John Simpson makes understanding the BBC’s position (which has been mixed enough to create confusion) nice and clear. The BBC’s World Affairs editor says
‘Nicolas Sarkozy, the Interior Minister, now seems to be playing politics with the situation by appealing to the most basic and resentful attitudes of conservative France.’
Simpson also blames the French system for its neglect of the immigrant ‘burbs, yet- correct me if I’m wrong, but- for most of the period he cites (30 years) it had leftist politicians like Mitterand in charge, and Chirac is hardly of the robust right. Now suddenly Sarkozy’s at fault (not a mention of France’s generous social welfare system, the French model etc), when he hasn’t even had a serious bite at the governing cherry. Just who is playing politics, mr Simpson? France, if it is a failure, is a leftist failure- the leftists who triumphed in 1968. Simpson is not trying to explain history but to cover it up, to whitewash. Nice Snow job, mr Simpson.
(of course, that’s not to mention the sly and unreasonable introduction of the Iraq conflict- the cause for all ills the BBC, bless ’em, can’t resist-, trying to head off the critique that Chirac’s Iraq policy has brought no domestic dividends- a very workable proposition, unlike the one that his criticisms of the US and UK have been ‘thoroughly borne out’)
Weekend 8th March 2025
Emir Charles – correct title please ….