Scott at the Ablution notes Lisa Mitchell’s glowing assessment on the BBC website of the “Eco-village” which is a “model for us all”.
Er … would that by any chance be this eco-village ?
The protesters appeared to come from a temporary “eco-camp”, set up on the outskirts of the city, before dashing into Stirling.
Around 200 hooligans dressed in hooded tops with scarves obscuring their faces hurled missiles at police.
The hooligans moved from Stirling’s high street to residential areas, smashing windows and wrenching satellite dishes from walls.
TV pictures showed the rioters running amok through streets wielding weapons at police vans.
A witness, Mark Wallace, said: “It seems to have been a major battle.
“It was co-ordinated. The protesters moved people to certain areas and they all decided to fight at once to try and stretch the police resources.”
At one point Stirling train station was closed but it is was back to normal after about 90 minutes.
UPDATE – Ms Mitchell now has a second article, on how the locals feel about what the first article called the “practical implications for the rest of us”.
She explained: “My six-year-old son is scared that when I get to work I will be attacked.
“People are staying away from the shop. There’s a lot of police here now but they weren’t here yesterday.”
The supermarket is used by the campers and she said “some are nice enough”.
“But you can’t tell which are the peaceful ones and which are violent,” she added.
hurled missiles at police
The News24 commentator used a phrase similar to this whilst the crowd of unemployables were attempting to get through the Gleneagles perimeter fence.
He then hurredly backtracked – decided that missiles was too strong a word & anyway the rocks were only small.
Guess he must have had a stern word in his ear from the producer telling him that he was showing the nihilists in a bad light & that he should reserve his censure for police “over-reaction”.
Now this is a serious incident that might have global implications! Thank you, BBC – I needed to know that!
But those satellite dishes probably weren’t being used to access the saintly Beeb…
I would imagine that the damages they did in that residential neighborhood really endeared their cause to the locals…
BTW, do these idiots have any clue that Burger King is a franchise, and that this one was owned by some poor local guy who now has a mess to clean up on his property?
Idjits who don’t know the difference between a franchise and a chain… and they’re going to FIX the world’s economic problems? ROFLMAO!!!
Incidentally, it will be interesting to see how much trash gets left behind by these “eco-villagers”. They certainly made a mess of the town.
Amidst the glowing reports of Stirling’s Eco-village the BBC and the Guardian,,1516438,00.html have neglected one tiny detail. Alternative economy or not, under tax law (confirmed in countless court cases) any exchange of goods or services is regarded as a transaction for tax purposes. It follows therefor that the level of economic activity in the Hori-zone will have generated several thousand pounds worth of tax liability. Can we trust that at the end of the week the camps organisers will be hurrying down to the local office of the Inland Revenue? It would seem fair, as the point of this weeks protests are to persuede governments to spend more taxpayers money on worthy causes.
Personally, I won’t be holding my breath. The capabilities of the Left for revenue avoidance would make stong accountants weep and corporate tax lawyers punch the air in joy.
Very strange – no trace of this on the BBC news site. Or on second thoughts, not so strange.
Click to access 12i.pdf
Some good news today:
BBC share of viewers slides as spending escalates,,9071-1683887,00.html
“Two Palestinians die in attacks”
– so the BBC tells us. Reading the headline, perhaps they mean an attack by the IDF on those helpless Palestinians? But no, one of those killed trying to attack Jewish worshippers. Not really clear from that headline is it?
However, when it suits the BBC, they can say what they want in a headline:-
“Gunned down ‘protecting others'”
This morning at 8.45am on Radio 4 we had an eco-type going through the various scenarios of glaobal warming of up to 6 degrees in the next century. Interspersed with each degree of warming was the newsreader reading a fictional news item:
Eco-type: “Code Yellow – Warming of three degrees – the Midwest turns to desert.”
Newsreader: “The United States has asked Canada for food aid after crops in the midwest fail for the third year running …”
Etc etc blah blah blah.
Not a single question was put to the greenie, not one. We just move seamlessly on to something else after. It’s plain that the BBC has bought into the left-wing, tree-hugging, pro-pacifist agenda wholly. It’s not even bothering with any pretence of impartiality any more.
Burn those licences, people. Starve the beast. You’ll be surprised how good it feels.
I’m not sure the BBC should be spending money on this ‘soft’ political activism:
Political groups/activists/campaigners can set up whatever websites or forms of communication they want. Who gave this remit to the BBC?
Who on earth is supposed to be holding the BBC to account for spending our money setting up whatever ‘campaign’ websites they want?
Today the BBC is using the only possible word to describe bombs on pblic transport – terrorism.
It remains a disgrace that they have a FORMALLY DECIDED POLICY not to use that word when identical incidents occur elsewhere.
BBC Newspeak is Orwellian.
BBC News is getting even more sloppy. Sky, CNN and ITN are carrying live Tony Blair giving the statement by all the G8 leaders – they are lined up behind him. But the silly BBC 24 channel is carrying on with an interview in the street.
Sloppy, really poor news coverage. ny sensible producer would have switched to the live feed from Gleneagles. You could abolish the BBC 24 channel and Britain would not be the poorer.
