Someone sent this from the urban dictionary on Mecca Cola. If correct it should be the recommended drink for the generation of BBC Trots who no longer drink aunty’s tea.
Am hoping the 3 Musketeers representing Leave (Boris, Andrea Leadsom & Gisela) are on top form tonight as they were a couple of weeks ago. Might need to have a wee dram to hand to watch tonight – to celebrate and toast their coolness, calmness and integrity – as opposed to the c*ap that’s likely to come from the other side.
Isn`t this great Larry?
Devastating puncture of the thick Baggy…Steve Parish blasts him to hell and shows him for the pea brained gobby fan of fuckery that he is.
Imagine-someone on 5 Live who doesn`t think that De Geas contract is the ONLY issue on which to vote on Thursday.
And poor Charlie splutters into his linament when Parish says-why the hell would De Gea be affected anyway…because we`ll write our own work permits if we want him, as opposed to having to import a Slovak sandbag to fulfil quotas for the EU.
Wonder how many of Calais finest are rioting so they can get over for the new season?
In an excellent article over at Conservative Woman, former BBC insider, David Keighley, reminds us of the BBC’s guidelines for handling the referendum.
“Article 5:1 of the Corporation’s referendum coverage guidelines was written precisely to cover this. It warns that very rigorous steps should be taken to ensure no side obtains a special advantage from a major news event,” Keighley explains, before going on to demonstrate how and in what ways the Corporation has broken its own rules and has used the murder of Jo Cox as a propaganda tool.
The particular focus of Keighley’s article is how the BBC has campaigned to demonise Nigel Farage and, by that, undermine the entire Leave campaign. He makes an unarguable case.
Once Friday morning has come and gone, and whichever way the vote goes, the debt we are alleged to owe to future generations is going to include increasing our efforts to get rid of this evil, corrupting cancer from the heart of British society. Its malign influence on our society is one of the key reasons why there is any question of Remain winning, why the emotional incontinence over Mrs Cox’s death took place and why those qualities which once made British people respected throughout the world are now slipping away.
The BBC is the engine of cultural Marxism. It is an engine which much be smashed.
Looking quickly just now at the TV schedule, I noticed a ‘big’ debate is being broadcast on BBC1. Turning to it, I watched for three minutes with increasing dismay and alarm. What I saw wasn’t a debate: it was sloganeering, question-bating and haranguing. I note also the extraordinary lack of balance of the questioners – Dimbleby, Matthis and Michal Hussain. The audience seemed to treating it as a kind of gladatorial contest, with groans, and boos and cheering. This is perfect opportunity for the Remainiac presenters to skew things in favour of the Remain side, and doubtless they will hasten to their task with vigour. But I simply cannot watch any more of this farrago. I just pray that on Thursday, most people will do the right thing and vote to leave.
I watched it for about ten minutes. The remain side was dominated by a Nicola Sturgeon clone from the SNP. She was good at pointing her finger and shouting over Boris Johnson. She caused me to hit the off switch. Was this her tactic?
There was also a TUC wimmin for Leave. She made wild quotes such as all experts say we should Remain.
Boris was performing well. Sections of the audience cheered when he spoke about independence and sovereignty.
As an aside, I had a chat with my Indian born postmaster today. He said that he’s voting to leave. He said that he wants Britain to go back to being the country he admired when he arrived here as a child in the 1960’s.
But, I suspect that we British have already decided which way to vote
Good Lord, was she a Conservative? Well I never. Do they roll a dice or something nowadays, to decide which side they’re on, or do they just go by favourite colour?
I thought she was SNP. Aggressive and contentless much like Cameron at his bullying best. If she thinks she can challenge for the Tory leadership then the world is truly insane. Maybe a good thing though as she would finally finish off the useless Tory party.
The BBC news later was masterly in it’s editorial bias. Listen you berks I watched the debate and your report was nothing like the reality.
Imagine this endorsement from Anjem for the “Remain ” lobby will be headline news tomorrow on Todays 8am news bulletin.
Why ever not?…probably will be our EU Commissioner for head transplants by 2022.
And -of course he`ll want to stay in-all his Cologne mates and Mollenbeek buddies getting oodles of lawyers and free passage to Britian-who much easler will it be to create the Caliphate than if we actually spiked the buggers as they tried to sneak over on their lilos?
A no brainer as they say-which is why Anjem and the BBC, Cameron and Clegg are so in favour of it.
Who needs to think?…just emote until the Islamofascists come a calling.
“Imagine this endorsement from Anjem for the Remain lobby will be headline news tomorrow on Todays 8am news bulletin.” Muwahahahahahah – thanks for a good chuckle 🙂
Luckily this was in the concluding comments so couldn’t be interrupted – although DD did cut off the cheers which followed Boris’s final remarks.
Funny how in the general debate the presenters kept cutting off Leave speakers just as they were about to conclude their points, to try to pre-empt any cheers, wasn’t it?
By contrast, the Remainiacs were generally allowed to finish their points and get their cheer.
Now they are trying to undo the win for Leave in the debate by grilling Gove about the economy, presenter claiming all economic experts agree that the economy will be worse off after Leave, cutting him off in mid-answer to change subject to “project hate” (yuk) and now bringing in a donation by a suspected BNP supporter… almost as if the BBC had a pro-Remain bias 🙄
Remain should be ashamed of themselves for the tone of their campaign, which has clearly stoked division and hatred, so much so that a Brit tried to assassinate Donald Trump yesterday, a disgusting assault on democracy.
Assuming campaigning will cease for a day or two, and expecting events all around the world in solidarity – no?
Oh goodie, News at 10 leading with the Emir of London spouting “project hate”. No bias there then. The two clips of Leavers involved them being shouted over by other speakers. Nice going, editors.
2nd item – still on St Jo
3rd item – White non-muslim man convicted of killing his own daughter
Typical pattern – can hardly bear to watch any more.
Ex = a has-been
Spurt = a constant drip put under pressure.
I should have remembered that definition while listening to the TOADY prog at 8.10am this morning. The Humph was in full-on ‘Cameron Interrupt’ mode but as the latter is obviously practising for going head to head with Lord Kinnock in the other place in (the near) future it was difficult to get a simple, straightforward answer out of ‘Call me Dave’.
OK, I am biased. I’ve made my mind up. Of course, I am biased as I could be accused of being called a conservative. (Note the small ‘c’.) This final, pre-Referendum, interview with the PM on TODAY, left me with my jaw on the ground at what I was hearing from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. I am praying that others will have really listened and ‘see’ through his words, the babble of phrases, the turbulent torrent of tired soundbites and platitudes.
Yes, I liked the “Nazi gold wrenched from teeth of dead Jews finances Leave Campaign” shock controversy.
Is nothing sacred to these jack-booted, foreigner-hating Leave types ? Thank God the UKIP death squads have murdered only one MP. It’s great that the tone of the Remain campaign has remaiined decorous at all times and the concerns about immigration of white working class ex-Labour voters are being taken really, really seriously. Even the Caliph of London shares these worries.
Croatia v Spain on ITV. Great game. Croatia deserved winners.
Dipped into the “debate” at half time and caught sight of Chukka at the end talking about waycism (yawn) and a beeboid telling me that “the spin room is where the narrative is decided”.
In a game of three halves (Economy, Immigration, Democracy) from my admittedly bias viewpoint I scored it 1-0, 1-1, 2-1. Giving a final total of 4-2 to the Leavers.
Leave continued where they had left off. With a settled team, again calm, coherent and dignified. Remain brought on the subs, and surprisingly continued where they had left off. Nasty, snarling, accusatory and personal. Looks are important and by that criterion I think it was a win for Leave.
Didnt see the debate but just watched the highlights on bBBC1 10pm news.
Based on this, I’d say it must be 70% remain. Big cheers for all remain comments, no cheering for most leave comments. Of course, we know that is not the case.
Surely the bBBC havent carefully selected the audience and then produced a carefully edited version of the debate?
beeb highlights what it wants, not what we saw, the scotch token diverse person idiot actually said “we want more immigration”, hmmm even a lot of remainers dont want more, they want to believe the eu will control it if we can just all agree with each other.
“Surely the bBBC havent carefully selected the audience and then produced a carefully edited version of the debate?”
No no, surely not.
An unbiased person might even conclude that the BBC might have some institutional bias which has the presenters interrupt the Leavers to cut off the cheering from the end of their remarks, so it can later fit the editing better.
Dimbleby declared it as a 50/50 split in the audience. I think that’s fair. Worth watching the whole 2 hours (groan) to see how Leave did much better than BBC news edits suggest.
Khan received huge applause with his Project Hate slur. In fact, depressingly, it was the loudest of the night thus far. That makes me fear a post-Cox swing to Remain.
Thankfully, Boris Johnson stood up in the guise of the blond Churchill to declare “We offer hope. Believe in Britain. This Thursday will be our country’s Independence Day.” Wild applause, cheering and a standing ovation. That makes me hope for a post-Cameron swing to Leave.
