Nick Robinson, a somewhat unreliable witness during the election, has tried to smear David Cameron with a claim that Cameron had ‘threatened to close down the BBC’.
Robinson tries to escape the charge that he is engaging in some black propaganda on behalf of the BBC in the run up to its charter negotiations by saying that it was hard to know if the comments, which colleagues who were on the bus relayed to him, were a joke or a veiled threat.
Trouble is the comment was obviously a joke, one said in front of many other journalists who never thought it as of any importance or significance at all….did they report the comment? No. You can guarantee if they believed Cameron meant what he said it would have been front page news.
So the question is why is Robinson making a song and dance about this ‘threat’?
The BBC, along with its well paid camp followers, is engaged on a massive campaign of disinformation and pro-BBC propaganda in order to keep its privileged position and its hand in our pockets, keeping the troughers in the style to which they have become accustomed on easy street and more significantly to keep their control over the news agenda.
The BBC is even commissioning programmes that seem solely intended to be a defence of the BBC under another guise. Hall and Harding are constantly uttering threrats and making dire warnings if the BBC is cutback in any way whatsoever…..Hall demanding nobody ‘screw with the BBC’ he was on Marr’s show once again filling the airwaves with the BBC’s ‘case’.
Robinson goes on to spin his comments and try and justify his blatant piece of boloney with sham claims that ‘he had “thought quite a lot” about comments Cameron made during the campaign, which were interpreted by BBC staff as a veiled threat and “another bit of pressure”’
No, not one BBC employee would have thought that….they know full well the BBC is never going to be closed down….and you have to ask just how many BBC staff even heard of the comment? Robinson’s manufactured outrage and sanctimony aside, his hypocrisy is stunning. This is the BBC that has worked relentlessly to get the Tories kicked out of office so if Cameron had meant what he said who would actually blame him for setting on that course of action?
Hall plays the other end…
Hall welcomed the appointment of John Whittingdale as culture secretary, saying that he “knows the sector” and “loves the BBC and the arts”. The culture secretary has previously insisted that the BBC stop producing highly popular shows such as Strictly Come Dancing, but Hall said: “I don’t think we’re there to be a market failure BBC.”
Interesting last comment…“I don’t think we’re there to be a market failure BBC.”
Yes, yes you are. The BBC’s whole remit is to do things that are either commercially risky or unviable in order to provide the Public with life enhancing information and entertainment they would possibly never get from commercial companies that may only bet on things they think are going to be surefire hits.
The real reason the BBC likes the crowd pleasing pap is because it makes people like the BBC. The BBC ‘brand’ is inculcated into tiny brains as children grow much in the same way the Hitler Youth and the Young Communists and various religions tried and try to get ’em whilst they’re young and brainwash them….a good percentage will be forever ‘BBC’ and unlikely to either believe the BBC can do any wrong or be prepared to look away and ignore the worngs.
Stripped of all those heartwarming David Attenborough films, the ‘Only Fools and Horsess’ and happy clappy kids programmes the BBC would soon be seen to be the highly politicised propaganda organisation that it really is. The unpleasant politics is dosed with the ‘sugar’ programmes to make it slip down better…it’s still toxic though….its hatred for ‘Britain’ and White Britons, its support for Muslim terror and radical Islamic culture, its belief that a ‘white’ Britain must by its very nature be in some way evil, racist and bigoted, its support for the dismantling of the UK and the handing of control to an unelected EU bureaucracy, its refusal to admit that climate change science is more about politics than science, its support for a particular strand of politics and the determined attempts to close down debate and to vilify politicians who don’t talk the same language as the BBC.
I could go on. The BBC is dangerous in its appeasement and justification of terrorism. The BBC damages Democracy as it distorts the debate with its false perspectives and concentration on issues it thinks we should be concerned about rather than looking at what we really are concerned about.
For instance did we get anything like this perspective on Labour’s policies from the BBC as Burnham now comes clean?...
Describing the policy [The Mansion Tax] as “spiteful” and anti-aspirational, he said he knew it would lose votes when his mother Eileen phoned and told him it represented a return to the 1970s.
“It felt spiteful and went against the grain,” he said. “We need to get back to communicating simple policies that will make a real difference to people.
“Labour looks like an elitist Westminster think-tank talking in language that people don’t understand. We lost our mooring.”
Perhaps the BBC should be closed down. The commercial companies would be quite happy to take on the popular shows, so we lose nothing there. As for its remit to provide us with all the ‘boring’ political, morally uplifting and socially constructive stuff relatively few are interested in…well the BBC makes such a bad fist of producing this stuff that the country would be better off without it.
Go and have a lie down Nick….if that’s just all too much to contemplate….a life having to justify your salary back in the commercial sector.
Five more years-was May 7th a distant dream or what?
Despite the BBC daring to threaten Cameron for not being led to their trials by circus-in other words those “debates”-Cameron and the Tories are spineless chinless show ponies who prefer their vanity to whether or not we still have a country.
Why else do they suffer the Lefty Nazis who run 24/7 black ops against anything to the right of Heseltine or Clarke?
The Tories need to defang the BBC, the likes of Rigby deserve that-for the more the BBC shill for Islam and atheist segments of grievances-the less chance we`ll have to save our country.
If only Cameron WOULD deal with the BBC-but he won`t.
ChrisH, I think you are correct. The Conservative party will not do anything to constrain, let alone privatise the bbc. To those in the power fantasy, emasculating the bbc will be regarded as losing a tool of control, even if the rabid dog attacks its master from time to time.
Just saw the last few minutes of Jonathan Dimblebys bit on the BBC during the war.
His dad was there alright-but it`s hard to imagine the BBC being so pleased about the capture of Lord HawHaw THESE days!
Surely he has a right to an opinion-and who`s to say that he wasn`t right-did he not raise awareness of the German internal debates, albeit in a colourful way?
Come on BBC-push for a Turing-like rehab of the one broadcaster who seemed to predate the normal career trajectory of most who now squat at the BBC these days.
More Nazis? Its almost like another crazy rant.
So , why are you on this site ?
For many years I have felt that Robinson was a complete imbecile when it came to reporting politics in this country for the BBC. I always had the impression that he interpreted events in such a way as to support the current machinations of the Labour Party and was never interested in presenting an impartical and fair analysis.