Same again for the statement by Bush. Carried live on Sky, CNN, ITN. Meanwhile BBC 24 is talking to someone in Singapore.
The insane policy of letting terrorists and their Islamofascist supporters operate freely in London has blown up in New Labour’s and MI5’s face.
This is what happens when you let people freely walk into the country.
Yes! Hopefully the people in the UK will finally wake up (and the rest of the Western World as well). We have to act and soon.
P.S.: It seems even Red Ken calls it a “terrorist attack”… interesting.
They had to publish that, didn’t they?
Even Red Ken knows that it would be political suicide to defend the slaughter of Londoners.
Perhaps I am being nasty, but I get the impression that the only reason that Muslim’s are appalled by the attacks is because of the potential “blowback”. There’s a kind of “oh my god this might negatively affect us”, attitude.
A religion which clearly defines it’s followers as differentand “superior” breeds that kind of attitude.
This is terrible folks. All my prayers and thoughts are with England today. I hope no one here has been hurt or lost loved ones in the blast.
I don’t have the heart today to snark about the Beeb (although I am sure they will commit enormous sins of idiocy and bias within the next few days). We can snark about the Beeb any day. People are dead, dying and hurt.
It makes me so sick! God bless the brave UK and all her people. I’m crying as I write this.
They had to publish that, didn’t they?
Perhaps I am being nasty, but I get the impression that the only reason that Muslim’s are appalled by the attacks is because of the potential “blowback”.
Well thats certainly the whole message of the BBC link.
Personally I would not like to travel on the same bus as a masked person.
‘Perhaps I am being nasty, but I get the impression that the only reason that Muslim’s are appalled by the attacks is because of the potential “blowback”.’
or, perhaps, because most Muslims are appalled by this, just as most other people/ religions are?
Yes Steve Jones, my newspaper has been full these past months of statements by Muslim “leaders” condemning the head hackers in Iraq.
All I know is the official American Moslem response to 9/11 was to wail they were also victims of persecution and prejudice.
Maybe it’s time they asked themselves why people hate them?
“Perhaps I am being nasty, but I get the impression that the only reason that Muslim’s are appalled by the attacks is because of the potential “blowback”.”
I was picking up this same attitude here in the US after 9/11. Muslim clerics and community leaders of every description came out and told us how appalled they were, and that this was not what Islam was really all about.
But not one in the US… not one!… was ever quoted as saying anything along the order of, “This convolution of Islam is blasphemy, and the perpetrators will burn in hell.”
Which is exactly what I would have said if my religion had been perverted in such a heinous way.
This was what convinced me that they didn’t REALLY mean it… they just made flowery speeches about how Islam was really very different from that.
In other words, defense from blowback.
My grief and warmest hugs are extended to the families of those killed or injured in todays attacks. This is terrible… 🙁 If you know anyone who has lost a friend or other loved one, please tell them we are thinking of them.
On Topic: I wonder if Stirling is still as supportive of the ‘eco-village’ after this?
BBC weasel words as at 15:45GMT
Current Headline is “More than 30 Die in London Blasts”
Those words would be very appropriate had this been explosions due to an elecrical surge. But this is a terrorist attack. BBC Traitors, pure & simple.
“All I know is the official American Moslem response to 9/11 was to wail they were also victims of persecution and prejudice.”
Yes, I remember that too… even as thousands of Christians and Jews across the country grabbed their hunting rifles and stood guard outside the nation’s mosques to make sure no one tried to vandalize them.
I never did hear much said about that from the Muslim community, or from the MSM. I found out about it from the Fox web site.
I know how you feel. Thanks, it’s much appreciated.
Coming back to that, I’ve been in the office today and following events mainly via the blogs.
Trawl around a bit and you soon see how many Americans are posting kind words, words of concern, statements of support, encouragement and comfort.
Yep, I know they may just be words on a page to some but people like Susan and many others are still doing it.
STILL our best friends. Thank you very much.
Believe it or not it will get worse. Start counting the hours until somebody suggests this attack was really all the UK’s own fault and the media starts trying to change the focus to the poor, victimized Moslem community.
I’d like to add my condolences to those already offered from over here in the USA. We stand with the brave people of London who have suffered this cynical terror attack on their way of life. Our prayers are with you on this sad day.
London is a city that will not buckle. Tens of thousands of civilians died in the Blitz, and more recently we had 20 years of IRA terrorism.
London is one of the great free cities of the world. It will not yield to cowardly attacks by a bunch of loonies.
London will not yield or panic. The emergency services have responded coolly and calmly, many transport services are suspended but people will get home tonight.
Londoners knew we would be a target. These people simply hate the West, have hated us for years and years. But London has a strong spirit. People have remained mostly calm – we want “business as usual”.
The cowardly terrorists can go stuff themselves. They are mere dross – WE made the history, and WE will make the future.
I hope the BBC will reflect the staunch spirit of London. But I EXPECT the BBC will whimper.
“Start counting the hours until somebody suggests this attack was really all the UK’s own fault and the media starts trying to change the focus to the poor, victimized Moslem community”.