BBC: “The former girlfriend of the man who murdered a police couple at their home has spoken of his “isolation” after spending two-and-a-half years in jail”
David Vance: “Touching to see the BBC weigh in seeking our sympathy for the latest radical Islamist killer. Oh no – felt lonely so I guess he was almost obliged to go out and kill? The BBC falls over itself to excuse these Ramadan driven savages.”
BBC: “Marjorie Wallace, from the mental health charity Sane, said living alone and feeling disconnected from society was fertile soil for extreme ideas, beliefs and hatred.”
David Vance: “The alleged killer is a man with a history of mental illness, Thomas Mair. The exact circumstances seem unclear and we don’t know why he shot and stabbed her.
The simple fact which you appear to have missed ZERO is that the Jock who lived in Fieldhead was a loony tune that is a documented fact. On the other hand Abballa was a convicted terrorist. Here let me quote the leftwing Guardian: “In 2013 Abballa had been sentenced to three years in prison, with six months suspended, for “criminal association in view to preparing terrorist attacks” over his role in a recruitment network of jihadis to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Before his arrest in that case, aged 20, in 2011, he had been known to police for crime including theft and violence. He was released from prison in September 2013 after serving most of his sentence while he was on remand. In prison, he had been flagged up for radical proselytising, the state prosecutor said. He had been followed up by probation officers since his release.
Now the only way, your stance would work, is if you are implying that the followers of Islam are all loony tunes. But something tells me you don’t subscribe to that notion .
In otherwords you are nothing but a f-ing troll more intent on swallowing what his Mullah unzips 5 times a day (Its Ramadan yer hypocrite, you’re not supposed to swallow man fat during the day) than actually trying to debate the subject at hand.
“Interesting how Zero tries to equate the nutter who murdered Joe Cox as being similar in mind (Ie Sandwich short of a picnic) to ISIS foot soldier Larossi Abballa…”
Erm, no. I was actually comparing David Vance’s different reactions to similar BBC reports.
This site claims to be about the BBC does it not?
Or is it just a convenient place for you and other social misfits to jerk off in unison over your obsessional hatred of Muslims?
Zero, sorry I missed you at Camden public toilets as the experience could have been videoed for my colleague who has a massive EU grant to research the sexual behaviour of left wing trolls. You see, she requires some further information which is relevant to your internet pattern of behaviour. During sex, do you make a series of grunts or sounds, eg. ooh aah ooh, or do you simply maintain silence ending with a prolonged aaaaahhhh Hope you can answer this question for my colleague. She has another EU research application in the pipeline.
I note your frequent sexual metaphors eg. jerking off in unison (brilliant!) – which are relevant to her research.
Who is this though? I’d like to put it on Fb, but I’d be shot to pieces by left wing warriors with claims of racist, followed by a knock on the door from the glasgee polis. It is so obviously the truth…why are so many deluding themselves? I despair.
One can only hope that whoever wins the day, those in power remember that only half the population voted their way. A strange analogy, – its as though a line has been drawn across the country if the polls are to be believed; and I wonder what the atmosphere will be like on Friday, fervent rejoicing on one side and bitter disappointment on the other. The mood in the country doesn’t come anywhere near that of a general election, but I suspect there will be huge recriminations and post mortems in the media.
Dover Sentry, I think there are three (or more?) reasons:
One is the obvious geographical distance, albeit 22/23 miles minimum, from continental Europe.
The second is that we have always had a considerable number of thinking, informed, pragmatic politicians that are scattered across Party divides who think about what the (EEC)EU offered/offers and see and talk about the obvious fault lines. See Peter Shore MP video on this w/s filmed during an Oxbridge(?) Debate at the time of the 1975 Referendum.
The third is that some, probably those who long to be big or have a chance to be big in a big ‘Project’, were so anxious to be IN and were very hurt at being snubbed and refused entry. Thus, they have tried harder to be ‘good Europeans’ whereas the rest of us are just relaxed Europeans after being easy-going British after being whatever we are in a more local context. That push:pull tension is reflected to us continually by the media & vested interests and, inevitably, results in what we had in 1975 and again tomorrow.
Could be wrong on that. That’s what came to mind. There may be other factors why countries IN from the beginning tend not to get excited over the EU. Similarly for accession countries.
Dominic Raab may not be the medias idea of a Tory Leave “lead spokeman”-presumably they prefer their Boris and their Nigel.
Raab is WAY too cerebral-and I`m guessing that is why he, Gove and Rees-Mogg have hardly been asked to go deep into the reasons to leave…more often they`re expected to bandy Boris figures and nigel posters with millionaire Beeboids who`ll NEVER be replaced by cheap Latvians…more`s the pity.
Raab could not disguise his boredom and contempt for the likes of Maitlis on Newsnight..much as Gove persisted in daring to interrupt Mick Robinson this morning with some facts…the BBC do NOT like those do they?
Raab is a rising star….no matter the result( and I think we`ll win relatively easily)…we`ve got Hollande, Merkel , Greece to come soon-migrant crises to dwarf last years…oh, and Italy and the Balkans to turn extrmely toxic and nasty within the next two years.
Any Remainiac?s-make a note of them and rub their smug stupid faces in it all-but be gentle if they`re under 35….poor sods were never taught any history or context I`m guessing.
This country is now irrevocably split…and we`ll not lose OUR share of it.
chris, if you want cerebral you cannot beat Field & Hoey. Kate Hoey has been used quite a bit, heard her regularly on the BBC but Frank Field appears to have been sidelined. Too busy in his battles on behalf of BHS pensioners & workers, perhaps? Too good a communicator and too much concern for the ‘ordinary bloke and blokess’ ?
Both are good communicators, especially the measured Field who gets passionate in avery measured and controlled way.
I watched the BBC Brexit program tonight all the way through . We were told that the 6000 audience was 50/50 remain/leave. The leave supporters were far more enthusiastic than the remainers and made more noise culminating in a standing ovation for Boris at the end. To me, BBC reporters/commentators appeared a little shocked and did their best to move things along, only one admitted that the wind was in the Brexit Sails. If there is EU defiance in a BBC Flagship program from London, what is the real support for Brexit accross the country? Fingers crossed for Thursday…….
Line up to discuss the EU on Newsnight:
Two novelists one black, one Jewish, lesbian budget cook ‘Jack’ Monroe and a history professor, the only one who doesn’t (apparently) tick a ‘minority’ box!
Even the Brexit black novelist eager to join in on the demonisation of Brexit over immigration.
Harold Jacobsen Jewish novelist , calling people ‘wicked’ for saying “I want my country back!”, and adding slipperry slope dark hints of ‘Nazism’. What hypocricy from a Zionist: a homeland for Jews, Britain for anyone!
I have never understood why the opinions of “novelists” should be deemed more worthy than the views of, say, postmen or people who work on building sites. At least they do a worthwhile job that benefits the rest of us.
I’m glad you’ve said that Lobster, as for years I’ve wondered why Bonnie Greer – an American, an author and over here, is often airing her fervent views on various subjects. Whose interested ???? Perhaps like a lot of overseas scribes who appear on our airwaves, they enjoy being a ‘somebody’ in a little pond rather than a ‘nobody’ in their own larger country. We’ll be told soon that like the NHS being staffed by migrants, we need ‘these people’ to impart their knowledge, as we have so few of our own !
Robert Tombs is an excellent historian, and his wife is French, if that helps tick any boxes. I am not sure where he stands on Brexit, though he did not come across as a Remainiac. Perhaps, as a historian, he knows that these multinational empires are bound to fail eventually, as all have since the dawn of time. The only question is when?
I stopped watching the BBC debate tonight when the staggeringly one-sided Mishal Husain invited Caroline Lucas and then the Scottish MSP Humza Yousaf to outline their views. She patiently listened to their vaporous nonsense, which consisted of virtue signalling and mindless Guardian reader pleasing statements, before reacting as if someone had explained to her the theory of Gravitational waves and cured cancer.
She then went over to the Brexit side where she demanded a UKIP lass justify a poster, thus putting the UKIP lady on the defensive from the off, before interrupting her continuously. She did the same to Tony Parsons, in fact she walked away from him and the sound crew lowered his mic as he tried desperately to make his only point. Shameful.
Mishal followed this by inviting another Remainer to make a point, erm, sorry, an uninterrupted speech. At that point I turned off.
Impartial? I hope the public outside BiasedBBC note what happened. I fear they won’t.
Her treatment of Tony Parsons says it all. Petulant and the sign of a person who has lost the argument. Typical BBC clone. But we need to get real. The BBC was always going to act like this whoever was doing the show.
Yousaf was the first to bring up the “Nigel Farage poster” and declared it “racist”. This following on from Khan’s “project hate” slur and Frances O’Grady’s BNP bomb. This explicit painting of Brexit supporters as racists and haters must surely back-fire.
And from Khan and Yousaf, to Maitlis who challenges Michael Gove on Project Hate and the BNP connection. How low are Remain and the BBC going?
Exactly, Golightly. In fact it was the racists and haters slur that Tony Parsons attempted to deal with when Mishal Husain simply walked away form him and the mic was pulled down.
