatever they may be). Back to Classic FM.
The Guardian
Nafeez Ahmed
The root cause of the Nigerian schoolgirls’ kidnapping
“The kidnapping of over 200 Nigerian school girls, and the massacre of as many as 300 civilians in the town of Gamboru Ngala, by the militant al-Qaeda affiliated group, Boko Haram, has shocked the world.
But while condemnations have rightly been forthcoming from a whole range of senior figures from celebrities to government officials, less attention has been paid to the roots of the crisis.
Instability in Nigeria, however, has been growing steadily over the last decade ….
and one reason is …….. climate change.”
“Instability in Nigeria, however, has been growing steadily over the last decade ….
and one reason is …….. climate change.”
Or how about this other reason : Nigeria population 2000 = 122m, 2010 = 159m
UN projection by 2050 = 440m (other sources project 2050 = 402m)
Or this reason…
‘Nigeria is home to a substantial network of organized crime, active especially in drug trafficking. …The expansion of the Nigerian diaspora and organized crime went hand in hand….The high crime rate among Nigerian migrants also leads to stereotyping Nigerians as criminals; thus, in Cameroon, Nigerian migrants are perceived collectively by the inhabitants of Cameroon as likely to be oil smugglers or dealers in stolen cars…. In Switzerland, the crime rate of Nigerian young males was reported as 620% that of Swiss males in same age group (2009 data), the second highest crime rate of any nationality, just below that of Angolan nationals (at 630%)….Nigeria is also pervaded by political corruption. It is ranked 143 out of 182 countries in Transparency International’s 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index.”
And of course – whisper it…. shushshsh – there is this reason….
“Nigeria is nearly equally divided between Christianity and Islam.”
But for the lilly-liberal BBC ‘climate change’ is a so much easier excuse. It makes Nigeria’s problems appear to our fault.
To be fair the Nigerians refuse to acknowledge the Islam-Christianity dimension. Every obfuscation could come directly from official Nigerian statements.
‘I’ll take a chance, but I’m going with the leader of BH on this one…’
Be interesting when, as must surely happen, a BBC Pulitzer aspirant risks a mano a psycho ‘interview’, how his motivations will get re-understood.
Why is no mentioning the Tax issue in the Pfizer – Astra Zeneca take over?
This is a company which has paid no US tax, something the US government are pretty pissed about, and are using the money to allow them to finance the take over.
If they take over Astra Zeneca is highly likely that they will do the same as Amazon & pay the absolute minimum tax they can get away with.
It is impossible to run a country without tax revenue, and the EU which could do something useful for a change and halt the multi nationals tax free spree has utterly failed.
I’m struggling to understand why any UK politician especially the Tories would be in favour of this, but then Dhimmi Dave does a lot of things which are in direct opposition to UK interests. It just reinforces my suspicion that promises of future income are being made.
As a matter of interest, as well as fact, Amazon is obeying UK and EU tax law to the letter. Indeed, given the business of Amazon in the EU, AFAIAA, it cannot establish its structure legally in any other way. Also, since Bezos – its founder – is more interested in long-term expansion than short-term profit it is not surprising that its profits are tiny compared to its turnover. It is not hiding profits “offshore” or even in Luxembourg. Simply, it’s not making gigantic profits – it is investing its resources for the future.
If you want to play the BBC and the politicians’ game of demonising Amazon for observing every minuscule detail of the law which politicians have created and agreed (and which the politicians could change tomorrow if they were so exercised) that’s your decision. However, unlike the BBC, it would be refreshing to see some honest debate here based on the facts of the matter rather than an emotional argument that, somehow, because it’s “big”, Amazon should not be subject to or benefit from the rule of law. Talk about “multi nationals tax free spree” is just that: “talk”.
Sure there are egregious tax avoiding processes attempted by big corporate. For instance there is the practice of artificial “borrowing” from overseas subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions to steer profits out of high-tax jurisdictions. However such arrangements (and many others) are effectively prevented – in the UK anyway – through various transfer-price and “thin capitalisation” rules strictly applied by HMRC. In my limited experience of the US tax regime, the IRS is no less strict on those operating within the US than is HMRC. However, I don’t want to interfere with your right to slander big corporate. God knows they can defend themselves although, oddly, their case – unacceptable as it is to the deliberately ignorant or plainly mischievous – is rarely heard on the BBC airwaves.
“Companies don’t pay tax on their turnover. “
True, but the turnover is effectively what the customer pays and the customer often pays tax on that so a company might make no profit and pay no tax yet be a tax generator still.
Does it never occur to the ‘tax the companies’ numpties that the extra tax will just be added to their Cost-a-Lot Coffee or AmazinglyGoodValue on-line purchase prices? Isn’t the BBC smart enough to point that out or are they frightened that it might dent St. Margaret’s reputation at talking tough behind the shield of parliamentary privilege?
What ever your views on Amazon et al, there can be no doubt that Pfizer is making substantial profits and is not paying any tax, by holding the profits offshore.
Amazon and other multinationals can easily make no profits in one country if they wish simply by allocating greater costs, it’s all down to clever accounting.
It makes no difference what you think about whether a stance on company taxation is siding with the BBC / left wing, a country cannot be run with no tax income.
Perhaps it would take a major change to open your eyes? No Police perhaps, no Prisons, and no hospitals?
All of them need funding and if there’s no tax income to pay for them then the country goes bankrupt.
Cadbury used to pay UK corporation tax, now it doesn’t. Prices haven’t gone down, they’ve gone up and quality has been so severely compromised that many people will no longer buy the product.
Yes it might be legal on the surface, but often there’s a lot of devious tax avoidance going on.
As Cadbury’s chocolates are one of my many pleasures I can categorically state that the quality has not noticeably decreased, AFAIAC. Other opinions are also available.
What they do do thou’, don’t they, is reduce the size and hike the price but they have done that since I was a child. In those days a fun size bar was bigger than a bus etc …
As to Big Co and it’s nastiness; the solution is plain. Make them pay tax where the revenue is raised. Why don’t HMRC do that? Because the EU won’t let ’em.
“In fact, in the decade before the takeover, Cadbury paid an average of £6.4m a year in current tax on its ongoing UK operations, despite annual British profits of £100m and turnover of more than £1bn.
Like many multinationals, Cadbury reduced its corporation tax bill by loading operations in high tax countries, such as the UK and US, with debt, while using equity to fund its growth through low tax jurisdictions such as Ireland.”
The BBC (Evan Davis) had Andy Burnham on this morning to talk about Labour’s new GP appointments promise.
Talking, as Burnham did, about patient care and rubbishing the government in the process, it was the perfect opportunity for Davis to challenge Burnham on Labour’s record in Wales and in particular the story that broke yesterday about poor care in Bridgend which has led to the suspension of six nurses. ITV suggested last night that this could be bigger than Stafford.
Did Davis ask Burnham about this? Did Davis challenge Burnham on his hypocrisy? Astonishingly, NO.
The bBBC daren’t say anything truthful about the Nationalised Death Service because it likes to think that the NHS and BBC are both ‘envy of the world’ institutions.
Undermine one and the other might be vulnerable as well.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Biased “reporter ” at 7:05 this morning on Today programme said arrival of Israeli anti terrorist team in Nigeria to help find kidnapped girls is bound to cause controversy between Muslims and Christians — unsourced and unattributed, his own opinion! Even President Jonathan said it proves whole world is taking notice. So when are we going to shut down this pernicious anti Semitic state funded BBC mouthpiece?
The BBC will no doubt give this plenty of air time to help generate a controversy where there is none.
I noticed yesterday that although Reuters and others were reporting this story the BBC Sunday shift were slow to mention it.
Could it be that the BBC massed battalions of journos hesitate on certain stories until they can call up the right top level BBC spin?
I haven’t yet heard today’s provocative : ‘bound to cause controversy between Muslims and Christians’.
Why? Because the Israelis are Jews?
Who in this world might think Jews and Christians are synonymous?
Beeboids disinclined to work Sundays, unless it’s Wimbledon, Open Golf, Glastonbury, etc.
Israel has supplied drone tech before for African states
they have probably been doing already, so on this but, under the radar.
Should, for example, Israeli commandos rescue whatever girls are still alive somewhere, I can hear Humphrys interviewing the Israeli Ambassador to the UK now:
“Why didn’t you arrest the members of the gang, and bring them to a fair trial? Why did you have to kill them all? Did you say you were armed, and offer them the chance to surrender?”
As sure as night follows day…
At 7 a.m. I could hear the report was carefully worded and sounded odd, didn’t really make sense but definitely suggesting that Israeli help was not a good idea. By the 8 a.m. news a similar report but honed to produce a more natural sounding report.
‘..the report was carefully worded and sounded odd….’
