to readers and fellow posters for my absence. I had a very busy period and then I was ill. I am afraid I am not up to posting or dealing with emails at the moment.
Joke From Around the World, this time
from a friend of a friend in Ramallah.
This morning on the freeway, I looked over to my left and there was a
woman in a brand new Cadillac doing 65 mph with her face up next to her
rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner.
I looked away for a couple seconds and when I looked back she was
halfway over in my lane, still working on that makeup.
As a man, I don’t scare easily. But she scared me so much; I dropped my
electric shaver, which knocked the donut out of my other hand.
In all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car using my knees
against the steering wheel, it knocked my cell phone away from my ear
which fell into the coffee between my legs, splashed, and burned my
*$%*! Ruined the damn phone, soaked my trousers, and disconnected an
important call.
Damn women drivers!
Thanks to W. in Ramallah.
Is really from Ramallah, or is it yet more stereotyping of Americans?
Most of what I know about the “Islamic Human Rights Commission” is that a few years ago, this organization tried to get a book written by an Iranian feminist about the horrible abuse of women’s rights in the Islamic Republic banned from European book stores. The book was called “Rage Against the Veil.”
So I can’t really see as to how they qualify as a “human rights” organization.
Recently sent this letter to the IHRC. Funnily enough I havent received an answer yet 🙂
The Chairman
Islamic Human Rights Commission
Dear sir
Three Important Questions for the IHRC
After hearing your passionate condemnation of the Metropolitan Police on BBC London this morning, I decided to have a look at your website ( After studying it I must say that I am a bit confused about the name of your organization “The Islamic Human Rights Commission”. I came away with the distinct impression that the IHRC is concerned with the rights of Muslims seemingly to the exclusion of those of the rest of humanity.
Since my conclusion could be based on a misunderstanding I would be interested in your answers to the following three questions:
* More than 50 members of the human race were killed on 7/7. Your reaction to this is limited to a one sentence condemnation followed by several paragraphs of advice to Muslims, should they be harassed as a result of the bombings. I could find no word of condolence to the families of the victims and you gave no indication about the motivation for your (very brief) condemnation. Are we to assume from your use of space that the rights of Muslims not to be on the receiving end of rude remarks or gestures weigh heavier on the minds of the IHRC than the right of innocent commuters not to be blown to smithereens?
* I saw on your site that you provide a web form where Muslims can report instances of discrimination or harassment. Since no one in our society should have to put up with being dealt with in an undignified manner this initiative should be commended. However I failed to find any web form where members of the Muslim community can report criminal activity of the kind that led to the vicious deaths of so many people on 7/7. Am I to assume that, because the vast majority of the victims of these activities are not Muslims, the violation of their most basic human right (i.e. the right to life) is simply not a priority for the IHRC?
* You prominently display your British Muslims’ Expectations of the Government (BMEG) project on you site. I am a recent immigrant to the UK who earlier this year received British citizenship after swearing an oath of loyalty at a citizenship ceremony. After the ceremony I was handed a letter from the Home Secretary reminding me that citizenship comes with both rights and responsibilities. Does the fact that I could not find an equivalent British Muslims’ Responsibilities towards Society project reflect a belief that the Muslim community is absolved of these responsibilities? (Under the current circumstances relevant responsibilities include loyalty, efforts at integration and reporting subversive activities)
I suspect that you will dismiss my three questions as just another example of the ‘Islamophobia’ that you are trying to battle. Please be assured however that I am asking them in good faith. In answering them you may also want to explain why I as a non-Muslim should not have a justified fear (not a phobia) of an ideology that divides the world between the ‘world of Islam’ and the ‘world of the sword’; that prohibits it’s adherents to befriend even those who are closest in faith to them (Qur’an 5:51); and that enjoins them to fight unbelievers until they feel themselves subdued (Qur’an 9:29).
I challenge you to publish my letter (which will also be sent to a variety of media outlets), and your response, on your website.
Yours truly,
Ps. I would have liked to sign my name but after a member of the Muslim community (after what I thought had been good natured debate over the Internet) threatened to track me down and slit my throat I tend to be a bit more careful. (I would have liked to report the incident to the IHRC but again could not find the relevant form).
If, like me, you value your low blood pressure then turn off the BBC discussion now, judging by the panel they’ve pulled together, the usual suspects, it will just wind me up too much.
“I would have liked to sign my name but after a member of the Muslim community (after what I thought had been good natured debate over the Internet) threatened to track me down and slit my throat I tend to be a bit more careful.”
But the article from the same link has this to say:
….Mr. Blair said there was no justification for suicide bombing whether in Israel or in “Palestine, Iraq, in London, in Egypt, in Turkey, anywhere. In the United States of America, there is no justification for it. Period.”
The transcript is an accurate reflection of Blair’s statement in the video clip – Israel is not included within the quotation marks.
Now I’m 100% sure that on the BBC World Service the audio clip had Blair including Israel in his statement on suicide bombing.
This gives rise to the following questions:
* Since Blair’s mention of Israel was edited out of the video clip, why was it included in the transcript?
* Was the author of the transcript aware of this gross distortion and did he/she try to correct matters by including ‘Israel’ in the transcript?
* Is there division within the BBC on Israel?
Wouldn’t it be a scream if Blair’s mention of ‘Israel’ has not been edited out of the full video of the news conference?
