Turning away briefly from the issue of BBC bias

, many of the nation’s younger telly-taxpayers have been bemused this morning (and will be again tomorrow morning), because the usual fare of children’s holiday entertainment has been pulled from BBC2, to be replaced with continuous coverage of the World Athletics Championships 2005. Whoopee, not! If the BBC’s tedious sports coverage matters so much, why not drop the endlessly repeated CelebrityHomeCookingAuctionMakeover Show from BBC1 for a change and give us all a break from the irritating tunes, tired clichés and faux-drama therein? Still, going by the BBC’s past performance, it could have been a lot worse.

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235 Responses to Turning away briefly from the issue of BBC bias

  1. Rob Read says:

    The USSRs collapse was nothing to do with 60+ odd years of extremist socialism then?

    How do you like my idea, we DOUBLE the license fee and give the money to Fox so the UK can have a Correct wing leaning news broadcaster to balance out the socialist anti-British Broadcasting Company?


  2. dan says:

    Both BBC1 & C3 evening news have portrayed the BA chaos as being caused by the troubles as Galloping Gormet.

    The planes could have flown without food aboard.

    The whole reason for the disruption is the illegal strike by BA’s own staff.

    Their action is akin to my striking because the firm that supplies cakes & ale to the shareholder’s meeting has sacked its staff, i.e. nothing to do with me at all.

    The real reason for their action is family & clan ties, & their victim/welfare dependent culture.


  3. BoyBlue says:

    İsn’t the issue that us Brits are a little too sophisticated for the crap churned out by fox?

    If the left are so confident about Fox’s crappy output, then why all the hysterical fits over this network?

    I mean, if Fox churns out crap as you state, then in a free market (something the BBC wouldn’t know much about incidentally), people would simply stop watching, Fox would loose a load of money and would cease transmitting.

    Where’s the problem? Unlike the BBC, it’s not like you’d be forced to pay for Fox or something.

    Don’t like it? Then don’t watch it and don’t pay for it. That’s how it should be.


  4. dan says:

    Quite a lengthy News24 report on launch of Mars Orbiter, all scientific & technological until near the end where costs introduced. NASA quoted in support of costs, but final sentence of report is that some do not regard costs as justified.

    Well there is nothing about which everyone agrees & we are not told who “some” are. Unless “some” are politically significant, why mention it?

    The online report gets costs into the 2nd para

    The $720m (£397m) Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) blasted off at 1243 BST

    but no mention of at all of the “some”


  5. dan says:

    But the BBC manage to report this

    China on track for moon mission


    without mention of cost, whether China can afford it, whether China should be doing more for the welfare of its own population or indeed for the poor people of the world.


  6. Rob Read Reader says:


    i do not usually resort to personal attacks but in your case I feel I must. You`d need to be a right F***ing moron to believe that the output of the BBC is anything but unmitigated shite for which the British public are forced to pay.
    You may think Fox is garbage, I happen to think that BBC “churns out” dangerous garbage. To paraphrase Andrew Neil “….a Nation that protects Foxes but not Foetuses should not believe itself superior to one that does the opposite”.


  7. Joerg says:

    In contrast to the Beeb who never get actual conservative voices on Fox News allows “liberals” to speak out. Granted – most of their hosts are conservatives but I’m very comfortable with that and, as Boy Blue wrote, nobody has to pay a TV license in order to watch Fox News. The left are simply scared because there’s finally a conservative TV channel that can also be watched in the UK (and in some areas of Old Europe).


  8. espresso says:

    Despite being owned by News Corp. the reason that Sky is really a BBC clone and not a Fox clone is quite simple. It’s staffed by mostly people who used to work at the BBC. Just like Al-Jezera.

    Unfortunately the malign and corrupting leftoid influence of the BBC goes way beyond its own broadcasts. Oh you’ll get the occasional semi-independent voices like Andrew Neil on the BBC, but the Institutionally Leftist BBC “reportoid” is the norm throughout the British meeja village.

    Anyone remember Sky’s fatuous, offensive “Muslim” day on 7/21? That was already going down like a nazi at a Bar Mitzvah before reports of the bombs started rolling in.

    So… anyone who wants any sort of career in broadcasting as a reportoid has to comply with BBC speak. They have to tow the BBC soft to extreme left line.

    What we need is the a breaking of the bogus “impartiality” act that ensures actual conservatives get minimum to zero representaion on TV or the Radio.