A BBC trademark. The other day a literary chappie, discussing D.H Lawrence, was asked a question by the BBC berk in such an obtuse way you couldn’t understand what the point of it was. Fortunately the interviewee was tuned in to his thinking and a discussion ensued about Lawrence’s misogyny. The tone of the Beeboid was one of distaste – clearly Lawrence is not on the BBC approved ‘right on’ reading list.
The BBC agenda – once you know it’s there, it screams at you.
I heard this this morning at the 8am news.
Truly disgraceful.
The arrival of the Israeli experts will stoke controversy with our Muslim friends( that`ll be Boko Haram then) being the general drift of our BBC Islamic shill.
En passant anti-Semitism all the way.
I noted too the BBC gob telling us that Nigeria wasn`t so bad when there was a Muslim in charge…and since bloody Goodluck(Christian) became President, well it`s all got worse.
Someone tell our oaf of a beeboid that Islam DOES tend to respond to losing its lackeys in violent ways…as we`re finding now!
F888wit Jonathans all…and we pay the lazy anti-Semitic BBC to slap our faces like this?
The Boko Broadcasting Corporation are upset that Israel is offering aid to Nigeria, something Israel does regularly for humanitarian causes around the world, which beggars the question – why is there complete silence and indifference from the Arab / Islamic world? why is there no condemnation? why is there no offers of assistance? why are the Muslims in this country not taking to the streets to show their ‘outrage’ and ‘offence’ like the outrage and offence they show over cartoons and Youtube clips? Could it be because their ‘holy’ book orders them to enslave non believers and kill them if they don’t convert.
Good point about no muslim condemnation TheHighlandRebel
And that’s why the terrorists fear them. Whilst the rest of the world is posing for selfies behind cardboard with slogans on it, the Israelis put some boots on the ground and get on with something significantly more useful to bring the girls home. Cue outrage when the Israeli find this crew and take care of business.
Normally Al Beeb drool over every word the Obamas utter except it seems if they happen to call a terrorist an erm terrorist.
It goes against the beebs official nomenclature for butchers of innocent women and children ie ‘freedom fighters’ ‘fighters’ or ‘militants’
LBC is establishing itself as an intelligent alternative to BBC R4 for political debate and discussion, on a fraction of the resourcing.
Sign today being interviewed on LBC that the PM does ‘get it’ about Boko Haram. At one stage he clearly realised he was in danger of saying the M word, and for a few fractions of a second he audibly floundered saying ‘a division between the … er .. um’ but eventually he had to say it ‘ … Muslim North and the rest of the country’. A chink of light to illuminate what’s going on.
If the violence was motivated by poverty why would Boko Haram target students for murder and enslavement?
LBC is far better in the mornings than R4 and better all day and night than 5Live!
The one I like was the director of Captain Philips being told the movie was very black and white. The puzzled director looked at the BBC ponce with a puzzled expression and the BBC guy said ‘the blacks are the baddies and the whites the goodies’. Priceless!
I bet Cameron was straight on the prayer mat after begging Allah to forgive him
I think Dave has now obtained permission from the Muslim Council to call for the release of the girls.
As the official leftist/BBC explanation is in terms of the poverty in Nigeria, Dave will shortly be announcing a massive increase in aid to the region.
Did I miss it ? Has the BBC mentioned the girls are Christian.
I just heard a real classic on BBC Radio 4 News, 8am:
“The violence in Nigeria has gotten worse since Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian, was in charge. His predecessor was a muslim”.
Thanks BBC – got the message! GOT IT!
Wonderful…and about as subtle as throwing a brick through a window…
Expect to hear it reported regularly. While the BBC think the President’s religious affiliation is relevant they seem uninterested in the religious affiliation of the enslaved women. As it’s Northern Nigeria I can assume the women are Muslims then?
Update: –
the Boko Haram Islamic jihadists have forced the enslaved Christian girls to convert to Islam, a long-time Islamic historical practice.
“Boko Haram release chilling videos of missing Nigerian schoolgirls and reveal they have all been forced to convert to Islam and will only be released if Islamist prisoners are freed.”
Read more:
Joeb wrote:
“The violence in Nigeria has gotten worse since Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian, was in charge. His predecessor was a muslim”.
And what the bBC don’t tell you, is the Nigerian process of Leadership is to alternate between faiths. The man before Goodluck was Yar’Adua who was voted in 2007 and died in 2010. Goodluck as the deputy followed him. He himself was voted into office the day after Yar’Adua died.
As for the reason why violence has risen. The main opponent agaisnt Goodluck was Muhammadu Buhari . The very same Muhammadu Buhari who as a a Major _general took power in a coup in 1983. Like most coup Leaders he ruled with an Iron rod and he himself was removed by coup in 1985.
Unlike the bBC, Nigerian people have long memoires and as such there lies the reason why Buharia who ran for election in 2003.2007 and 2011 lost each time. Funny enough the increase in violence started after he lost in 2011. One of the aims of BH is the running of the Nigeria under Sharia law. Yet it is well accepted that the Southern Christian half (Nigeria is split in half religiously) would never accept that and would allow the Northern (Islamic) half to walk away. That beg the question to be asked is this what BH are after and if so, just who would profit from all of this. Muhammadu Buhari perhaps?
That remark was a total disgrace…to imply that the Muslims held Nigeria together whilst the current Christian regime had escalated trouble by upsetting the ROP was appalling.
He can`t get away with that snide aside.
There seems to have been very little coverage of the memorial service marking the 29th anniversary of the deaths of 56 football fans (RIP) in the Bradford City stadium fire.
That the FA didn’t make more of the memorial is a disgrace.
And whilst I know that the BBC website had a page hidden away under English news, the disparity in coverage given over to these victims and those at Hillsborough is appalling.
But then, as the Bradford fire doesn’t afford the Beeb the scope to harangue the police or castigate ‘fatcher’s nasty Tories for a cover up, I suspect a bit more time covering this anniversary was not deemed worthy.
“Round numbers” are generally the anniversaries that attract attention anyway, or at least a number like twenty-five, “a quarter-century ago, etc etc etc…”
Prepare in the next month, and for four years thereafter, to hear all the banging-on about the Great War, and how it created the modern world, and how the League of Nations failed, and how after Great War 2.0 it was realized that a European federation that would end war forever blah blah blah.
And you know it’s coming.
And speaking of “bang on,” you have it right– the Bradford tragedy hasn’t the emotional pull that other incidents might have, setting aside the raw numbers. Someone flicked a fag into the rubbish under the stand– $#!t happens. Nobody “conspired” to ignore the safety of the fans except the fans. And the football club, who hadn’t cleared it out, as the stand was due for a tear-down anyway, right? But hey, it wasn’t a neutral ground with inimical local police who had a hard-on for the “hooligans” from four years before at Heysel, or just hated Scousers on general principle. Nope, it was their own club wot done ’em in. To paraphrase Tom Hanks from the American film A League Of Their Own, “There’s no crying in football!”, especially when there’s no way to paint yourself as a victim of outside forces.
Funny isn’t it that the BBC loves to blame ‘the bankers’ for just about everything it can, following the line from its Labour masters.
But when they need some insight into the world of finance, or there’s some clarity required on a takeover, then on they wheel a banker to tell them all about it, and they listen with great respect, because to be honest, they can’t understand the complexity of what is being explained to them.
And when there’s a juicy job comes available in the banking sector, they don’t need to look to their ‘principles’ as to whether they should get into bed with the devil himself, no they’re straight in there like a dog out of a trap.
The working class can kiss my ass, I’ve got the banking job at last !
Stephanie Flanders: J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s chief market strategist for the UK and Europe.
Nils Blythe: Executive Director of Communications at the Bank of England.
and I’m sure there are very many more, but it’s not the easiest area to research without knowing names first.
Unfortunately they have started televising 5 Dead halfwit Andy Verity (sp?) badging him as ‘financial expert’.
His financial expertise seemed never to have got beyond haranguing FTSE CEOs on to discuss their results with…
‘how many workers do you have on zero hour contracts?’
‘do you pay you staff for their lunch-hour?’
‘do you have fairtrade coffee in your vending machines in the staff canteen?’…
and sundry other tedious student-radical crap.
Amazed me to discover he was in his mid-forties rather than his early twenties.
BBC – shit as ever.
Finally another lot of coverage for the Nigerian schoolgirls. Today is now waffling on about the effect of the social media, viral hashtags and all that.
But time after time the BBC is deliberately ducking the core issue. The girls are now sex slaves. Just imagine that happening to YOUR children. But no, the BBC as an editorial matter hides that brutal, horrific reality.
Because it must hide the reality, the absolute fact, that it is Islam that prescribes this sort of evil treatment of young girls.
This is to the everlasting shame of the BBC and ALL its news staff and senior management.
