George Galloway is currently being fawned over by BBC Radio Scotland, on of all things football programme ‘Off the Ball’.
‘…It’s a pleasure and a privilege…’
‘…You showed them…’
‘…Americans are thickies, just look at the president!…’
UPDATE ADDED 29 MAY: USS Neverdock saw this post and expanded on it, including an audio clip.
Even though the debate is long since dead, the media/Coke conspiracy and their mega profits deserve some perspective. The average grocery store in the US has and entire aisle, 20+ meters in length, devoted entirely to “soft” drinks (beer gets its own aisle of similar proportions). Any company that makes huge profits will find their market quickly invaded. The notion that Coke will make obscene profits with easy to produce filtered tap water doesn’t past the test of common sense.
Example: Snapple was started in a garage and a decade later took over the bottled juice market. Its founders sold for $80 million to Quaker Oats who were met with competition from all sides and eventually sold the brand at a large loss.