Ah! Here’s what he said in the unedited version:
Neither have they any justification for killing people in Israel either. Let’s just get that out of the way as well. There is no justification for suicide bombing whether in Palestine, Iraq, in London, in Egypt, in Turkey, anywhere. In the United States of America, there is no justification for it. Period.
(always remember – john b recommends specific democratically-elected politicians for assassination on his sick website.)
Natalie – I don’t think you and your co-workers appreciate enough how much all the people who visit your blog thank you for what you all do.
So once again – THANK YOU. Thank you all yo do. Apologies if I or maybe others step over the line occasionally. Or if we unknowingly cause you hassle or grief behind the scenes.
Just count your increasing visitor numbers. And think about all those silent visitors who simply come here, and LEARN ABOUT BBC BIAS.
Natalie to YOU – please look after yourself, tke good care. Rest up awhile.
We hope you are back kicking soon, but take your OWN time.
A great article from Melanie Phillips tonight with reference to another article in The Spectator. Remember it when listening to the BBC try to convince us that Islam is a religion of peace.
July 28, 2005 The religion of war
Tremendous, totally authoritative and hugely important article by Patrick Sookhdeo in the Spectator which simply eviscerates the claim that Islam is a religion of peace. Dr Sookhdeo, who is the Director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, presents a set of historical and theological facts that demonstrate, on the contrary, that for the past 1400 years Islam has been a religion of war.
Acknowledging that, as with other religions, it is possible to pick out of Muslim holy texts both war-like bits and peace-loving bits, he makes the knock-out point that that wherever contradictions are found, the rules of the religion dictate that the later-dated text abrogates the earlier one. And the later text is the war-like text.
‘So the mantra “Islam is peace” is almost 1,400 years out of date. It was only for about 13 years that Islam was peace and nothing but peace. From 622 onwards it became increasingly aggressive, albeit with periods of peaceful co-existence, particularly in the colonial period, when the theology of war was not dominant. For today’s radical Muslims — just as for the mediaeval jurists who developed classical Islam — it would be truer to say “Islam is war”…
‘Could it be that the young men who committed suicide were neither on the fringes of Muslim society in Britain, nor following an eccentric and extremist interpretation of their faith, but rather that they came from the very core of the Muslim community and were motivated by a mainstream interpretation of Islam?…
‘What happens after this stage depends on which of the two main religious traditions among Pakistani-background British Muslims gains the ascendancy. The Barelwi majority believe in a slow evolution, gradually consolidating their Muslim societies, and finally achieving an Islamic state. The Deobandi minority argue for a quicker process using politics and violence to achieve the same result. Ultimately, both believe in the goal of an Islamic state in Britain where Muslims will govern their own affairs and, as the finishing touch, everyone else’s affairs as well. Islamism is now the dominant voice in contemporary Islam, and has become the seedbed of the radical movements.
‘Muslims must stop this self-deception. They must with honesty recognise the violence that has existed in their history in the same way that Christians have had to do, for Christianity has a very dark past. Some Muslims have, with great courage, begun to do this.’
I miss Caroline Hawley’s cheerfulness about Iraq she is not on TV so often these days. Pushed side by the 7/7 news, I suppose.
Still, it is good to see she gets out of the hotel occasionally. I can’t recall any recent posts from her from Basra and the south of Iraq, or from the Kurdish areas – or indeed from ANY of the relatively safe zones in Iraq.
Live reporting on the police raid at Peabody flats in Notting Hill.
BBC offers some female reporter just commenting second-hand from outside the distant cordon. Very very sketchy.
Meanwhile Sky has on-the-spot voice reporting from a woman in the actual block of flats, telling us EXACTLY what she is seeing right now on a nearby balcony – police have been demanding “Mohammed” to exit for nearly half an hour. The centre of the current incident, live and ongoing commentary, sensible questioning by the Sky news desk to get full details. And you can hear many of the shouted police commands. She is able to tell us how many police etc. REAL REPORTING, NEWS-GATHERING.
Poor old BBC. All too often they simply can’t hack it these days.
I have just logged on to BBC Brazil and found the content of its Forum on the tragic Brazilian’s death makes horrifying reading. It contains abusive and racist remarks directed at the English in general which would never in a million years get published by even the BBC here in the UK. The BBC is out of line allowing some of the bile about ‘idiotic english’ ‘gringos’ to be posted. I accept that grieving comes in it. But im ashamed, being a part of the Brazilian community here as I am, that this is permitted. In addition to stirring up anti english sentiment in Brazil, the BBC is also now stirring up all sorts of unbelievable rubbish about the use of tasers. Im assuming their only aim is to ensure the police are absolutelty impotent when faced with criminals and potential mass murder suicide bombers.
Scandino is not the reql cplrit for all the rubbish in Guardian commentary. Seamus Milne is the real culprit IMHO. As with the BBC after Gilligan, I think more heads might roll yet. The Guardian meanwhile lost over 6% of its circulation last year – but with the Indy it virtually monopolises opinion at the BBC.
In case they have not been posted, here are 2 good pieces today by Melanie Phillips. The second one spells out again all the rubbish the BBC keeps pumping to us from UK Muslim “spokesmen” –
“I really lament the incompetence of these gringos….”
(Can you imagine using a similar prejudicial/racial term to describe LatinAmericans and having it posted on the BBCUK?)
Dear The English: You are all totally insane and still dont realise it.