Vote leave and strip the BBC of the millions of euros bung the BBC gets from the EU
Hi Maria, support it with a dose of Jean Sibelius’ Finlandia. You do not have to sing the hymn words or think of them but they may help in times of trouble, in times of strife, in times of conflict.
I didn’t see the debate but can I take it from the above comments that Al Beeb was biased ?
Will ‘the man on a clapped out bus’ give those who also missed it give us his comment on the debate ?
Yes thats the same man who said last year Quote, ” I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news. However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning.”
“Been stuck at #Calais for 12hrs. I’ve watched migrants throw bricks at cars, dive into water by Ferries & run into @LeShuttle. Chaos”, Tweeted British journalist Alex Macheras on Monday evening.
Adding: “I can assure you that what is being reported as a ‘power outage’ is actually violence & chaos from migrants fighting police here”.
BBC Reported Major Migrant Unrest At Channel Port As ‘Power Problems’
Apparently, article 5:1 of the BBC’s referendum coverage guidelines warns that “very rigorous steps should be taken to ensure no side obtains a special advantage from a major news event.”
Not on the BBC: Top ten reasons to vote Remain. Here’s what the EU is hiding until after the referendum.
Vote Remain to sign up for:
1. A Euro Tax ID For Everyone
2. Fresh Plans for an EU Army
3. Scheme to Hand Out 1 million UK Visas to Turks
4. Compulsory European Programming on Netflix
5. Ruling on Muzzling British Anti-Terror Police
6. Demands for Even More Cash
7. Banning High Power Kettles and Hairdryers
8. Hiking VAT on Food, Medicine and Kids’ Clothes
9. Kicking UK Off International Organizations
10. Suffocating London’s Art Market
As impartial as ever, the BBC can’t wait to paint Leave as liars on their website, the lead story is…
Rival sides clash in UK referendum debate: Boris Johnson says Thursday’s EU referendum can be the UK’s “independence day” – but the Leave campaign is repeatedly accused of “lying” in the final TV debate before polling day.
Mike Hunt, the answer is yes , the “lying” slur is all they have left. I think the “hate” meme is starting to look distinctly threadbare now, so they have moved on.
Nice try Guardian to steal the last day before the referendum with a hope that the BBC will follow up on the alleged (repeat alleged) death threat to Yvette Cooper for supporting Remain, just like her colleague Jo Cox.
Do you think your opinions matter? Should you have a mechanism where you can put a cross on a piece of paper, and if enough people agree with you can change things?
If so, are you going to vote to return that control fully to you or be a turkey voting for Christmas and head for the fold with all the other EU sheeple?
If you get it wrong with this vote you will have about as much effect in voting in the future as those behind the Berlin Wall used to have!
I think I’m going to organise a stay in grief session tomorrow so the Remainers can join me weeping over the poor ickle jaguar shot dead in Brazil and the sweet tiny grizzly bear cub so brutally slaughtered in a hit and run (no supporting evidence btw). Times will be 7am to 10pm and during that time please stay indoors to share you outpourings of schadenfreude on FB and Twitter and remind your fellow Remainers that it would be simply preposterous to even think of voting on a day of world wide grief for the ickle critters so brutally being slain worldwide.
It’s jump the shark time as both breakfast and North West inform us of celebrations around the the world what would have been the 42nd birthday of Saint Joe Cox. I wonder if this will be extended to other deaths in the future?
BBc starts it’s anti diesel agenda telling up diesels pollute more when the temperature is under 18 centigrade. AND IT’S ALL LEGAL! Lucky we have global warming then isn’t it to raise the temperature here over 18c for more of the year.
The bbc relationship with diesel is ‘complicated’. I very much doubt that when the solar and wind systems see a glitch in power to the transmitters, they will be hooking up all the staff carbon fibre Bromptons to the canteen microwave to keep the baked spuds coming.
The Today programme has mentioned ‘pollution’ from diesels in its headlines, and in the dedicated piece on the subject. I was hoping we will be told exactly what pollution they are referring to. Is it Co2, Nox, particulates, sulfur, or what? It is basic information, and yet the BBC excludes it, and we remain inadequately informed.
Martin, its NOX + the particulates because those particularly affect breathing and asthma sufferers.
IIRC, a Leeds Uni study – mentioned on the BBC about four, five or six years ago – found that the fall-off of all pollutants dropped dramatically over distance from the road, even across the width of a standard pavement. More so, if the street was lined with trees.
The very strange thing is, anyone with half a brain would be asking why has pollution suddenly become a greater problem. Could it be related to the widespread introduction in the past year of 20mph limits across many towns & cities in the UK?
Then there’s the speed tables and speed bumps. No one thinks at the BBC thinks to ask about those in their influencing pollution levels.
Actually, I very well know this, and have known it for fifty years! I was only reflecting on the fact that BBC producers and commentators, armed with their PPE, Eng. Lit. (Oxon), or Plastic Worm-Modelling degrees, know little of ‘science’ and assume the great unwashed listeners (whom they regard as lacking their elevated intellects) are equally dim.
Be assured I received your comment, and then made mine in perfect good humour! I’m too old to get upset by much, or to upset others directly. That’s not to say I’m unwilling to be critical of scoundrels such as our ‘beloved’ Prime Minister, a man who has seemingly lost his moral compass. I’d better stop.
There are far more diesel cars now thanks to their favourable tax treatment. This is because they do not produce as much of the dreaded “greenhouse gas” CO2, otherwise known as a harmless trace element in the atmosphere which is beneficial to plant life. Diesels produce more NOX and particulates, which really are harmful to people, but obviously you have to break a few eggs to make a nice omelette for Gaia.
BBC news passes on threats from the BDI, the German equivalent of the CBI, about Brexit. This is the organisation that said the influx of “refugees” into Germany was a “gift from God” as all skill shortages and the aging problem would be solved at a stroke. Unfortunately, this august body did not realise that their German language skills were non-existant or rudimentary, so it will take at least years before they become employable in any meaningful sense.
Even the difference in scripts means many “refugees” find it difficult to read street signs.
Germany was suffering from a desperate skill shortage of rapists and sex molesters, but thankfully Frau Merkel has ensured that this gap has been well and truly filled.
One of those lovely little moments that the BBC does so well. TODAY, today BBC R4 in 7.30-8am segment, more ramping up of the ‘Diesel cars are evil’ as a precursor – no doubt – to some higher transport taxation. No mention by the pro-Global Warming, pro-Climate Change BBC of diesel taxis, diesel vans and diesel buses; it is just diesel cars that are evil. (I could have said “I told you so” at that point because some of us ‘petrol heads’ knew about the relative merits of diesel v. petrol long before global warming was invented.)
Apparently, temperatures in the UK are below 18 degrees centigrade on 315 days every year.
I really don’t think, BBC TODAY programme, that you should let out a fact that is either not correct or rather clearly and firmly demonstrates an absence – in the UK at least – of Global Warming and a significant component of Climate Change. Things are going to have to get really hot on 15% of the rest of year to drag the UK into the global bit of Global Warming.
It’s possible we might get a new thread today (within the hour, please) , so we can comment on the final days news before Liberation day. Let’s hope so!
BBC R4 Today Programme this morning found time, around 8.45am, to squeeze in an utterly pointless piece about Thomas Malthus. Apparently, he’s ripe for a good old progressive revisionist rehabilitation. John Humphrys couldn’t resist capping off the moment with a suggestion that ‘perhaps we need more of Malthus’. Justin almost choked on his skinny latte, but somehow avoided spitting into the microphone.
BBC News & Current Affairs: Comedy worth at least £145 pa (or else).
Belittling Englanders
When you’re in that voting booth the BBC wants you to just be nice
If there’s one thing you can rely on it’s the hubris of the BBC – it’s immense and, by the way, undaunted by threats of being sued by Cliff Richard, cue ….
“The Big EU Debate”
Well we suppose if you understand political debate as a football crowd-lite clapping and hooting like seals as the slogans are played on the platform like the pre-match roll call of foreign stars in the team. A BBC reporter seemed a tad glum in the preamble during the day (pre-match build up) that ‘the organisers’ (love that BBC-at-arms-length deniability shtick) so we’re told the BBC-not-the-BBC had cut the audience from ten down to six thousand. The economy, licence fee, immigration… it’s always the more the merrier.
As usual – and this goes back the original Farage v Clegg tv series which by the way sidelined the BBC – on the night the Leave camp won the arguments again against fear, bluff belittling of Englanders and progressive bluster. Plus that great liberal cri de coeur : ‘oh be nice’
But despite all the Lefty cat calls once again Boris won it with ‘Independence Day’ !
BBC spin has of course has been at work even on their own grand masterwork debate.
In the spin room we are lie-ing-ly told that the two breaths of debating fresh air were that whiney stumbling sloganeering little man the Great Khan and yet another odd Scots Jimmy Krankie-clone.
Where did she blow in from? Did Cameron capture a fleck of spittle DNA from Sturgeon and cook up his north of the border she-Tory in a test tube – I doubt straight sex was involved in her creation.