    That’s what happened in the US when they ditched the so-called equal opinions doctrine. And that’s why hundreds of genuine right-wing talk stations sprang up to oppose the liberal MSM.

    What have we got in the whole of the UK? Talksport and LBC. Ersatz “right” opnions are espoused, but the lazy assumptions about “multiculturalism” and the lies of the bogus Religion of “peace” abound.

    There’s no Rush Limbaugh in the UK – and there will never be until the media revolution. And then the long-awaited destruction of the BBC can really begin.


  9. Joerg says:

    Well made point, Espresso… and the same goes for Germany. No talk radio here at all (as far as I’m aware but then I don’t watch German TV or listen to German radio). But the media situation over here is similar to the one in the UK. Generally very left leaning but I guess most Germans like it that way, especially the ones in the East.


  10. Joerg says:

    New York releases 9/11 documents

    Is it just me or are you also detecting more criticism towards everything American in this piece? The fact that this was an extraordinary situation which couldn’t have been trained or prepared for seems to have been forgotten by the person who wrote the stuff (or intentionally ignored!)


  11. Pete_London says:


    The only talk host worth listening to in the UK is Charlie Wolf on TalkSport, and he’s stuck in the graveyard slot at the weekend. Catch him while you can – as an American Jew he’ll be declared verboten before long.

    The BBC is now resorting outright lies:



    Pat Sheehan, a mother whose son was killed in Iraq, is camping out at Crawford, Texas to talk with the President:

    Many of the supporters who have joined her sport shirts that say: “Talk to Cindy.” And while Mr Bush has declined to speak to her, he has been unable to ignore her. He dispatched national security adviser Stephen Hadley and White House Deputy Chief of Staff Joe Hagin to talk to her then he publicly said that while he sympathised with Ms Sheenan, pulling out of Iraq would be a mistake.

    This is a lie. Bush has already met with her. The piece also neglects to mention that Sheehan has been denounced by her family.

    LGF has more:





  12. dan says:

    The BBC are still seeking to give a free pass to the illegal action by BA staff & blaming the caterers for the grounding of BA planes.

    It seems the BBC even believe their own spin. They had an interview with Michael O’Leary of Ryanair (“Today”, Friday). The interviewer opened with a chuckle, saying that Ryanair couldn’t have the problem as they didn’t seve food.

    O’Leary patiently explained that the planes were not flying due to a lack of food, but because of illegal strike action by BA’s baggage handlers.

    It’s a pity that someone as robust as O’Leary didn’t ask the BBCoid how the BBC were failing to understand the reason for the flight disruption.


  13. PeterN says:


    Good post on BEEB’s 9/11 take.

    Maybe they’re trying justify Hugh Edwards disgraceful comment when summarising the day to the effect that by choosing to enter the buiding 450 firefighters including chaplain and deputy chief “appeared to have made a mistake”.

    The usual knee jerk line – Americans = incompentancy / stupidity.

    The true bravery of those men (who incidentally are extremely well trained and although were not to know the buiding would definately collapse, knew the terrible risks) are well documented in moving book Last Man Down


  14. simo says:

    no uk right-wing tback?? come on. let’s get real!! wolf limbuagh prowls the talkback jungle like a t-rex with a stubbed toe. granted, his firebrand right-of-centre sermons are wasted on his graveyard-shift audience of swivel-eyed loons, but it’s heartening to know he’s there.


  15. espresso says:

    Simo. wrestle with this.. Wolf Wotsit… gimme a break.

    How about Lee Rodgers/Melanie Morgan 4 hours every morning (ABC) KSFO San Francisco. Rush.. 3 hours everyday. Sean Hannity – 3 hours every day. Hugh Hewitt, Geoff Metcalfe… the list goes on and on. All upfront, in your face conservative talk show hosts.

    The UK is a sad joke when it comes to freedom of speech over the public airways. None of the above would be allowed to say what they think in the UK. They’d be shut down and censored before you could say “multi-culturalism”

    They should hang a sign outside the BBC “No Conservatives, Right-Wingers and Jews who explicitly Support Israel Allowed”.

    Real people with real opinions are not allowed to disturb the cosy monopoly on broadcast news that is based on the BBC model. That is: we know best what’s good for the folks. And guess what, screw you serfs because you’re gonna pay for it whether you like it or not. It’s good to be King, huh?