(Again can you see this on BBCUK?)
It seems that British continue along their colonial ancestral path, or maybe it is the influence of Sunday afternoons watching war films pretending that this ‘brainwashing’ is in the spirit of James Bond. I dont know, but maybe this was the mentality behind the policeman who shot JCM…
A little joke aimed at the family man police officer acting under orders expense maybe but with very strong prejudice that would be the equivalent of the following:
It seems the Brazilians still blindly permit their street kid murdering policies, because theyre too busy sambering their afternoons away thinking theyre Pele, to be bothered enough too care…
Racial stereotypes which im sure the BBC would post.
One thing for BBCBrasil another for BBCUK.
The Britbashing on the site underlines the continued policy of the BBC to make being British an embarrassment.
Kabuli, who blogs in English as Afghan Lord under a pseudonym in order to protect himself, has received numerous threats posted to his blog from the same IP address which belongs – shockingly – to the BBC. One of them, which Kabuli emailed to Global Voices, asks: “Do you think I do not know you?” Then it continues on to threaten: “There were a number of people like you, who did not remain alive. They were all buried in graves. You have to be taken off from this land so that better human beings could take your place. For, you are dirty.”
This seems familiar. Have we heard of the BBC IP featuring in such threats before?
Thanks for that. Most enlightening. Of course in a population of 190 million there will be some who will post such things. I think we’re big enough to understand where it comes from. You’re right about the BBC though. There’s not a chance of them posting any abusive comments here. So many complaints to make, so little time …
Pete_London – im sure there will be but i wouldnt expect to see them posted. After all racial stereotyping normally sends the BBC into a state of shock and angst(doesnt it?). I know a slew of pro police comments sent by a good nos of Brazilians here that of course never made the selection process.
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says all foreign students at madrassas, or religious schools, some 1,400 pupils, must leave the country.
Bet most of the highly volatile ‘madrassa-boys’ are booking flights to the UK as we speak.
Our p*sspoor immigration service will let you pick your own passport stamp “Leave to Remain in the UK Until _ _ _ _” – you just fill in the blanks, it couldn’t be easier!
Oh, if you like, you can even use your own ‘pretendy’ passport stamps – (like the poor Brazilain who was hsot last week). It’s like a Thompson Holidays ‘Square Deal’. You’re accommodation can be sorted out when you get here and it’s all inclusive ie housing allowance, income support bla blah, etc.
Says it all…ask for Cherie Blair/Booth and you’ll get off mate!
During the raids today which nabbed another two of the Tube “bombers”/terrorists/mis-understood young people (delete depending on which newspaper you read…)
“In Dalgarno Gardens officers were continually shouting at someone in a flat to come out. They were addressing him as “Muhammad”.
The police asked him: “What is the problem? Why can’t you come out?
“Take your clothes off. Exit the building. Do you understand?”
One resident from nearby told BBC News 24 she had heard police shouting warnings at a flat.
She said: “We were aware of somebody answering, saying ‘I have rights’……”
(And yet the bad guys deny these same rights to others…such bravery for the cause!)
Firstly: get well soon, Natalie. Your contributions are greatly missed!
Secondly: After Dave T’s contribution I keep wondering if maybe there is a “Legal Handbook for Bombers/Terrorists/Mis-Understood Young People” available in the UK. Wouldn’t surprise me…
So now we can expect the various (so called) human rights organisations to complain about the inhumane and undignified treatment of Mohammed by the police.
From the piece you posted about Hamas going into the wedding planning business (well let’s be honest, they’ve been servicing the funeral industry for long enough now) we have:
Hamas, which aims to establish an Islamic state over the whole of historic Palestine, is regarded as a terrorist group by Israel and Western countries.
The whole of ‘historic Palestine’? I think we can take a guess at what they mean by that. No doubt the BBC has its own map of the middle east, one where above Israel is the tag “Historic Palestine – here be Jews”.
The wedding planner story could be made into a sequel for Jennifer Lopez. “The Wedding Planner II” would feature the lovely J-Lo, hired by Hamas to coordinate their next mass wedding. Giggles abound as J-Lo frets about how to coordinate 70 different shades of burqa-black and whether the gentlemen attendees’ suicide belt accessories should be in rainbow pastels or all one solid color. The climax would come when Jen inadvertently shows up for duty wearing a see-through burqa without underwear, and has to employ her famous quick-witted New Jersey Latina sass to save herself from being stoned to death. Antonio Banderas plays the cuddly-but-sexy Imam who has a twinkle in his eye for our Jen. In theaters next spring.
MSNBC just had a debate with Daniel Pipes and Azzam Tamimi. Anyone not convinced of BBC Bias, and thinks that HardTalk really is tough on Islamists should read this and see what we are being denied. It’s a breath of fresh air.
Here’s a list of successful terrorist attacks in Israel since the beginning of intifada. See how many Hamas has claimed responsibility for (although there all much of a muchness), and the type of targets they hit. Now ask yourself if a ‘political’ Israeli group had perpetrated similar acts against the Palestinians, would they be shown as also organising joyous weddings by the BBC?
The BBC runs an article about a debate ‘raging’ over the ‘shoot to kill’ policy by the Met, following the accidental killing of Mr. Menezes. The raging debate is actually Robin Cook who has joined the so called moderate Muslim leaders in denouncing it.