Then again this morning as BBC tv news reflects on their Punch and Judy efforts they naturally by-pass Johnson’s rallying call and instead focus on a sound bite from littleman Khan: “…project hate…”
You get the message yet?
It is hammered home by Cameron under a brolly (about the most British he’s been) ‘Togetherness’ – Yeah, together with whom?
I have postal-voted already. I am proud to tell everyone of my choice:
I voted for Hope over the certainty that things will get worse
I voted for the Future rather than the failed past
I voted for Freedom over tyranny
I voted for Democracy over dictatorship
I voted for Prosperity over poverty
I voted for England over those who are always trying to destroy it
I voted for the United Kingdom against the various National Socialist groupings that despise it
I voted for the British People over international corporations and big business
I voted for full Independence over none
I voted for World Influence over none at all
I voted for access to World Markets rather than the inward-looking little EU
I voted for Pluralism over socialism
I voted for Peace over terrorism
Ultimately, I voted for Choice over obedience:
I voted Out.
Vote Out, you know it makes sense.
Vote out for your children and your grandchildren’s sakes.
Vote out as it’s the last chance for prosperity.
Vote out for freedom, democracy and happiness.
Vote out so we can all laugh at the extremists and haters who despise the working man (and woman) so much, as well as the fat-cat corporations, socialists, fascists etc. who want to see us destroyed.
Having now seen the so called death threat received by Yvette Cooper, I can conclude that the woman has gone completely over the top if she takes this in the slightest bit seriously.
I rather believe she is using this post Jo Cox as a campaigning strategy as it certainly doesn’t look to me as a realistic & serious threat in any way.
“Hello Yvette, I have received your stronger in propaganda E mails 5 times please stop or I will kill your kids & grandkids.”
This is not a serious imminent threat to life! Yes he should have known better and given recent history it certainly should not have been sent.
A real & credible threat? Nah, she’s wasting Police time.
How dare they suggest that the ugliness and vitriol of the campaign rests with “Leave”?!? It’s the most breathtaking arrogance – and a complete 180 degree reversal of the truth. Utterly shameless.
Why don’t any mainstream journalists bother to do the simple searches that revealed so many hate messages in so little time in the Breitbart artlcle? Laziness? Apathy? Not news because he “deserves” it?
So much for democracy, evenhandedness, and fair play. And so much for their much-vaunted “peaceful democracy”. It only works one way, apparently.
Waits for deafening cacophony of condemnation of these hate messages from assorted media, lefty trolls, etc.
[Pin Drops]
National Socialists and British Socialists have a lot in common. And it’s not just Antisemitism.
The following is a good summation of how the BBC have not been impartial in their treatment of the Jo Cox murder and the UKIP poster.
“Even if Cox’s killer was pursuing an extremist agenda, it would not mean – as the Remain side has now assumed and is projecting en masse – that the whole of the case against immigration is discredited and illegitimate.
For the BBC – with its clear statutory duty to be impartial – the Cox killing should have set major alarm bells ringing about the special need to achieve balance in the referendum debate. Article 5:1 of the Corporation’s referendum coverage guidelines was written precisely to cover this. It warns that very rigorous steps should be taken to ensure no side obtains a special advantage from a major news event.
So did this happen? Absolutely not. Totally the reverse. Over the weekend, Farage came gradually under fire in BBC coverage for unveiling the poster. BBC coverage subtly amplified the idea that Cox was a victim of EU-related prejudice.
On Monday morning and then throughout the day this became a crescendo against him.
Starting with Radio 4’s Today, editors seized on a story that they clearly then bracketed with the fall-out from the Cox murder (despite the 5.1 guideline): the alleged ‘defection’ from the Brexit camp by Baroness Warsi. A main fulcrum of the BBC’s writing of the story was the ‘xenophobia and hatred’ Warsi alleged Farage had displayed in the choice of the poster.
No matter that The Times story began to unravel before the ink was even dry on the first edition, as it emerged that Warsi had never been part of the ‘Leave’ campaign. This was an opportunity to kick Farage. It was not to be missed.”
And broadcasting an interview with the deceased’s husband on yesterday’s prime time TV news, where he was allowed – no, encouraged – to repeat the insinuation that the Leave side was responsible for her death surely drove another coach and horses through this.
It would be bad taste to challenge the words of the recently bereaved which gives Leave no comeback and this should simply not have been allowed at this time.
That interview was preceded by a carefully planted commentary by Laura Kuenssberg telling everyone that, ‘Jo was for IN’….
…which was an echo of Michel Hussain’s piece on Friday’s Toady programme in which she also managed to get into her report that Jo was an independent minded MP who had no problem in telling Corbyn that he needed to do more to keep Britain in the EU (missing the more relevant example that she also defied Corbyn on the Syria vote)
If you are a praying person, or even if you are not, you may be interested in this: a prayer of Admiral Lord Nelson on the eve of the Battle of Trafalgar. It seems particularly pertinent to tomorrow’s events:
‘May the Great God, whom I worship, grant to my country, and for the benefit of Europe in general, a great and glorious victory; and may no misconduct in any one tarnish it; and may humanity after victory be the predominant feature in the British Fleet. For myself, individually, I commit my life to Him who made me, and may His blessing light upon my endeavours for serving my country faithfully. To Him I resign myself and the just cause which is entrusted to me to defend. Amen. Amen. Amen.’
I was going to add my thoughts on last night’s debacle and so on but can add little to the common sense already on here. So I post this link from Breibart (article by James Delingpole) instead which is an excellent summary of Cameron’s behaviour, the campaign etc
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
A drink for Londoners. We are being prepared. Mecca Cola, the ethical halal coke
Thanks for the thought but I think I will stick with a nice red wine, clarified using pork gelatin of course!
Does it clean toilets as well as The Real Thing?
It should go well with pages from the Koran hanging on a nail.
Someone sent this from the urban dictionary on Mecca Cola. If correct it should be the recommended drink for the generation of BBC Trots who no longer drink aunty’s tea.
They could have a problem with both Coca Cola and Pepsi over global copyright with this – have they got the money to take them both on?
Am hoping the 3 Musketeers representing Leave (Boris, Andrea Leadsom & Gisela) are on top form tonight as they were a couple of weeks ago. Might need to have a wee dram to hand to watch tonight – to celebrate and toast their coolness, calmness and integrity – as opposed to the c*ap that’s likely to come from the other side.
Off now for a pint. Not forgetting the kids.
I leave this… for balance…
‘Saving up the big guns to last’. Beckham? Bless her.
Crystal Palace Chairman, Steve Parish, sticking it to Adrian Chiles ( at about 02:07:10)
Isn`t this great Larry?
Devastating puncture of the thick Baggy…Steve Parish blasts him to hell and shows him for the pea brained gobby fan of fuckery that he is.
Imagine-someone on 5 Live who doesn`t think that De Geas contract is the ONLY issue on which to vote on Thursday.
And poor Charlie splutters into his linament when Parish says-why the hell would De Gea be affected anyway…because we`ll write our own work permits if we want him, as opposed to having to import a Slovak sandbag to fulfil quotas for the EU.
Wonder how many of Calais finest are rioting so they can get over for the new season?
In an excellent article over at Conservative Woman, former BBC insider, David Keighley, reminds us of the BBC’s guidelines for handling the referendum.
“Article 5:1 of the Corporation’s referendum coverage guidelines was written precisely to cover this. It warns that very rigorous steps should be taken to ensure no side obtains a special advantage from a major news event,” Keighley explains, before going on to demonstrate how and in what ways the Corporation has broken its own rules and has used the murder of Jo Cox as a propaganda tool.
The particular focus of Keighley’s article is how the BBC has campaigned to demonise Nigel Farage and, by that, undermine the entire Leave campaign. He makes an unarguable case.
Once Friday morning has come and gone, and whichever way the vote goes, the debt we are alleged to owe to future generations is going to include increasing our efforts to get rid of this evil, corrupting cancer from the heart of British society. Its malign influence on our society is one of the key reasons why there is any question of Remain winning, why the emotional incontinence over Mrs Cox’s death took place and why those qualities which once made British people respected throughout the world are now slipping away.
The BBC is the engine of cultural Marxism. It is an engine which much be smashed.
‘Must’ for much – apologies – distracted before I could edit.
Looking quickly just now at the TV schedule, I noticed a ‘big’ debate is being broadcast on BBC1. Turning to it, I watched for three minutes with increasing dismay and alarm. What I saw wasn’t a debate: it was sloganeering, question-bating and haranguing. I note also the extraordinary lack of balance of the questioners – Dimbleby, Matthis and Michal Hussain. The audience seemed to treating it as a kind of gladatorial contest, with groans, and boos and cheering. This is perfect opportunity for the Remainiac presenters to skew things in favour of the Remain side, and doubtless they will hasten to their task with vigour. But I simply cannot watch any more of this farrago. I just pray that on Thursday, most people will do the right thing and vote to leave.
I watched it for about ten minutes. The remain side was dominated by a Nicola Sturgeon clone from the SNP. She was good at pointing her finger and shouting over Boris Johnson. She caused me to hit the off switch. Was this her tactic?