Just as the BBC omits facts about the continual gang raping of the Nigerian Christian schoolgirls, by Islamic jihadists … even on occasion mentioning “marrying” … one has to assume, knowing full well what that means
” the girls that have been kidnapped are being raped up to 15 times a day by their captors and that those amongst them that have refused to convert to Islam are having their throats cut (read the testimony of one of the girls that ‘’escaped’’
page 8 of the Vanguard Newspaper, (5th April, 2014).”
more uncomfortable truths for them … (to omit?)
the complete BBC timeline is below.
Not heard any Muslim Leader condemning the kidnap. The only Muslim who I have heard from is Saint Malala of Birmigham Council.
Exactly, not heard Liberty, or UAF or the other lefty groups condemn the kidnapping.
I bet they will condemn the rescue when special forces wipe the floor with these so called militants.
“Not heard any Muslim leader condemning the kidnap”.
Nor will you, because Boko Haram have done nothing wrong as far as Islam is concerned. All perfectly normal, and permissible.
No pious Muslim can condemn their behaviour.
Search ‘Muslims condemn boko haram;’ in Google and you will see plenty of Muslim leaders condemning Boko Haram and what they have done.
Strange how they never make it as far as the BBC, then. Instead, we had some C of E pillock yesterday reminding us what a peaceful chappie Mohammed was and how he would condemn any violence.
But that’s an issue with the BBC
I took yer mans advice and did a general search for Muslim condemnation and their are a few voices out there ( even when you filter out the ecumenical organisations speaking on behalf of muslims) . Perhaps most importantly from Saudi Arabia.
so why have the the BBC failed to promote this?
A question I raised earlier over their failure to report muslim voices condemning the clandestine spread of Hala food stuffs
Is it that they cannot report same with out admitting an islamic connection or do they feel they no whats best for muslims in much the same way they know whats best for the rest of us?
Good point. It seems the liberal chattering classes including the BBC know best when it comes to deciding how to report and act on issues affecting Muslims, whether Muslims approve or not. Birmingham council’s ‘Winterval’, which had Muslims scratching their heads in bewilderment, being a prime example.
And a statue of a wild boar that a left wing council (cant rember which)wanted to get rid of on behalf of local muslims – until said local muslims made it clear they werent in the least offended
John … listen in to this twice concurrently
wash your mouth out with soap, and
consider yourself severely reprimanded.
repeat after me … nothing to do with Islam …
… thwack! … please sir – may I have one more …
One for all the anti Farage, sneering beebots and and the inept bare faced liars inhabiting No10.
Day after day, a lot of the headlines are playing straight into the hands of UKIP.
any word in the msm today on the bBC/LibDem audience plant in last weeks QT?
Has anyone with any kind of clout run with the story?
Question Time, more plants than Kew Gardens, remember Labour stooge Amy ” I’m DISGUSTED ” Rutland.
Amy Rutland = Veruca Salt
Another BBC UKIP knocking comedian (plonker does not make me laugh mind):
Another privately educated Oxbridge lefty comedian. Do they come in packs of 6 or 12 these days?
Is rutter the nutter planning to build on her 14% in the council elections then? I believe ukip got 44% !
Talking of rigged devolution votes…..
Interesting discussion here about our beloved national broadcaster and what a vote for Salmond-Max might mean.
‘In London today, the BBC has revealed a remarkable revelation: Windows work in both directions! ‘
Ah, the unseen metaphors abound.
The BBC gives a lot of play to Lady Hodge’s condemnation of Barlow’s tax avoidance. Oddly, nothing is mentioned concerning her father’s avoidance of IHT from which she benefits. AFAIAA the BBC is not demanding (or, rather, not commenting that “some say”) that she should pay back the tax avoided. Nor, although her title is a courtesy one – her late husband (staunch Labour party member who championed PIE and the predictably consequential child abuse when he chaired the NCCL) was knighted by Blair – is anyone suggesting her surrender of the title.
Barlow is a hate figure of the left, successful and a Tory. I don’t condone what he has done, but there are others that haven’t been named and they probably sit on the left of the spectrum.
In the same position I would probably do the same knowing where my taxes are going….
And yet I didn’t see the bBC bitching when it came out it paid a lot of its leftwing champions through a tax avoidance firm. Mr Carr for example, the very same Mr Car who was so…….anti bankers.
Indeed, the law worked in exactly the way it was meant to and has done for longer than I care to remember. Because there was no underlying rationale for the transaction except wholly or mainly to avoid tax, the transaction was adjudged void for tax purposes. This is upsetting personally for Barlow and he is being financially punished accordingly. AFAIAA he declared in the relevant tax return that he was taking advantage of a well-known tax avoidance scheme. HMRC subsequently challenged the scheme – or Barlow’s use of the scheme – successfully in the courts.
There is no scandal here apart from the bandwagoneers – BBC/Labour and Cameron – trying to make dubious political capital out of the incident. Demanding further public penance from Barlow is entirely pernicious. What next? Lady Hodge being imprisoned for enabling child abuse in Islington? I don’t think that will happen, no matter how richly deserved.
It would appear it’s a crime to take bad tax advice these days. Although it’s only at Tribunal stage and may well be taken further.
The “Nigerian Schoolgirls” story has rocketed
The “Syrian UK Jihadi s” story keeps re emerging larger and larger.
“The number of UK citizens travelling to fight in foreign conflicts reached
“alarming levels unlike anything seen in recent years.”
The account, which was produced by the House of Commons’ Home Affairs Committee –
“a one-in-nine radicalization rate”
with this in mind
BBC 5Live News “Your Call” wants to talk about, wait for it
and Panto s all breathlesss on ……….
G Barlow s tax avoidance? (shakes head) … unbelievable.
mind you … no worse than … “is the C of E racist?”
Gary Barlow? how about the arrogant sneak thief we have as Chancellor?
Turned on SKY news last week, Race Hustler Bonnie Greer was reviewing the newspapers, immediately switched over to BBC 24 News before she could utter a word, a Black newsreader Clive Myrie reviewing the papers, immediately switched over to Newsnight, Chukka Obama Clone was wittering on about something.
And Lenny Henry says there’s no blacks on television ??? No ethnic Chinese on British TV but then those who squeal the loudest gets the most the attention, and the Chinese community don’t squeal unlike the blacks and muslims, they’re practically invisible !!
Your post prompted me to check the BBC news channel. Two newscasters – one white man whose name I didn’t catch, Asian woman (Reeta Shakrabarti). Black weather man (Jay thing). Asian woman (whose name I didn’t catch) doing sports news. It pretty much always seems to be like that to me on the BBC news channel.
Turn on the BBC news and within 2 minutes you’ll see a black or muslim face. The television adverts are even worse, my favourite one at the moment is the actor who played Looffaa Idris Elba advertising SKY, he’s gesticulating madly, he should get a job doing semaphore signals on an aircraft carrier, his gestures and mannerisms are highly irritating
” SKY’s got even bettaa, new stufff like datt, bosh.” Painful.
Anyone landing here from Mars and watching the adverts/soaps/dramas would surmise that Humans live in groups made up of a Black father figure and a white mother. I have no problems with mixed race couples but along with homosexuals (all flavours) they do seem to be overrepresented.
Generally I agree with a lot of what you say but Idris Elba is a fine actor and now an international movie star (although I refuse to watch his Mandela wankfest).
Sky using him is just using a highly regarded and recognisable British actor.
But hey, free speech to all I say and I would never condemn anything you say, just disagree from time to time 🙂
Thought he was great in Ultraviolet [the C4 one not the awful film !]
Was that him in that?
As British TV drama attempts to jump on a passing genre band waggon go I thought that was pretty good ,
Usually they miss the waggon and end on their arses
Last weeks dog and pony show Question Time.
Chukka Obama Clone ” Could we ‘pwease’ have a grown up, civilised rational debate on mass immigration !! ” ( Roughly translated, Chukka is the grown up, civilised and rational while Nigel Farage isn’t )
Strange that, when you bring up the subject of immigration, you’re immediately shouted down and screamed at ” waaycist, bigot and nazi ” by the Left for the last 40 years, no civilised, rational, grown up debate.
What they mean by have a civilised rational debate, is agree with us that immigration is wonderful, always or shut the F up!
They would not recognise a civilised grown up debate if their life depended upon it.
Chukka to Nigel Farage ” You’re part of the Establishment !!” ( He’s self projecting his own personality on to other people )
Chukka’s grandfather is a high court judge, Sir Helenus Milmo you couldn’t get more establishment than that.
UK announces next years Eurovision act !
The ‘Today’ programme this morning claimed that the Eurovision contest was at the ‘front end of a culture war’ between the West and Russaia … yes, right … look out Rublev, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Marc Chagall etc. the BBC’s here to cut you down to size. What a load of ‘p-word’.
And even then, they had to rig that vote to get the bearded man in a dress act to win. The British public actually voted for the Polish busty milk-maid act to win. The public were over-ruled by the PC zealots in the UK Eurovision jury vote.