Who the f*** cares what Robin Cook and these Muslim double talkers have to say? The BBC would have us think that that we should be changing our policies according to Muslim guidelines and those that would appease them.
The Met have done a great job in tracking down these bastards, it’s unfortunate about Mr. Menezes, who can only be described as a casualty of war.
Is it not possible to post up an open thread so that people have a proper place to cite the latest BBC idiocies? The comments on this thread should really be to wish Natalie well.
And sure enough, there on the last link the BBCtrots out Dr Tamiimi again, complaining about the police.
Except for that famous Tim Sebstian interview on Hardtalk which fe in Britain will have seen, (text is linked on the Daniel Pipes MSNBC debte with Tamimi) the BBC will NEVER tell us that Tamimi is HAMAS.
That is reporting of the most atrociouus standard.
I must admit I didn’t think much about the reference in the above article on the raging debate, to the fact that the Met has sent men to Israel for special training. It makes sense in light of the experience Israel has in these matters. Now I’ve just read this article by Maureen Lipman in The Guardian, and I see another motive for mentioning it.,3604,1538399,00.html
JiL, I’m not familiar with the Tamimi interview by Sebastian. I have twice written the BBC about 2 of his previous interviews, back in the days when I thought it might do some good, albeit to no avail – surprise, surprise.
Here’s a copy of my letters:
In Tim Sebastian’s interview, aired this morning with Dr Abdul Rahman Al-Matroudi, Saudi Arabia’s deputy minister for Islamic Affairs, he questioned him about teachings that “Judgement Day will not come till after good and faithful Muslims kill the Jews”. The Saudi minister’s response implied that the Jews have a similar instruction in their religious teachings. Instead of challenging this false assertion Mr. Sebastian’s response was to ask “whether two wrongs make a right”.
If Mr. Sebastian is really so ignorant of Jewish teachings that he is not able to refute such statements he should stick to topics that he has more knowledge about. As it is, he has done grave damage to Jews by leaving the implication that they also call for death to Muslims or any non-believers as a precursor to reaching their paradise. This is totally outrageous since the Jews have very clearly as one of their 10 commandments “Thou shalt not kill”. Is Mr. Sebastian not familiar with this, or does he serve a dual purpose to spread anti-Semitic garbage?
and this one:- Can you confirm if the BBC understanding of Palestinian terrorism against Israel followed settlement building on Palestinian lands, or whether it began prior to this? I ask because twice recently in interviews with Michael Terrazzi, one by Tim Sebastian on Hard Talk, and the other on BBC Radio 4 news at 6pm this evening 23.05.03, he was allowed to go unchallenged when he stated this. It is understandable that the Palestinian spin desires to link their terrorist attacks as a response to Israeli occupation of THEIR land, but every UN mandate that specified what THEIR land was going to be had the provision of a cessation of terror and belligerence as a pre-requisite. It is no more THEIR land, than someone who wishes to buy a house has a right to it before they pay the necessary deposit and arrange a mortgage.
Can you also explain how you arrive at the conclusion that the Palestinians have accepted the ‘Road Map’ • which your Middle East ‘expert’ stated in the BBC2 10:30pm News? There is a clear provision to crack down on terrorism and violence against Israel in this Road Map. He inferred that Sharon was stalling by not meeting with Bush following a ‘few terrorist attacks’. There were actually 4 major suicide bombings inside Israel killing and wounding numerous innocents. This in the same week that the Road Map was made public. Of course if similar terrorist attacks happened in this country, naturally the BBC would expect the government to dismiss concern and continue to negotiate with the perpetrators, and of course you would recommend trusting Abu Mazen, Arafat’s newly chosen PM, to fight terror.
Finally, what differences do you see between the BBC and the militant Muslim world?
Both hate and vilify Israel, Bush and Blair and their involvement in the Iraq War. Can there be a reason for these common interests? Might the fact that the BBC holds press offices, cable and satellite networks, and radio stations throughout the Arab and Muslim world have something to do with it? I fail to see what British interests you represent at all anymore, unless you propose that they are the same as the Muslim world. Maybe then you should have the courage to come out and state it, instead of hiding behind your media cloak of ‘balanced reportage’ to maintain your deceit and aid the militant Muslim spin
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Marc Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
i’m sure the learned Doctor nows far better than us
The John Hopkins University also know that the coalition forces have killed 100,000 civilians in Iraq.
From the Newsnight e-mail
Joke From Around the World, this time
from a friend of a friend in Ramallah.
This morning on the freeway, I looked over to my left and there was a
woman in a brand new Cadillac doing 65 mph with her face up next to her
rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner.
I looked away for a couple seconds and when I looked back she was
halfway over in my lane, still working on that makeup.
As a man, I don’t scare easily. But she scared me so much; I dropped my
electric shaver, which knocked the donut out of my other hand.
In all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car using my knees
against the steering wheel, it knocked my cell phone away from my ear
which fell into the coffee between my legs, splashed, and burned my
*$%*! Ruined the damn phone, soaked my trousers, and disconnected an
important call.
Damn women drivers!
Thanks to W. in Ramallah.
Is really from Ramallah, or is it yet more stereotyping of Americans?
Most of what I know about the “Islamic Human Rights Commission” is that a few years ago, this organization tried to get a book written by an Iranian feminist about the horrible abuse of women’s rights in the Islamic Republic banned from European book stores. The book was called “Rage Against the Veil.”