There was also a TUC wimmin for Leave. She made wild quotes such as all experts say we should Remain.
Boris was performing well. Sections of the audience cheered when he spoke about independence and sovereignty.
As an aside, I had a chat with my Indian born postmaster today. He said that he’s voting to leave. He said that he wants Britain to go back to being the country he admired when he arrived here as a child in the 1960’s.
But, I suspect that we British have already decided which way to vote
I’m waiting for one of our “powers that be” decide to give us a thread on this.
At the moment it seems to be “The Two Gays and an Islamist Show” (I could be more specific!).
All ably abetted by Dimblebore and his acolytes!
Win for Leave IMHO.
Not one of the “fish” – Ruth Davidson, leader of the Scotch “Conservatives”. Also a favourite of The Moron.
Good Lord, was she a Conservative? Well I never. Do they roll a dice or something nowadays, to decide which side they’re on, or do they just go by favourite colour?
Or “gender identification” c. BBC
I thought she was SNP. Aggressive and contentless much like Cameron at his bullying best. If she thinks she can challenge for the Tory leadership then the world is truly insane. Maybe a good thing though as she would finally finish off the useless Tory party.
The BBC news later was masterly in it’s editorial bias. Listen you berks I watched the debate and your report was nothing like the reality.
I see that “Dave” has finally persuaded somebody to vote “Remain”…
Imagine this endorsement from Anjem for the “Remain ” lobby will be headline news tomorrow on Todays 8am news bulletin.
Why ever not?…probably will be our EU Commissioner for head transplants by 2022.
And -of course he`ll want to stay in-all his Cologne mates and Mollenbeek buddies getting oodles of lawyers and free passage to Britian-who much easler will it be to create the Caliphate than if we actually spiked the buggers as they tried to sneak over on their lilos?
A no brainer as they say-which is why Anjem and the BBC, Cameron and Clegg are so in favour of it.
Who needs to think?…just emote until the Islamofascists come a calling.
will the beeb report that one and do us all a favour?
“Imagine this endorsement from Anjem for the Remain lobby will be headline news tomorrow on Todays 8am news bulletin.” Muwahahahahahah – thanks for a good chuckle 🙂
boris just went down a storm
“Indepence Day” – massive cheer – loving it 🙂
Luckily this was in the concluding comments so couldn’t be interrupted – although DD did cut off the cheers which followed Boris’s final remarks.
Funny how in the general debate the presenters kept cutting off Leave speakers just as they were about to conclude their points, to try to pre-empt any cheers, wasn’t it?
By contrast, the Remainiacs were generally allowed to finish their points and get their cheer.
Almost as if the BBC had a pro-Remain bias 🙄
Now they are trying to undo the win for Leave in the debate by grilling Gove about the economy, presenter claiming all economic experts agree that the economy will be worse off after Leave, cutting him off in mid-answer to change subject to “project hate” (yuk) and now bringing in a donation by a suspected BNP supporter… almost as if the BBC had a pro-Remain bias 🙄
yeah 50% of the country are bnp supporting, thicko’s who hate everyone especially the two commenting diverse ladies who want to leave as well
LOL yeah, what a bunch of racists 😉
Remain should be ashamed of themselves for the tone of their campaign, which has clearly stoked division and hatred, so much so that a Brit tried to assassinate Donald Trump yesterday, a disgusting assault on democracy.
Assuming campaigning will cease for a day or two, and expecting events all around the world in solidarity – no?
Oh goodie, News at 10 leading with the Emir of London spouting “project hate”. No bias there then. The two clips of Leavers involved them being shouted over by other speakers. Nice going, editors.
2nd item – still on St Jo
3rd item – White non-muslim man convicted of killing his own daughter
Typical pattern – can hardly bear to watch any more.
I seem to remember one of my lecturers (a scientist) having the perfect definition of an expert.
“X is an unknown quantity and spurt is a short, sharp drip.”
Mine was similar.
An X-spurt is an unknown drip- wet and under pressure!
It was a long time ago Chris!!!!
chris and No.7 – a further variation:
Ex = a has-been
Spurt = a constant drip put under pressure.
I should have remembered that definition while listening to the TOADY prog at 8.10am this morning. The Humph was in full-on ‘Cameron Interrupt’ mode but as the latter is obviously practising for going head to head with Lord Kinnock in the other place in (the near) future it was difficult to get a simple, straightforward answer out of ‘Call me Dave’.
OK, I am biased. I’ve made my mind up. Of course, I am biased as I could be accused of being called a conservative. (Note the small ‘c’.) This final, pre-Referendum, interview with the PM on TODAY, left me with my jaw on the ground at what I was hearing from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. I am praying that others will have really listened and ‘see’ through his words, the babble of phrases, the turbulent torrent of tired soundbites and platitudes.
Sorry Dave, I’m still planning to vote Leave.
Yes, I liked the “Nazi gold wrenched from teeth of dead Jews finances Leave Campaign” shock controversy.
Is nothing sacred to these jack-booted, foreigner-hating Leave types ? Thank God the UKIP death squads have murdered only one MP. It’s great that the tone of the Remain campaign has remaiined decorous at all times and the concerns about immigration of white working class ex-Labour voters are being taken really, really seriously. Even the Caliph of London shares these worries.
Does anyone else think someone should tell Chukka Umuna that we already have an “Australian Style Points System” 🙄
Breathtaking ignorance (or worse, deliberate misleading comments) from someone in government.
Croatia v Spain on ITV. Great game. Croatia deserved winners.
Dipped into the “debate” at half time and caught sight of Chukka at the end talking about waycism (yawn) and a beeboid telling me that “the spin room is where the narrative is decided”.
Not in my house it isn’t luv.
Still voting Leave.
It was a toss-up but I went with the debate.
In a game of three halves (Economy, Immigration, Democracy) from my admittedly bias viewpoint I scored it 1-0, 1-1, 2-1. Giving a final total of 4-2 to the Leavers.
Leave continued where they had left off. With a settled team, again calm, coherent and dignified. Remain brought on the subs, and surprisingly continued where they had left off. Nasty, snarling, accusatory and personal. Looks are important and by that criterion I think it was a win for Leave.
Didnt see the debate but just watched the highlights on bBBC1 10pm news.
Based on this, I’d say it must be 70% remain. Big cheers for all remain comments, no cheering for most leave comments. Of course, we know that is not the case.
Surely the bBBC havent carefully selected the audience and then produced a carefully edited version of the debate?
beeb highlights what it wants, not what we saw, the scotch token diverse person idiot actually said “we want more immigration”, hmmm even a lot of remainers dont want more, they want to believe the eu will control it if we can just all agree with each other.
“Surely the bBBC havent carefully selected the audience and then produced a carefully edited version of the debate?”
No no, surely not.
An unbiased person might even conclude that the BBC might have some institutional bias which has the presenters interrupt the Leavers to cut off the cheering from the end of their remarks, so it can later fit the editing better.
But they would be sorely mistaken, of course.
Dimbleby declared it as a 50/50 split in the audience. I think that’s fair. Worth watching the whole 2 hours (groan) to see how Leave did much better than BBC news edits suggest.
Khan received huge applause with his Project Hate slur. In fact, depressingly, it was the loudest of the night thus far. That makes me fear a post-Cox swing to Remain.
Thankfully, Boris Johnson stood up in the guise of the blond Churchill to declare “We offer hope. Believe in Britain. This Thursday will be our country’s Independence Day.” Wild applause, cheering and a standing ovation. That makes me hope for a post-Cameron swing to Leave.
Compere and contrast.
BBC: “The former girlfriend of the man who murdered a police couple at their home has spoken of his “isolation” after spending two-and-a-half years in jail”
David Vance: “Touching to see the BBC weigh in seeking our sympathy for the latest radical Islamist killer. Oh no – felt lonely so I guess he was almost obliged to go out and kill? The BBC falls over itself to excuse these Ramadan driven savages.”
BBC: “Marjorie Wallace, from the mental health charity Sane, said living alone and feeling disconnected from society was fertile soil for extreme ideas, beliefs and hatred.”
David Vance: “The alleged killer is a man with a history of mental illness, Thomas Mair. The exact circumstances seem unclear and we don’t know why he shot and stabbed her.
“Compere and contrast”
Brucie making a comeback?
Seems the trolls are keen to distract from the debate (train smash for Remain) and it’s rapid morphing in the
spinediting room into a “victory”Exactly!
I find myself doing that sort of typo, now that I’m past (passed! ho ho!) the age of 60.
Is it an age thing?
Sorry, zero, no idea how old you are but have some symphony, er, I mean sympathy from me. Cheers.
Interesting how Zero tries to equate the nutter who murdered Joe Cox as being similar in mind (Ie Sandwich short of a picnic) to ISIS foot soldier Larossi Abballa who murdered a Policeman and his wife in France and he bases his stance on what the bBC wrote:
The former girlfriend of the man who murdered a police couple at their home has spoken of his “isolation” after spending two-and-a-half years in jail.
