Rottweiler Puppy sees the significance of the current trial of Islamists in London, and the BBC’s evasion of that significance. I suppose the point is not ‘this is Islam’, but that ‘this is what Islam is producing for us‘- and the BBC is concealing the fact; not trusting the British people to make any kind of distinction whatsoever, the BBC simply takes the dilemma away. As Devils Kitchen points out, amusingly:
‘perhaps it is a mistake or an oversight. Well, one would like to believe so, but with Al-Beeb’s other recent transgressions in this department—including such Boy’s Own-style thrillers as Al-Beeb And The Mysterious Case Of The Grey Men, Al-Beeb And The Fascinating Case Of The Salty Kebab and Al-Beeb And The Odd Occurance Of The Unpopular Pundit— one can only really conclude that it is deliberate editorial policy at Al-Beeb not to mention the Religion of Peace even when it is relevant to the motives of those involved.’
(go to Devil’s Kitchen for the links to those tantalising tales of al-Beeb, several of them referring to the excellent Puppy’s observations)
In fairness, I should say that I doubt the focus in court has been on the inspiration the accused felt for their plans, rather than on their conspiracy itself. However, everything about the case suggests that it’s unfathomable without the special kind of contempt that Islam seems to incubate generally and hatch among some where it concerns ‘the infidel’.
There was a recent case of a schizophrenic who went on the rampage. He was a Muslim, yet this was not mentioned in the news reports on the BBC. Quite rightly, imho, because his brand of faith was irrelevant to his actions; he was suffering from a grave mental illness.
In this case (below), however, the religion and aims of the convicted man are the central issue. This report gives no indication of what this terrorist group is fighting for and whom it represents.
We are told that the group is fighting the Indians but that is it. We are not told that it is a pretty aggressive and well-supported Islamist group.
This is not good enough. If the BBC cannot even call a spade a spade – or a jihadist a jihadist – because of some kind of misguided attempt to avoid offending Muslims, then it has no business calling itself a news organisation.
She says that it is worth sacrificing britain’s economy for the sake of the environment?!
so the govt policy has finally been released and we all now know what the truth is…
i know the environment is important, but people in jobs is far more important, a balance needs to be sought
The environment is only important to the extent that we can do anything about it. I happen to think that that extent is very small. The very thought that “our” government would sacrifice our economy in some misguided attempt to change the weather (which changes all the time anyway) is a very scary one. I didn’t see this piece you refer to, but I presume Paxman cut her to shreds on it. It is, after all, what he does best. Isn’t it?
Oh dear, Newsnight has now become unwatchable. Hijacked by the climate change lobby, the program has lost its ability to report on the issue in a level headed manor.
Other areas in which I no longer trust the BBC to report fairly;
American Politics
Crime in UK
England as a Country
the EU
Gordon Brown
It’s funny how the al-Beeb meme has spread through the blogosphere.
Ian Barnes She says that it is worth sacrificing britain’s economy for the sake of the environment?!
I am pretty sure she did not.
Paxman asked that question but Beckett answered it by stating that the the enviro-business had created c150,000 jobs in the last few years & that the economy did not need to suffer in the pursuit of reducing CO2 etc. She repeated Blair’s new found agreement with Bush, that new technologies were the answer (not a retreat to knitting muesli)
Anyone bothered could listen again at the Newsnight website.
“Meme” and “Lede” – I keep encountering these two words, mainly in blogs. Can someone please tell me what they mean?
Anyone bothered could listen again at the Newsnight website.
at 24m45s in
“meme & Lede” when used together, are delicious on toast.
Meme – a unit of cultural information.
Lede – the first part of a news story.
For all the fellow-travellers at the BBC who seem to prefer life under Saddam to life today in Iraq – here in Clip 1088 is a recording of him from his cell, wanting Iraq to turn to ashes :
More nonsense from al-Khommie Beeb:
Puerto Ricans want independence from the US? The last time they voted only 3 percent voted for independence. That is absurd.
They are the richest country by far in Latin America and have the best deal going: full US citizenship rights, including the right to move anywhere in the mainland, plus full self-governing rights, and NO federal taxes.
Every time they vote on the issue of their status, the vast majority of Puerto Ricans vote for the status quo. A minority votes for statehood and another minority votes for independence. It has been that way since I was a child. The Beeb is full of incompetent losers. Frankly I do not care whether Puerto Rico is independent or not, but why can’t the Beeb report the situation accurately? They call us “occupiers” in this story — what the hell? That is absurd considering the Puerto Ricans vote for the status quo every single time, you dumb commie beeboid loons.