  16. Peter says:

    I do notice though that the BBC has no problem putting on Jews who hate Israel, Gerald Kaufmann/Noam Chomsky, etc come to mind. Most Israeli Jews on the BBC are of the Ultra orthodoix-settler type guranteed to produce guffaws and cries of “extremists”. Why not a representataitve of the 90% of Isreali Jews who are secular and proudly so?


  17. espresso says:


    listen to Mark Levin on WABC New York. Anyone who thinks the great one would be allowed within an ocean of a British mic is living in denial. He’s too Jewish, too supportive of Israel and too patriotic. (and with the greatest of respect for Talksport Wolf, who I admit I’ve never heard.)

    What’s all this to do with the BBC? It’s them and their giant Black Hole monopoly of thought that sucks all the light out of broadcast debate in the UK.

    And while I love this site, in a way… who cares? The BBC will never be anything other than what it is. Institutionally Leftist. People of Right should forget the BBC, and concentrate on establishing their own means of getting across the “news” massages that the BBC censors.


  18. richard says:


    “monopoly of thought” is good and on the mark.


  19. Rob says:

    News 24

    John Simpson just tried to put a UK soldier on the spot and asked him:

    “Some of the Iraqis that we speak to are saying that the British troops are better than the Americans. Do you agree with that?”

    The soldier gave a very diplomatic answer.

    Whys is Simpson trying to put a low ranking soldier on the spot and create a diplomatic incident with his loaded questions?

    Every Iraqi he is speaking to has nothing but compliments for the UK troops. He doesn’t seem capable of accepting their answers. Instead he keeps suggesting that they may be scared to answer honestly because UK troops are nearby or they are just being polite. Nobody that he has spoken to has expressed a wish for the troops to leave. In fact, most fear an upsurge in violence.

    Why are these interviews relegated to News 24 on a Saturday afternoon? God forbid a positive story might come out of Iraq.


  20. richard says:

    “gerald kaufman hates israel”

    i know the idiot has said some pretty crappy things in the past including making some awful bbc programmes but i do not believe he hates israel.i think he is playing to the gallery.more fool him!


  21. Allan@Aberdeen says:

    Continuing through the BBC’s link provided by Joerg, one finds with reference to Iran’s nuclear project:
    “Let’s take the military option off the table. We have seen it doesn’t work.”

    Gerhard Schroeder

    Total BS. Does Schroeder not know what came of Chirac’s assistance to Iraq in 1982? And that would have yielded nuclear weaponry, not just the conventional stuff supplied by France and Russia.


  22. Joerg says:

    And now Schroeder gets the headline on BBC News Online. Seems they’re trying to get yet another socialist re-elected. I doubt it will work though.


  23. JohninLondon says:

    And the BBC is headlining the case of Cindy Sheehan camping outside Bush’s ranch demanding an interview with the Pres. But of course the BBC fails to mention that she and her family HAD an interview with Bush – that HE offered – and she came away expressing thanks and satisfaction.

    Are the BBC ignornt of this ? How can they be ? Everyone who has looked at this case KNOWS the truth. Once again, the BBC is twisting the story by omission. BBC – the Michael Moore channel.


  24. Allan@Aberdeen says:

    JiL, Would you post some links on Sheehan/GWB. Thanks


  25. max says:

    Finally, the BBC gets its own fatwa.

    Muslim leaders in feud with the BBC.

    Britain’s most powerful Islamic organisation was accused last night of failing mainstream Muslim Britain after it complained of a ‘pro-Israel agenda’ at the BBC in a Panorama programme on the faith to be aired next week.




  26. JohninLondon says:


    The Sunday Telegraph has a similar story – Panorama are taking the lid off the MCB and exposing a nasty cn of worms. Nothing relly new in what will be shown, but it IS new in terms of being against the normal BBC approach of lapping up uncritically everything the MCB says.

    But will the rest of the BBC still treat MCB people as nice and moderate ?

    Meanwhile on the Cindy Sheehan hypocrisy, here is a report on her first meeting with Bush


    and more on the leftie bandwagon that is using her :



    and these show how nasty the extreme left can get when Sheehan is criticised :



    The question remains – why are the BBC running the Sheehan story and omitting all the background — especially the meeting she and her family had with Bush ? All the bckgrond is out there, in detail.

