They’re still at it on Sydney:
“The fighting then spread to other parts of the city, injuring more than 30 people, including police officers.
The violence continued on Monday night, apparently in retaliation, despite calls for calm and ethnic tolerance by Prime Minister John Howard and other senior figures.”
Quite wrong – the white on Lebanese attacks had ended by about mid-afternoon on Sunday. By Sunday evening, the violence was all Lebanese on Skips.* It stopped on Monday, while everyone was at work, and then the Lebanese gangs attacked on Monday night and then again on Tuesday night. To be fair, the writer does use “retaliation”, but you would have to have slightly more knowledge than the obtuse Mr Iles (whose comment has fortuitously been boxed) to understand this when immediately preceding the article has:
“The large-scale violence in Sydney started on Sunday, when thousands of young white men attacked people of Arabic and Mediterranean background.”
Oh well, they were just “people” whose the “violence continued”.
This update also misses the important 5 hour old news that the Muslim community has called for a stop, no ifs, no buts:
‘”The perpetrators of such activities are criminals and should be subject to the full force of the law.
“This applies to anyone involved in such activities regardless of their background.
“It is important that those who have committed criminal offences be charged and brought to account. In fact, this is an important part of the healing process.”
Eman Dandan, from the Lebanese Muslim Association, told “Basically we are developing a working group to hit the streets and start talking to boys, notably the young males [who are] disrupting society or whatever.”‘
These righteous Muslims do not refer to Palestine or Iraq or [insert “root cause” here] so I doubt the BBC will get round to mentioning this awkward fact.
*Means Australians – see here (and before you start, “wog” has a different meaning in Australia of Italian or Greek, and is not racist in the way it is in the UK – notwithstanding the ignorant remarks of the ignoramus BBC HYS posters who spent all of 2 weeks backpacking and drunk on Bondi Beach – much to the annoyance of us locals – and then presume to mouth off about how all Australians are racist).
A priceless HYS comment on the topic titled ‘How serious are the Sydney riots?’
Added: Tuesday, 13 December, 2005, 19:44 GMT 19:44 UK
Whenever the world leans towards right wing ideals of making the rich richer and the poor poorer we get these situations of violence amongst people who feel they are helpless. We need to make sure wealth is distributed more evenly amongst everyone and this kind of disturbance will occur less frequently.
I could use some cash right now. Maybe he could start by redistributing some of his my way. In fact, if he refuses to do so I’m going to riot!
Phew, give me a break!
Proper Socialists take the cash and riot anyway.
Socialism, bad for both donor and recipient.
They dont just “take” the cash.
Socialism is using the threat of violence on people who have done nothing immoral, to reward people who have been irresponsible.
Socialism occurs in over-large states whereby the guilty are rewarded and the innocent punished. The concentration on the desires of beurocrats over the rights of indivuduals assures death and poverty whenever and wherever the cancer of socialism is not cut out.
From Toby’s link to the latest MinTruth Spin-o-Rama on the Aussie riots
He was speaking as authorities investigated whether a fire at a Protestant church hall in another Sydney suburb could be linked to the violence.
Four men were reportedly seen outside the church, in a largely Middle Eastern neighbourhood, shortly before the blaze started in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
Four churches have now been attacked by “men” of no particular background. One was a Lebanese Catholic Church and one was a church frequented by Tongans. In addition an Asian woman had her shop trashed by “men” of no particular background and a Maori was beaten by yet again, “youths” or “men” of no particular background.
Why is there no mention of the targetting of the Tongans, the Maori and the Lebanese Christians? Because it might give the lie to the IBC’s stance that all the trouble is being caused by “white Anglos” who just can’t live with anyone different from themselves? Why is the paragraph about the church attack buried in the middle of this story and worded so vaguely as to be incomprehensible? Does anyone here seriously think that an attack on a mosque would not be front-page news on the IBC?
The double standard drives me crazy. And it becomes more and more evident every day.
Surely Australians should rejoice that the Lebanese are merely acting out what comes naturally in The Levant……………they are preserving their cultural autonomy rather than conforming to “Neocolonial Anglo-Saxon Perspectives”………..the more Australia comes to resemble Beirut, The Bekaa Valley or even Indonesia, the more “diverse” ausralia will become.
Should they need Diversity Counsellors, Race Relations Experts, or advice on Multiculturalism we could send Trevor Phillips and half the public sector jobs created by Gordon Brown in chartered jets to “the Ever-So Lucky Country”
Diversity from High Quality immigrants is all the vile soclialists can manage.
Do you think news of the Ashes Defeat has finally reached Sydney ?