Well, B-BBC inches closer to 1 million hits.
Everyone’s pissed off with the Newsnight showtrial.
Well, inspired by Tim Blair*, why don’t all you crazy-kid RWDBs vote on BBC Online on:
“Do you believe the allies have breached the convention on the methods and means of warfare?
Do you believe the allies have breached the convention on torture and refugees?”
*The Australian Greens were very upset about this sort of grassroots democracy.
It would be interesting to see the BBC explain how Geneva Conventions which explicitly exclude irregulars from their provisions should be applied to groups like ETA, IRA, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, or even the chaps who blew up the trains in Madrid and London.
Still when your mind is as drug-addled as those in the BBC those scans of canabis-configured brains must look familiar to BBC staff.
Vote away!
Oohh vote NO and you get “page moved”….
How can they ask “Do you believe the allies have breached the convention on the methods and means of warfare?” without explaining what the terms of the Convention are? Since none of those answering know this (or a tiny proportion do) how can anyone answer “yes” with any honest at all? How then do they allow dishonest votes to stand without admiting that their poll is dishonest?
Notice they don’t explain why they think it might be possible that a convention ahs been breached, to what events they refer. Very disingenuous reporting.