BBC headline;
Helicopters damage historic house
Nice little story from the BBC about how RAF Chinooks flying near an Old house has made the boys in Blue pay out nearly £7 grand in compensation.
So please can somebody please explain why the Beeb had to add this little snippet to the story;
“RAF Odiham is home to three squadrons of the American-built dual-rotor Chinooks.”
Ah that anti American bias yet again!
What has where the helicopters were built got to do with the story?
Al Beeb has no problem referring to Islamic terrorists as British even if they were born in Pakistan, Uganda or Zambia. So why refer to the Chinook as American built?
Mind you when Al Beeb is reporting on Aid to a Muslim country hit by an Earthquake (Pakistan) the American built Chinook strangely become a British Helicopter.
Not to worry thou. Al Beeb left out any thanks to the American Helicopter pilots who ferried Aid for a couple of months. No to them the heroes were ‘Muslims’
Good job, Pounce… Beeby Bias in a nutshell. Expect the headline “Muslims save historic house my creating a mosque” later today.
Check it out, Puerto Rico has nearly double the per capita income as the next-richest Latin American nations, Costa Rica and Mexico:
Yeah right al-Beeb, they “envy” the Cubans.
Good to see that you’re still relying upon the BBC for news related to Iraq.
A more impartial source you will not find.
Off topic but very, very funny…
“New Orleans to Sell Flooded Buses on EBay”
John Humphreys this morning:
“The USA is the world’s biggest polluter”
“John Humphreys’ needle has stuck – again”
As predictably as night follows day, the BBC are playing up Labour’s success and rejoicing in Likud’s demise in the Israeli elections. But they are unsure about how to spin Kadima – they helped to destroy Likud (plus marks in the Beeboid books) but they want to make permanent borders in the West Bank (negative marks in the Beeboid books). My guess is that the BBC will shortly start to spin Kadima as bad (statement of the bloody obvious again no doubt).
israeli political parties
try to get a list that long in Prince “tolerance” Charles recently visited Saudi Arabia.
oh wait. silly me. there arent any.
“it also about developing a relationship with a country many in London and Washington see as a gateway into the Islamic world.”
wonderful – economic development is now being seen in sectarian terms.
i suppose a trip to Dublin will now be described as a developing a “gateway to the Catholic world”.
remind me – what year are we in? 1740?
at the bottom:
“Gateway to Islam
Tony Blair is the first British PM to visit Indonesia for 20 years”
so Indonesia is part of a worldwide Islamic caphilate then? when was that set up? or is it more the deranged fantasies of an ummah loving Al-Beeboid?
According to the BBC there are no left wing parties in Israel. All Israeli politics begin roughly at the centre and head rightward.
BBC history of Israel in a nutshell at the end of the article referred to by Noel:-
“Israel occupied Gaza and the West Bank, including east Jerusalem in the 1967 war. Its settlements are illegal under international law, although Israel rejects that.”
Sums up the BBC really; it’s what you leave out that matters, such as Palestinian terrorism, Hamas, antisemitism, genocidal Arab leaders, and difficult issues such as who occupied the West Bank before Israel, and the fact that in 1967 Jordan attacked Israel from the West Bank. But in the Beeboid world, such matters are neatly swept under the carpet as they promote Che-speak for Guardian readers rather than objective truth.
I wonder if they have software to automatically apply the bias to articles? The ‘journalist’ ticks the box to flag the article as Israel/Palestine and the computer inputs a few lines here and there:
“Israel occupied Gaza and the West Bank, including east Jerusalem in the 1967 war. Its settlements are illegal under international law, although Israel rejects that.”
“Israel has ignorred numerous UN resolutions”
“Israeli forces kill children”
“The Joooooooos are the biggest obstacle to world peace and utopian rule under the UN”
“HYS: Did Adolf have a point? Write to us with your views.
Please remember that the more bigotted and insane the views expressed, the more likely we are to publish them.”
so Indonesia is part of a worldwide Islamic caphilate then?
If they were consistent they would start calling Europe “Christendom”. Unlikely.
“HYS: Did Adolf have a point? Write to us with your views.”
I missed that one, but this one came up the other day:-
“Is the BBC biased? Guardian readers please write to us with your views”
OT, but this morning on Today programme Radio 4. The commentator talking about the reunion of a British D-Day veteran and his French girl friend of the time, as protecting him from the Nazi army. I thought that the Nazis were the ruling party and that the army was the German army. Have I missed something over the past few decades? Or has some rebranding been done. As my mum used to say ‘I only ask, because I want to know’
I spoke to a BBC news writer a while ago and the topic of bias came up. His view, and one that I believe that is shared by his colleagues, is that the BBC has an innate English middle class bias and that a real effort is made to counter this, with the odd result that its coverage no longer reflects the core values of the country it works within, whereas it would do so if they did not try to “balance out” their natural sympathies.