The simple fact which you appear to have missed ZERO is that the Jock who lived in Fieldhead was a loony tune that is a documented fact. On the other hand Abballa was a convicted terrorist. Here let me quote the leftwing Guardian:
“In 2013 Abballa had been sentenced to three years in prison, with six months suspended, for “criminal association in view to preparing terrorist attacks” over his role in a recruitment network of jihadis to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Before his arrest in that case, aged 20, in 2011, he had been known to police for crime including theft and violence. He was released from prison in September 2013 after serving most of his sentence while he was on remand. In prison, he had been flagged up for radical proselytising, the state prosecutor said. He had been followed up by probation officers since his release.
Now the only way, your stance would work, is if you are implying that the followers of Islam are all loony tunes. But something tells me you don’t subscribe to that notion .
In otherwords you are nothing but a f-ing troll more intent on swallowing what his Mullah unzips 5 times a day (Its Ramadan yer hypocrite, you’re not supposed to swallow man fat during the day) than actually trying to debate the subject at hand.
“Interesting how Zero tries to equate the nutter who murdered Joe Cox as being similar in mind (Ie Sandwich short of a picnic) to ISIS foot soldier Larossi Abballa…”
Erm, no. I was actually comparing David Vance’s different reactions to similar BBC reports.
This site claims to be about the BBC does it not?
Or is it just a convenient place for you and other social misfits to jerk off in unison over your obsessional hatred of Muslims?
Zero, sorry I missed you at Camden public toilets as the experience could have been videoed for my colleague who has a massive EU grant to research the sexual behaviour of left wing trolls. You see, she requires some further information which is relevant to your internet pattern of behaviour. During sex, do you make a series of grunts or sounds, eg. ooh aah ooh, or do you simply maintain silence ending with a prolonged aaaaahhhh Hope you can answer this question for my colleague. She has another EU research application in the pipeline.
I note your frequent sexual metaphors eg. jerking off in unison (brilliant!) – which are relevant to her research.
LOL! 🙂
Showing the BBC up for exactly what they are…Manipulative liars….
Who is this though? I’d like to put it on Fb, but I’d be shot to pieces by left wing warriors with claims of racist, followed by a knock on the door from the glasgee polis. It is so obviously the truth…why are so many deluding themselves? I despair.
One can only hope that whoever wins the day, those in power remember that only half the population voted their way. A strange analogy, – its as though a line has been drawn across the country if the polls are to be believed; and I wonder what the atmosphere will be like on Friday, fervent rejoicing on one side and bitter disappointment on the other. The mood in the country doesn’t come anywhere near that of a general election, but I suspect there will be huge recriminations and post mortems in the media.
Why are the British the first major EU country to have this vote?
It’s because we know that the EU is wrong for us. Cameron knew reluctantly that a Referendum had to happen.
We will vote Leave. We little people have the same vote as each of the fat elite. I have the same voting power as Osborne and Andrew Marr.
‘They have sown the wind, they will reap the whirlwind’.
Dover Sentry, I think there are three (or more?) reasons:
One is the obvious geographical distance, albeit 22/23 miles minimum, from continental Europe.
The second is that we have always had a considerable number of thinking, informed, pragmatic politicians that are scattered across Party divides who think about what the (EEC)EU offered/offers and see and talk about the obvious fault lines. See Peter Shore MP video on this w/s filmed during an Oxbridge(?) Debate at the time of the 1975 Referendum.
The third is that some, probably those who long to be big or have a chance to be big in a big ‘Project’, were so anxious to be IN and were very hurt at being snubbed and refused entry. Thus, they have tried harder to be ‘good Europeans’ whereas the rest of us are just relaxed Europeans after being easy-going British after being whatever we are in a more local context. That push:pull tension is reflected to us continually by the media & vested interests and, inevitably, results in what we had in 1975 and again tomorrow.
Could be wrong on that. That’s what came to mind. There may be other factors why countries IN from the beginning tend not to get excited over the EU. Similarly for accession countries.
Dominic Raab may not be the medias idea of a Tory Leave “lead spokeman”-presumably they prefer their Boris and their Nigel.
Raab is WAY too cerebral-and I`m guessing that is why he, Gove and Rees-Mogg have hardly been asked to go deep into the reasons to leave…more often they`re expected to bandy Boris figures and nigel posters with millionaire Beeboids who`ll NEVER be replaced by cheap Latvians…more`s the pity.
Raab could not disguise his boredom and contempt for the likes of Maitlis on Newsnight..much as Gove persisted in daring to interrupt Mick Robinson this morning with some facts…the BBC do NOT like those do they?
Raab is a rising star….no matter the result( and I think we`ll win relatively easily)…we`ve got Hollande, Merkel , Greece to come soon-migrant crises to dwarf last years…oh, and Italy and the Balkans to turn extrmely toxic and nasty within the next two years.
Any Remainiac?s-make a note of them and rub their smug stupid faces in it all-but be gentle if they`re under 35….poor sods were never taught any history or context I`m guessing.
This country is now irrevocably split…and we`ll not lose OUR share of it.
chris, if you want cerebral you cannot beat Field & Hoey. Kate Hoey has been used quite a bit, heard her regularly on the BBC but Frank Field appears to have been sidelined. Too busy in his battles on behalf of BHS pensioners & workers, perhaps? Too good a communicator and too much concern for the ‘ordinary bloke and blokess’ ?
Both are good communicators, especially the measured Field who gets passionate in avery measured and controlled way.
Jo died for her political views, says hubby.
Among her political views was support for Hope not Hate, street fighters
The White Helmets.
Have a look at the white helmets.
How are his VERY well paid “charity” works going since he “left” Save the Children under debatable circumstances?
An unacceptable broadcast interview so close to the referendum
and i thought the white helmets were the army motorcycle display team …. silly me
I watched the BBC Brexit program tonight all the way through . We were told that the 6000 audience was 50/50 remain/leave. The leave supporters were far more enthusiastic than the remainers and made more noise culminating in a standing ovation for Boris at the end. To me, BBC reporters/commentators appeared a little shocked and did their best to move things along, only one admitted that the wind was in the Brexit Sails. If there is EU defiance in a BBC Flagship program from London, what is the real support for Brexit accross the country? Fingers crossed for Thursday…….
Line up to discuss the EU on Newsnight:
Two novelists one black, one Jewish, lesbian budget cook ‘Jack’ Monroe and a history professor, the only one who doesn’t (apparently) tick a ‘minority’ box!
Even the Brexit black novelist eager to join in on the demonisation of Brexit over immigration.
Harold Jacobsen Jewish novelist , calling people ‘wicked’ for saying “I want my country back!”, and adding slipperry slope dark hints of ‘Nazism’. What hypocricy from a Zionist: a homeland for Jews, Britain for anyone!
I have never understood why the opinions of “novelists” should be deemed more worthy than the views of, say, postmen or people who work on building sites. At least they do a worthwhile job that benefits the rest of us.
I’m glad you’ve said that Lobster, as for years I’ve wondered why Bonnie Greer – an American, an author and over here, is often airing her fervent views on various subjects. Whose interested ???? Perhaps like a lot of overseas scribes who appear on our airwaves, they enjoy being a ‘somebody’ in a little pond rather than a ‘nobody’ in their own larger country. We’ll be told soon that like the NHS being staffed by migrants, we need ‘these people’ to impart their knowledge, as we have so few of our own !
Bonnie Greer? That opinionated parasite turns up everywhere.
Until she resigned, she was involved in a dispute within The Bronte Society in Haworth.
Robert Tombs is an excellent historian, and his wife is French, if that helps tick any boxes. I am not sure where he stands on Brexit, though he did not come across as a Remainiac. Perhaps, as a historian, he knows that these multinational empires are bound to fail eventually, as all have since the dawn of time. The only question is when?
On which side won the #BBCDebate:
Leave: 39%
Remain: 34%
(via YouGov, online / 21 Jun, post debate)
I stopped watching the BBC debate tonight when the staggeringly one-sided Mishal Husain invited Caroline Lucas and then the Scottish MSP Humza Yousaf to outline their views. She patiently listened to their vaporous nonsense, which consisted of virtue signalling and mindless Guardian reader pleasing statements, before reacting as if someone had explained to her the theory of Gravitational waves and cured cancer.
She then went over to the Brexit side where she demanded a UKIP lass justify a poster, thus putting the UKIP lady on the defensive from the off, before interrupting her continuously. She did the same to Tony Parsons, in fact she walked away from him and the sound crew lowered his mic as he tried desperately to make his only point. Shameful.
Mishal followed this by inviting another Remainer to make a point, erm, sorry, an uninterrupted speech. At that point I turned off.
Impartial? I hope the public outside BiasedBBC note what happened. I fear they won’t.
Her treatment of Tony Parsons says it all. Petulant and the sign of a person who has lost the argument. Typical BBC clone. But we need to get real. The BBC was always going to act like this whoever was doing the show.
Yousaf was the first to bring up the “Nigel Farage poster” and declared it “racist”. This following on from Khan’s “project hate” slur and Frances O’Grady’s BNP bomb. This explicit painting of Brexit supporters as racists and haters must surely back-fire.