Really interesting – have you got a link for evidence? Voters wasting money with the BBC again!
better still
Daily Mail now having to pay damages to Mrs Farage – and there may well be c;laims against other media that have over-reached themselves in attacking Farage and UKIP.
What I would dearly love to see is a case brought for calling someone a racist – in public or in print. Both ought to count as defamation >
If in the street, surely that is insulting behaviour – or behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace – or SOMETHING. It is time the police found some way of collaring the UAF and HnH and SWP people who use the r word as an insult to throw at anyone.
Try this one for size:
All from a man who once said “I don’t hate Pakistanis, but I dislike them immensely”.
Take That star Gary Barlow should keep OBE – Cameron –
It’s intriguing why the BBC let people comment on some articles, but not others.
In this case, I think they thought people would use the comments section as an opportunity to bash tax avoidance, the rich, and most importantly David Cameron and the Tories, so it was a no brainer.
Ken Dodd & Lester Piggott lost honours – but IIRC this was due to the fact that they deliberately hid money rather than going through a scheme that they thought was a legitimate way of avoiding tax. Which is the reason why Gary Barlow should keep his OBE.
Ken Dodd even made a joke about it.
“In the 1900s income tax was a shilling in the pound.”
“I thought it still was.”
And this is an idea of Margaret Hodge too.
The BBC of course run with this.
The BBC has lost any sense of perspective and is a headless halal chicken…and as long as Islam or Labour is stamped into its arse end, it`ll serve either.
When DID the BBC lose any shred of credibility?…I`d say it was the phone ins of 2007, others think on the doctoring of footage of the Queen….any answers on a postcard please.
I really do try not to watch the Blatantly Biased BBC at all now but was caught out this morning and walked into the lounge to find my good lady eating toast and watching the BBC1 News Light show. I heard the air heads of the sofa gang giggling as they made mention of ‘Mrs Thatcher’ and ‘divisive’ in the same sentence and walked out again.
Lady Thatcher saved this country from the rubbish tip that this country had become under Labour when they finally got kicked out for incompetence in 1979. And this is the way our compulsorily paid for national Broadcaster allows idiots to speaks of her. Yet they fawn over a bearded bloke warbling away in a frock, apparently.
Their brains are stuffed so far up their rear ends that if someone doesn’t get a grip with them soon I will organise a referendum for independence, not to be free of the EU thanks very much Nigel, but to join Vladimir’s growing club of gold and oil and gas rich nations.
For several years now I have considered that Countryfile is so dumbed down and predictable it should be relegated to C-Beebies. We now have the ubiquitous and annoying Matt Baker plus Ellie having to participate in just about everything from milking a goat to being ‘rescued’ by the RNLI. Instead of John Craven, we have Tom Heap’s doomladen tones in the ‘downer of the week’ spot. This week it was describing effects of climate change which we are actually experiencing now. For that reason alone I have decided that this programme should NOT be moved over to c-Beebies. Our children are already being scared to death at school by enviro-‘mental’ idiots.
Actually even a child would probably realise that the climate is always changing and Heap was talking a heap of utter rubbish – but the warnings were there – just keep hammering home those messages. Thanks goodness Matt assured us in another part of the programme that CO2 derived from some boilers was not being released into the air but re-used as a greenhouse gas in some greenhouses. Well that’s a relief to us all.
Mr D thinks participants hearts must sink as Ellie goes rushing in to ‘help’ or as Mr D says ‘make a nuisance of herself’. And we are both waiting for any of the presenters to taste anything and tells us it is horrible.
But Countryfile used to be a farming programme. What has Ellie’s rescue by the RNLI got to do with the country? And having switched on in the middle of Mr Heap’s tirade about Climate Change we were amazed how many times Heap and his chum, Mr Betts from the Met Office could get the words ‘Climate Change’ and ‘warming’ into a very short piece.
Yes Deborah I’d forgotten about the Met Office ‘contribution’ to the so called debate. No surprises there of course! Likewise here Mrs Nick regrets the loss of what was once an informative programme and she often suggests switching off before I do!
Tom Heap’s slot is pure watermelon politics. It’s like a party political broadcast for the Green party every week.
Shame that Mr Heap is utterly clueless when it comes to understanding the very very simple “scientific method”, because if he did, and he applied that to the CAGW hypothesis, then he would come to the only logical, scientific conclusion available. CO2 is not warming the planet to any dangerous degree and ALL, yes ALL of the UN IPCC’s climate models have been wrong and ALL of them over-estimated how much warming there would be.
The ECS (Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity) is the amount of warming which should occur for a given increase in CO2 emissions by a certain time. This is a figure for which, even amongst climate scientists, there is NO consensus, whatsoever. And the ECS is the absolute central variable at the heart of the climate change science and the debate surrounding it.
ALL the climate models have had the ECS far too high and ALL the climate models have been falsified by empirical measurement of the real world as a consequence.
Note that the climate models are NOT capable of predicting the future at all. They are only models of a variant of the CAGW hypothesis. These models cannot be used as a TEST of the hypothesis itself, to see if it valid with these models. ALl they can do is provide test data against which real data should be compared and it is the real data which is true, not the test data.
Excellent stuff, Ken. Trouble is they will carry on ‘adjusting’ historical temperature records, bit by bit, until they match the predictions of their useless models, though even by their own devious standards they will have to go some to make up the massive discrepancies.
I ve just heard as I ve driven back, on BBC 5live news,
on the “Nigerian schoolgirls” that they have
“converted” to Islam, some are possibly married and
have been filmed wearing hijabs.
It was reported almost flippantly … incredibly insensitive
… can you even imagine? envisage what they have suffered.
Yes, INBBC’s compliant tone of voice in ‘reporting’ the horrors of Boko Haram’s violence against Christian schoolgirls is unacceptable.
You clearly need your ear syringed although that might empty your skull of any remaining matter. There is no compliant tone except in your perverse universe.
And if you b0thered to listen or check the facts you’d find a lot of the girls are Muslim.
You really are a retard!
Thanks for your analytical, friendly compliment. You show yourself up as incapable of reasonable comment.
The fact is Islam Not BBC (INBBC) relegates the gruesome significance of the horrors being perpetrated in the name of Islam, in both word and tone. And not only in Nigeria.
“UK: Child Sex Slavery, Multiculturalism and Islam”
by Soeren Kern.
To repeat, what some seem to have missed:-
“Boko Haram release chilling videos of missing Nigerian schoolgirls and reveal they have all been forced to convert to Islam and will only be released if Islamist prisoners are freed.”
Read more:
If you really believe the BBC is some front for islam then this is clearly the right placr for you as I assume its some kind of offshoot of care in community.
You are clearly crackers and spend all day in a morass of hate from other loons who can’t see beyond their screens.
I note you post all day every day. Have you no other life!
Yes, do you?
For reference:-
“90% of abducted Nigerian schoolgirls are Christians; jihadists released Muslim girls”
Rebranded trolls employed by the bbc are best ignored.
The BBC may not be a front in the true sense of the word, but it is without doubt an apologist. There have been numerous examples quoted on this website going back a long, long time. So, as a late arrival to the party, you are forgiven for having missed them.
“Converted”? Become a muslim or have your throat cut. Fucking savages.
The BBC rather hope that if they have their heads up each others arses…or buried deep in the desert sands…then Islam won`t be able to cut their necks.
Oh dear.
“Prison officers ‘powerless against Islamic converts’”
“From jail to jihad? The threat of prison radicalisation”
By Raphael Rowe,
BBC Panorama.
(programme tonight)
“UK: Would-be jihad murderer’s mother says recruiters promised him Paradise, virgins.”
By Robert Spencer.
What a wonderful ‘society’ Britain has become, under certain Islamic influences, which are strengthening.
jihadi converts …
… nothing to do with Islam?
negative behaviour, following the Qurans texts,
… nothing to do with Islam?
Its “Al Quaida Inspired” 😀 ideology
… nothing to do with Islam?
These jihadi s convert to Islam???? because of …
grievances- oppression- poverty-disenfranchisement?.
There is no violence in Islam?
… nothing to do with Islam
If anyone joins Islam, they must have an awful lot of guidance, a lot of help, someone to hold their hand, to show them that the Quran does not promote violence.
… and has nothing to do with Islam
If anyone joins the Islamic Ummah, they need a lot of help, a lot of guidance, someone to hold their hand, to show them that rushing over to … Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc etc, and joining thousands of Islamic mass murderers …
… has nothing to do with Islam.
Funny enough they knocked crap out of each other in Ireland over religion.
But that had nothing to do with Christianity. Or so we we were told. So you are saying that in fact the Troubles in Ireland are committed by Christians and using your splendid logic, all Christians must hate one another and put on orange sashes.
Your logic like your name is a few bricks short of any sense.
