Though no time to draw political blood

when too much of the real stuff has been tragically split in our capital, Marc, at USS Neverdock, makes a legitimate point on behalf of all those people who might have lowered their guard as a result of the undermining of the notion of a War on Terror by some BBC journalism. ‘The Power of Nightmares’ assured us there was no real organised Islamic movement bent on our destruction, yet the massive organisation behind the London bombings – the syncronisation, the planning – suggest quite the opposite. It suggests the BBC’s flagship programme of the last year, its main publicised recent claim to excellence, was in fact highly flawed. And as forewarned is forearmed, the BBC has in this regard, and others less well-known, certainly been unconducive to the public good.

“The BBC had the courage to put the series out and this shows they were right”‘, said the maker of the film… as it showed at Cannes. Though we salute freedom of speech – metaphorically – we tend to reserve our actual salutes for those who show they are right.

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112 Responses to Though no time to draw political blood

  1. Teddy Bear says:

    I apologise in advance for the fragmentation of my thoughts that will appear in this post. I simply don’t have the time to formulate them more cohesively, so please bear with me.

    I feel a variety of emotions, especially after the recent happenings, as I’m sure many of you here do as well. I firstly want to say that I feel a real love for many of the posters here. I believe to know truth and see through the bullshit, unless you are a direct victim of it, you must possess a real innocence and inner honesty as part of your virtues. i am very glad I can share these times with you.:+:

    Next, it is not true that ‘Islam’ means peace. It actually means submission (to Gods will) although I would put the more extremist practise of this faith as ‘submission to God swill’. However many Muslims have maintained and furthered the misconception that Islam means ‘peace’ because it conceals their purpose.
    Bear in mind that militant and extremist Muslims can lie, cheat, deceive and kill to further their strategy and aims – to take over the world. All in the name of what they call God. Terror is only part of this strategy, mainly affecting the fools within our own society who think they can appease the perpetrators to prevent it, and the moderates within their own who will not speak out, believing whichever way the world goes they will be okay. Their main weapon is ‘DIVIDE AND CONQUER’, and terror is one of the pressures with which they apply it. Demographics and economics are a few more by which they influence our society, particularly using the more corrupt, egotistical, and obviously inferior beings among us. After centuries of subjugating their own subjects they have learned well how this all works.

    I believe the reason that many of us post here is because we see the BBC as the greatest inner threat to our society. For that reason I am not surprised that there are quite a few articulate Muslims masquerading as ‘one of the boys’ on this forum, attempting as much as possible to downplay and demean the observations we make.

    I have to say that one of the first thoughts I had when it was confirmed that a terrorist attack had taken place on our capital, was wondering how the BBC was going to cover this. I certainly don’t expect them to change their direction if they can avoid it, but now they may well bring about their demise. I feel their dual allegiance will become more and more apparent, and hopefully people will be increasingly incensed at their propaganda at the expense of education. If some good can come out of his horrific incident, then perhaps this will be part of it. The best of luck to all of you in your intelligent and erudite observations and efforts • this is war.


  2. jake says:

    Bravo Teddy Bear.


  3. JohninLondon says:

    My understanding is that the meaning of “peace” in Islam is actually submission to Allah :

    This is a crucual distinction – which is never presented on the BBC.


  4. JohninLondon says:

    It will be interesting to see if the wobbly BBC gives any mention to this survey :


  5. Hal says:

    “The way to deal with the terrorists is to capture them, give them a fair trial and imprison them. We should not behave like them.”

    James, I think your argument is very misplaced. If membership of a genocidal terrorist organisation carries the death penalty and trials conducted under battleground conditions through due process of Parliamentary legislation, with the death sentence commuted in exchange for informtion, we are nothing like our enemies. To be like our enemies we would have lynch mobs roaming the streets of London and the rest of Britain now, stringing Muslims up to lamposts and the Police grinning and turning the other way.

    The more we allow are consciences’ to be manipulated by evil fanatics on the left and in the Muslim world, the longer this war will last and the more terrorist victims we will see.


  6. chevalier de st george says:

    Teddy Bear
    if Only more understood things as well as you do!!
    Perhaps the time has finlly arrived when we can no longer afford the luxury of the pernicious anti americanism and disinformation of such organs as the BBC
    yesterday’s tragic events have lifted all this cafe society progressiveness into the real world.
    And what hurts is that as the bodies are still warm and uncounted and the grieving begins, so does the spin of the Neo Marxists,SWP, and others.
    But there is amongst the Brits i have spoken to, a real sense of outrage and the realisation that they have been lied to by the MS Media in particular.