And from Khan and Yousaf, to Maitlis who challenges Michael Gove on Project Hate and the BNP connection. How low are Remain and the BBC going?
Exactly, Golightly. In fact it was the racists and haters slur that Tony Parsons attempted to deal with when Mishal Husain simply walked away form him and the mic was pulled down.
Vote leave and strip the BBC of the millions of euros bung the BBC gets from the EU
Brilliant – erdogans advisor counters Cameron on newsnight! They are very disappointed in their two faced friend!
Not BBC related, but in the final push I suggest you share these two videos as much as possible in the next 36 hours:
If the first one doesn’t bring a lump to the throat, I don’t know what will.
It does, and I’m an atheist.
Here’s another offering:
Hi Maria, support it with a dose of Jean Sibelius’ Finlandia. You do not have to sing the hymn words or think of them but they may help in times of trouble, in times of strife, in times of conflict.
Stirs the soul!
debate reaction
note left column
“Jo Cox’s widower says he thinks the MP was killed because of her political beliefs”
didnt see that in the debate did anyone else
I didn’t see the debate but can I take it from the above comments that Al Beeb was biased ?
Will ‘the man on a clapped out bus’ give those who also missed it give us his comment on the debate ?
Yes thats the same man who said last year Quote, ” I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news. However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning.”
Over to you Man On ………………..
just to show we are not biased the left wing point of view
Compare and contrast
“Cameron: Brexiters stoking intolerance with immigration obsession”
Remember this …………………..
“David Cameron criticised over migrant ‘swarm’ language”
Not on the BBC: Black Brexiteer – ‘I Was Called Nazi For Handing Out Leave Leaflets’
Sensitive behaviour from middle-class white Remainiacs.
Good thing they weren’t creating a hate-filled atmosphere by calling two black guys “nazis” and assaulting them and their stall.
Good thing the BBC reported this attack on democracy fairly.
What… it didn’t?!? I am truly shocked.
“Been stuck at #Calais for 12hrs. I’ve watched migrants throw bricks at cars, dive into water by Ferries & run into @LeShuttle. Chaos”, Tweeted British journalist Alex Macheras on Monday evening.
Adding: “I can assure you that what is being reported as a ‘power outage’ is actually violence & chaos from migrants fighting police here”.
BBC Reported Major Migrant Unrest At Channel Port As ‘Power Problems’
I am sure we will have more info from the footie supporters as they return from Euro 2016.
Alas it will be too late for the referendum.
The Sun newspaper:
“”The Queen asks: Give me three good reasons to stay in Europe?””
As a commoner, my response is that I am warming to Her Majesty at this time of our country’s need.
Apparently, article 5:1 of the BBC’s referendum coverage guidelines warns that “very rigorous steps should be taken to ensure no side obtains a special advantage from a major news event.”
Who knew?
Mike Hunt
They are getting desperate . ‘The closer the target the more the flak’.
Not on the BBC: Shock Video: Leave.EU Campaign Sneaks ‘Migrants’ Into UK To Highlight Porous Borders
Not on the BBC: Top ten reasons to vote Remain. Here’s what the EU is hiding until after the referendum.
Vote Remain to sign up for:
1. A Euro Tax ID For Everyone
2. Fresh Plans for an EU Army
3. Scheme to Hand Out 1 million UK Visas to Turks
4. Compulsory European Programming on Netflix
5. Ruling on Muzzling British Anti-Terror Police
6. Demands for Even More Cash
7. Banning High Power Kettles and Hairdryers
8. Hiking VAT on Food, Medicine and Kids’ Clothes
9. Kicking UK Off International Organizations
10. Suffocating London’s Art Market
Cameron wasn’t questioned on any of these by Humphreys this morning. No surprise there!
As impartial as ever, the BBC can’t wait to paint Leave as liars on their website, the lead story is…
Rival sides clash in UK referendum debate: Boris Johnson says Thursday’s EU referendum can be the UK’s “independence day” – but the Leave campaign is repeatedly accused of “lying” in the final TV debate before polling day.
Is that really all they’ve got left?
Mike Hunt, the answer is yes , the “lying” slur is all they have left. I think the “hate” meme is starting to look distinctly threadbare now, so they have moved on.
Nice try Guardian to steal the last day before the referendum with a hope that the BBC will follow up on the alleged (repeat alleged) death threat to Yvette Cooper for supporting Remain, just like her colleague Jo Cox.
… as opposed to the credible death threats made to UKIP candidates at the last election, strangely unreported by the Grauniad and the BBC…
Sheesh. 🙄
Maybe Posh and Becks can offer her a spare room… after several months of getting, of course?
For ‘balance’. One out of 20,000. In Beebworld, that is a ‘split’.
Time to leave, methinks.

If Manon is at his desk yet.
Do you think your opinions matter? Should you have a mechanism where you can put a cross on a piece of paper, and if enough people agree with you can change things?
If so, are you going to vote to return that control fully to you or be a turkey voting for Christmas and head for the fold with all the other EU sheeple?
If you get it wrong with this vote you will have about as much effect in voting in the future as those behind the Berlin Wall used to have!
I think I’m going to organise a stay in grief session tomorrow so the Remainers can join me weeping over the poor ickle jaguar shot dead in Brazil and the sweet tiny grizzly bear cub so brutally slaughtered in a hit and run (no supporting evidence btw). Times will be 7am to 10pm and during that time please stay indoors to share you outpourings of schadenfreude on FB and Twitter and remind your fellow Remainers that it would be simply preposterous to even think of voting on a day of world wide grief for the ickle critters so brutally being slain worldwide.
It’s jump the shark time as both breakfast and North West inform us of celebrations around the the world what would have been the 42nd birthday of Saint Joe Cox. I wonder if this will be extended to other deaths in the future?
BBc starts it’s anti diesel agenda telling up diesels pollute more when the temperature is under 18 centigrade. AND IT’S ALL LEGAL! Lucky we have global warming then isn’t it to raise the temperature here over 18c for more of the year.
The bbc relationship with diesel is ‘complicated’. I very much doubt that when the solar and wind systems see a glitch in power to the transmitters, they will be hooking up all the staff carbon fibre Bromptons to the canteen microwave to keep the baked spuds coming.
The BBC can be odd.
The day before EURef, they bang on about diesels, when the EU clearly did not have much control over Germany’s VW.
And now they are citing Hillary extolling the virtues of choice in keeping control over political destiny.
The Today programme has mentioned ‘pollution’ from diesels in its headlines, and in the dedicated piece on the subject. I was hoping we will be told exactly what pollution they are referring to. Is it Co2, Nox, particulates, sulfur, or what? It is basic information, and yet the BBC excludes it, and we remain inadequately informed.
Martin, its NOX + the particulates because those particularly affect breathing and asthma sufferers.
IIRC, a Leeds Uni study – mentioned on the BBC about four, five or six years ago – found that the fall-off of all pollutants dropped dramatically over distance from the road, even across the width of a standard pavement. More so, if the street was lined with trees.
The very strange thing is, anyone with half a brain would be asking why has pollution suddenly become a greater problem. Could it be related to the widespread introduction in the past year of 20mph limits across many towns & cities in the UK?
Then there’s the speed tables and speed bumps. No one thinks at the BBC thinks to ask about those in their influencing pollution levels.
Actually, I very well know this, and have known it for fifty years! I was only reflecting on the fact that BBC producers and commentators, armed with their PPE, Eng. Lit. (Oxon), or Plastic Worm-Modelling degrees, know little of ‘science’ and assume the great unwashed listeners (whom they regard as lacking their elevated intellects) are equally dim.
Corrigendum: Plasticine worm-modelling (ref: Peter Simple, of blessed memory, in the days when the Daily Telegraph was a proper newspaper).
Beg pardon, Martin, knew not & was just trying to be helpful.
Do you work or have you worked at the RTRL?
Be assured I received your comment, and then made mine in perfect good humour! I’m too old to get upset by much, or to upset others directly. That’s not to say I’m unwilling to be critical of scoundrels such as our ‘beloved’ Prime Minister, a man who has seemingly lost his moral compass. I’d better stop.
There are far more diesel cars now thanks to their favourable tax treatment. This is because they do not produce as much of the dreaded “greenhouse gas” CO2, otherwise known as a harmless trace element in the atmosphere which is beneficial to plant life. Diesels produce more NOX and particulates, which really are harmful to people, but obviously you have to break a few eggs to make a nice omelette for Gaia.
Up2, them speed bumps are a right con, if anything, they make you go slower.
BBC news passes on threats from the BDI, the German equivalent of the CBI, about Brexit. This is the organisation that said the influx of “refugees” into Germany was a “gift from God” as all skill shortages and the aging problem would be solved at a stroke. Unfortunately, this august body did not realise that their German language skills were non-existant or rudimentary, so it will take at least years before they become employable in any meaningful sense.
Even the difference in scripts means many “refugees” find it difficult to read street signs.
Germany was suffering from a desperate skill shortage of rapists and sex molesters, but thankfully Frau Merkel has ensured that this gap has been well and truly filled.