So I can’t really see as to how they qualify as a “human rights” organization.
Recently sent this letter to the IHRC. Funnily enough I havent received an answer yet 🙂
The Chairman
Islamic Human Rights Commission
Dear sir
Three Important Questions for the IHRC
After hearing your passionate condemnation of the Metropolitan Police on BBC London this morning, I decided to have a look at your website ( After studying it I must say that I am a bit confused about the name of your organization “The Islamic Human Rights Commission”. I came away with the distinct impression that the IHRC is concerned with the rights of Muslims seemingly to the exclusion of those of the rest of humanity.
Since my conclusion could be based on a misunderstanding I would be interested in your answers to the following three questions:
* More than 50 members of the human race were killed on 7/7. Your reaction to this is limited to a one sentence condemnation followed by several paragraphs of advice to Muslims, should they be harassed as a result of the bombings. I could find no word of condolence to the families of the victims and you gave no indication about the motivation for your (very brief) condemnation. Are we to assume from your use of space that the rights of Muslims not to be on the receiving end of rude remarks or gestures weigh heavier on the minds of the IHRC than the right of innocent commuters not to be blown to smithereens?
* I saw on your site that you provide a web form where Muslims can report instances of discrimination or harassment. Since no one in our society should have to put up with being dealt with in an undignified manner this initiative should be commended. However I failed to find any web form where members of the Muslim community can report criminal activity of the kind that led to the vicious deaths of so many people on 7/7. Am I to assume that, because the vast majority of the victims of these activities are not Muslims, the violation of their most basic human right (i.e. the right to life) is simply not a priority for the IHRC?
* You prominently display your British Muslims’ Expectations of the Government (BMEG) project on you site. I am a recent immigrant to the UK who earlier this year received British citizenship after swearing an oath of loyalty at a citizenship ceremony. After the ceremony I was handed a letter from the Home Secretary reminding me that citizenship comes with both rights and responsibilities. Does the fact that I could not find an equivalent British Muslims’ Responsibilities towards Society project reflect a belief that the Muslim community is absolved of these responsibilities? (Under the current circumstances relevant responsibilities include loyalty, efforts at integration and reporting subversive activities)
I suspect that you will dismiss my three questions as just another example of the ‘Islamophobia’ that you are trying to battle. Please be assured however that I am asking them in good faith. In answering them you may also want to explain why I as a non-Muslim should not have a justified fear (not a phobia) of an ideology that divides the world between the ‘world of Islam’ and the ‘world of the sword’; that prohibits it’s adherents to befriend even those who are closest in faith to them (Qur’an 5:51); and that enjoins them to fight unbelievers until they feel themselves subdued (Qur’an 9:29).
I challenge you to publish my letter (which will also be sent to a variety of media outlets), and your response, on your website.
Yours truly,
Ps. I would have liked to sign my name but after a member of the Muslim community (after what I thought had been good natured debate over the Internet) threatened to track me down and slit my throat I tend to be a bit more careful. (I would have liked to report the incident to the IHRC but again could not find the relevant form).
Thats the way to deal with any of these jihadis you catch (or Taser).
Great post PJS. Something tells me they won’t post it though. Did you send a copy to Mark Stein? I think he might like that.…cas/ 4725615.stm
Thats the way to deal with any of these jihadis you catch (or Taser).
He’d probably get 120 hours community service in the UK…
He’d probably get 120 hours community service in the UK…
and he could look forward to his £5k BBC ‘appearance fee’ for participation in ‘the Al-Qaeda story’ or ‘Rolf does Islamic Art’.
If, like me, you value your low blood pressure then turn off the BBC discussion now, judging by the panel they’ve pulled together, the usual suspects, it will just wind me up too much.
usual suspects?! They’ve got Janet Daley and David Davies on. Hardly raving lefties! Get a grip.
“I would have liked to sign my name but after a member of the Muslim community (after what I thought had been good natured debate over the Internet) threatened to track me down and slit my throat I tend to be a bit more careful.”
…a pig flies past…
When dealing with theBBC, the plot always thickens. In Tony Blair’s statement on suicide bombing on this video clip he mentions ‘Palestine’ but not Israel.
But the article from the same link has this to say:
The transcript is an accurate reflection of Blair’s statement in the video clip – Israel is not included within the quotation marks.
Now I’m 100% sure that on the BBC World Service the audio clip had Blair including Israel in his statement on suicide bombing.
This gives rise to the following questions:
* Since Blair’s mention of Israel was edited out of the video clip, why was it included in the transcript?
* Was the author of the transcript aware of this gross distortion and did he/she try to correct matters by including ‘Israel’ in the transcript?
* Is there division within the BBC on Israel?
Wouldn’t it be a scream if Blair’s mention of ‘Israel’ has not been edited out of the full video of the news conference?
Ah! Here’s what he said in the unedited version:
(always remember – john b recommends specific democratically-elected politicians for assassination on his sick website.)
Natalie – I don’t think you and your co-workers appreciate enough how much all the people who visit your blog thank you for what you all do.
So once again – THANK YOU. Thank you all yo do. Apologies if I or maybe others step over the line occasionally. Or if we unknowingly cause you hassle or grief behind the scenes.
Just count your increasing visitor numbers. And think about all those silent visitors who simply come here, and LEARN ABOUT BBC BIAS.
Natalie to YOU – please look after yourself, tke good care. Rest up awhile.