  7. John says:

    Hi all,

    Last night I watched a fascinating documentary on the National Geographic channel about the ‘Shining Path’ terrorists in Peru:

    The documentary was called ‘State of Fear’ – catch a repeat if you can.

    Summary (SP=Shining Path):

    – Their ideology was ‘destroy everything and replace it with a Marxist dictatorship’ (isn’t it always?). Islamism is essentially the same thing mixed with some powerful religious memes.

    – Their methods were inhumanly violent and brutal.

    – It started in the universities, led by an ex-professor.

    – The response of the Peruvian government was brutal and clumsy, and increased SP recruitment. Prisons were major recruiting centres for the SP (as with Islam in the UK).

    – The Peruvian middle-classes remained apathetic until the terrorists started planting bombs in middle-class areas of Lima, after which anti-terror measures were massively scaled up.

    – The Peruvians voted in President Alberto Fujimori, who dissolved congress and ruled by decree, turning Peru into a corrupt police state (ie the army serving as police). Fujimori used his total control of the media to maintain popular support for his regime.

    – The SP was all but extinguished when all its top brass (including the leader) were captured in a single operation, thanks to the inspired efforts of the civilian police force. Fujimori took the credit for this, even though his policies in no way contributed to the result.

    – The SP terrorist attacks continued at a greatly reduced frequency for a few years after the arrests, each attack used by Fujimori and the media to justify the continuance of his dictatorial emergency powers. He was brought down in the end when the extent of his corruption was exposed.

    – The brutality of SP thugs against their own comrades (usually for doing things that made them jealous – isn’t it always) finished off the SP in the end. The defectors gave the military accurate intelligence that enabled them to crush the remaining die-hards.

    This is from memory – apologies for any slight inaccuracies (eg I think the Lima bombing may have come after Fujimori was voted in).

    Comparisons with Islam are left as an exercise for the reader.


  8. Mick in the UK says:

    Remember the Belmarsh detainees?

    ‘Truly dangerous’

    Abu Qatada was previously described as “a truly dangerous individual” by Siac judges.

    They said he was “at the centre in the UK of terrorist activities associated with al-Qaeda”.

    Suspect P arrived in the UK in 1999 and had an application for asylum refused.

    He was later accused of providing logistical support for acts of terrorism and was detained as a result.

    GRANTING HIM BAIL, Mr Justice Ouseley said: “You need to understand these conditions are taken very seriously, if you breach them you will be liable to be returned to detention.”

    I wonder where they all are now, and if in fact they will be re-arrested, bearing in mind that one of the Madrid bombers had previously had to be released in Spain due to lack of evidence and civil rights pressure.


  9. Denise W says:

    Teddy Bear,

    Hear, hear!

    chevalier de st george,

    On the realization of lies from the MSM, the truth will set us all free, eventually. I hope it’s real soon.


    I had understood what you meant by your comment about Germany getting attacked. I know you don’t want innocent people to die. You just want Germany to finally understand what we’re up against. It’s like Brits saying they were glad Pearl Harbor was attacked during WWII. It’s not that they wanted innocent people to die but rather they knew the attacks are what made the US join Britain at a time when Britain was so alone. It took the attacks on Pearl Harbor to make the American people realize the seriousness of the situation.


  10. Zevilyn says:

    Funny how the Chinese are able to threaten Taiwan and Japan and abuse human rights without a peep from the Left.

    The intelectually honest opposition to the Iraq Intervention is an isolationist one, but the stance of many on the left is hypocritical (America is bad when it intervenes, and bad when it doesn’t).

    We have heard plenty from Benn and Tariq Ali, but why not Frederick Forsyth and Peter Hitchens.


  11. RickG says:

    “all that you will find here is a cross section of the population reacting to events within thier (sic)communities”

    Don’t kid yourselves. This is extreme, and extremely naive, stuff. Thank God, a representative sample of what the population thinks would have a lot more sense and compassion.


  12. Mecha says:

    Rick, please. Naive would properly describe the appeasement-obsessed idiots who dominate the extreme left. Realizing that the world is not all candycanes and gumdrops and that sometimes lives must be lost to save even more is certainly not naive.