The dictionary according to Georgeorge Rex:
retard: someone with a different opinion to oneself
Our trolling name-changer has used the word “retard”. Not very nice or politically correct. As offensive to the mentally handicapped as the word “nigger” is to black people. Does anyone think his BBC bosses will sack him like the DJ who accidentally played the 82 year old record with the (a-hem) “N” word in the lyrics?
Thanks for that insight er Mr Retard ? bud I’d stop signing off with your last name people may make generalized assumptions about you !
‘Funny enough they knocked crap out of each other in Ireland over religion.’
Ah, that tired old piece of lefty moral relativism.
I think you’ll find the Irish aren’t waging war on each other, or on anyone, anywhere else in the world.
And if you come across an Irish equivalent to a world-wide Caliphate anywhere in your box of irrelevances, do let us know.
How many terrorist attacks by the IRA cited Christianity, quoted the Bible, or were inspired or justified by Christian religious teachers?
Contrast that with Al Qaaeda and Boko Haram.
Ireland? …. 😀 yep! thanks for that
nurse … he s out again
oops! and before I forget
… has nothing to do with Islam …
great to have a reply, but I ll help you out
… have a point!
Don’t forget the beheading of Lee Rigby whilst the murders cried Allah-O-Akbar nothign to do with Islam also
“5 Things the Media and Government Won’t Tell You About Boko Haram”
Here’s a pretty impressive list of extreme weather events that the BBC haven’t yet reported.
Wonder why?
So funny, BNP attacking UKIP for being racist:
BBC PM on Radio 4 told an absolute probable whopper tonight on the story of the kidnapped Nigeria school girls.
The correspondent made a big play about the forced conversion and then came out with it:
“There is no tradition of forced conversion in Islam” !!!!!
Perhaps they could explain why there’s a Wikipedia page about it?
Or this :
“Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: Allah’s Apostle said: “I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah.”
Sahih al-Bukhari, 1:2:25
Or Maybe this :
“You see the ruffians and the lowly followers of the (pagan) Quraish. And he indicated by striking one of his hands over the other that they should be killed.”
Sahih Muslim, 19:4395
Or in the Middle ages the practice of ‘Devşirme’ where Muslims took Christian sons for Dhimmis and forced them to convert to Islam
It’s still going on today in Pakistan and India with many well documented records.
This is provably a lie told by the BBC in order to protect Islam in the UK. They must have known when that was said that it was a lie I cannot believe a BBC correspondent would say such a thing in ignorance.
Disgraceful Islamophilic bias.
Well spotted. Have you complained to BBC about it?
Yes but like everything the more people who complain the more considered the response is.
It is ignorance. The BBC does not do it’s research or believe in accuracy any more. It is a haven of the incompetent and over promoted. If it was required to turn a profit it would fail.
Yes, it was the mistaken Beeboid, John SIMPSON, World Affairs Editor of BBC News, who came out with the canard:-
“There is no tradition of forced conversion in Islam” !!!!
But, ‘Jihadwatch’ has:-
“Nigeria: Abducted girls forced to convert to Islam”
By Robert Spencer.
“’They are Muslims now. We have liberated them.’
“Here is the video about which I wrote here. Most of the girls have apparently been forcibly converted to Islam, while the rest are being offered in exchange for jihadi prisoners.
“In other words, this whole operation is all about Islam from start to finish, while the international media and government leaders continue to insist that it has nothing to do with Islam whatsoever.”
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC) , Radio 4 ‘PM” and Mr Simpson:-
Islam and Forced Conversion-
Perhaps Muslim Ms Alibhai-Brown should have a word with INBBC’s badly informed Mr Simpson:-
“Again, if Muslims are honest they will acknowledge that compulsory conversions are an unholy part of Islamic practice the world over and have always been.”
Good find. Puts the BBC to the left of the Indy, then.
A bBBC in-joke is recounted in The Times today by David Aaronovitch.
I was in the BBC twice over the weekend, partly to get away from the dog. Anyway, one of the make-up artists, as she sprayed my face with anti-age, told me about the New Broadcasting House mouse. This rodent, she said, would show its pointy little face for a moment or two, give a scared little squeak, and then suddenly be gone. Apparently the BBC staff named it “Entwistle”.
According to the BBC – reporting faithfully the line by Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution (SSEPD) probably orchestrated by the Scottish Executive – the massive power cut in Northern Scotland at the end of last month was a “transient problem” and was caused “by a “foreign object” striking the line”.
It appears that this might be a pack of lies. Bishop Hill reveals that a local electrical engineer (you know, someone who probably knows what he’s talking about) – quoted in a local newspaper – reckons that the cause of what was a “rolling blackout” (ie not an instantaneous failure covering the area affected) was created by the inability of the grid to cope with dramatic changes in windspeeds. In other words, the dependence locally on wind-generated energy (coming to all of us if the nutters have their way) is a cause of inherent and unavoidable instability.
The BBC – not wishing to rock the boat of SNP warmism particularly and general windmill fanaticism generally – is happy to go along with the reassuring
lieexplanation concerning the unfortunate failure at a relay station following on from “something” hitting a power line. The good news is that to avoid this kind of thing in future, windfarmers will be asked to shut down their generators earlier triggering even more generous constraint payments from customers (via the power companies).Sounds more like the shit hitting the fan.
The self same “local electrical engineer” who has produced a “Guide to Fighting Wind Turbines”.
So, two sources who may be reasonably considered at each end of the renewables debate.
One still a qualified engineer in this sector.
The other, the country’s least trustworthy propaganda monopoly with 99% reporting staff who couldn’t change a lightbulb without calling tech support.
Still, either could be trying to sway matters more for ideology than objective education.
Any reason you have done no more than play the one person and not their information?
Is he incorrect? Is the BBC certain of its facts, or just astoundingly uncurious when handed those it doesn’t understand and/or likes as is?
Are you saying there is no chance that the official explanation could be anything other than that passed on to and by the BBC?
Given the serious consequences should he be right (to public trust as much as power delivery), might it not have been better for you to await confirmed facts before rushing to do no more than try to discredit a critic by inference and allusion?
Such a technique has of late proven less than successful from Westminster to the cubicles of W1A and Salford.
Are you suggesting that the power company (and all its employees who were involved in responding to and assisting the recovery from the power outage), the Scottish Government (along with all the other agencies involved in responding to the incident) and the BBC (and all other media who carried the same report) are all conspiring to cover up the “real” cause?
Have they all investigated and identified the mysterious object?
Next you’ll tell me there was never any collusion between government’s and industry to minimise the effects of smoking or lead in petrol .
My theory is the ‘foreign object’ cannot be traced because it was a UFO manned by time travellers from the future, sent to alert the eco-fascists to the error of their ways by taking out a windmill or two.
‘Are you suggesting that the power company..
So, not answering my question and default coming back with a framed assertion of your own?
There’s a surprise.
And it is interesting what zone of comfort rouses you from the bunker when so much else keeps you embedded.
I suggested nothing and merely framed the current situation.
I did also ask why you, along with the BBC, felt things should be left between the powers that be (if powers that were off for a while), no questions asked, and why the only reaction to another offering an alternative explanation was to try and make out they had other motivations.
Which you dodged.
Looks like it still remains a bit of a mystery.
The Bishop Hill blog attracts some savvy types. Actual engineers, albeit those less enthused with PR types and arts grads in media who take their press assurances as gospel.
Several worthwhile comments there.
Seems an FoI is in progress to check what actually is going on. With luck it will not be met by the same ‘for the purposes of’ response the BBC deploys and is allowed when cornered, rather too often and uniquely.
I presume you would like to ensure things are all tickedy-boo, as flickering power may affect your ability to post here and claim the establishment is to be trusted, at least that bit serving the narrative the BBC adheres to?
I tend now to be a bit chary of letting the BBC and its chums make things ‘their little secret’.
Let’s see how things pan out, eh?
I am merely open to the truth coming out via informed concerns being allayed.
That you prefer other means of accountability to prevail is no surprise.
Labour telling porkies about VAT costs in their poster campaign (Sunday Politics 6.44 mins):
Great comments on Guido about it:
Labour voting doug shite says:
May 12, 2014 at 3:25 pm
Like this
Advertising Complaints Department says:
May 12, 2014 at 7:37 pm
Ha Ha – Up yours – Us Labour and Coop Boys know how to succeed in some things Ha Ha
Claims in marketing communications whose principal function is to influence voters in a local, national or international election or referendum are exempt from the Code. Please contact the Electoral Commission.
Like this
Obviously the ASA are only interested if it is the Tories who they believe have set out to mislead.
Perhaps it has something to do with this chancer (sorry that should read, useless tosser) being at it’s head – Smith of course being no friend of the Tories at the best of times, less so after he was nailed during the floods.,_Baron_Smith_of_Finsbury
BBC Points West reports on its fav community tonight, the Somalians.