Harry’s Place has already put up the links, courtesy of the Socialist Workers Party and Respect.
How long before the BBC and Guardian follow suit?
I just wish there was something I could do. The only thing I could think of was to leave some flowers in front of the UK consulate in San Francisco. But that’s so lame and inadequate. . .
I’m trying like hell to avoid visiting the Website From Hell today (BBC Online). I know I’ll see all kinds of stuff there that will just piss me off and make me see red, and today should be about for caring about the victims, not thinking about the hideous “Question Time” panel we all know is forthcoming.
Or this comment by the sickening piece of shit George Galloway:
“Respect MP George Galloway said Londoners had “paid the price” for Tony Blair’s decision to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He called on the Prime Minister to withdraw the British troops from Iraq in order to remove people in the UK from “harm’s way”.”
“I just hope that the angry, frightened people don’t turn on all the innocent, law-abiding Muslim families who live peacefully with us in our communities. These attacks affect them too, and they are just as scared and angry as the rest of us, without the added fear of being attacked purely because of their religion. My thoughts are with everyone affected, regardless of race, creed or colour – be strong, every right minded citizen of this planet is behind you.
Tim, London”
yeah, we all know how well that worked for Spain. Churchill must be spinning in his grave.
Okay, let me see if I’ve got this straight: it’s okay for Islamic terrorists to attack innocent, law abiding Western civilians but very, very bad for said civilians to get angry at the Moslems in their midst?
Yes, I guess that’s the whole concept because they’re better and more peaceful than us. And in order to make the world a better and more peaceful place (according to the koran) they bomb us into submission. Sounds logical, doesn’t it?
And on Sky News Mohammed Blair is just going on about the majority of muslims being peaceful people. As did a former FBI chief on Fox News a few minutes ago… You see, they are peaceful, just in a different way – they use bombs to bring us peace.
Quote –
It works by “co-operation not competition,” said 29-year-old Katharine Foster.
If only the BBC would work by co-operation or competition instead of threatening to fine anyone who doesn’t want to pay for it.
Whether or not any of these perpetrators are found to be an illegal immigrant or asylum seeker,we should detain such arrivals who come to our country until we can see that their reason for coming here is genuine,and that they are who they say they are.If they are allowed to stay they should not be allowed to indulge in certian types of activity,such as pressure politics.
All people who are here should see themselves as British,and not have allegiances to others.
John in London or anyone,
Colleagues and myself in Barcelona repaired to an Aussie pub to watch the news. An excerpt of a George Bush statement was shown which sounded incoherent and shambolic. Did anyone see the whole of what President Bush had to say and if so did the BBC deliberately choose a part to make Bush look bad?
To Susan and her fellow Americans, thanks ever such a lot for your support and sympathy. Shoulder to shoulder, always.
As for the comments from the Hon. George Galloway MP, he should, but wont, face treason charges for aiding and abetting the enemy at time of war. His comment was as Lord Haw, Haw as you can get.
“The following comments reflect the balance of opinion we have received so far”
At the time of writing, 50% say it’s all the fault of Bush.
Can the BBC’s claim re balance be true?
For Al-Qaeda: 8/10 for timing (G8, the Olympic result),
1/10 for originality (the IRA were doing this sort of thing fifteen years ago for goodness sake!)
If it didn’t work for the Nazis or the Provos, what makes the Islamofascists think they’ll get anywhere?*
(*Yes, I know – Madrid. Sure, that was a lot more comlicated than it seems, but probably not to the terrorists – they bombed the trains and a few weeks later the troops were pulled out.)
To our friends across the “pond” – thanks for the good wishes – ultimately we’re all in this together.
Chin up, though, lads – we thrashed the Aussies at the cricket!
On a day like this very few of us aren’t helpless. On 9/11 I watched TV at work with colleagues and saw the second airliner plough into the WTC. The important thing for us is how we react in the weeks and months to come.
Our knowledge of our enemy is light years ahead of where it was on 9/11, no-one is looking to a Prime Minister or a President to explain events to us. We know for ourselves.
As for our favourite broadcaster, I know we’ll all be keeping an even closer eye than usual them.
The BBC are pushing the idea that because one of the bombings occurred at Aldgate East, close to the overwhelmingly Bangladeshi area around Brick Lane, this attack was a threat to the Muslim community. Sorry, but this won’t wash.
The bomb went off in a train under the area, not in it, and the occupants seem to have been largely workers in the financial district. It might as well be said that an explosion on a Piccadilly Line train between Leicester Square & Piccadilly Circus stations would be directed at the sex industry in the streets of Soho above.
Thanx to those from the US who have extended their sympathy & support. It’s at times like these that we know who our friends are.
Oh and thanx to George Galloway for reminding me why I hate the bastard.
I wonder how many Muslims were actually injured or killed in the attacks. Maybe they knew what was going to happen and they didn’t travel… I’m looking forward to reading the figures but I doubt they’ll ever get published. (Maybe I’m getting paranoid)
Susan: same here. We’re having a hard rain. As soon as it let’s up, I’m dropping some flowers at the British Embassy.
Right now, all we can do is express sympathy and try to embolden their resolve.