BBC staff also continue to believe that the bias that they are attacked for is between their treatment of political parties, whereas we poor drones perceive a wider general bias.
Of course it may be the case that the majority of attacks on the BBC do come from media monitors and spinners within the political parties, which with their superior access drown out our dissatisfaction.
Lurker in a Burqua:
“meme & Lede” when used together, are delicious on toast.
Lurker’s almost an anagram of Lurpak, which would go great with meme and lede!
Bill –
Meme – a unit of cultural information.
Lede – the first part of a news story.
Many thanks to both of you for the info.
“Italy mulls Afghan convert asylum”
What a strange and unfriendly choice of English for the fate of Abdul Rahman, it’s almost as if the word itself describes something odorous. I wonder if the nameless BBC journalist has a perverted sense of humour, and had in mind the noun mull :
“Thin variety of plain muslin”, whereupon we are really to think of Muslim?
Yesterday’s BBC radio 4s “You and Yours” (Tuesday 12.04). Did anybody else hear that unpardonable gaff from Minister John Hutton “you people” when he was answering live questions on a phone-in about the policy of taking away incapacity benefits from disabled people, or, ignoring medical evidence from GPs and subjecting them instead to independent examinations to make sure they are not “swinging the lead”. We were told of scenes of blind people and seriously mentally disturbed people in waiting rooms. Remarkably BBC presenter Peter White, who is himself blind, didn’t respond to the Minister’s “You people”. Is it now a politically correct term of endearment? It’s sometime difficult to keep up with the fashion. “You people….” imagine a politician addressing black ethnic minorities, travellers, asylum seekers, or immigrants so..”You people”, well it now appears to be tough New Labour speak.
OT “Right-wing extremists” I know this is a subject that crops up here
Rather like the BBC, does anybody think we will ever see space given for “Left-wing extremists” or does that simply mean “Communist”?
Amost comletly OT:
Religious reporting.
You know how the internet is full of sites claiming allah is writtin on the seeds of a melon and the like, well the BBc seem to think this is a good business to be in, either that or someone was very bored.
Cockerel spared after ‘crowing ‘Allah”
In a link on the side of the page (with a hijabed woman waiing from within it) we are wisked to “Reporting Religion”
Reporting Religion
Updated weekly at 23:32 GMT on Saturday
George Arney asks how religious Jews in small West Bank settlements have come to play a pivotal role in Israel’s general election – and he hears from one settler who’s swimming against the tide, saying that some of the settlements must go.
Also in the programme, how to secure a place in paradise, Turkmen style;
what it would take for the Islamic world to reclaim what used to be its leading role in science;
why the man they call the Pizza Pope is building a Catholic town in Florida;
and the cockerel that escaped the cooking pot by calling out the name of God.”
Jews against settlements?
Pizza pope?
And an Islmic bird…
Meanwhile last week there was a story about a perfectly preserved Russian orthodox priest on the rather wonderfull though often incomprehensible – It is a serious scince site btw…
“Dead Greek Orthodox monk baffles scientists 15 years after burial
Related stories:
General Science : March 13, 2006
Medical experts in the town of Lamia, central Greece, are puzzling over the body of a Greek Orthodox monk that was allegedly found intact 15 years after his burial, the semi-state Athens News Agency (ANA) reported on Monday. ”
Its also reported here:,,13509-2084311,00.html
Given the BBC reporting the “Cockrel” I searchhed it for this story (for balances sake) and strangely the story doesnt seem to appear.
again hmmm…
BBC puts up funding table to slap the Tories
Lookie here. The first table has the Tories top of the spending. Per Vote!
I checked out the actual report quoted as the “source” here
Click to access CampaignSpendingweb_20371-14985__E__N__S__W__.pdf
and surprise, surprise, a search for “per vote” comes out with 0 results. I couldn’t see the table of spending “per vote” in the document at all.
In fact the document contains _no reference to actual votes cast at all_ (presumably since that is not relevant).
So the BBC is inventing a table – which it credits to somebody else – to give the impression that the Tories spent the most, which they didn’t, and the report didn’t say.
Unbiased or politically motivated creation?
You decide.
I noticed that this species was “found to be extremely aggressive” No surprises there then!