In an effort to get more of them voting a ‘local’ is holding meetings within the community to get them interested, one problem being they can’t speak English!!!!
Of course we know who they’ll be voting for and therefore understand the BBC’s interest in this story, but it begs the questions how can they have the right to vote and how can they understand the issues? Not to forget also that their wife’s will vote how they are told…
The chap in question recons he will have 1000 voting next week, 3000 in the General election.
FFS these people are playing their part in deciding our future and the INBBC love it…
Labour slipping in the polls – the call has gone out “all hands on deck, get us re-elected. Please.”
Points West link 13 mins in
It’s is an absolute disgrace and yet another nail in the coffin of our democratic heritage. Universal suffrage is basically giving a vote to any Tom Dick or Mohammed regardless of their contribution to the good of our society. Postal votes have time and time again been found to be corrupt. All of the safeguards that once protected our integrity as a democracy have been cast aside in some stupid left wing ideological folly
F888in Channel 4s Jon Snow tells us that the Boko Haram video shows that the Nigerian girls are “relatively unharmed”.
So what`s our problem…everybody likes a nice wedding don`t they?
Unbelievable…and now Snow does wonder why , oh why those Nigerian government roadblocks to peace won`t let a few Boko lads out by way of goodwill in return for the release of the girls.
Just a little local difficulty then…thank Allah the likes of Jon Snow are so reasonable and unIslamophobic…wanka!
Would Snow change that view if these monsters had posted video of the girls being beaten and rapped into submission or would he advice us that the lens of cultural relativism should be used?
He is a gut turning Quisling cut from the same sick mould as that name-shifting obfuscater that was posting on here earlier today
The left (Including the bBC) are up in arms becasue a Green received a visit from the police over a tweet he made.
Yes the left who complain about Cameron taking a selfie at Nissen main dealers funeral, who complain about a DJ who played the sun has got it hats on and about anything in general feel that the following is OK to publish:
One does not have to delve too deep beneath the veneer of Scottish Nationalism to find vile and racist language such as this from a spoiled little brat at Edinburgh University:
Absolute silence from the BBC/BBC Scotland. I ‘wonder’ why? If this buffoon had said the same about a Pakistani or Indian Prime Minister then it would Guardians rolled up and high heals at the hustings. But, no, we English are fair game for the infantile SNP scum.
Thank God that I’m moving back to Ipswich after ten years of living in Scotland… but not before I put a big fat cross on the ballot paper.
It is getting tiresome when the ‘separatists’ keep insisting that Cameron and co should be involved in the discussion on ‘independence’.
As far as the Westminster Government are concerned, their input ended when they gave the go-ahead for the Scottish Parliament to hold a referendum.
Both sides of have set up their camps/teams. Obviously it would suit the pro-independence camp to make it a Scotland v England issue. As that would suit their ‘Braveheart’ influenced argument, but they should be reminded at every turn that it is an internal Scottish matter.
Personally, I’ll be voting against the formation of a socialist republic.
… Meh I wouldn’t worry. I give independence two years before the IMF come in with a bail-out package and (for the first time in 60 years) spending discipline.
Scotland/ West Albania will learn a tough lesson – that everything can’t be free.
Hardly racist. The indigenous English and the indigenous Scots are exactly the same race. Different nationality yes .
We must not play into the liberal’s hands by confusing race and nationality. They do this all the time.
Dave S wrote:
We must not play into the liberal’s hands by confusing race and nationality. They do this all the time.
Couldn’t agree more, all this British Pakistani, British Muslims.Irish Americans etc.. just does my head in and gives the named party an axe to grind. I mean when was the last time your heard the left quote a British Church of England person?
We are all more correctly described as British Citizens. But that is not diverse ( or divisive) enough for the liberal.
Acceptance of British citizenship as the sole description would put a stop to any demand for special treatment for any racial or religious group and bolster equality under the law. That is Common law. It would put an end to the creeping acceptance of Sharia. Bit too difficult fior a liberal to understand.
Actually, we were once described as His/Her Britannic Majesty’s subjects. That all changed when the common market metamorphosised into the united federal regions of Europe or EU for short.
One can only be a citizen in a republic or a dictatorship.
David William Donald Cameron, (can’t get more Scots than that surely!) is the son and grandson of Scots and under the nationality rules adopted by most countries would be able to apply for his Scottish passport in the event of Scotland leaving the union.
I don’t understand why any Scot would want to seek to be independent of Scottish PMs Cameron, Brown or Blair… now if you were English…
BBC daily politics
“way off ” Weyman strikes again ….
an amazing triple whammy of ignorance,
ineptitude, and denial
Weyman :
“WE are completely opposed to fascism”
and everyone except the left see it.
Who elected UAF ? ( Ugly And Fascist )
Village idiot Weyman Bennet gets on TV to spew his erroneous garbage while the Paul Weston story is not covered.
Something’s badly wrong with the London Media Industrial Complex.
Very good. She smacks it over the fence in this one.
No sign of this story appearing on the BBC website.
The URL says it all! A threat of an honour killing, an assault on a young girl which would and should have been classed as a religiously motivated hate crime, and all because the daughter was dating a non Muslim.
Note the lack of a sentence here also, just an £80 court costs award.
You can bet your bottom dollar if it had been a devout Christian who had beat their daughter the outcome would be very different and the BBC would be making it headline news.
So the ice caps are melting, tory gary barlow is atax avoider, and nhs staff meet red ed quote”the man who could be prime minister in a year”. Ffs not biased at all then the ten o’clock news.
And the latest on the AstraZeneca take over brought to us by the ‘I’ nbbc’s new business editor…
did you watch from jail to jihad on panorama tonight on bbc1.that should be a wake up call to all of us the threat that these evil terrorist scum pose to all of us
aah! … but not if you re at the BBC, not if you listen in to this
jihadi islamic converts – The Report R4
biggest apologist excusefest going
after “Nigerian schoolgirls” latest news? debate?
Newsnight squat – everything but
5live “Your call” squat – G Barlow s tax
J Whine – squat – my favourite painting
… can BBC dare to let the public speak?
I wonder:
Three men sought over gang rape in Toryglen area
Police are hunting three men after a 33-year-old woman was forced into a common close and raped. The victim was walking in Toryglen, Glasgow, when a man got out of a car and forced her into a close at, or about, 19 Edinbeg Avenue. The man and two others, who were thought to be in the car, then carried out a serious sexual assault. The attack happened at about 03:00 on Saturday. The three suspects are described as Asian and in their 20s.
Bloody Asians again. I wonder if they are from the 5 mosques all within 1 mile of where the poor lady was raped. Nah, must be those UKIP fellow wearing boot polish, well they are racist you see.
I’ve got to love the NHS experts:
Mers virus found in second Heathrow transit passenger
A second case has emerged of an airline passenger who transited through Heathrow Airport and later tested positive for the lethal Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) virus. Public Health England said the person flew in from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 1 May and travelled on to the US. It said the risk of transmission was “considered extremely low”.
Didn’t these experts say the same thing about:
Scarlett fever
and the rest
You know all those ills which are rife in the Uk, but whom the experts said it would be racist and demeaning if we expected immigrants coming to the country to be tested for them.
I know lets all sing a song in which to make us all happy:
“Ring a ring o’roses, a pocketful of posies, atishoo, atishoo, we all fall down”
See, we are all smiling now.
see as usual, weyman bennet is not as smart as he thinks and trys to play the politician by dodging questions relating to the fascist tactics he and his cowardly supporters use to supress free speech and democrasy,he is in denial all the time about the violent actions of his cowardly supporters,and they are cowards,here is the thing weyman bennet,if you are so popular as you make out,why dont you join the democratic process and stand as a candidate against ukip or any other politacal party,you wont because you have no support at all except from a few lazy middle class ex university drop outs who miss most of your demonstrations because they are still in bed getting over there hangovers after a night of drinking cheap cider from aldis,the uaf are clowns,idiots and left wing fascists just looking for attention in your falsely named failed organisation called unite against fascism.
So I am reading the story about those poor Christian girls (Yes Christian girls bBC) in Nigeria who were kidnapped by a bunch of Islamic terrorists
(Terrorists terrorise, militants wear comfortable shoes ,beards, stink of dope and quote Marx while sponging off the state)
and the bbC is bitching about how the Nigerian Government is not going to negotiate with Boko Haram (BH), whom the bbC keep on telling me was set up to combat western Education. which for the life in life doesn’t explain to me why they have been robbbing banks, blowing up market places and killed over 12,000 people.(that was as of Aug 13) I wonder if all the dead were students.
Anyway not once have I heard the bBC give these terrorists a bad time, no honestly have a look
If anything the bBC report kind of justifies BH .
