BBC Online comes to the party on Sydney:
“Thousands of white men attacked people of Arabic and Mediterranean background on a Sydney beach the previous weekend.
The violence was apparently sparked by an attack on two lifeguards.
It led, in turn, to two nights of violence and vandalism by groups of men of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean appearance.”
The earlier stages in the evolution of this file background can be found here.
Considering a quick read of Tim Blair’s site would have informed you of the history of events LAST weekend, what took this organisation funded with 2.8 billion of extortion so long? Tim Blair’s website runs on a donation model and is a week quicker.
“Thousands of Australians defended a Sydney beach from immigrant Lebanese Muslims on the previous weekend.
The spontaneous militia formed after an attack on two lifeguards, and a history of religiosly inspired rapes, & harrasment of female sun-bathers.
It led, in turn, to two nights of violence and vandalism by groups of Lebanese Muslims.”
Here is the truth – sadly not reported by much of the MSM or of course the BBC:
The fact is that groups of young muslim guys have been assaulting, abusing and raping Australians of anglo-saxon descent for a number of years. On top of that, the Lebanese have made huge inroads into organised crime – they are so violent that even the feared Triads, asian organised crime cartels, tread warily. Some of the funds raised from their nefarious activities end up on the west bank and in lebanon, in the hands of hamas, islamic jihadi and hezbollah, to fund their nihilistic jihad. Some of the money goes into ‘islamic based’ activities, to mosques etc in Australia. The majority gets plunged back into the criminal activity.
Sorry, but it is a muslim problem. These young kids are raised separately from the mainstream australian community in male dominated families and in the mosques, on islamic principles. They are bred on hatred, particularly against jews and the united states. As a result they are trained to view the egalitarian, open democracy that is Australia as an evil, non-islamic place inhabited by jews and anglo scum. Their families are patriarchal, their view of women is that they are submissive chattels. They view non-islamic women as lower than dogs. Their views and alienated state are directly produced by their own communities, not as a reaction to australian society.
Hence the reports from surfies that they were going to the beaches and sexually harassing women, saying things like ‘she’s not worth 55 years’ in reference to their compatriot Bilal who was given 55 years last year for a succession of horrible, violent, religious based rapes on young anglo girls. By the way, about the worst thing you can do in sydney is to harrass the surfing communities from ‘the shire’, a region to the south of sydney which begins at maroubra beach and stretches down to sutherland – where steve waugh comes from, cricket fans. The surfies are a sub-culture all of their own and do not take kindly to anyone on their beaches, a pathetic attitude directed at all australians but one that almost never results in violence. However after a few years of violence and rape, these close knit communities are bound to react.
By the way, the violence does not stem from christian lebanese, who are also harassed by the muslims, the latter arriving from beirut in the 1970s and 1980s. The former members of the lebanese community have entrenched themselves into Australia, producing political leaders, sportsmen and also actors etc.
There is the truth of the matter. The problem is one with islam. I will gladly answer any questions posted should people want more information.
One thing I forgot to add – the most depressing aspect of the BBC’s news output these days is that on certain issue, even when they are faced with the truth, they will not report it. Their obligation is to report verifiable facts, all of which are in my post above, but they refuse to do so.
The BBC sees itself as a cultural totem pole and therefore entitled to steer public opinion on issues. The public sees it as a source of information, nothing more – and an increasingly unreliable one at that.
The news exists to make the future less surprising. Anyone relying on the BBC would be constantly suprised.
Anyone relying on the BBC would be constantly suprised.
That used to be the case of sports commentary in the radio days – but at least it was biased towards the Brit.
As a boy,I listened in the middle of the night to the Don Cockell v Rocky Marciano fight. It seemed like Cockell was in with a chance.
It was only later that it became clear that Marciano had got in 50 or 60 lucky punches.
Ditto to Ted, except that we’re not all ‘Anglo-Saxons’ you know, and it might even be more accurate to say that the majority of Anglo-aussies, as elsewhere in the Anglo diaspora, are Scots-Irish.
I suspect one reason Ted wrote in is that even here in Oz most media take their cues from the BBC. That ubiquitous droning Geurin voice is the mainstay of our ME reports.
Aussie Bruce,
“Anglo-Saxon” is a way of life, not something genetic you are born with.
“Anglo” in the US is increasingly used to describe a common linguistic culture, rather than an ethnic background.