    Answer – because it the BBC grind away on Iraq, and present Bush badly.

    BBC – the Michael Moore channel.


  27. JohninLondon says:

    Isn’t it about time the BBC started to stand up for the essence of the British heritage, British culture, the British ethos ? And started to point out that much of the Arab culture that is driving terrorism is not only waarped and evil with fascism at the centre, it is stupid, neanderthal, ignorant – and full of core lies and phobias.

    Enough of the multi-culti idea that all cultures are equal. In this context at least, the true British culture that has worked pretty effectively worldwide is hugely superior. THAT is what the BBC should be saying, not forever denigrating the British record and history.

    I was particlrly struck by the words of Colin Powell in this article :



  28. JohninLondon says:

    Scott Callaghan at the American Expat had a good background piece on Cindy Sheehan :


    He asks whether she is a publicity-hound. The other desciption I had seen was “media-whore”, and her act seems to have worked with the BBC so far. As usual, the BBC in lockstep with the liberal New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, and most of the US TV channels, using this as a platform to attack Bush.

    And never a mention that her son was a volunteer, had made his adult choice. Never ny sggestion tht the Cindy Sheehan circs actually demeans the memory and service of her son.


  29. espresso says:

    JiL has a good point…

    I forced myself to watch Fox footage of the 60’s retro Freakshow outside President Bush’s ranch were the suspect ususals (Moore-Lies; moveon.commie; Socialist International ANSWER; et al) are gathered to lie about supporting the troops.

    Cindy Sheehan was holding up pictures of her son – who appeared to be all of four years old.

    Who knew they’d dropped the recruitment age in the US military..

    but no, Casey Sheehan was a twenty-four year old MAN and not a child

    Instead of respecting the independent decisions taken by her grown son, Mrs. Sheehan has decided to trash his life, trash what he chose to fight for. And in effect trashed his death.

    The fact that Casey joined up, knowing his mother was already a player in the whole bogus leftist “peace” crowd should tell her something… but it doesn’t.

    Maybe she’ll realize that at some point.


  30. Rob Read says:

    I’m guessing Casey joined up, BECUASE his mother was already a player in the whole bogus leftist “peace” crowd.

    These ARE the children of the Revolution, and were fighting for what we beleive in, not surrendering like the pacifist security parasites did.


  31. richard says:

    check out http://www.opinionjournal.com for game set and match on climate warming.article by james schlesinger.


  32. richard says:

    sorry -its the theology of global warming by james schlesinger.


  33. Susan says:


    RottyPup dishes the MCB-BBC smackdown:


    This is something of a dilemma for me. It’s like witnessing a fight between Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky. Who does one root for to lose?


  34. richard says:


    take henry kissingers statement to heart during the iran iraq war:

    “couldn’t they both lose?” he asked.


  35. espresso says:


    After going a couple of rounds, Moore has a fatal heart attack and collapses on top of Chomsky, who suffocates to death.

    His last words are: “On reflection, Groucho Marx made more sense than Karl Marx. And he’s a lot funnier too. See you in hell Fatso”.


  36. Allan@Aberdeen says:

    Occasionally I try to set colleagues, friends or relatives straight about the news on the BBC, or the subliminal message of a play which the BBC has broadcast. A simple opinion is never really enough because the bias is relentless so I look for an analogy. But what I’ve reasoned is much bigger than a snippet of the BBC’s bias.
    The West as a body comprises many component nations and peoples from assimilated America and the Anglosphere (Australia, NZ, soon India etc.)through the diverse peoples of Europe to Japan, Korea and soon, hopefully, China. But the body has caught a virus (PC)which weakens its resistance to diseases (Islam) which it would normally ward off easily. The BBC is the vector for PC in the same manner as the mosquito is the vector for the malaria parasite. The BBC is now the most dangerous and pernicious disseminator of will-sapping falsehood in the West.
    Any improvements on or refutation of this analogy?


  37. JohninLondon says:

    More lies yes LIES tonight from Caroline Hawley in Baghdad : “There are no signs of any breakthrough on the Constitution”

    No signs ? How about the news that there is now a broad agreement that there will be significant degree of federalism for the new Iraq, to hold in eg the Kurds. A crucial agreement.

    Also, there is now agreement that Iraqi law shall not be based solely on sharia law. Another huge advance from the earlier position.

