on the “United against Incitement and Islamophobia” rally planned for Trafalgar Square today.
“The rally … has been organised by the Muslim Council of Britain, the Muslim Association of Britain and a number of Christian organisations.”
Well, yes. Two minor inaccuracies and a curious omission. According to main organisers the Muslim Association of Britain and the Islamic Forum of Europe, the MCB are ‘supporters’, not organisers.
Secondly the ‘number of Christian organisations’ appears to be one – Pax Christi, a ‘peace group’ wholly focused on Palestine and the Middle East.
(UPDATE – I’m sure their presence is nothing to do with the fact that a trustee of their educational arm, Norman Kember, is currently an enforced guest of the Swords of Truth Brigade in Iraq. Hat-tip to Rick in the comments).
The curious omission? The appearance of the Socialist Workers Party front the Stop the War Coalition, or the state-funded Operation Black Vote is not unexpected. But surely the fact that the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament considers the suppression of cartoons of Mohammmed a part of its campaigning work is newsworthy? I’d have asked them for an interview.
UPDATE – just a thought. Has the BBC website not realised yet that the cartoons were published in Egypt last October? I can’t see the story anywhere.
More cringing dhimmitude from the World Service.
Reporting at 08:00 GMT today on the Indonesian president’s reaction to the cartoons, the announcer said that he was against the violent reaction to them but also against the “constant reprinting” of the cartoons in the Western media. This was presented as fact, rather than opinion.
Now I’m wondering where all this constant reprinting is taking place. The UK? The US?
The BBC has become rotten to the core. It would be interesting to find out if the Indonesian press is as subservient when reporting on the issue.
On Al-Beebs website on the coverage of yesterday’s gathering..
“The numbers attending were slightly less than expected at the rally…”
“Police were expecting a crowd of up to 10,000 to congregate at London’s Trafalgar Square.”
So, a drop of 60% is ‘slight’? If you payed only 40% of your licence fee would Al-Beeb call that receiving ‘slightly’ less than expected?
Gordon Brown quoted, again on a subject outside his brief.
If I were cynical, I would accuse the BBC of trying to promote the Quisling-to-be as prime ministerial material.
The Beeb wouldn’t do that, of course and I am not cynical. Oh no.
John Tomlinson,
I wonder why BBC staffers were complaining when the workforce was recently trimmed.
I’m sure it was nowhere near a reduction of 60%. In fact, they should have perceived it as a glass half full and spoken of a “tiny minority” of staff being laid off.
Now where have I heard that phrase before?
The Iraqi ‘abuse’ video seems to have been edited at several points (wonder why?)and the commentary has been added afterwards (no wind whenever he speaks….).
I am curious as to why NOW? Why not years ago when they must have had this video? What could they be trying to distract people from?
And yet again the poor Jocks in Basra will take the brunt for something that happened TWO years ago in a place already inflamed by the media with their fake Mirror photos (for which that moron Morgan is STILL refusing to apologise), their Abu Grahib ‘pants on head more serious than being fed through a meat shredder by Saddam after being raped by his sons story’ and so on.
If any soldier dies or is injured as a result of this there will be blood on the NoW hands and those of the twits that did this IF it turns out to be as bad as the NOW are claiming.
BBC Have your say Added: Sunday, 12 February, 2006, 11:45 GMT 11:45 UK
The generals and ministers knew about this and did nothing, you can’t say that is a minority display, I believe this goes on regular the only difference someone had the guts to publish this,,,,next time a roadside bomb goes off lets hope the victim is one of them from the video.
michael jones, manchester
Recommended by 0 people
The story that dare not speak its name.
I sat down and browsed through the Sunday Times.
I just thought ‘WOW’.
What are the BBC going to do with this?
I needn’t have worried.
The Beeb simply didn’t bother.
A two y.o. story. British troops beating up Iraqis who threw homemade grenades • when they should have shot them
Gordon Brown is not power sharing with Tony Blair • Official (it’s in the Grauniad!)
Bird Flu stalks the world like some huge stalking thing
George Bush is simply trying to boost his popularity with stories of more plane plots.
And BBC R5 talks about celibacy of Catholic priests….
It’s just the sheer, pointless stupidity of the BBC bias…
Wakey, wakey. It’s your credibility going down the plughole.
On the BBC survey of the press at 8:10 this morning lots of time devoted to NOW’s 2-year old video but no mention of ST’s report on Hamid Ali’s praise for the 7/7 atrocity. How predictable!
PS the ST report was mentioned on Broadcasting House later on this morning followed by the usual balanced discussion between a Moslem apologist in the US, a greenie fanatic here and – Sir Malcolm “on one hand this and on the other hand that” Rivkin.
“the last tally ho?”
on bbc1 tonight.
yes – its those secret cameras being put to good use – tracking down “illegal” fox hunts.
(does anyone really *care*? )
i wonder if the bbc will ever put those “secret cameras” to better use – like inside certain Mosques?
dave t-> soldiers lose their cool. it happens – its a friggin’ warzone for gods sake. i’m more amazed that the soldiers didnt line them up and just shoot them.
actually , thinking about it, for the soldiers to lose their rag says something about the seriousness of the situation they were in.
they are disciplined to the hilt after all.
iraq abuse video – your reactions
i’m encouraged by the recommended comments though. looks like theres a lot of folks who respect our armed forces and understand the situation they are in.
I know but some of the comments…jeez.
Check it out, the kind of “literature” that is on display at the Cairo book fair.
Will the Beeb report on this?
Does a chicken have lips?
Susan | 11.02.06 – 11:03 pm | #
Are you sure those books are real? The quality of the images looks far too vibrant/uniform to have been scanned on a PC. If they are the frontpage images provided by the publishers, there are no links to the originals.
I can quite believe the books are on sale, but these look like they’ve been ‘photoshopped’.
A two y.o. story. British troops beating up Iraqis who threw homemade grenades • when they should have shot them
The rules of engagement are a farce. This Government is pathetic with its ICC and lawyerly untrustworthiness – they put soldiers in harm’s way and then hang them out to dry…………….you can tell this Cabinet is full of slimy lawyers
The Daily mail is covering the so called “moderate” organisers: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=376861&in_page_id=1770&in_a_source
I wonder when the beeb will latch onto this….
“YouGov Poll shows Brits pretty pissed off with Muslim antics in the UK.”
Ah, Yes a very British grumble, just as they grumble about the weather. And after the grumble – then what? yawn, another pint please with no head on it.
Don’t you love the Brits? They don’t understand or care for politics.
While mainland Europeans talk real politics the Brits talk weather footie and page 3.
Any way why just Islam in the UK? spose its cos they push more interesting subjects off the front page and and interfere with a cosy existence.
Guess that’s why the BBC sticks to the time worn formulae of bad news out of the way first ending with the really interesting sports news. Jolly Hockey sticks.
It makes you think the Brits really are dopey.
Songs of Praise now, how uplifting.
No troubles mate.
Are you sure those books are real?
Good point Grimer (Rob). I have to admit I did not think of that, and I took the blogger’s word for it!
With carelessness like that, I should be working for the Beeb 🙂
Soldiers do not Police Officers make. A soldiers job is different, they should have been allowed to shoot the armed attackers, but hey ho, some ranker would lose his pips if that happened.
“It makes you think the Brits really are dopey.”
nah, the Brits are more like Hobbits. (and i mean that in a good way)
Tolkien wasnt far off the mark with his depiction of the “shire”
“It makes you think the Brits really are dopey.”
They are but God loves them – stupid as they are he always seems to save them from themselves !