One of those lovely little moments that the BBC does so well. TODAY, today BBC R4 in 7.30-8am segment, more ramping up of the ‘Diesel cars are evil’ as a precursor – no doubt – to some higher transport taxation. No mention by the pro-Global Warming, pro-Climate Change BBC of diesel taxis, diesel vans and diesel buses; it is just diesel cars that are evil. (I could have said “I told you so” at that point because some of us ‘petrol heads’ knew about the relative merits of diesel v. petrol long before global warming was invented.)
Apparently, temperatures in the UK are below 18 degrees centigrade on 315 days every year.
I really don’t think, BBC TODAY programme, that you should let out a fact that is either not correct or rather clearly and firmly demonstrates an absence – in the UK at least – of Global Warming and a significant component of Climate Change. Things are going to have to get really hot on 15% of the rest of year to drag the UK into the global bit of Global Warming.
It’s possible we might get a new thread today (within the hour, please) , so we can comment on the final days news before Liberation day. Let’s hope so!
I was thinking exactly the same Martin.
BBC R4 Today Programme this morning found time, around 8.45am, to squeeze in an utterly pointless piece about Thomas Malthus. Apparently, he’s ripe for a good old progressive revisionist rehabilitation. John Humphrys couldn’t resist capping off the moment with a suggestion that ‘perhaps we need more of Malthus’. Justin almost choked on his skinny latte, but somehow avoided spitting into the microphone.
BBC News & Current Affairs: Comedy worth at least £145 pa (or else).
Ta, ObiWan, gave me a hearty chuckle, just when I needed it!
Belittling Englanders
When you’re in that voting booth the BBC wants you to just be nice
If there’s one thing you can rely on it’s the hubris of the BBC – it’s immense and, by the way, undaunted by threats of being sued by Cliff Richard, cue ….
“The Big EU Debate”
Well we suppose if you understand political debate as a football crowd-lite clapping and hooting like seals as the slogans are played on the platform like the pre-match roll call of foreign stars in the team. A BBC reporter seemed a tad glum in the preamble during the day (pre-match build up) that ‘the organisers’ (love that BBC-at-arms-length deniability shtick) so we’re told the BBC-not-the-BBC had cut the audience from ten down to six thousand. The economy, licence fee, immigration… it’s always the more the merrier.
As usual – and this goes back the original Farage v Clegg tv series which by the way sidelined the BBC – on the night the Leave camp won the arguments again against fear, bluff belittling of Englanders and progressive bluster. Plus that great liberal cri de coeur : ‘oh be nice’
But despite all the Lefty cat calls once again Boris won it with ‘Independence Day’ !
BBC spin has of course has been at work even on their own grand masterwork debate.
In the spin room we are lie-ing-ly told that the two breaths of debating fresh air were that whiney stumbling sloganeering little man the Great Khan and yet another odd Scots Jimmy Krankie-clone.
Where did she blow in from? Did Cameron capture a fleck of spittle DNA from Sturgeon and cook up his north of the border she-Tory in a test tube – I doubt straight sex was involved in her creation.
Then again this morning as BBC tv news reflects on their Punch and Judy efforts they naturally by-pass Johnson’s rallying call and instead focus on a sound bite from littleman Khan: “…project hate…”
You get the message yet?
It is hammered home by Cameron under a brolly (about the most British he’s been) ‘Togetherness’ – Yeah, together with whom?
I have postal-voted already. I am proud to tell everyone of my choice:
I voted for Hope over the certainty that things will get worse
I voted for the Future rather than the failed past
I voted for Freedom over tyranny
I voted for Democracy over dictatorship
I voted for Prosperity over poverty
I voted for England over those who are always trying to destroy it
I voted for the United Kingdom against the various National Socialist groupings that despise it
I voted for the British People over international corporations and big business
I voted for full Independence over none
I voted for World Influence over none at all
I voted for access to World Markets rather than the inward-looking little EU
I voted for Pluralism over socialism
I voted for Peace over terrorism
Ultimately, I voted for Choice over obedience:
I voted Out.
Vote Out, you know it makes sense.
Vote out for your children and your grandchildren’s sakes.
Vote out as it’s the last chance for prosperity.
Vote out for freedom, democracy and happiness.
Vote out so we can all laugh at the extremists and haters who despise the working man (and woman) so much, as well as the fat-cat corporations, socialists, fascists etc. who want to see us destroyed.
Having now seen the so called death threat received by Yvette Cooper, I can conclude that the woman has gone completely over the top if she takes this in the slightest bit seriously.
I rather believe she is using this post Jo Cox as a campaigning strategy as it certainly doesn’t look to me as a realistic & serious threat in any way.
“Hello Yvette, I have received your stronger in propaganda E mails 5 times please stop or I will kill your kids & grandkids.”
This is not a serious imminent threat to life! Yes he should have known better and given recent history it certainly should not have been sent.
A real & credible threat? Nah, she’s wasting Police time.
‘Shoot And Stab Nigel Farage’: Hundreds Of Social Media Messages Urging Attacks On UKIP Leader Revealed
This is shocking – absolutely shocking.
How dare they suggest that the ugliness and vitriol of the campaign rests with “Leave”?!? It’s the most breathtaking arrogance – and a complete 180 degree reversal of the truth. Utterly shameless.
Why don’t any mainstream journalists bother to do the simple searches that revealed so many hate messages in so little time in the Breitbart artlcle? Laziness? Apathy? Not news because he “deserves” it?
So much for democracy, evenhandedness, and fair play. And so much for their much-vaunted “peaceful democracy”. It only works one way, apparently.
Waits for deafening cacophony of condemnation of these hate messages from assorted media, lefty trolls, etc.
[Pin Drops]
National Socialists and British Socialists have a lot in common. And it’s not just Antisemitism.
Stay calm. Don’t worry. The British Police will be investigating.
The following is a good summation of how the BBC have not been impartial in their treatment of the Jo Cox murder and the UKIP poster.
“Even if Cox’s killer was pursuing an extremist agenda, it would not mean – as the Remain side has now assumed and is projecting en masse – that the whole of the case against immigration is discredited and illegitimate.
For the BBC – with its clear statutory duty to be impartial – the Cox killing should have set major alarm bells ringing about the special need to achieve balance in the referendum debate. Article 5:1 of the Corporation’s referendum coverage guidelines was written precisely to cover this. It warns that very rigorous steps should be taken to ensure no side obtains a special advantage from a major news event.
So did this happen? Absolutely not. Totally the reverse. Over the weekend, Farage came gradually under fire in BBC coverage for unveiling the poster. BBC coverage subtly amplified the idea that Cox was a victim of EU-related prejudice.
On Monday morning and then throughout the day this became a crescendo against him.
Starting with Radio 4’s Today, editors seized on a story that they clearly then bracketed with the fall-out from the Cox murder (despite the 5.1 guideline): the alleged ‘defection’ from the Brexit camp by Baroness Warsi. A main fulcrum of the BBC’s writing of the story was the ‘xenophobia and hatred’ Warsi alleged Farage had displayed in the choice of the poster.
No matter that The Times story began to unravel before the ink was even dry on the first edition, as it emerged that Warsi had never been part of the ‘Leave’ campaign. This was an opportunity to kick Farage. It was not to be missed.”
Full article on
Good luck to the Leave campaign tomorrow. Let it be Independence Day and stuff the BBC!!
And broadcasting an interview with the deceased’s husband on yesterday’s prime time TV news, where he was allowed – no, encouraged – to repeat the insinuation that the Leave side was responsible for her death surely drove another coach and horses through this.
It would be bad taste to challenge the words of the recently bereaved which gives Leave no comeback and this should simply not have been allowed at this time.
That interview was preceded by a carefully planted commentary by Laura Kuenssberg telling everyone that, ‘Jo was for IN’….
…which was an echo of Michel Hussain’s piece on Friday’s Toady programme in which she also managed to get into her report that Jo was an independent minded MP who had no problem in telling Corbyn that he needed to do more to keep Britain in the EU (missing the more relevant example that she also defied Corbyn on the Syria vote)
Anyone notice how the BBC said “it is his first TV interview since her death”? First?!? Is he going to become a regular interviewee one BBC?
If you are a praying person, or even if you are not, you may be interested in this: a prayer of Admiral Lord Nelson on the eve of the Battle of Trafalgar. It seems particularly pertinent to tomorrow’s events:
‘May the Great God, whom I worship, grant to my country, and for the benefit of Europe in general, a great and glorious victory; and may no misconduct in any one tarnish it; and may humanity after victory be the predominant feature in the British Fleet. For myself, individually, I commit my life to Him who made me, and may His blessing light upon my endeavours for serving my country faithfully. To Him I resign myself and the just cause which is entrusted to me to defend. Amen. Amen. Amen.’
Thanks Cranmer. I have this prayer on my office wall.
Great post, Cranmer, thanks.
I was going to add my thoughts on last night’s debacle and so on but can add little to the common sense already on here. So I post this link from Breibart (article by James Delingpole) instead which is an excellent summary of Cameron’s behaviour, the campaign etc
Desperately waiting for Independence Day!