Why does the bBC give Terrorist Outfits an easy time. I mean regards the fact that some of these girls had turned to Islam, gee did anybody bother to ask why? (Once as Muslims, they cannot be officially raped, however they will in turn be married off to ..Muslims for them to …rape)
instead all we heard that conversations under Islam is unheard of..Really?
Why does the bBC berate the government and not the terrorists
Why does John Simpson come out with:
The BBC’s John Simpson in the northern city of Maiduguri says Boko Haram’s comments show signs that the group is willing to negotiate.
Tell me, when have we ever seen a Muslim terrorist stick to his word? The only reason they have changed tack, is simply the whole world has woken up to them and if they send troops to hunt them down, there are going to be a lot of dead terrorists in Nigeria. Of course you can bet the bBC will cry foul play.
I am sick to death with how the bBC, is so quick to shoot our own down (DJs, Presenters,Soldiers,RAF,Historical figures) yet when its a blood thirsty terrorist, why he can only be a victim and we should listen to what he has to say.
And why do the bBC blur the picture of the victims:

when others in the UK don’t

Are we all f-ing paedophiles now? Sorry that would be the gang of thugs who kidnapped these poor girls and who subscribe to the codex as written down by a ….Paedophile.
What’s amazing about this story is there’s Africans actually still residing there, since most of them seem to be all over here !!
Give it time.
Love the vapid expression.
‘Jihadwatch’: a corrective for INBBC on Islamic jihad in Nigeria-
“Muslim cleric: ‘Islam allows a man to have intercourse with his slave woman’”
By Robert Spencer.
“While various heads of state as well as numerous Muslim leaders rush to assure us that the abduction of the schoolgirls in Nigeria has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, some Muslim clerics disagree. Here is a fatwa on the issue from Islam Q & A. Islamic scholars, clerics and spokesmen who insist that what Boko Haram has done is completely un-Islamic should respond to the case made here. They won’t, however, and they don’t have to, because Western governments and the international media will pretend that they did anyway, and act as if the case is already made, and is indeed obvious.”
You say “conversations under Islam is unheard of….” and the BBC are say this?
Think you mean ‘conversions’?
That being the case the evidence is quite the opposite since there are many forced conversions and it is part of the religion to ensure this happens. I wish the BBC would get it’s facts right on such serious life threatening issues, so the world audience can be properly informed leaving us paying the BBC to sleepwalk us into tragedy:
There are some real nasty links on the web about this – terrible, disturbing, SHOCKING content on this site:
“The BBC’s John Simpson in the northern city of Maiduguri says Boko Haram’s comments show signs that the group is willing to negotiate”
As if this means they are suddenly becoming compassionate. Islamic doctrine/scholarly rulings already lay out the directives for non-muslim captives (trading them for muslims is one of the options), and BH are following them, just like they do in everything else.
There is nothing BH do that is not in Islamic docrtrine already. Nothing.
‘John Simpson in the northern city of Maiduguri says Boko Haram’s comments show signs that the group is willing to negotiate’
And of course, one is sure in all good faith, given their track record.
If that’s his spin, I really hope he’s seduced by an invite to get a scoop on ‘their side of the story’.
Emily, on Newsnight, has just let us know that although Labour have now fallen couple of points behind Conservatives in the latest Polls, they can still win GE 2015, due to the electoral system/boundaries?
But from my perspective, the real deal, what with George Galloway’s anti Labour blockbuster film and possibly Chilcot also too likely to be published before GE 2015, rather than anticipating a Labour win there is still much more electoral grief to stump Milliband and Co:
The Conservatives Poll lead does not yet feature prominently on BBC website, but the MSM have it front page, including Guardian:
“Labour falling behind as Ukip leads latest Euro poll”
I think that Maitless (misleadingly) describes the anomaly as Labour being able to win because of the vagaries of the politicial system.
If she was honest – difficult I know, she works for the BBC – she would have said Labour would be able to win because of the gerrymandering of constituency boundaries and Labour’s continual refusal to relinquish their unfair, undemocratic advantage to ensure that every single vote cast is of equal value.
As they say, ‘there you are Emily that’s fixed it for you’.
The bBBC’s response to the Conservative lead in two opinion polls is yet another ‘Labour says …’ non-news story.
Typical bias.
So the bBC has an article on female genital mutilation a totally barbaric act which due to the left hasn’t seen one prosecution in the Uk in nearly 30 years. (even the Mohammed caught the other month has the political and Medical elite defending him saying if he is prosecuted it will drive it underground…really?)
Anyway in the article the bBC embolden this comment:
This is a form of violence against children”
Philippe Duamelle
What do you mean it is a form of violence agaisnt children. It is physical abuse pure and simple. IOW it is violent behaviour agaisnt children.
This deflecting of the main subject, that it is primarily carried out by….Muslims is the real reason why no bastard has been done in the UK. Becasue as we all know thanks to the left, Muslims can not be guilty of…,anything other than being victims.
The bBC reports on a bunch of brave women

in Iran who have taken to having their picture taken without covering up. (In Iran not covering your hair gets you arrested …or worse) . Yet the 3 photos the bBC airs show the back of the women protesting and not their faces., its as if the bBC doesn’t want to offend any Muslims, yet the women who are the main subject heading are all…..Muslims.
Now have a look at the facebook page these brave have set up:
The bBC, the biggest hypocrites going.
… yay! freedom …… (sip that latte) …
these women are being such great “individuals”
We of course support them … but!
we always show the hijab at every f-cking opportunity, on the news, on drama, on documentary.
Our “right on” journo s/presenters love to don it
to show cultural sensitivity, to celebrate the ethnic diversity, the colour of a vibrant multicultural society,
the carnival atmosphere that one has, when “getting down” on “the streets” in our rainbow nation, in Britain
where thankfully our capital is much less “horrendously white” than it used to be … allah ackbar to that.
please don t bomb us ……. pleeeeeze (wrings hands)
And you don’t think that Iranian religious nutcases (but I repeat myself) wouldn’t look at the faces of these women and try and identify them?
Arthur wrote:
“And you don’t think that Iranian religious nutcases (but I repeat myself) wouldn’t look at the faces of these women and try and identify them?”
The photos are all from the same Facebook site, the bBC links into it. Now we can call the mad mullahs whatever we like, but lets be honest, they as aren’t stupid as we would like to think they are.
If I can link into that FB site, so can anybody else.
More cowards than hypocrites here I think. Imagine the headlines if one of these brave/foolhardy women is executed for showing her hair, the hussy.
‘BBC photo gets Iranian Woman killed.’
‘BBC photo gets Iranian Woman killed.’
Interestingly, in this regard, the BBC on Facebook also had earlier a scoop on leads as to where Boko’s girls are.
All shaping up to be another #MH370 series of red herrings, but a few posters did point out that maybe, just maybe, in such cases instead of rushing to fill their content voids with anything to avoid dead air, when lives are at stake they could just STFU.
The morons on the sofa on breakfast at aljabeeba are discussing the idea of fining people in posh restaurants for not eating up everything on their plates.
The reason you’d think was the starving millions in the world?
Nahhh…it’s all about the effects on climate change FFS.
Yes, bloody climate change.
What a thick bunch of self serving tossers .
I think for the sake of our blood pressure probably best to leave morning TV alone. I avoid the bBC like the plague, watched Sky briefly this morning its just as bad, with a ten minute discussion on Jay Zeds row in a lift with ‘expert’ analysis….
The bBC will have an Islamic angle on almost any subject, including local news and ITV is adverts interrupted by news….
Rhidian Brook far left writer appeared on thought for the day to moan about the use of the phrase ‘political correctness’ as a slur, in the face of the unacceptable playing of ‘The Sun Has Got His Hat On’.
Of course the BBC were right to sack a man for playing this, and don’t anyone dare question it. In face the phrase PC is so much a slur that it’s akin to the ‘n word’ and should also be banned.
In other words don’t dare criticise or insult us lefties, we will keep using the meaningless bully words to attack, insult and silence anyone who doesn’t share our opinion, but we are not prepared for anyone to use a word which accurately describes our insanity !
please sir … can we have our ball(s) back?
… this is a great video …
… “Hashtag foreign policy” …
bring back our balls – M Steyn
‘I-word”w-word”d-word”o-word”i-word”. ‘F-word’ BBC.
Depressing “Today” programme this morning, apart from the awful Natalie Bennet, apparently (according to NOAA) the western Antarctic ice sheet and associated glaciers are melting,and sea levels will rise up to two feet globally, which is strange as only yesterday I was watching a video from Joe Bastardi outlining how the Antarctic was at record peak ice. Hmmmm….
Paul Nurse sticking his oar into the Pfizer debate.
Then we had the two blokes from Gatwick and Heathrow, respectively, putting their cases for additional runways. Apparently, developments at Gatwick would mean “cheaper fares for passengers” – yeah, yeah – heard THAT one before, and the Heathrow man mentioned that they would meet “Climate Change Targets” (whatever they may be). Back to Classic FM.
