Francis Turner

of L’Ombre de l’Olivier has written about the BBC’s description of the film “Submission”, the final and fatal work of murdered film-maker Theo Van Gogh.

When a modern artist or filmaker makes a work criticising Christianity or capitalism the BBC usually goes out of its way to explain the rationale for its provocativeness.

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7 Responses to Francis Turner

  1. Andrew Paterson says:

    The death knell for multi-culturism? I hope so.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Hear hear, Andrew.


  3. David says:

    To be fair, I think the BBC’s coverage has been reasonably balanced from what I’ve seen. I was surprised that they actually showed extended clips from the film on Newsnight. I suppose the intention coudl have been to persaude us that the film was indeed insulting Islam in an illegitimate way, but the commentary didn;t suggest that.

    We must remember that when the chips are down the leftie liberal, wine swigging, wife swapping metropolitan elite have no more wish to see Shariah installed than me or you. In the second world war pansy pacifists, communists, monarchists, right wingers and the common sense masses came together to defend themselves aginast the Nazis. The same will happen with the struggle against Islamo-Nazism.


  4. Sw says:

    David, you forget to mention that the elites are also illiterate, tax-cheating, pot-smoking, and spend-o-cratic!


  5. Simon says:

    …and that the communists waited until 22 June 1941 before accepting the need for war.


  6. Lurker says:

    David – lets be fair here there are two types of pacifist. The genuine Quaker sorts and then, lets call them champagne pacifsts, the type who start blubbing if they see Americans raising the stars & stripes in Baghdad but can “understand” why islamic folk “need” to blow up unarmed women & kids.


  7. Allan@Aberdeen says:

    Ref David’s comments, the Left will embrace any cause which they consider capable of undermining the fabric of Western society hence PC. But when two or more of these causes conflict, then the Left embraces that which would do the greater damage. This is evident from the manner of Ken Livingstone’s reception of Imam Al-Qaradawi (who advocates murder of Jews and gays, and beating of women). What the likes of Livingstone fail to see is that Islam is too big for Lefties to wield and that they themselves would be destroyed in the event of Moslem victory over the West. In some places (Holland) and with some Lefties (Christopher Hitchens), the penny is dropping.