    But not to Hawley, of course. Either she does not know of these greements, or she is trying to hide them. I believe the ltter. I believe she lies, as so often before.

    And when the comstittion is settled and signed in the next few days, she will carry on reporting as though she had not been talking doom and gloom just a couple of days before.


  38. JohninLondon says:

    And the BBC has just dropped its advertised Panorama edition dealing with the Muslim Council of Britain’s nasty links and beliefs etc. Chickening out ?


  39. JohninLondon says:

    Lots of news reports etc that Kofi Annan’s brother may be mixed up in the Oil for Food scandal, as well as his son. But the BBC has no mention of Kobina Annan. Ain’t that strange ?



  40. dan says:

    JiL ” And the BBC has just dropped its advertised Panorama edition dealing with the Muslim Council of Britain’s nasty links and beliefs etc. Chickening out ?”

    No. There will be an “extended” version broadcast next Sunday.
    I wonder whether that will be everything from this week plus extra MCB approved text, or will some of this week’s intended broadcast be edited out.


  41. Rob Read Reader says:


    Sadly you are quite right in you summation. Life is sometimes described as a contest between good and evil, Religions use this metaphor and so do myths and legends honed and passed down the generations.
    Relativism and Post Modernism are very dangerous but thankfully minority persuits. The BBC has been infected by metropolitain relativists simply because, with its Socialist Funding, Socialist workforce, Socialist Agenda, Socialist working practices, Socialist output and Socialist world view it has provided a superior host for an opportunistic infection. The BBC has swallowed whole and without question all of the prevailing orthodoxies of the day, chief amongst which is a Post Modern, Relativist mindset that is meningitis where healthy debate ought to thrive.
    The BBC has been hijacked by a Cult, this was possible because the British are for the most part quite fond of Socialism and because the Cultists have been far less tolerant than the population at large.

    Only withdrawl of the BBC snout from the public trough will cure the patient.


  42. Susan says:

    dan I wonder whether that will be everything from this week plus extra MCB approved text, or will some of this week’s intended broadcast be edited out.

    I’m sure it’s being re-cut to satisfy al-Beeb’s dhimma contract.




  43. dave t says:

    Hear hear. I was SO looking forward to it!


  44. dan says:

    Sir Antony Jay, author of “Yes, Minister”, writes an open letter to BBC Chairman in “The Times”

    He objects to a BBC News item that, as so often, is a mixture of socialism & middle class snobbery about supermarkets.

    Jay points out that EU/US farm subsidies are a bigger problem for farmers in the developing countries.

    “The substance of the story was that black South African families were being driven into poverty by the greed of British supermarkets who were refusing to pay an economic price for the grapes

    This form of Marxist economic analysis was finally exploded about 30 some years ago. I thought everyone now accepted that free-market capitalism entailed the replacement of some goods and services by others that were cheaper, better or more convenient. The process is driven by competition, and the competition between supermarkets is intense.”



  45. JohninLondon says:

    Skewered by a former insider !


  46. ken kautsy says:

    Rob Read Reader: “The BBC has been infected by metropolitain relativists simply because, with its Socialist Funding, Socialist workforce, Socialist Agenda, Socialist working practices, Socialist output and Socialist world view it has provided a superior host for an opportunistic infection. The BBC has swallowed whole and without question all of the prevailing orthodoxies of the day, chief amongst which is a Post Modern, Relativist mindset that is meningitis where healthy debate ought to thrive”

    Good stuff Rob.

    My Question. Do you [Rob] believe that the ‘Conservative and Unionist Party’ of Great Britain is also, at this time [2005], effectively socialist by nature?

    They appear to offer no alternative, or escape, from this socialist media monster.

    They also seem to believe in a massive central government, without any limits.

    Me thinks – time for a new political party.


  47. DumbJon says:

    Weird that the replacement for Panorama was the film ‘Stargate’ though. How do you get from a doco about Islam to a film about a primitive, desert people suffering up the tyranny of a false god ?


  48. dave t says:

    And the nasty Americans saved them! Hiss! Boo! (Hurrah!)

    Some mad little leftie programme director maybe didn’t think…..


  49. espresso says:


    I used to work for Tony Jay. Apart from being a scholar and a gentlemen, he was also has one of the sharpest minds you’ll ever come across. The guy is very bright, and witty. He knows exactly what he’s talking about – especially when it comes to the evildoers running the Socialist Kakistocracy of White City.