We hope you are back kicking soon, but take your OWN time.
Thank you
A great article from Melanie Phillips tonight with reference to another article in The Spectator. Remember it when listening to the BBC try to convince us that Islam is a religion of peace.
July 28, 2005
The religion of war
Tremendous, totally authoritative and hugely important article by Patrick Sookhdeo in the Spectator which simply eviscerates the claim that Islam is a religion of peace. Dr Sookhdeo, who is the Director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, presents a set of historical and theological facts that demonstrate, on the contrary, that for the past 1400 years Islam has been a religion of war.
Acknowledging that, as with other religions, it is possible to pick out of Muslim holy texts both war-like bits and peace-loving bits, he makes the knock-out point that that wherever contradictions are found, the rules of the religion dictate that the later-dated text abrogates the earlier one. And the later text is the war-like text.
‘So the mantra “Islam is peace” is almost 1,400 years out of date. It was only for about 13 years that Islam was peace and nothing but peace. From 622 onwards it became increasingly aggressive, albeit with periods of peaceful co-existence, particularly in the colonial period, when the theology of war was not dominant. For today’s radical Muslims — just as for the mediaeval jurists who developed classical Islam — it would be truer to say “Islam is war”…
‘Could it be that the young men who committed suicide were neither on the fringes of Muslim society in Britain, nor following an eccentric and extremist interpretation of their faith, but rather that they came from the very core of the Muslim community and were motivated by a mainstream interpretation of Islam?…
‘What happens after this stage depends on which of the two main religious traditions among Pakistani-background British Muslims gains the ascendancy. The Barelwi majority believe in a slow evolution, gradually consolidating their Muslim societies, and finally achieving an Islamic state. The Deobandi minority argue for a quicker process using politics and violence to achieve the same result. Ultimately, both believe in the goal of an Islamic state in Britain where Muslims will govern their own affairs and, as the finishing touch, everyone else’s affairs as well. Islamism is now the dominant voice in contemporary Islam, and has become the seedbed of the radical movements.
‘Muslims must stop this self-deception. They must with honesty recognise the violence that has existed in their history in the same way that Christians have had to do, for Christianity has a very dark past. Some Muslims have, with great courage, begun to do this.’
Full Spectator article available at registration required.
Razor blades at the ready….it’s Caroline Hawley
Brain drain puts new strain on Iraq
I miss Caroline Hawley’s cheerfulness about Iraq she is not on TV so often these days. Pushed side by the 7/7 news, I suppose.
Still, it is good to see she gets out of the hotel occasionally. I can’t recall any recent posts from her from Basra and the south of Iraq, or from the Kurdish areas – or indeed from ANY of the relatively safe zones in Iraq.
Live reporting on the police raid at Peabody flats in Notting Hill.
BBC offers some female reporter just commenting second-hand from outside the distant cordon. Very very sketchy.
Meanwhile Sky has on-the-spot voice reporting from a woman in the actual block of flats, telling us EXACTLY what she is seeing right now on a nearby balcony – police have been demanding “Mohammed” to exit for nearly half an hour. The centre of the current incident, live and ongoing commentary, sensible questioning by the Sky news desk to get full details. And you can hear many of the shouted police commands. She is able to tell us how many police etc. REAL REPORTING, NEWS-GATHERING.
Poor old BBC. All too often they simply can’t hack it these days.
I have just logged on to BBC Brazil and found the content of its Forum on the tragic Brazilian’s death makes horrifying reading. It contains abusive and racist remarks directed at the English in general which would never in a million years get published by even the BBC here in the UK. The BBC is out of line allowing some of the bile about ‘idiotic english’ ‘gringos’ to be posted. I accept that grieving comes in it. But im ashamed, being a part of the Brazilian community here as I am, that this is permitted. In addition to stirring up anti english sentiment in Brazil, the BBC is also now stirring up all sorts of unbelievable rubbish about the use of tasers. Im assuming their only aim is to ensure the police are absolutelty impotent when faced with criminals and potential mass murder suicide bombers.
To JohninLondon
100% agree, the BBC reporting of this major development is dire. Sky have nailed it.
AF — Thank you for your comments. Perhaps you could translate some of the worst comments and post them here?
From Scott Burgess, “Sassygate” editor at al-Guardian resigns:
Scandino is not the reql cplrit for all the rubbish in Guardian commentary. Seamus Milne is the real culprit IMHO. As with the BBC after Gilligan, I think more heads might roll yet. The Guardian meanwhile lost over 6% of its circulation last year – but with the Indy it virtually monopolises opinion at the BBC.
In case they have not been posted, here are 2 good pieces today by Melanie Phillips. The second one spells out again all the rubbish the BBC keeps pumping to us from UK Muslim “spokesmen” –
“I really lament the incompetence of these gringos….”
(Can you imagine using a similar prejudicial/racial term to describe LatinAmericans and having it posted on the BBCUK?)
Dear The English: You are all totally insane and still dont realise it.
(Again can you see this on BBCUK?)
It seems that British continue along their colonial ancestral path, or maybe it is the influence of Sunday afternoons watching war films pretending that this ‘brainwashing’ is in the spirit of James Bond. I dont know, but maybe this was the mentality behind the policeman who shot JCM…
A little joke aimed at the family man police officer acting under orders expense maybe but with very strong prejudice that would be the equivalent of the following:
It seems the Brazilians still blindly permit their street kid murdering policies, because theyre too busy sambering their afternoons away thinking theyre Pele, to be bothered enough too care…
Racial stereotypes which im sure the BBC would post.