The Guardian
Nafeez Ahmed
The root cause of the Nigerian schoolgirls’ kidnapping
“The kidnapping of over 200 Nigerian school girls, and the massacre of as many as 300 civilians in the town of Gamboru Ngala, by the militant al-Qaeda affiliated group, Boko Haram, has shocked the world.
But while condemnations have rightly been forthcoming from a whole range of senior figures from celebrities to government officials, less attention has been paid to the roots of the crisis.
Instability in Nigeria, however, has been growing steadily over the last decade ….
and one reason is …….. climate change.”
“Instability in Nigeria, however, has been growing steadily over the last decade ….
and one reason is …….. climate change.”
Or how about this other reason : Nigeria population 2000 = 122m, 2010 = 159m
UN projection by 2050 = 440m (other sources project 2050 = 402m)
Or this reason…
‘Nigeria is home to a substantial network of organized crime, active especially in drug trafficking. …The expansion of the Nigerian diaspora and organized crime went hand in hand….The high crime rate among Nigerian migrants also leads to stereotyping Nigerians as criminals; thus, in Cameroon, Nigerian migrants are perceived collectively by the inhabitants of Cameroon as likely to be oil smugglers or dealers in stolen cars…. In Switzerland, the crime rate of Nigerian young males was reported as 620% that of Swiss males in same age group (2009 data), the second highest crime rate of any nationality, just below that of Angolan nationals (at 630%)….Nigeria is also pervaded by political corruption. It is ranked 143 out of 182 countries in Transparency International’s 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index.”
And of course – whisper it…. shushshsh – there is this reason….
“Nigeria is nearly equally divided between Christianity and Islam.”
But for the lilly-liberal BBC ‘climate change’ is a so much easier excuse. It makes Nigeria’s problems appear to our fault.
To be fair the Nigerians refuse to acknowledge the Islam-Christianity dimension. Every obfuscation could come directly from official Nigerian statements.
‘More than $380bn has either been stolen or wasted by Nigerian governments since independence in 1960, the chief corruption fighter has said.’
Welly welly welly welly welly welly well, its from your very own trusted source……
Short memories or, alternatively, Memory Hole malfunction.
A reprise:-
By James Delingpole.
As Michael Savage says ” Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.”
Well, the leader of Boko Haram begs to differ, He says:
“The reason I will kill you is you are an infidel”
Seems pretty cut and dried to me. Meanwhile, Saint Bob Geldof says poverty, and lack of education and opportunities are the cause.
I’ll take a chance, but I’m going with the leader of BH on this one…
it just like he would say …
“The reason I will kill you is you are an infidel”
you better believe it ……. or else!
but … but … just think of the polar b … bang!
(shot rings out)
‘I’ll take a chance, but I’m going with the leader of BH on this one…’
Be interesting when, as must surely happen, a BBC Pulitzer aspirant risks a mano a psycho ‘interview’, how his motivations will get re-understood.
Nafeez sounds like a top recruit to join Tulip and the rest of the girls in the 8k and counting BBC cubicle gardens.
Why is no mentioning the Tax issue in the Pfizer – Astra Zeneca take over?
This is a company which has paid no US tax, something the US government are pretty pissed about, and are using the money to allow them to finance the take over.
If they take over Astra Zeneca is highly likely that they will do the same as Amazon & pay the absolute minimum tax they can get away with.
It is impossible to run a country without tax revenue, and the EU which could do something useful for a change and halt the multi nationals tax free spree has utterly failed.
I’m struggling to understand why any UK politician especially the Tories would be in favour of this, but then Dhimmi Dave does a lot of things which are in direct opposition to UK interests. It just reinforces my suspicion that promises of future income are being made.
As a matter of interest, as well as fact, Amazon is obeying UK and EU tax law to the letter. Indeed, given the business of Amazon in the EU, AFAIAA, it cannot establish its structure legally in any other way. Also, since Bezos – its founder – is more interested in long-term expansion than short-term profit it is not surprising that its profits are tiny compared to its turnover. It is not hiding profits “offshore” or even in Luxembourg. Simply, it’s not making gigantic profits – it is investing its resources for the future.
If you want to play the BBC and the politicians’ game of demonising Amazon for observing every minuscule detail of the law which politicians have created and agreed (and which the politicians could change tomorrow if they were so exercised) that’s your decision. However, unlike the BBC, it would be refreshing to see some honest debate here based on the facts of the matter rather than an emotional argument that, somehow, because it’s “big”, Amazon should not be subject to or benefit from the rule of law. Talk about “multi nationals tax free spree” is just that: “talk”.
Sure there are egregious tax avoiding processes attempted by big corporate. For instance there is the practice of artificial “borrowing” from overseas subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions to steer profits out of high-tax jurisdictions. However such arrangements (and many others) are effectively prevented – in the UK anyway – through various transfer-price and “thin capitalisation” rules strictly applied by HMRC. In my limited experience of the US tax regime, the IRS is no less strict on those operating within the US than is HMRC. However, I don’t want to interfere with your right to slander big corporate. God knows they can defend themselves although, oddly, their case – unacceptable as it is to the deliberately ignorant or plainly mischievous – is rarely heard on the BBC airwaves.
I noticed that the BBC, clearly wanting to whip up a frenzy, repeatedly talk about the tax that Amazon paid on its turnover of £1.2bn.
Companies don’t pay tax on their turnover.
“Companies don’t pay tax on their turnover. “
True, but the turnover is effectively what the customer pays and the customer often pays tax on that so a company might make no profit and pay no tax yet be a tax generator still.
Does it never occur to the ‘tax the companies’ numpties that the extra tax will just be added to their Cost-a-Lot Coffee or AmazinglyGoodValue on-line purchase prices? Isn’t the BBC smart enough to point that out or are they frightened that it might dent St. Margaret’s reputation at talking tough behind the shield of parliamentary privilege?
What ever your views on Amazon et al, there can be no doubt that Pfizer is making substantial profits and is not paying any tax, by holding the profits offshore.
Amazon and other multinationals can easily make no profits in one country if they wish simply by allocating greater costs, it’s all down to clever accounting.
It makes no difference what you think about whether a stance on company taxation is siding with the BBC / left wing, a country cannot be run with no tax income.
Perhaps it would take a major change to open your eyes? No Police perhaps, no Prisons, and no hospitals?
All of them need funding and if there’s no tax income to pay for them then the country goes bankrupt.
Cadbury used to pay UK corporation tax, now it doesn’t. Prices haven’t gone down, they’ve gone up and quality has been so severely compromised that many people will no longer buy the product.
Yes it might be legal on the surface, but often there’s a lot of devious tax avoidance going on.
As Cadbury’s chocolates are one of my many pleasures I can categorically state that the quality has not noticeably decreased, AFAIAC. Other opinions are also available.
What they do do thou’, don’t they, is reduce the size and hike the price but they have done that since I was a child. In those days a fun size bar was bigger than a bus etc …
As to Big Co and it’s nastiness; the solution is plain. Make them pay tax where the revenue is raised. Why don’t HMRC do that? Because the EU won’t let ’em.
And around the mulberry bush we go.
“Cadbury used to pay UK corporation tax”
But the Financial Times says:
“In fact, in the decade before the takeover, Cadbury paid an average of £6.4m a year in current tax on its ongoing UK operations, despite annual British profits of £100m and turnover of more than £1bn.
Like many multinationals, Cadbury reduced its corporation tax bill by loading operations in high tax countries, such as the UK and US, with debt, while using equity to fund its growth through low tax jurisdictions such as Ireland.”
£145 a year, employing more journos than Swiss railways employ ticket collectors….
and yet at the BBC no one seems able or willing to join the dots…
“British millionaire ‘held harem of models against their will at Spanish mansion’”
“Shoja Shojai met most of the women at a fashion school in London and lured them to his villa in Marbella”
“Iranian-born Shojai denied all the claims against him.”
To be fair to the BBC’s lack of dot joining, a search on-line seems to show they didn’t cover this story at all.
From the GF site.
The BBC (Evan Davis) had Andy Burnham on this morning to talk about Labour’s new GP appointments promise.
Talking, as Burnham did, about patient care and rubbishing the government in the process, it was the perfect opportunity for Davis to challenge Burnham on Labour’s record in Wales and in particular the story that broke yesterday about poor care in Bridgend which has led to the suspension of six nurses. ITV suggested last night that this could be bigger than Stafford.
Did Davis ask Burnham about this? Did Davis challenge Burnham on his hypocrisy? Astonishingly, NO.
What a useless, biased waste of space Davis is.
The bBBC daren’t say anything truthful about the Nationalised Death Service because it likes to think that the NHS and BBC are both ‘envy of the world’ institutions.
Undermine one and the other might be vulnerable as well.