The BBC audio is unreal!Hopefully they will do a HYS on it.
to will
re: becket on newsnight
you know as well as i do, she said exactly that, lets not try to pretend she’s an innocent bystander…she knew exactly what she was implying..let the people know the truth…and lets not forget the 150k jobs created are predominantly via govt sponsorship/ funding directly or indirectly.
for example., the labour donor who gave £250k to labour 2 weeks before the elections, then once they won, received a contract for £25m to build wind farms up north 2 weeks after…
see article below:;jsessionid=XXL5I0VP4MIQTQFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2005/05/23/nwind23.xml
will the police be investigating this as well?
i did like Paxman’s “but you are not a minister in China or India remark.” brilliant stuff…
he’s great at keeping them on their toes..keep going Paxo!
You must have been asked this before and I missed it. Why don’t you have a blog?
It’s a sad fact that lefties use “Nazi” as an expletive. They smear you with it when they are losing the argument. They haven’t got a clue as to what it means. Re your comment you might as well describe the British Army in Iraq today as the New labour Army.
Ian Barnes you know as well as i do, she said exactly that
Have you listened to it again at the Newsnight website?
She said what I said & made no admission that the environmental agenda would result in reduced economic growth. I can’t understand where you are getting your idea from.
& as for your beloved Tories
Peter Ainsworth, the Shadow Environment Secretary, described the new initiative as appalling. He said: “He’s taking his cue from George W. Bush. One has a sense of towels being thrown in all over the place.”,,17129-2109052,00.html
So the Tories, as usual are eager to badmouth Bush. Bush, supported by Blair, wants technological developments to drive reduced emissions. The essential by-product of this approach is to reduce our (US & UK) reliance on imported energy from unreliable sources – Arabs, Africans, Latin Americans & Russians.
Sounds like sense to me.
he’s great at keeping them on their toes..keep going Paxo!
Ian Barnes
& so what are you doing at this site other than using it as a space in which to vent your anti-government as opposed to anti-BBC views?
Dont like to repeat myself to often. However TB is not president of Britain. So what he says and what happens, are not the same thing. Secondly it is the job of the opposition to oppose. A job the Tories are to lazy, marginalised, and sensible not to do too often. Kyoto is crap, all sensible people paying attention, will work this out for themselves. If you want to know what Tories think ask a Tory voter. Dont expect any sense out of desperate young politicians trying to get elected. When the entire establishment and MSM are against them. Or you will end up with more of the last 9 years.
DC is a “media bunny” like TB, and most of his mates are just “political glints in their mothers eyes.”
Have you listened to it again at the Newsnight website?
To save you the trouble, Ian Barnes
JP “you are not a minister in China or India so as far as this country is concerned, is a reduction in economic growth a price worth paying?”
MB “I don’t believe we need to pay that price. …. We don’t have to wreck our economy to do it”
So Ian Barnes from where do you dervive your comment? “She says that it is worth sacrificing britain’s economy for the sake of the environment?!
It is the nature of life that we are all promoted to a possition of incompetence. TB GB and DC are good examples. Just think of how bad you are at your own job, that you still have not had the sack from. It is up to the people and the BBC/MSM, to make sure that their goverments DONT TAKE THE PISS, when in power. A job the people have lost interest in and the BBC/MSM only do when Tories are in charge.
Islam is a giant conspiracy theory in itself. It takes Arab mentality and institutionalises it into a fatalistic daily ritual of blaming anyone who exercises Free Will.
It is the triumph of the Mindless over the Mindful; and is the Doctrine of Enslaving Free Men whereas Christianity is the Doctrine of Liberating the Enslaved to be Free Men with Free Will and Responsibility for their individual actions.
Islam absolves men of responsibility for their sins so long as they are in furtherance of The Cause……………Europeans had two giant dollops of that doctrine in the Twentieh Century
Gary Powell thank you for your kind words about my incompetence, what I am more concerned about is Ian Barnes questioning my honesty.
After politely suggesting that he must have misheard Becket’s comments, I get from him “you know as well as i do, she said exactly that
I hope that my quotes from the programme, provided above, show that it is Mr Barnes who is the more incompetent.
CNN to copy Fox
Here is Lou Dobbs in full flow. He used to deliver financial commentary, now he is further right than Bill O’Reilly of Fox in criticising the weak-kneed White House and many Repubs on out-of-control illegal immigration.
And with 500,000 illegals marching in LA last week, mostly draped in Mexican flags, it is hardly surprising that Dobbs is striking a chord. Shades of Reconquista.
OT. A blatant example of BBC bias over the issue of abortion.
PS Grimer – great t-shirt on Saturday.
As another example of media bias – the LA Times excised a sentence in its report on the LA march that mentioned all those Mexican flags. Like so many of these media, it assumes the people are blind as well as stupid.
dumbcisco – vast numbers of immigrants on the march, dissing the American flag – how NOT to win friends and influence people. As Malkin says: “the nail in the coffin of any guest-worker/amnesty plan”.