One thing for BBCBrasil another for BBCUK.
The Britbashing on the site underlines the continued policy of the BBC to make being British an embarrassment.
Via Instapundit
Kabuli, who blogs in English as Afghan Lord under a pseudonym in order to protect himself, has received numerous threats posted to his blog from the same IP address which belongs – shockingly – to the BBC. One of them, which Kabuli emailed to Global Voices, asks: “Do you think I do not know you?” Then it continues on to threaten: “There were a number of people like you, who did not remain alive. They were all buried in graves. You have to be taken off from this land so that better human beings could take your place. For, you are dirty.”
This seems familiar. Have we heard of the BBC IP featuring in such threats before?
Thanks for that. Most enlightening. Of course in a population of 190 million there will be some who will post such things. I think we’re big enough to understand where it comes from. You’re right about the BBC though. There’s not a chance of them posting any abusive comments here. So many complaints to make, so little time …
Seems Air America thinks just like the BBC
Did Al Franken’s liberal radio network Air America divert city money for the elderly and inner-city children to itself?
Maybe Air America officers thought spending public funds on their network was a truly compelling public interest.
Pete_London – im sure there will be but i wouldnt expect to see them posted. After all racial stereotyping normally sends the BBC into a state of shock and angst(doesnt it?). I know a slew of pro police comments sent by a good nos of Brazilians here that of course never made the selection process.
Madrassa foreigners ‘must leave’
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says all foreign students at madrassas, or religious schools, some 1,400 pupils, must leave the country.
Bet most of the highly volatile ‘madrassa-boys’ are booking flights to the UK as we speak.
Our p*sspoor immigration service will let you pick your own passport stamp “Leave to Remain in the UK Until _ _ _ _” – you just fill in the blanks, it couldn’t be easier!
Oh, if you like, you can even use your own ‘pretendy’ passport stamps – (like the poor Brazilain who was hsot last week). It’s like a Thompson Holidays ‘Square Deal’. You’re accommodation can be sorted out when you get here and it’s all inclusive ie housing allowance, income support bla blah, etc.
So come to the UK today!
right hand side bar:
Militant group Hamas shows a softer side as a wedding planner
Awwwww, Hamas – they’re so cuddly & cute!
Says it all…ask for Cherie Blair/Booth and you’ll get off mate!
During the raids today which nabbed another two of the Tube “bombers”/terrorists/mis-understood young people (delete depending on which newspaper you read…)
“In Dalgarno Gardens officers were continually shouting at someone in a flat to come out. They were addressing him as “Muhammad”.
The police asked him: “What is the problem? Why can’t you come out?
“Take your clothes off. Exit the building. Do you understand?”
One resident from nearby told BBC News 24 she had heard police shouting warnings at a flat.
She said: “We were aware of somebody answering, saying ‘I have rights’……”
(And yet the bad guys deny these same rights to others…such bravery for the cause!)
Quote pasted from the BBC by the way!
Firstly: get well soon, Natalie. Your contributions are greatly missed!
Secondly: After Dave T’s contribution I keep wondering if maybe there is a “Legal Handbook for Bombers/Terrorists/Mis-Understood Young People” available in the UK. Wouldn’t surprise me…
A letter from America
In the United States, the anti-war left has long been balanced • many would say outgunned • by the right-wing intelligentsia. In Britain, the conservative intelligentsia offers remarkably thin gruel; the left dominates the universities and the BBC.
More on all the misleading rubbish the BBC keeps feeding us on “Muslim opinion” :
Excellent article, John!
“In Dalgarno Gardens officers were continually shouting at someone in a flat to come out. They were addressing him as “Muhammad”.
The police asked him: “What is the problem? Why can’t you come out?
“Take your clothes off. Exit the building. Do you understand?”
So now we can expect the various (so called) human rights organisations to complain about the inhumane and undignified treatment of Mohammed by the police.
From the piece you posted about Hamas going into the wedding planning business (well let’s be honest, they’ve been servicing the funeral industry for long enough now) we have:
Hamas, which aims to establish an Islamic state over the whole of historic Palestine, is regarded as a terrorist group by Israel and Western countries.
The whole of ‘historic Palestine’? I think we can take a guess at what they mean by that. No doubt the BBC has its own map of the middle east, one where above Israel is the tag “Historic Palestine – here be Jews”.
I suppose the insistence that clothes be shed is to protect against a sudden incidence of splodey-dopeism.
It’s pretty sad that we have to treat suspects like this to protect ourselves from these nutters. But what else can we do?
They have stealth edited it! I got the link an hour ago yet the comment about rights has been taken off and the edit time changed to 1304 hrs!
The wedding planner story could be made into a sequel for Jennifer Lopez. “The Wedding Planner II” would feature the lovely J-Lo, hired by Hamas to coordinate their next mass wedding. Giggles abound as J-Lo frets about how to coordinate 70 different shades of burqa-black and whether the gentlemen attendees’ suicide belt accessories should be in rainbow pastels or all one solid color. The climax would come when Jen inadvertently shows up for duty wearing a see-through burqa without underwear, and has to employ her famous quick-witted New Jersey Latina sass to save herself from being stoned to death. Antonio Banderas plays the cuddly-but-sexy Imam who has a twinkle in his eye for our Jen. In theaters next spring.
MSNBC just had a debate with Daniel Pipes and Azzam Tamimi. Anyone not convinced of BBC Bias, and thinks that HardTalk really is tough on Islamists should read this and see what we are being denied. It’s a breath of fresh air.
Here’s a list of successful terrorist attacks in Israel since the beginning of intifada. See how many Hamas has claimed responsibility for (although there all much of a muchness), and the type of targets they hit. Now ask yourself if a ‘political’ Israeli group had perpetrated similar acts against the Palestinians, would they be shown as also organising joyous weddings by the BBC?
The BBC runs an article about a debate ‘raging’ over the ‘shoot to kill’ policy by the Met, following the accidental killing of Mr. Menezes. The raging debate is actually Robin Cook who has joined the so called moderate Muslim leaders in denouncing it.
Who the f*** cares what Robin Cook and these Muslim double talkers have to say? The BBC would have us think that that we should be changing our policies according to Muslim guidelines and those that would appease them.
The Met have done a great job in tracking down these bastards, it’s unfortunate about Mr. Menezes, who can only be described as a casualty of war.
Sorry – here’s the link
FAO Biased BBC bloggers:
Is it not possible to post up an open thread so that people have a proper place to cite the latest BBC idiocies? The comments on this thread should really be to wish Natalie well.
BTW Get well soon Natalie.
And sure enough, there on the last link the BBCtrots out Dr Tamiimi again, complaining about the police.
Except for that famous Tim Sebstian interview on Hardtalk which fe in Britain will have seen, (text is linked on the Daniel Pipes MSNBC debte with Tamimi) the BBC will NEVER tell us that Tamimi is HAMAS.
That is reporting of the most atrociouus standard.
I must admit I didn’t think much about the reference in the above article on the raging debate, to the fact that the Met has sent men to Israel for special training. It makes sense in light of the experience Israel has in these matters. Now I’ve just read this article by Maureen Lipman in The Guardian, and I see another motive for mentioning it.,3604,1538399,00.html
JiL, I’m not familiar with the Tamimi interview by Sebastian. I have twice written the BBC about 2 of his previous interviews, back in the days when I thought it might do some good, albeit to no avail – surprise, surprise.
Here’s a copy of my letters:
In Tim Sebastian’s interview, aired this morning with Dr Abdul Rahman Al-Matroudi, Saudi Arabia’s deputy minister for Islamic Affairs, he questioned him about teachings that “Judgement Day will not come till after good and faithful Muslims kill the Jews”. The Saudi minister’s response implied that the Jews have a similar instruction in their religious teachings. Instead of challenging this false assertion Mr. Sebastian’s response was to ask “whether two wrongs make a right”.
If Mr. Sebastian is really so ignorant of Jewish teachings that he is not able to refute such statements he should stick to topics that he has more knowledge about. As it is, he has done grave damage to Jews by leaving the implication that they also call for death to Muslims or any non-believers as a precursor to reaching their paradise. This is totally outrageous since the Jews have very clearly as one of their 10 commandments “Thou shalt not kill”. Is Mr. Sebastian not familiar with this, or does he serve a dual purpose to spread anti-Semitic garbage?
and this one:-
Can you confirm if the BBC understanding of Palestinian terrorism against Israel followed settlement building on Palestinian lands, or whether it began prior to this? I ask because twice recently in interviews with Michael Terrazzi, one by Tim Sebastian on Hard Talk, and the other on BBC Radio 4 news at 6pm this evening 23.05.03, he was allowed to go unchallenged when he stated this. It is understandable that the Palestinian spin desires to link their terrorist attacks as a response to Israeli occupation of THEIR land, but every UN mandate that specified what THEIR land was going to be had the provision of a cessation of terror and belligerence as a pre-requisite. It is no more THEIR land, than someone who wishes to buy a house has a right to it before they pay the necessary deposit and arrange a mortgage.
Can you also explain how you arrive at the conclusion that the Palestinians have accepted the ‘Road Map’ • which your Middle East ‘expert’ stated in the BBC2 10:30pm News? There is a clear provision to crack down on terrorism and violence against Israel in this Road Map. He inferred that Sharon was stalling by not meeting with Bush following a ‘few terrorist attacks’. There were actually 4 major suicide bombings inside Israel killing and wounding numerous innocents. This in the same week that the Road Map was made public. Of course if similar terrorist attacks happened in this country, naturally the BBC would expect the government to dismiss concern and continue to negotiate with the perpetrators, and of course you would recommend trusting Abu Mazen, Arafat’s newly chosen PM, to fight terror.
Finally, what differences do you see between the BBC and the militant Muslim world?
Both hate and vilify Israel, Bush and Blair and their involvement in the Iraq War. Can there be a reason for these common interests? Might the fact that the BBC holds press offices, cable and satellite networks, and radio stations throughout the Arab and Muslim world have something to do with it? I fail to see what British interests you represent at all anymore, unless you propose that they are the same as the Muslim world. Maybe then you should have the courage to come out and state it, instead of hiding behind your media cloak of ‘balanced reportage’ to maintain your deceit and aid the militant Muslim spin
BBC statement on Afghan blogger threats:
Blame the victim?
JohninLondon – I’d be obliged if you were to drop me an email. My email address is my first name at my website domain.